Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group “Late Autumn” (living and inanimate nature)

Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group “Late Autumn” (living and inanimate nature)

Tatiana Alexandrova

Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group “Late Autumn” (living and inanimate nature)

Theme of the week is “ Late Autumn( living and inanimate nature )

Objectives: To teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial ones created by man, objects of living nature from objects of inanimate nature . Learn to establish connections between the length of the day, air temperature and the condition of plants, the availability of food for animals and their adaptation to winter. Enrich children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature .

20.11.2017 (Monday)

Conversation on the topic: “What did you see on the way to kindergarten?”

- continue to develop memory and coherent monologue speech.

Ecological fairy tale – conversation “The Adventures of the Wind”

— concretize and consolidate knowledge about the wind.

Place and look at illustrations depicting late autumn - continue to develop coherent speech, observation, and the ability to answer fully.

D/I “Tender words”

— Teach children to form nouns using diminutive suffixes.

D/I “Whose supplies?”

— consolidate knowledge about preparing animals for winter.

Individual work Speech development - learn to form words with similar roots that are close in meaning, use words with opposite meanings in speech (big - small, strong - weak, fast - slow)


Morning exercise complex No. 2 with an apparatus (large balls)

Reading and discussion of O. Grigorieva’s story “Waiting for Winter”

- continue to develop auditory attention, learn to answer the teacher’s question with a complete answer.

D/I “Pick a sign”

- practice selecting adjectives.

D/I “Pick a Pair”

— teach children to select cards with images of identical objects, to activate the corresponding concepts in children’s speech.

The individual work of the FEMP is to navigate on a sheet of paper, to indicate in words the position of geometric shapes.

D/I “Whose tail, whose head?”

- consolidate knowledge of the external appearance of birds and animals.

Speech development

“Compiling a descriptive story about utensils”

- coherent speech: learn to compose a short story based on a poem and a descriptive story about dishes;
names of qualities (glass, metal, plastic, intensify the use of words of opposite meanings (antonyms) (deep - shallow, large - small, high - low)
polysemantic words
(deep, shallow)
; consolidate the ability to classify objects by quality
(glass, metal, plastic , wooden)
', learn to form by analogy the names of utensils
(bread bowl, sugar bowl, rusk bowl, tureen)
. (Ushakova O. S.
“Speech development of children 5-7 years old”
p. 58)

Physical development

"Strong muscles"

- develop physical and volitional qualities, muscle strength, agility, speed of movement, the ability to perform expressive movements in accordance with music; exercises on an elevated support; to maintain balance; practice jumping over medicine balls; learn to roll medicine balls with your hands and feet.

Conversation “Birds in autumn

— contribute to the enrichment and generalization of knowledge about wintering birds;
develop cognitive interest in nature .
Conversation “Rules of safe behavior on the street”

— continue to reinforce the rules of behavior on the street in winter.


Card No. 12-5

Watching birds - consolidate children's knowledge about birds: name, body parts, nutrition. Remember that there are wintering birds and migratory ones.

Artistic word

Don't hear the cuckoos in the grove,

And the birdhouse was empty.

All the convoys have passed, all the carts have passed,

It's time for bad weather. N. Rubtsov

P/I “/The Owl and the Birdie”

- practice running in loose running.

D/I to get acquainted with the surrounding world Examination of houses and buildings - teach children to see the variety of houses in height, width, color, number of floors, purpose, learn to distinguish and name the number of floors of a house, consolidate the concept of “one”


Work - to feed the birds - to continue to teach how to take care of our little brothers.

Independent motor activity

Experimental activity. Experiment “Dependence of the state of water on temperature”

— continue to introduce children to the properties of water.

Conversation on the topic “Good deeds in autumn

— cultivate a respectful attitude towards work, a desire to help
nature .
SRI "Dining Room"

— Formation in children of ideas about what dishes can be prepared from vegetables and fruits.

D/I game “What is the sky?”

- practice selecting relative adjectives.

D/I "Seasons"

- consolidate knowledge about the seasons.

D/I on life safety “How to avoid troubles”

— teach your child to take care of his life and health, avoiding dangerous situations.

KGN - reinforce the ability to wash hands after visiting the toilet and as needed.

Duty - strengthen the ability to set tables, arrange cutlery correctly: spoon and knife - to the right of the plate, fork - to the left; completely clear the table after eating.

KGN - reinforce the ability to wash hands after visiting the toilet and as needed.

Duty – reinforce the ability to completely clear the table after eating.

A relaxing moment before bed – the sounds of a summer forest.

Daytime nap

Health track (invigorating gymnastics + breathing exercises)

— Provide a cheerful emotional mood after sleep. Learn to do gymnastics while lying in bed. Teach proper diaphragmatic breathing. Be able to walk along the paths of health, understanding its importance for health. Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills during water procedures, according to the algorithm.

KGN - wash your face after sleep, pouring cool water over your hands up to the elbows.

Observing the preparation for the afternoon snack - to consolidate children’s understanding of the use of utensils; develop children's speech and memory; cultivate perseverance while eating.

Observing the preparation for the afternoon snack - to consolidate children’s understanding of the use of utensils; develop children's speech and memory; cultivate perseverance while eating.

Conversations about healthy eating: Autumn vitamins

- formation in children of ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, healthy and wholesome food.

D/I “Who has whom”

— to reinforce in children the correct use of plural names of baby animals in speech. h., R. p.

Drawing “Bad weather”

— convey in the drawing color combinations characteristic of
late autumn .
D/I “When does this happen?”

— update children’s knowledge about the parts of the day, about people’s activities at different times of the day.

D/I on life safety “It’s possible and it’s not possible”

— consolidation by children of knowledge about typical dangerous situations that occur in everyday life, on the street, in
etc. d. ; learn to follow the rules of behavior in different situations; Strengthen children's knowledge of what is possible and what is not. Conversation on the topic: “What autumn gave

— consolidate knowledge about fruits, vegetables, mushrooms.

Printed board games - encourage children’s desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, teach them to obey the rules in the game.

CHHL memorizing the poem by A. S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn...

. - develop a poetic ear; the ability to hear and identify expressive means in a text.

D/I “What is where?”

— Teach children to name spatial landmarks using nouns in speech in accordance with the prepositions
, etc.

HBT - Work in the book corner - teach how to repair torn books; cultivate a love of fiction; instill hard work.

Looking at the painting Late Autumn

Autumn , E. Golovin - Consolidating children’s knowledge about the periods of
autumn (early, golden, late , characteristic features of each period.
Conversation “Rules for safe behavior on the street”

— continue to reinforce the rules of behavior on the street in winter.

21.11.2017 (Tuesday)

Printed board game “Assemble according to shape”

“Red, yellow”
- develop curiosity and attention; identify the characteristic features of each item.

Conversation Autumn can be different

- give children an idea of ​​the time of year

Autumn , show the beauty of
autumn landscapes ; consolidate children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature ; generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features of autumn ; continue to introduce the folk calendar .
D/I “Fish, Bird, Beast”

- strengthen children’s ability to recognize and name objects.

D/I “Say a word about autumn

- expand your vocabulary and horizons.

Conversation on healthy lifestyle Autumn vitamins

- formation in children of ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, healthy and wholesome food.

Individual work Drawing - strengthen the skills of drawing circles.

Education of KGN - “Culture of behavior during meals”

- strengthen the ability to use a napkin.

D/I “Which tree is the leaf from”

- consolidate children's knowledge about the main signs
of autumn , color and shape.
Learn to select leaves for a tree by color. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills. Reading the story " Autumn in the Forest "

I. Sokolov-Mikitov - continue to develop reading skills using the example of I. Sokolov-Mikitov’s work

Autumn in the Forest ; improve all types of activities, speech development; develop memory, attention, ability to navigate in time and space; develop communication skills; cultivate a sense of love, respect and pride for their native land.

D/I “Think - Guess”

— activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify your understanding of transport and traffic rules.

D/I “Guess who called?”

— train the hearing organs and activate the attention and auditory memory of children.

Conversation “Getting ready for a walk”

— Learn to select items of clothing for a walk.

Work assignments - developing self-service in the process of dressing and undressing.

Card No. 4


Observing the sun - introduce children to the phenomena of inanimate nature : changes occurring with the sun, with the concept of “length of day”


Artistic word:

The sun looks out the window,

He looks into our room.

We clapped our hands

We are very happy about the sun. A. Barto

P/I "Burners"

— teach to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity and speed.

D/I “We are at grandma’s in the village” - know the peculiarities of life in the village.

Round dance game “At the forest edge”

— develop creative activity, enrich motor experience.

Labor - sweep areas illuminated by the sun.

Independent motor activity of children

Finger gymnastics “Sparrow”

- develop memory, motor skills, ability to navigate in space, speech, sense of rhythm.

Conversation “How animals and birds prepare for winter”

— Creating conditions for the formation of children’s knowledge about the world around them.


"Strong muscles"

— Develop physical and volitional qualities, muscle strength, agility, speed of movement, the ability to perform expressive movements in accordance with music; exercises on an elevated support; to maintain balance; practice jumping over medicine balls; learn to roll medicine balls with your hands and feet.


"Trees in our park"

— Drawing deciduous trees from an idea, conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown.
(Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group . Page 34)
SRI “Builders”

— improve specific ideas about construction and its stages; develop intelligence, the ability to actively attract and combine ideas about buildings and various labor processes; to develop the ability to conceive a building and carry it out, to achieve the intended result. develop combinatorial abilities, thinking, imagination, fine and gross motor skills.

D/I on healthy lifestyle “Etiquette – school of graceful manners”

- teach the child table manners; tell what dishes and foods are eaten using cutlery; learn how to use cutlery.

CHHL “Reading and retelling of A. Sukontsev’s fairy tale “How a hedgehog changed his fur coat”

- consolidate ideas about wild animals
(appearance, habits)
. To consolidate the ability to retell stories without omissions or repetitions, to convey the emotional state of the characters, to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds Ch, Sh, to learn to distinguish these sounds, to highlight them in words.

World of music

« Nature and music . P. Tchaikovsky “November. On the troika"

- teach children to distinguish the nature of music, expressive intonations of a melody, means of musical expression / cultivate emotional perception of works of fiction, convey their impressions.

Duty - arrange mugs, saucers, plates, bread bins, napkin holders, put spoons and forks on the right side; clear dishes after meals, clear plates, wipe tables.

D/I on healthy lifestyle “Edible – not edible”

— bring to the attention of children the knowledge that not all foods are beneficial to our body.

Game situation “Where the goods are brought to the store from”

- introduce children to the fact that the store receives goods from the base; the base, like the store, can be different: food, industrial, stationery, etc.

KGN - reinforce the ability to wash hands after visiting the toilet and as needed.

Duty – reinforce the ability to completely clear the table after eating.

A relaxing moment before bed – the sounds of a summer forest.

Daytime nap

Health track (invigorating gymnastics + breathing exercises)

– Provide a cheerful emotional mood after sleep. Learn to do gymnastics while lying in bed. Teach proper diaphragmatic breathing. Be able to walk along the paths of health, understanding its importance for health. Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills during water procedures, according to the algorithm.

KGN - wash your face after sleep, pouring cool water over your hands up to the elbows.

Observing the preparation for the afternoon snack - to consolidate children’s understanding of the use of utensils; develop children's speech and memory; cultivate perseverance while eating.

KGN - Fostering a culture of eating.

Game situation on healthy lifestyle “Rules of personal hygiene”

- consolidate the sequence of actions when washing and knowledge about the purpose of toilet items, cultivate the desire to be clean and neat.

Free drawing with colored pencils - develop the ability to independently think about the content of the drawing. Develop fine motor skills and graphic skills.

Entertainment "The Three Little Pigs "

- enrich children's emotions; involve in improvisation, develop the ability to discuss the content of a fairy tale, cultivate interest in fairy tales.

Conversation “Colors of Autumn

- development of a dialogical form of speech, consolidation of knowledge about the season of
autumn .
Modeling “Dish of vegetables”

- consolidate the ability to sculpt objects of various shapes using familiar sculpting techniques.

A minute of communication “About those who work in kindergarten”

- develop a sense of gratitude for the work of adults for them, a desire to provide them with all possible help; clarify knowledge about the work of a laundress, a cook, a carpenter.

"Chess rook"

— continue to teach how to play chess, develop logical thinking.

CBT - select books that require repair, and repair them together with the teacher.

KGN - improve washing skills: soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wipe dry with a towel.

Sedentary game "Traffic Light"

- consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights.

D/I “Does this happen or not?”

— teach children to notice the discrepancy between the name of the season and the sign.

CHHL “Favorite Russian folk tales”

- develop interest in oral folk art.

Work assignments - developing self-service in the process of dressing and undressing.

22.11.2017 (Wednesday)

CHHL Reading the story by E. Permyak “The Worst”

— Continue to teach children to perceive the story; evoke an emotional response to the theme of the story; cultivate friendly relationships.

D/I “Find something to tell you about”

- find objects based on the listed characteristics.

D/I “Who (what)

flies? - consolidate knowledge about animals, insects and birds.

Conversation about inanimate nature Autumn natural phenomena

- systematize children’s knowledge (short days and long nights, drizzling prolonged rains, falling leaves, slush, decreased air temperature).

D/I “Guess what sign?”

— teach children to distinguish road signs, consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Complex No. 2 (complex with an object)

KGN - Washing - discuss why it is necessary to wash your hands, teach yourself, and perform this procedure.

Dining duty: setting the table for breakfast - strengthening knowledge of the utensils needed for breakfast and the ability to lay them out correctly

CHHL K.I. Chukovsky - to introduce the writer’s work, help children understand the features of the fairy tale genre, and experience the joy of meeting familiar characters.

D/I “Long, short”

— to develop the ability to compare objects and express the result in words.

Labor - Duty to prepare for classes - teach children to independently choose instruments depending on the topic of the lesson, adhere to a specific work plan . To form a responsible attitude towards the duties of the duty officer, to teach how to complete the work started. Develop independence when carrying out assignments.


Quantity and counting: numbers and numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; becoming the number 7 from two smaller ones. Time orientation: days of the week. Goals: continue to introduce: the number 7; the composition of the number 7 from two smaller numbers; proverbs that mention the number 7; days of the week. Strengthen the ability to write numbers from 1 to 7. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Develop skills of self-control and self-esteem. (Kolesnikova E. V. “Mathematics for children 5-6 years old, p. 48)

Physical development

"Sports toy library"

— to cultivate strong-willed qualities, the ability to set a goal and achieve it in competitions, to comply with the rules and conditions of games and competitions.

Game situation “Who should do what at home”

— Introduce children to their responsibilities at home. Find out what children help do at home.

Conversation about the periods of autumn - Encourage children to establish causal connections: autumn , the sun is weakly warm, a strong wind is blowing, leaves are falling from the trees. Develop auditory and visual attention

Conversation on life safety “Caution, ice”

— teach children how to behave correctly in adverse weather.

Self-service - We help each other get dressed - teach children to dress independently, help their friends, form a conscious attitude towards their appearance, the ability to maintain order in their clothes .

Card No. 6


Observation of the wind - to concretize and consolidate children’s knowledge about the wind; teach how to determine the strength of the wind.

Artistic word

The mournful wind drives

I'm flocking clouds to the edge of heaven,

The broken spruce groans,

The bare forest whispers dully. N. Nekrasov

P/I “The sea is agitated”

- develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in movement.

Round dance game "Alyonushka"

- develop the ability to properly dance in a round dance.

Experimental activity with ribbons and pinwheels - teaching children to determine the direction of the wind.

Labor - collecting snow - continuing to teach how to work in a team.

Independent motor activity

Self-service - “Every thing has its place”

- improve the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, correctly place your things in the closet

SRI "Cookware Store"

- continue to teach children to coordinate their actions with other children, distribute roles, and activate their vocabulary on the topic

KGN - reinforce the ability to wash hands after visiting the toilet and as needed.

HBT - Strengthen the ability to be on duty in the dining room quickly and accurately.

KGN - reinforce the ability to wash hands after visiting the toilet and as needed.

Duty – reinforce the ability to completely clear the table after eating.

A relaxing moment before bed – the sounds of a summer forest.

Daytime nap

Health track (invigorating gymnastics + breathing exercises)

— Provide a cheerful emotional mood after sleep. Learn to do gymnastics while lying in bed. Teach proper diaphragmatic breathing. Be able to walk along the paths of health, understanding its importance for health. Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills during water procedures, according to the algorithm.

KGN - wash your face after sleep, pouring cool water over your hands up to the elbows.

Observing the preparation for the afternoon snack - to consolidate children’s understanding of the use of utensils; develop children's speech and memory; cultivate perseverance while eating.

Game situation on life safety “How to behave with stray dogs on the street”

— introduce safety rules, teach how to take care of your health.

Productive activity - Offer children various types of construction sets to develop the desire to build buildings according to their own plans. Form in children the habit of carefully putting the pieces back in their place after playing.

Modeling "Fence"

— learn to roll out columns, develop small arm muscles.

Word game “Say a word”

— to form the grammatical structure of speech in children, to teach them to correctly use nouns in the nominative and accusative cases.

Fairy tale quiz “Which fairy tale did the guests come from?”

- teach children to recognize and name fairy tales and fairy tale characters. Develop coherent speech, create an opportunity to enrich vocabulary, improve figurative grammatical aspects of speech.

D/I “Who knows and can do this?”

— expand children’s ideas about what knowledge and skills people of different professions should have.

Work in Montessori centers is to develop sensory skills.

Situational conversation "Safety in nature "

- introduce the rules of behavior in
nature during thunderstorms and fires;
Give children knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting different acquaintances. Conversation on healthy lifestyle “You can’t eat too much sweets”

- formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Origins “I live in a painted mansion. I’ll invite all the guests to your hut.”

— acquaintance with proverbs, sayings, jokes about Russian folk life and hospitality.

Making riddles about objects of peasant labor and everyday life.

Cognitive and research activities - “Properties of materials”

problem situation: The piglets want to build a strong house to hide from the wolf and don’t know what material to make it from - develop creative thinking, cognitive skills and abilities

ChHL P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”

— clarify the concept of genre features of a fairy tale. Learn to convey individual episodes in faces. Help to understand the motives of the characters' actions

Conversation on life safety “Caution, ice”

— teach children how to behave correctly in adverse weather.

Self-care - “I'm fine”

- developing skills of
self-service and mutual assistance when dressing.

Complex lesson on the topic “Late Autumn” Middle group


1 Complex lesson on the topic “Late Autumn” Middle group Conducted by: teacher of the MDOU “D/s 21 “Nest” Krotikova O.V. Educational area: speech development Type of activity: cognitive, communicative, gaming Topic: Late autumn Purpose: Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn; Objectives: to cultivate cognitive interest, a careful and aesthetic attitude towards nature, sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of the autumn landscape; enrich children's experiences. Enrich your vocabulary. Speech development. To develop children’s ability to name the signs of autumn and changes in nature. Exercise children in selecting synonyms (in autumn the sky is gray, gloomy, cloudy). Methodological techniques: Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle. “Nature has thrown off its outfits, There are trees without leaves, Gray, dense fogs, They have come to us this month! Answer: November Educator: Guys, November is the month of what time of year? Answer: late autumn Educator: - that's right, today we will talk about the most mysterious time of the year - autumn. Pay attention to the painting “Autumn in the Forest” and think, what is it like? Game “Describe Autumn” Each of you must take turns saying one beautiful word about autumn. (Golden, sad, beautiful, rainy, cloudy, cold, warm, mushroom, early, late, affectionate, interesting, dull) Conversation: - It’s late autumn, but what are the autumn months called? (September, October, November) - What changes occur in nature in the fall?

2 Children's answers: snow falls, rivers and lakes are covered with ice, the days become short, the wind blows, the sun shines, but does not warm.) Educator: Guys, look, the last autumn leaf has flown to us! He invites us to the forest, where we can admire the beauty of autumn nature, where we can find out what animals live in the forest. Now I’ll wave a leaf, and we’ll find ourselves in the forest. One two Three! (music sounds, children walk through the group, autumn leaves lie on the floor). Educator: Here we are in the forest. What do you think we can hear in the autumn forest? Children's answers: leaves rustle underfoot, branches crunch, the wind blows, etc. Educator: You answered correctly, and now let’s imagine ourselves as leaves. PHYSICAL MINUTE “Leaves” Autumn leaves began to spin, A cheerful wind rustled above them, They flew merrily, And sat down on the ground. The wind came quietly again, and lifted all the leaves into the air. They flew merrily and sat down on the ground.

3 Educator: Guys, why can’t you hear the cheerful bird voices? Answers: They flew away to warmer lands Educator: Why did they fly away from us? Answers: It became cold and hungry Educator: What are the names of the birds that flew away? Answers: Migratory Educator: Name these birds? Answers: Cuckoo, starling, rook, swan, cranes, ducks, etc. Educator: What are the names of the birds that winter with us? Answers: Wintering Educator: Name the wintering birds? Answers: Magpie, crow, woodpecker, sparrow, tit, etc.

4 Educator: Guys, tell us how animals prepare for winter? Answers: Animals build holes and stock up. Badgers collect roots, squirrels store in hollows. Hares begin to change their coats, moles and mice collect spikelets. Game “Place the bird in your house” Educator: Guys, where do the birds live? Answers: In birdhouses, nests, on the roofs of houses, etc. Educator: Connect with lines which bird lives where, place it in your house. Children work near the easel.

5 Educator: Today you and I will turn into artists and try to draw an autumn tree on sheets of paper. And from the window of the group we will observe the last autumn day and consider what the trees have become in late autumn. Today we will conduct an activity that will relieve fatigue, lift your spirits and make each of you feel like an artist. We will draw using magic wands - these are tubes. First, we will take a wide brush of paint and make a blot at the place where the tree trunk will begin. Then we begin to inflate the blot with a straw, without touching either the paint or the paper. The leaf can be rotated to create a trunk. Then we take a cotton swab and, dipping it in paint, draw falling snow and a “snow cap”. -What needs to be done to make the drawing beautiful? - You need to try hard and complete the drawing with love. Drawing “The Last Autumn Day” using the non-traditional drawing technique of “blowing with a tube” (blotography) and drawing with cotton swabs. (Children draw)


7 Educator: Look what different trees you got! Who remembers the name of the technique we used to draw? (blowing with a tube or blotography). These are the wonderful drawings we made without the help of a brush! Summary of the lesson.

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