Consultation for parents “Games for environmental education”
Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Non-traditional forms of working with parents in preschool educational institutions in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard”
Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Non-traditional forms of working with parents in preschool educational institutions in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard”
Long-term plan for design in the second junior group
Long-term plan for design in the second junior group Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten
A collection of games and exercises for developing fine motor skills
Collection of games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills Natalya Shardakova Collection of games and exercises
Card index of didactic games on environmental education. Middle group.
Card index of didactic games on ecology for children of senior preschool age. Transcript 1 Municipal Autonomous
"Math quiz" for older preschool children
Parent meeting in the middle group “Happy new school year”
Summary of the parent meeting for the middle group of kindergarten at the beginning of the school year Parent meeting
Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Road Signs”
Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Road Signs” Objectives: 1. To consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge of
Methodological recommendations "Organization of children's play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"
Methodological recommendations “Organization of children’s play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education” Ershova Elena Viktorovna
Summary of the music lesson “Teremok” for children of the younger group
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Summary of the educational activity “Let's play with music” (junior
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