Our projects page 58. Magic fairy tale “In space. In the distant future"

Author: Bobrova Lyubov.

My little friend, sit back and listen. I'll tell you about what you love to dream about.

When you grow up big, space saucers will fly. You will be able to fly on these saucers to another city or to another street. It will be as familiar as now you ride a bus, or a trolleybus, or a tram. It will be possible to go on a spaceship on an excursion to Space, just as easily as we now go to the zoo. It was in those future times that this story happened.

The boy Grisha and the girl Vera went on a spaceship on an excursion to Space. This was a most interesting excursion. The uncle, the guide, talked about the stars and planets. People looked out the ship's window and admired the stars. Suddenly the radio reported that the ship was not working properly and an urgent stop was required. The ship landed on a mysterious planet. People got out of the ship and admired the vastness of the planet. There was green grass on it, only curly and soft, like a lamb's wool. The flowers shimmered in different colors, and when you touched them, they rang. A lake could be seen in the distance, and low trees grew around, the tree crowns were fluffy. The leaves are round, small and seemed as if there were inflatable balloons. It’s strange, there was no one on the planet, no one met. Grisha and Vera said nothing to anyone and ran away to the lake. It was so beautiful around that nothing scared them. They were having fun, they were talking and did not notice how they were left alone. And the lake shone blue in the distance and beckoned them. The children began to think where to go, when suddenly they saw a robot coming towards them. He was taller than the guys, walked confidently, and had light bulbs instead of eyes. Grisha gasped. The robot passed by without paying attention to them, then the children decided to follow it. It was very strange that there was no one around: no animals, no people. Grisha followed the robot first, and Vera followed him. She was scared, of course, but curious where the robot was going. The robot walked straight, without turning, and a pile of stones appeared in front of it, looking like a hedge. The robot stepped over and disappeared behind the stones. The children ran, climbed onto the rocks and began to watch. They hid so that no one would see them. The robot confidently walked towards the castle. It was an amazing castle made of stones. It attracted with its beauty, the stones were different and shimmered in the sun. Another robot came out of the castle and approached him: “Hello, Sam!” - “Hello Max!” - “Well, what did you bring?” - “Yes, I remembered everything, I’ll put everything in the computer,” Sam said. They went to the castle, and Sam continued: it would be nice to send them away from this planet, and we would be the masters of this planet.”

The guys climbed down from the rocks and followed them into the Castle. They walked carefully so that no one would notice them. And so they found themselves in this castle. It was beautiful inside too. There was a screen on the wall where the entire planet was visible. The robot approached the screen and began to view the planet. Then he called Max and pointed to the screen: “You see this ship, and there are people around. This is just what we needed! What do we do?" Max laughed: “Ha! Ha, ha! Yes, we will destroy them, together with the inhabitants of this planet, and throw their remains into outer space! Ha ha! “Did you hear what he said?” - Grisha said quietly. “I’m afraid,” Vera answered. We need to explore this castle, where are they hiding the inhabitants of this planet?” - said Grisha. They set off along the corridor. Another robot was walking towards them; it was large and its appearance was very similar to a human. The children hid, but he walked quickly and did not notice. There were many rooms and stairs in the Castle, some going up, others down. The stairs led down to the basement. The guys decided that the prisoners were in the basement; when they approached the door, they heard strange sounds. At this time, a large robot approached the screen, where the already familiar robot was standing, looking at the ship on the screen. “What happened?” asked the big robot. “A ship has landed on the planet and passengers are walking around it. “What are we going to do, Boss?” Sam asked. I will make my own decision and let you know. In the meantime, prepare the inhabitants of this planet for departure. We will put them in a self-propelled boat and let them fly into space or let them dissolve in it. This is where we will live, I am the owner of this planet!! Sam, you will take the boat." The boss entered one of the rooms, apparently it was his office. And the robots went to carry out the order. Vera said: “Do you hear, Grisha, someone is coming here,” and they hid. Robot Sam walked up to the door and began to open it: “You will all soon be sent away from this planet.” Squeaky voices were heard from the basement: “No, this is our planet. Get out yourself! Let us go! " Sam began to close the door and one alien quietly slipped out of the basement and found himself next to Grisha and Vera. The robot couldn’t move its head and therefore couldn’t see what was going on around it. Of course, he didn't see the alien. When the robot left, the children approached him. It was a small man, only he had large round eyes, a long nose and large ears. When he saw the guys he even closed his eyes. I thought it was all just his imagination: “Who are you?” he squeaked.” We want to save you,” said Grisha. “How did these robots end up on the planet?” They appeared suddenly, apparently they had arrived on something. “We were tied up and thrown into the basement,” said the alien. “How can I help you?” Grisha asked. “We need to turn them into a pile of metal,” Vera said and, after thinking, added: “Yes, all this can be found in the computer, but how do we get to the Boss’s office, where the computer is?” “I’ll knock on the door,” said the little inhabitant of the planet. “He’ll see me, he’ll be very surprised, he’ll want to catch me, and I’ll run away, he’ll run after me, you’ll go into the office.” “Good idea,” they said, so they did it. The boss ran after the alien, and the children entered the office. Where they easily found a computer. They turned it on and started looking for the program, when suddenly they heard footsteps. “Boss, are you here?” asked the robot. The children held their breath. “No, apparently he went somewhere,” and he went looking. And Vera stood at the door and listened to what was happening in the corridor. And in the corridor they caught a little man who was nimble and dexterous. He will show himself to them, beckon to them with his funny little hand, and disappear again. At this time, Grisha was looking on the computer for a program where everything about robots was written in detail. And then a page with a picture of a robot appeared on the screen. Grisha was so happy that he shouted: “Hurray!” Found!" I began to read quickly, studied the mechanism of the robot, it became quiet in the corridor, but suddenly steps were heard. Vera realized that someone was coming here. “What should I do?” thought Vera. “How to distract the robot?” She saw a large ball that stood on a stand. She took him and sent him down the corridor. The ball quickly rolled along the path and hit the Boss, who was screaming, swearing and calling for help from the robots. At this time, Grisha ran up to Vera and said: “Now I know. What to do!" and they ran up the stairs to the floor above. The boy told Vera where the button was to turn off these robots. “We need to go on the attack and punish them, but it won’t be easy,” said Grisha. They fell silent, they could hear the Boss screaming at the robots below, he could not understand how this ball could roll off such a large stand on which it was lying. Vera went first to divert attention, Grisha followed her. “Who is this?” Boss was surprised and even staggered. “Probably this is a passenger of the ship that is now on our planet,” said Max. “How did you end up here and what are you doing here?” - the Boss kept asking questions. The girl was silent. “Max Sem, take this girl and take her to a dark room. I hope she will be more accommodating later.” The robots took the girl and led her down the corridor. Grisha quietly crept up to Sam as he turned into another corridor. The boss didn't even see it. The boy contrived and pressed the button that was on the side. The robot stopped. When Max approached Sam, Grisha pressed his button and the robots became safe. Grisha took Vera by the hand and they ran to the basement to free the inhabitants of the planet. The door was bolted. The children had difficulty opening the door. Unusual people began to emerge from the darkness of the basement, they were big and small. At the sound of the noise, their familiar alien came running to them, who was hiding in a dark corner so that the robots would not see him. Residents were glad that they were free again and began to thank their rescuers. At this time, the Boss entered his office and saw that the computer was turned on. He got scared and started calling Sam and Max, but they didn’t come to him. Then he decided to find them himself. He walked down the corridor and saw that the robots were turned off. Suddenly he heard a noise. “What happened?” he asked himself and saw that Grisha and Vera were coming towards him, and with them the inhabitants of this planet. “Ah-ah!” the Boss shouted, “This is the end!” They will offend these little inhabitants of such a beautiful planet. They will always come to their aid. And the residents escorted Grisha and Vera to the spaceship. The ship was ready to depart. We were only waiting for Grisha and Vera, we were very worried about them, not knowing where they had gone. Seeing them and such a large crowd of extraordinary people, they were delighted and very surprised. Grisha and Vera told what happened to them and introduced them to the inhabitants of this planet. They said goodbye and promised to come and live with them, relax on such a beautiful planet and bring animals and birds to them. Maybe they will like it here too, otherwise it’s so boring when there are no squirrels, no rabbits, or birds nearby that sing so loudly and loudly.

Everyone took their places and the ship rose into the sky. Grisha and Vera were very pleased that they had freed the residents. And the excursion continued and the uncle-guide spoke fascinatingly about Space. But Grisha and Vera didn’t hear him, they kept thinking about these funny little people and dreamed of meeting them again.

Children's poems about space

Poems about space and astronauts, planets and constellations, as well as about the Moon, Gagarin and the Milky Way.
The collection includes the most rhythmic poems suitable for memorizing. All the poems about space presented in the section can be used for thematic activities with children, accompaniment in drawing lessons and for explaining complex things in simple, understandable literary language for preschoolers. Here is the Big Dipper stirring the starry porridge with a large ladle in a large cauldron.

And nearby the Little Dipper glows dimly. Collects crumbs with a small ladle.

If the month is letter “C”, then it is an old month; If you hang a wand on it and get the letter “R”, That means he’s growing, That means soon, believe it or not, he’ll become fat.

It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes. Here's how scientists solved the question: Once upon a time, water froze there, And Saturn's rings were made of snow and ice. (Author: Rimma Aldonina)

In a space rocket called “Vostok”, he was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.

Spring Drops sings songs about this: Gagarin and April will be together forever. (Author: Vladimir Stepanov)

It's so cool in space! Stars and planets In black weightlessness Float slowly!

It's so cool in space! Sharp rockets at great speed, rushing here and there! (Author: Oksana Akhmetova)

Month-pastry chef, wonderful baker, What are you baking in the heights of heaven? Maybe some delicious pies made from silvery star flour?

No. We look in vain, wondering. What to expect from such a lazy person! He baked a thin bagel for us, and at dawn the bagel went out. (Author: Roman Sef)

In the black, velvety sky, the stars shine bright. The night adorns its outfit with a silver shimmer.

A mysterious, distant light, calling and beckoning, calls me to high aspirations into the heavens. (Author: Lyudmila Gromova)

Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby.

You can take a Peacock feather, touch the hands on the Clock, ride a Dolphin, swing on a Scale.

Over the Earth late at night, If you look into the sky, You will see constellations hanging there like grapes.

Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby. (Author: Arkady Khait)

I have bad news. I'm sadder than ever. I learned: among the constellations there is no constellation Cat!

Only there is no Cat. I'm crying! There is no star cat! Not even a cat's whiskers or a cat's tail!

I looked at the sky all night! I'm just exhausted! Why did I annoy the astronomers so much? (Author: Oksana Akhmetova)

They stood in a circle and danced gloriously with Capricorn Aquarius, Pisces waved their fins, Aries hurried into the circle.

And Taurus will be next to him, He tap dances dashingly. There will be a dance until you drop, a round dance will be good.

The black velvet of the sky is embroidered with stars. A bright path runs across the sky.

It spreads easily from edge to edge, as if someone spilled milk across the sky.

But, of course, there is no milk or juice in the sky, We see our star system from the side.



Creativity of the site author

The first chapter of the online book OGNESVETOPISK


The third chapter of the online book OGNESVETOPYT

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A fairy tale in verse about space for children 5-9 years old

Author: Natalia Aleksandrovna Klyuka, teacher of MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 46 “Solnyshko”, city. Korolev, Moscow region. The presented fairy tale can be useful to preschool teachers, primary school teachers, additional education teachers, parents of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

Purpose. The presented author's fairy tale in verse can serve as additional literary material in preparing classes, holidays, entertainment for Cosmonautics Day and other space-themed events for children 5-9 years old. The fairy tale may be of interest to children of preschool and primary school age, educators, parents, primary school teachers, as well as anyone who loves fairy tales, magic and adventure.

Description. The fairy tale tells about an unusual space journey to the planet Mars of two girls, sisters Sasha and Dasha, and the adventures that happened to them.

Goal: Development of imagination, fantasy, curiosity, interest in the topic of space.

Objectives: - expand children's ideas about space; - develop the ability to respond emotionally to a work of art; — replenish children’s vocabulary, enrich their inner world, develop their imagination; - cultivate love for the native land.

“There on the cosmic paths” ________________ Author: Klyuka N.A.

Everyone loves to travel, Everyone wants to see the world. Mom and Dad love the mountains, They go to the Pamirs, And they take me and my sister Dasha to our grandmother, To a village by the river, Where the cornflowers turn blue.

He is a space alien, on the planet Mars the owner of vegetable gardens and orchards, delicious berries and fruits.

My sister and I looked at each other and smiled slyly: “Well, of course we want to. All! Hooray! We're flying to Mars!"

And now our mysterious Mars is flying forward, Lights are flashing behind the stern, We are leaving our native home.

My sister and I were stupefied, We ate with appetite, ate - Martian strawberries, Martian grapes, And the alien smiled - It was clear that he was happy.

The whole day the planet Mars surprised us with Dasha. We laughed and joked, and then... suddenly we became sad.


Yuri Gagarin "I See the Earth"

This is a documentary story by pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin about the preparation and conduct of the world's first flight of a spacecraft with a person on board. In these memoirs, Gagarin simply and clearly talks about his life, work, the structure of the spacecraft, his sensations and feelings during the flight.

For children from 10 years old

Excerpt from a book:

“The rocket engines were turned on at 9:07 am. Overloads immediately began to increase. I was literally pushed into the chair. As soon as Vostok broke through the dense layers of the atmosphere, I saw the Earth. The ship flew over a wide Siberian river (...). He looked first at the sky, then at the Earth. Mountain ranges and large lakes were clearly visible. Even the fields were visible. The most beautiful sight was the horizon - a stripe painted with all the colors of the rainbow, dividing the Earth in the light of the sun's rays from the black sky."

Alexander Tkachenko “Tsiolkovsky. The path to the stars"

For primary school age

The book tells in a fascinating and accessible way about who the brilliant scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was. His life turns out to be full of adventures, interesting incidents and amazing discoveries. It was Tsiolkovsky who scientifically proved the importance of the rocket for flights into outer space. Tsiolkovsky's fate was not easy. He went through a difficult path from a self-taught scientist to a world-famous inventor. Writer Alexander Tkachenko talks about all this vividly and entertainingly.

Excerpt from a book:

“You can make the simplest jet engine yourself from an ordinary balloon. Try to inflate it, but do not tie the tail, but let it out of your hands. The ball will immediately begin to rush in different directions until all the air is released from it, pushing it forward. This is jet motion - the same as in a rocket. Only the rocket is pushed forward not by air, but by a stream of hot gas. And it flies not haphazardly, but according to a strictly calculated course.

This is the kind of rocket Tsiolkovsky proposed to send into space. True, in his time the technical capabilities for this did not yet exist. Cars were just learning to drive, ships were just learning to sail, and planes were just learning to fly. But Tsiolkovsky believed that someday people would create such engines with the help of which they would be able to escape beyond the Earth. As we now see, he was right.”

Yakov Perelman "Entertaining Astronomy"

The book by the Russian scientist Yakov Perelman introduces readers to various issues of astronomy and scientific discoveries. The author unfolds before the reader a picture of the world space and the phenomena occurring in it. Most of the book is structured in the form of questions and answers (Why doesn’t the Moon fall on the Sun? Are stars visible during the day? When are we closer to the Sun: at noon or in the evening? etc.).

For children from 12 to 18 years old and for anyone interested in astronomy, including teachers.

Excerpt from a book:

“The reader will probably ask the question: if the telescope does not magnify the stars, then why is it used to observe them? A telescope is powerless to increase the apparent size of stars, but it increases their brightness, and therefore multiplies the number of stars accessible to vision (...). The telescope reveals to us double, triple and even more complex stars where the naked eye sees a single star. Star clusters, which for the naked eye merge beyond the distance into a hazy speck, and in most cases are completely invisible, scatter in the telescope field into many thousands of individual stars.”

Efrem Levitan "Fairytale Universe"

For primary school age

This colorful book is intended for inquisitive children who are interested in astronomy and cosmonautics. The famous Russian teacher and author of a large number of books about space for children, Efrem Pavlovich Levitan, answers the most popular and difficult questions. The main characters of the “Fairytale Universe” - the children of Alka and Sveta - find themselves in an extraordinary world that their dad talks about. In this magical universe, the gnomes Knopkin and Nedouchkin help the children penetrate into the secrets of space.

Excerpt from a book:

The children did not understand what the hunter had to do with some pheasant.

The children understood everything and were very happy. And Sveta found a book about animals and birds and calmed down only when she found a pheasant in this book...

Genrikh Sapgir “Star Carousel”

For preschool and primary school age

This small book is a collection of poems by the poet Genrikh Veniaminovich Sapgir, dedicated to various constellations. In the preface to “Star Carousel,” the author wrote: “And in this book you will also find poems about children who dream of flying into space. Maybe it's you or your friends. After all, it is given to you to be the first to pave routes to distant planets.” “Star Carousel” is great for children’s first acquaintance with the theme of space and a star map.

One of the poems in the collection:

In the sky - Ursa, Dogs and Taurus, In the sky - Libra, Bootes and Sagittarius, Pisces, Dolphins, Cancer and Dragon. How many constellations - So many names. Whoever manages to find them on the map will not go astray in flight.

On the screensaver there is a fragment of a photo of Tom Simpson


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