Conversation "For children about space and astronauts." Outline of a lesson on the world around us (senior, preparatory group)

Almost sixty years have passed since man's first flight into space. What an event it was for the children of that time! Many now grandparents dreamed of space flights and walks along the dusty paths of distant planets, and then their children, today’s mothers and fathers. Encyclopedias were published, characters from children's books flew into space: from Uncle Styopa's son to Dunno.

For modern children, space is already much more familiar and familiar, and books about planets are written and published for every taste and age - both scientific and artistic (I will definitely talk about them in another collection). Today, the selection includes eight popular science books about space and astronauts for little researchers.

"Space Tales. Solar System", Elena Uleva

Publishing house "Clover"

A small book for the youngest researchers (and those who are still confused about which planet is located behind which from the Sun). Elena Ulyanova tells information about the Solar System as a fairy tale about the good Sun, who is ready to share its warmth “with the planets.” “Mercury arrived first - the smallest, but the fastest. - Sun! Sun! Warm me up quickly! I like warmth. How I froze in distant black space! - Of course, baby! Hide under my side! - Sunny tells him. Mercury flew up to him and began to spin around. He doesn’t leave a single step...” After Mercury appears... that’s right, Venus, and then the Earth pulled up and let’s warm one side, then the other, alternate day and night.

In the same series for kids there was a fairy tale about the Moon and the Earth, where the satellite is like a sad baby looking for its mother.


“A Tale of Happiness” from

You can order an interesting personalized fairy tale for your child through the service.

“The Tale of Happiness” is a personalized (the name of the child and parents are personalized) adventure book for children from 5 to 11 years old. A modern fairy tale for fans of fantasy and adventure, the main character will be transported to a distant planet ruled by real bandits. The main character, driven by ambition and a keen sense of justice, comes to the defense of the oppressed people and leads the uprising. The book has beautiful modern illustrations and many memorable characters.

“Space - a book with windows” (series “Life on Earth”)

Publishing house "Eksmodetstvo"

A cardboard book with windows - a hundred questions about space and astronauts, from simple to rather tricky: who is an astronomer, did a meteorite hit a person, what makes the Earth special, what is the ISS and Roscosmos (!). It’s clear that you won’t be able to get a serious understanding of the planets and the life of astronauts on the ISS from a book, but you can get acquainted and become interested. And in one of the windows you can... smell what the Moon smells like.


Great Children's Encyclopedia Translation from English by T. Pokidaeva

Any quick question from a child’s lips will not sound scary, because this encyclopedia has everything to answer what the Universe and the Milky Way are, how many stars are in the sky and why they twinkle, which stars can explode and whether the Sun will die. Part of the book is dedicated to space.

The book is not overloaded with texts that are difficult for a child to understand; the illustrations are bright and clearly demonstrate phenomena that can be difficult to explain in accessible language.

"History of space. My First Book About the Universe, Katherine Barr, Steve Williams

Publishing house "Samokat"

The main impression from Williams and Barr’s book for little explorers is that space is very, very beautiful! There is not much text in the book, and perhaps not all of it will be understandable to kids: “The particles of this cloud combined into tiny objects - atoms, from these atoms dust and gas were formed. The gas was compressed and swirled. The compression made him hotter and hotter. Finally, it became so hot that it began to glow,” however, for this case, at the end of the book, readers will find a dictionary of useful words.

I want to look at the book again and again, admiring the huge stars, black holes, constellations and planets together with the little cosmonauts drawn. And the main conclusion - there is so much more out there that we can explore - we find it very inspiring!


“Animals-astronauts. The first space explorers”, Daria Chudnaya

Publishing house "Peter"

Exciting and touching stories about the very first space explorers - brave mongrels. By the way, do you know, adults, why they didn’t take purebred dogs as astronauts? What and how did the first cosmonauts eat in their spaceships (the owners weren’t around, who would treat them to a bone)? And a question with an asterisk: why weren’t boys taken into space at first?

Lots of interesting details, real and accurate flight stories. The author of the book, Daria Chudnaya, is the PR director of the Museum of Cosmonautics, and among the readers and assistants listed on the flyleaf are museum employees and astronauts.

My favorite story is about how one day a future cosmonaut ran away, and a random tramp ZIB (Spare Disappearing Bobik) flew in his place and not only flew, but returned safe and sound. “...ZIB lived a long, happy life as a dog, which proved that flying into space is not harmful. ...And Korolev, when he learned about such a successful replacement of a trained cosmonaut with a beggar puppy, was very happy. And he said: “Yes, on our ships they will soon fly into space on vacation packages!”

The book is illustrated in detail and with great love for space and dogs by Asya Mickiewicz.


“Cosmonauts, landing is announced!”, Pierre-François Moreau, Mathilde George

Publishing house "Clover"

The book tells in detail and fascinatingly about astronauts - how they prepare for a flight, how they live in space, what they use to brush their teeth and where they go to the toilet, what difficulties and tests await them during preparation, and which ones during the flight. The book was written by Pierre-François Moreau, executive editor of the “Space” section of the largest French magazine Air et Cosmos. Both children and parents may be interested in learning about a European perspective on the history of space. Consider the joke “one could say that the first American in orbit is a monkey” and the mention of the need to know the Russian language, which in space is international on a par with English. The book also describes interesting traditions before departure, for example, that all crews plant trees before the flight and... watch the movie “White Sun of the Desert”!


Encyclopedia for the curious “Why and Why”. Translation from English by T. Pokidaeva

This book has a section on time and seasons. Important concepts are explained clearly and in accessible words. The book is intended for reading by adults to children, it can be used for preschoolers.

Why does the sun rise and set? Why is it dark at night? What is a leap year and why do we need a calendar? What time is it in space?

The great advantages are high-quality illustrations, good paper and binding.

“A journey into space. Amazing facts about the solar system, Peter Ekberg, Anders Nyberg

Publishing house "Walk into History"

A book for those who are interested not in astronauts, but in other planets. Some of the pages are comics, and some are texts, and quite large ones at that. Professor Astro and his friends, children Jack and Uni, set off on a spaceship "from the wreckage". However, the heroes in the book are present mainly to greet and enthusiastically applaud the planets.

There is a separate spread about each planet, a lot of scientific text, the facts chosen are interesting, but for an already prepared reader (or get ready to help, parents). “The air on Venus is very thick, so the atmospheric pressure there is high all the time. Once on this planet, a person would feel as if he were on Earth at a depth of 800 meters below sea level. It also rains caustic sulfuric acid on Venus! Venus rotates around its axis very slowly—it takes as many as 243 Earth days to complete one rotation! At the same time, it moves in orbit even faster than the Earth: Venus’ revolution around the Sun, that is, a year, is 225 Earth days.”

Having seen enough of the amazing planets, the heroes return to Earth and remind readers that home is the best place in the universe.


Efrem Levitan “To kids about stars and planets” (“Rosman”)

This book is a bestseller that has collected a huge number of rave reviews; its author is Efim Devitan, a famous popularizer of astronomy. Perfect for children aged 4 years and older to explore space for the first time.

This astronomical tale tells kids about the Universe in an accessible and fun way. Visual illustrations and simple experiments help parents explain complex phenomena using simple examples.

“Let's talk about space”, Lena Nabokova

Publishing house "Volchok"

Artist Lena Nabokova, with the help of the Museum of Cosmonautics and the University of Padua in Italy, has created an unusual illustrated encyclopedia about space - for those who have grown up enough, but still don’t understand anything! Lena ironically notes at the beginning of the book that we all see the Universe differently, and launches an unusual team on a hypothetical journey into space: a girl scientist and an artist. Comic funny hand-drawn dialogues, and next to them, scientific facts and picturesque illustrations are presented in quite detailed, but popular language: planets, satellites and the structure of the Milky Way.

Despite the amount of scientific information, the book turned out to be both cheerful and philosophical; there is something to smile with the heroines and something to dream about while looking at the sky.


How the Cosmos Works: You and the Universe, Kate Davis, Dara O'Brien

Publishing house "Willy Winky's Editorial"

Dara O'Brien is a graduate of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and a mega-popular stand-up comedian in Britain. The book about the Universe combines its two aspects: on the one hand, it contains quite a lot of information about space, planets and comets, as well as more specific concepts like the Oort cloud. On the other hand, there are two jokes per three sentences, and the story is flavored with many metaphors, and humor and metaphors are still a specific matter, who likes what. For example, returning to the Oort cloud, O'Brien explains that if the Sun is like a strawberry, and the planets are sugar cubes around it, then the Oort cloud is a swarm of wasps around, but actually it is a region of space beyond the Kuiper belt (however , all this is hypothetical in any case). I think even from this example it becomes clear that the book is not for five-year-old researchers, but it is quite possible that I underestimate our youth.


IN AND. Tsvetkov “Starry sky. Galaxies, constellations, meteorites"

The popular scientific and practical encyclopedia will tell young readers about the ancient science of astronomy, teach them how to “read” a star map, and introduce them to the names of the brightest stars.

Readers will learn where to look for the “heart of a lion” and “Beronica’s hair,” what the “great summer triangle” is, what connects the word “vacation” and the brightest star in the sky - Sirius. Where are observatories built and why the room where the telescope is located cannot be heated, how Stonehenge helps you find out the cardinal directions, where is the best place to observe the stars and much more.

Hard cover, high-quality printing, many photographs and drawings, diagrams. The text is adapted for independent reading by school-age children; the information can be trusted, because The reviewer was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

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