A series of conversations about the Mysterious Space. Methodological development for speech development (senior, preparatory group)

Cosmonautics Day. Conversation in kindergarten. Senior group

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten.
Author: Bondarenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna, teacher. Place of work: MBU kindergarten No. 49 “Merry notes”, Tolyatti

The theme of space is always interesting for children. Therefore, on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, educators hold holidays, competitions, and educational classes on the topic: Cosmonautics. We invite you to conduct an educational lesson for preschoolers in the form of a thematic conversation.

Thematic conversation for Cosmonautics Day “Man rose to the sky”
Objectives: 1. Generalize and expand children’s knowledge about the Universe. 2. Give an idea about the first cosmonaut, about the significance of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin’s first flight into space, about the inventor of the space rocket, about the Cosmonautics Day holiday. 3. Form cognitive interests; the concept of oneself as an inhabitant of planet Earth. 4. Activate the vocabulary: sky, stars, planets, satellites, astronaut, Sun, Earth, Moon. 5. Enrich the vocabulary: Galaxy, Universe, Solar system, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, weightlessness, orbit, meteorite, spacesuit, lunar rover, orbital station. 6. Develop experimental activities and experimentation. 7. Foster respect and a sense of pride for the achievements of your people, based on specific historical facts. Equipment: paintings depicting the starry sky, outer space, portraits of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev and Yu. A. Gagarin, photographs of rocket launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome, photo albums about space explorers. Preliminary work: conversations about stars, planets, space and astronauts. Progress: Educator: - Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome gravity and rise into outer space. Guys, remember the fairy tales and legends. What fairy-tale heroes didn't fly on! (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and wizards’ beards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows...). Just a few centuries ago, no one could have imagined that the most convenient “transport” for moving around was a rocket. Mini-powder rockets have long been used to create fireworks or send signals in military affairs. In Russia, in the middle of the last century, artillery general K.I. Konstantinov gave the rocket its combat function. Its missiles could cover a distance of up to three kilometers.

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist K. E. Tsiolkovsky. He said this about this: “The earth is our cradle, but you cannot live forever in a cradle.” The rocket does not need air, which means it can fly in the void, in space, and reach enormous speed there. It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, and engineers. It was in our country that the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. Guys, do you know who the first astronaut was? What do you know about this person? When was the first space flight made? (The adult listens to the children’s answers and asks clarifying questions).

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call sign “Cedar” was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, making only one revolution around the Earth, this was only the beginning - the beginning of human exploration of outer space. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, both men and women, have been in space. The first human flight into space opened the era of international space stations, the desire to explore the planets closest to Earth - Mars and Venus. Listen to how the poet Alexander Tvardovsky speaks about the day of the first flight into space in his poems. Ah, this day - the twelfth of April, How it swept through people's hearts. It seemed that the world had involuntarily become kinder, shocked by its victory. What kind of universal music he thundered, That holiday, in the motley flame of banners When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk. Was adopted by the Earth-planet. An inhabitant of the Earth, this heroic fellow, In his space vessel In a circular, forever unprecedented manner, In the depths of the sky, he waved above it... Dynamic pause “Cosmonauts” (Demonstration of physical exercises, involving children in their actions). To become an astronaut, children. From a very young age, you need to accustom yourself to order: Make your bed, do physical exercises. Let's stand straight, shoulders wider, Hands up, stay straight. From such exercises you will become stronger and stronger. Today, space flights have become completely commonplace for us, the inhabitants of the Earth. It is believed that the exploration of other planets is not far off. But the beginning of this was laid by our Russian cosmonaut. American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first earthling to walk on the Moon, said this about Yuri Gagarin’s flight: “He called us all into space.” Show and tell about the planets.

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Objectives: To introduce children to Cosmonautics Day. Expand children's horizons.

Enrich your vocabulary: planet, astronaut, spacesuit.

Material: pictures about space.

Progress of the conversation: The teacher turns on music with a recording of a song about astronauts. Educator: Children, who knows what day it is today (Children's answers)

Educator: Correct!
Today is April 12, we celebrate Cosmonautics Day. It was on this day that a man flew into space for the first time. Who can tell me the name of the man who first flew into space? (Children's answers)
Absolutely right, it was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin who made the first flight into space on April 12, 1961. The whole country rejoiced at this event, people went out into the streets and congratulated each other.

Guys, did you know that several years before Gagarin’s flight into space, two dogs were the first to fly into space: Belka and Strelka. Only after they returned safe and sound, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was able to go on a space journey and circle around our entire Earth. He flew on a Vostok rocket. And since then, our country has been celebrating April 12 as Cosmonautics Day. — Guys, what is the name of the profession of a person who flies into space? Children: Cosmonaut. Educator:

It's very, very cold in space. If you go into space without

special suit - you can instantly freeze and turn into

ice. In addition, there is very little air in space and an ordinary person there

won't be able to breathe. That is why the astronaut who flew to

space, put on this spacesuit. The suit is very warm and protective

an astronaut from the cold even in space. In addition, there is a man in a spacesuit

can breathe - it supplies a person with air.

When the astronaut got into the rocket, the countdown began: “Five, four,

three, two, one, GO!” The rocket took off, fire came out of its tail - so

her engine was working hard. And the rocket flew high into the sky. She

rose higher and higher. And so the rocket ended up in outer space.

Look what the astronaut saw when he got into it.

This is our planet Earth - we live on it. As you can see, she

round and looks like a big ball. Our planet is very, very large.

That's why we don't notice that it looks like a ball. But if you rise above

the earth high, high - then from space we will see it like this


Educator: Would you like to become an astronaut? Great, that's what I thought. Then let's put on our spacesuits.

Simulation game “Dress up the spacesuit”

First, we put on the overalls, fasten all the zippers and buttons.

Then we put on our boots. We put a helmet on our head. We put gloves on our hands. We put a backpack on our back, which contains air cylinders.

Progress of the conversation:

Educator. Guys, do you know that our country celebrates April 12 (children’s answers)

Today we will talk about how people began to explore outer
space and why
12 became a holiday. Guys, tell me, who is Yu. A. Gagarin? (answers

children). On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yu

A. Gagarin
launched from
cosmodrome Vostok spacecraft and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the planet Earth.
The flight in near-Earth space
lasted 108 minutes.
Guys, we also have heroes who flew into space
and returned safely to earth.
They flew into space before Yu
A. Gagarin. Who guessed who we were talking about? (children's answers)
That's right! This is Belka and Strelka. of Cosmonautics
well .
On August 19, 1960, the second spacecraft
into Earth orbit.
The launch took place from Cosmodrome
at 15:44.
The weight of the satellite ship without the last stage of the launch vehicle was 4.6 tons. On board the spacecraft
were Belka and Strelka, as well as mice, insects, plants, fungal cultures, seeds of corn, wheat, peas, onions, some types of microbes and other living ones creatures.
On August 20, 1960, the lander with animals on board landed safely. The flight of Strelka and Belka lasted more than 25 hours. During this time, the satellite ship made 17 complete orbits around the Earth. The successful journey of Belka and Strelka proved the ability of living organisms to withstand all the factors of space flight
. The dogs, returning to Earth, became real heroes.

Guys, do you know what the solar system is? (children's answers)

The solar system consists of planets that revolve around our sun. In addition to planets, the Solar System also consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, dust and gas. Everything in the solar system revolves around the sun. The Sun contains about 98% of the mass of all objects in the Solar System. The larger an object, the greater the force of gravity it has. The Sun is so huge that its powerful gravity attracts all other objects in the solar system. Does anyone know how many planets revolve around the sun? (children's advice)
. 9 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

What is the moon? (children's answers)

. The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth; it revolves around our planet for at least 4 billion years. This is a stone ball about four times the size of the Earth. The moon revolves around the Earth, and the Earth revolves around the Sun. While our planet orbits the Sun. 1 year passes for us, the Earth also rotates around its axis in 24 hours.

Lesson summary


Guys, our lesson has come to an end.

. We repeated what we knew and learned a lot of new things!

Russia, as a space power, has a large number of achievements in the field of astronautics. Let's remember the main milestones in the history of Russian space science and practice.

Humanity has long dreamed of flying to the stars, of soaring beyond the Earth. Since time immemorial, people have fantasized about flying to the Moon, to the planets of the solar system, to distant mysterious worlds.

In 1911, the prophetic thought of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky sounded: “Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but, in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space.”

Tsiolkovsky is called the “father of astronautics”, “the founder of astronautics”. A self-taught teacher from Kaluga, Konstantin Eduardovich devoted his life to the study of space and interplanetary communications. He was the first ideologist and theorist of human exploration of outer space. Tsiolkovsky's famous works on aviation, rocket navigation and space flight have become classics of technical thought.

Korolev Sergey Pavlovich

- a leading scientist and designer in the field of rocketry and space research, academician, twice hero of socialist labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize. He stood at the origins of Russian cosmonautics. Korolev is the Chief Designer, under his leadership satellites and spaceships were created.

On this day, a message was heard on the Moscow radio air: “...As a result of a lot of hard work by research institutes and design bureaus, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was created. On October 4, 1957, the first satellite was successfully launched... Currently, the satellite describes elliptical trajectories around the Earth... Artificial Earth satellites will pave the way for interplanetary travel..."


The message from Radio Moscow was immediately repeated by all radio stations in the world. The Russian word “sputnik” was heard on different continents and in different languages ​​of the planet.

The conquest of space has begun - a new era in the history of earthly civilization. For the first time, a man-made aircraft flew into space and became an artificial celestial body.

Sputnik 1 went down in history as one of the greatest human creations of the 20th century. Western newspapers called him a “Russian miracle,” “a feat of which all humanity can be proud.”

Today the first satellite appears to us to be small and very simplified. A metal ball with a diameter of 58 cm and a weight of 83.6 kg contained two radio transmitters, its antennas had a length of 2.4 to 2.9 meters. But the launch of Sputnik marked a turning point in the development of science and technology. The first orbits of the satellite became the first steps of world astronautics.

And less than a month later, on November 3, 1957, a second satellite appeared in the sky. Sputnik 2 was equipped with various research instruments, onboard power supplies, recording equipment, and most importantly, it was inhabited. The dog Laika went into space in a special container installed on it.

Then there was the third satellite - a gigantic laboratory for that time with a total weight of 1327 kg.

Now there are many man-made devices orbiting the Earth, called satellites.

or artificial satellites. Some satellites collect and transmit information to scientists on Earth. Others pick up radio, television and telephone signals and send them through outer space to other points on Earth (satellite communications).

Moon exploration

1959 was called the year of the moon. In January, the first Soviet interplanetary station, Luna-1, went to the Moon. In September, the first flight from Earth to another celestial body - to the Moon - was made; the Luna-2 station delivered pennants there. In October, for the first time, man saw the far side of the Moon, which was photographed by the Luna-3 station.

Then there were several more launches to the Moon. Each team collected new rock samples and other data. Scientists are still studying moon rocks to better understand how the Moon was formed and how evolution took place here millions of years ago. This information can help unravel many of the mysteries of the formation of the Earth.

Man in space

Almost half a century has passed since the day when man first left his native planet - April 12, 1961

What does this day mean to us? Orange spacesuit, white pressure helmet, red letters “USSR”. And hands raised in a solemn farewell gesture. The mighty roar of engines. A flood of fire and smoke. Gagarin
resounding throughout the world .

In 2014, Yu.A. celebrated his 80th birthday. Gagarin

“Vostok” started at 9:07 am. The earth heard a voice from space and knew the situation. People from all continents watched the space flight with bated breath. At 10.55, Vostok and its pilot landed near the village of Smelovka, Saratov region. 108 minutes united the planet with a single concern for the fate of the hero, racing in the vastness of the Universe, and then with a single delight. "Triumph of the 20th century. A great achievement in history. Grandiose!”, “Major Gagarin has the honor of completing the most daring and fantastic journey ever undertaken by man,” the newspapers of the world wrote. Man burst into space, crossed the threshold of the inaccessible, circled his planet, looked at it from the side. Years and decades have passed, people have achieved new victories in space exploration. But the flight of Yuri Gagarin will forever remain the brightest event in the history of civilization.

Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova

- the world's first female cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General. In June 1963, aboard Vostok 6, she took part in a group flight of two spacecraft at once. The flight lasted almost three days. Tereshkova’s call sign for the duration of the flight is “Seagull”; the phrase she said before the start: “Hey! Heaven, take off your hat!

Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya

(b. 1948) - Soviet cosmonaut, the second female cosmonaut in the world (the first was Valentina Tereshkova) and the first female cosmonaut in the world to go into outer space. The only woman twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970). Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1982).

Elena Kondakova

- the third Russian female cosmonaut and the first woman to make a long flight into space.

Her first flight into space took place on October 4, 1994 as part of the Soyuz TM-20 expedition, returning to Earth on March 22, 1995 after a 5-month flight at the Mir orbital station.

Kondakova's second flight as a specialist on the American spacecraft Atlantis (shuttle) as part of the Atlantis expedition STS-84 took place in May 1997.

The first earthling to go into outer space was the Soviet cosmonaut A.A. Leonov.

This happened in March 1965.

But, as Gagarin said, these victories were not achieved without bloodshed. There were also tragic moments in the history of Russian cosmonautics.

On April 23, 1967, the Soyuz-1 satellite spacecraft flew with cosmonaut V.M. Komarov .

During the descent to Earth, the astronaut died due to a failure of the parachute system.

On June 6, 1971, the flight of cosmonauts V.N. took place. Volkova, G.T. Dobrovolsky and V.I. Patsaev on the Soyuz-11 satellite and the Salyut orbital station. During the descent to Earth, due to depressurization of the ship's cabin, the astronauts died.

The profession of an astronaut requires enormous courage, excellent physical fitness, and professionalism.

Space stations

The duration of space flights gradually increased from several hours to several months, a year or more. Astronauts can stay at space stations for a long time. Their life in space helps scientists on Earth better understand the influence of gravity and other features on the human body. The first such space laboratory was the Salyut station, launched in 1971. A total of 7 Salyuts were launched into orbit, which replaced and complemented each other.

1986 they were replaced by the Russian space station "Mir"

as more advanced and efficient. The Mir station is a whole hotel in orbit; its design allowed the simultaneous mooring of not two, but six spacecraft or special compartments - modules to the station at once. The Mir station carried out space service for 15 years. In 2001 it ceased to exist. After leaving orbit, it entered the dense layers of the atmosphere, part of it burned up, and part of it fell into the Pacific Ocean.

Currently, a joint project of 15 countries (Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Russia, USA, Japan, etc.) is operating in orbit - the International Space Station

(ISS). It consists of large laboratories for international space research. The crew includes cosmonauts from countries participating in the project. Currently, 38 long-term expeditions have visited the ISS.

Space tourism is also actively developing. Many people are willing to pay a lot of money to see our blue planet with their own eyes from the window of a spaceship.

In November 2011, the 3rd stage of the Mars-500

, during which 6 crew members spent 520 days in isolation. The project simulated a manned flight to Mars, during which six volunteers were in a closed complex.

If we talk about the future, then the plans for further space exploration are grandiose. This includes an expedition to Mars, exploration of the Moon, and continued exploration of outer space in order to discover “brothers in mind.” Wait and see…



to form children’s understanding of planet Earth, to introduce the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.


: expand children’s ideas about the profession of pilot-cosmonaut,

stimulate the development of speech, memory, thinking, develop imagination, fantasy.


to instill respect for the profession of pilot-cosmonaut, to teach respect for planet Earth.


Earth, sky, star, planet, sun, moon, space, rocket, astronaut.

Material for the conversation

: image of the Earth, Sun, Moon, telescope, spacesuit. Photos of cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin, the first animals to be in space: Belki and Strelki.

Progress of the conversation


(The teacher begins the conversation) Earth is the planet on which we live, it is the only planet in the solar system on which life exists. People, plants and animals live on Earth because there is water and air. It revolves around the Sun and is the most beautiful and interesting of all the planets. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Without the Sun there would be no life on Earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: the change of day and night, the onset of winter or summer. During the day, the sun warms and illuminates our planet. All living things rejoice in sunlight and warmth. With the sunrise, nature awakens and comes to life.

In the evening we can see the moon and stars in the sky. The Moon is the Earth's satellite. It shines brightly in the night sky. People have always wanted to visit the moon, fly to the stars, and see the Earth from space.

Would you guys like to become astronauts?

Who are astronauts?

What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, resilient, etc.).

What can you see in the sky? (stars)

How many stars are there in the sky? (uncountable number)

The sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They look like small sparkling dots and are located far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very large. And then one day, a man was looking at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were and why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes, observed and learned that there are other planets.

But people wanted to know if there was life on other planets. What creatures live there, are they similar to us, is there air on other planets. But to find out, you must fly to them. Airplanes were not suitable for this. Who knows why? (because the planets are very far away). And so scientists invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it and launched it into outer space. There were two dogs on board - a squirrel and an arrow, they successfully returned to Earth. And then in 1961, the first man went into space.

The first person who was able to go on a space journey was cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He made his flight on April 12, 1961 on a Vostok rocket. On this day our country Fr. This is a holiday of astronauts and people who participate in the creation of space rockets.

Let's play and form words from one family for the word "star".

How can you affectionately call a Star? (star)

If there are many Stars in the sky, then we will say what it is like? (stellar)

What is the name of the ship that flies to the stars? (starship)

What do they call a wizard in fairy tales who predicts the future from the stars? (astrologer)

Well done! Today you have learned a lot about space, astronauts, about our planet, and I think that you can be enrolled in the cosmonaut corps.

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