Speech development in the first junior group. Speech development classes at preschool educational institutions

When and how does speech develop?

Speech development is recommended to begin with the birth of a child. Already in infancy, the baby isolates human speech from the flow of other sounds, listens to the words of adults, and tries to imitate what he hears. Up to one year, the child “hoots” (makes sounds similar to [g], [k], [x]), “booms,” babbles, and after the first round date in his life he tries to pronounce words.

In a preschool institution, close attention is paid to the speech of pupils. Purposeful work on the formation of speech skills begins already in early age groups. Speech development in the first junior group is one of the most important educational tasks, the solution of which determines the child’s education at the next age stages.

Communicative activity develops in the process of communication. To understand how a teacher works to develop children’s speech, it is necessary to consider the forms of communication characteristic of preschoolers.

Forms of communication in childhood

In relation to infancy, early childhood and preschool age, scientists distinguish situational-personal, situational-business, extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal forms of communication. The first occurs in the first year of life, when the child develops a revival complex. The baby recognizes close adults, smiles, waves his arms. During this period, it is important for mothers, fathers and other relatives to talk with their child, sing songs to him, and tell him nursery rhymes.

It is appropriate to talk about situational business communication when the baby knows how to sit and learns to interact with objects: shakes a rattle, places a cube on a cube, puts one part of a toy into another. The adult shows the methods of action and encourages the child.

Extra-situational-cognitive communication begins at 2-3 years of age, when the baby asks questions about the world around him. An adult’s answers help you learn a lot of new things and develop. The shift of the child’s interests towards relationships between people, the place and role of a person in society indicates the emergence of extra-situational-personal communication. The readiness to talk about such topics appears by the age of 6-7 years.

Speech development in the first junior group

The first junior group is attended by children from two to three years old. Since at this age there is a transition from situational-business to non-situational-cognitive communication, the development of speech in children is carried out in the process of dialogue. The teacher talks with the students about what is in their field of vision. The little ones learn to understand and carry out the instructions of the teacher, the requests of their peers, and formulate their own statements.

The teacher teaches students to correctly articulate the sounds [a], [o], [u], [i], [s], [m], [b], [p], [n], [t], [d], [k], [g], [v], [f], reproduce intonation, tempo, rhythmic pattern of speech, monitor speech breathing.

The teacher expands the children's vocabulary. In addition to nouns - names of toys, clothes, tableware, interior design, adjectives ("white cup"), verbs, adverbs ("the cup is on the table"), prepositions ("Olya came to the table") are introduced.

Children’s attention is also drawn to the word-formative capabilities of the language (“the rug is on the floor,” “the rattle is rattling”) and generalizations (“toys,” “clothes,” “dishes”). Onomatopoeic and lightweight words (“av-av”, “bi-bi”) are replaced by commonly used ones (“dog”, “car”).

The grammatical structure of children’s speech is also a matter of concern for the teacher. Under the guidance of a teacher, kids:

  • change nouns by numbers and cases (“one spoon - many spoons”), verbs by persons and numbers (“I’m going and you’re going - we’re going”), tenses (“the bear is coming, the bear has come”);
  • learn to use the imperative mood of the verb (“bunny, dance”);
  • form diminutive names (“doll”, “car”);
  • build simple and complex sentences (“the doll wanted to sleep, and I put it in the crib”).

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT in 1st junior group

SOFTWARE TASKS Enrichment of passive and active vocabulary

• Help expand children’s ideas about the world around them and express their knowledge and impressions in words:

- nouns: objects, their parts; objects and natural phenomena (trees, leaves, grass, flowers, snow, rain, wind, names of animals);

- generalizing words: toys, dishes, clothes, animals;

- verbs denoting actions with objects (put, place, etc.); actions characterizing the attitude towards people, including peers (sorry, give, help); labor actions of oneself and adults (cleaning, assembling, lifting, washing, etc.); actions expressing emotional state and relationships (rejoices, laughs, cries, regrets);

- verbs not only in the present, but in the past, future tense

- (I’m walking, I’m walking, I’ll go, I’m drawing, I’m drawing, I’ll be drawing);

- adjectives denoting qualitative characteristics of objects (small, round, soft, heavy, light) and natural phenomena (strong wind, black cloud, clear sky);

- pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they, my, yours, me, you);

— adverbs denoting spatial and temporal relationships (above, below, next to, quickly, slowly).

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

• Agree nouns and pronouns with verbs and adjectives.

• Use prepositions in speech (in, on, for, under), conjunctions (because, so that).

• Use question words (Where? Where? Who? What? etc.) and various phrases.

Education of sound culture of speech

• Create conditions for the development of phonemic hearing, articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing. Learn to pronounce isolated vowels and consonants (except for whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds), correctly reproduce onomatopoeia and words.

• Form intonation expressiveness of speech.

Development of coherent speech

• Improve understanding of adult speech: the ability to carry out his instructions; listen and perceive short stories without

• visual support.

• Develop the ability to enter into dialogue, address questions, requests, using polite words (“hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, “please”, etc.); stimulate proactive appeals in joint actions and games.

• Develop the ability to listen and retell fairy tales (together with an adult - persuade him). To promote the development of the ability, on one’s own initiative or at the suggestion of an adult, to talk about what is shown in the pictures, about toys, about events from personal experience (as a rule, mainly in the second half of the year).

To develop children's interest and positive attitude towards reading, listening, and dramatizing works of art together with adults

• a prerequisite for the development of the need to read fiction.

• Develop an understanding of the meaning of the situation described in a literary work, learn to express one’s attitude: in words (replicas, repetitions, questions), emotions and actions (carries a book, acts with toys, puppet theater characters).

Support and develop the child’s artistic preferences.

• Promote the development of children's imagination.


Speech development occurs in the process of meaningful communication with children in different types of activities. When implementing the content of different educational areas. Communication accompanies joint games, joint subject activities, etc. During this period, an adult is an attractive object of communication for the child, interesting in itself, especially close

adult. But even among close people, the child prefers those who communicate with him interestingly, in a businesslike manner, since the leading type of activity at this age is objective activity,

meeting the need for knowledge of the objective world and ways of acting with objects. The so-called “object fetishism,” as defined by psychologists, which dominates the child’s system of needs during this period, manifests itself in all types of activities: gaming, visual,

constructive, etc.

However, the process of learning and mastering this world is impossible without an adult. Therefore, for a child, an adult is a model of behavior, performing actions that are interesting for children. An adult is a bearer of a model, a norm, explaining and helping, collaborating with the child in the process of mastering the objects around him. An adult is a partner and at the same time a connoisseur, friendly, supportive, optimistic in assessing the process and the possibilities of the child achieving a result, coming to the rescue in cases of difficulties, believing in the child’s capabilities, excluding situations of hopelessness, bitter failures - range

interaction with the child in his zone of proximal development.

soon understands the importance and necessity of verbal methods of communication and masters them.

Thus, meaningful joint activity that requires coordination of interests, methods of action, and achieving a result that is interesting for the child is the basis for the child’s need for business communication, the satisfaction of which requires verbal methods of interaction in the child-adult community.

The most important condition for mastering verbal methods of communication is clear, clear, competent speech of people from the immediate environment. The native language, a natural speech space, neutral, perhaps, in relation to a particular child, not directly addressed to him in a given situation and therefore more complex in content, in vocabulary and grammatical support, is also necessary.

A child, from the context, spontaneously learns the meaning of individual words, ways of constructing sentences, and often appropriately reproduces them on his own initiative in a specific situation. Even more important are targeted natural dialogues with children in situations of joint games, construction, drawing, and cognitive observations.

A sample of an adult’s speech communication, simple in content, concise and accessible in terms of vocabulary and sentences, explanations, questions, comments, targeted activation in the speech of children of the dictionary, simple sentences, an exercise in their use that is invisible to the child

- an important component of meaningful interaction with children.

An exemplary speech space is unthinkable without the artistic word, which simultaneously affects the cognitive and emotional sphere of the child. Therefore, it is important to create conditions for the development of understanding and emotional attitude to the verbal artistic image. On this basis, it is necessary to promote the child’s independent, proactive approach to the artistic image: tell fairy tales and poems, look at books and illustrations, offer something to read, stage nursery rhymes, short poems, fragments of fairy tales.

Often children transfer an artistic image to different life situations that are close in content to the essence of this image. For example, a child climbed up a hill and shouts to the children: “I sit high, I look far away”; The kid draws on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen and comments on his scribbles: “This is a cow, and this is a cow’s leg. And this doodle shark jumped up. Do you see? Now he’ll eat it!”).

Such an appeal to the artistic word, its transfer to new situations is the beginning of a creative attitude towards the artistic image. Saturating a child’s life with communication with books, the appropriate use of artistic images in a child’s life is the basis for the subsequent formation and development of a person’s not just literate, but imaginative, bright, beautiful, non-standard, convincing human speech. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to develop children’s interest in literature, using the literary word in various types of activities in which it is organic and natural.

can come in.

Recommended works of art (sample list)

Based on Russian folklore. “New mittens”, “Owl-owl”, “Come on, dear shepherdess”, “Oak-oaks”, “I’ll bake a pie for Tanya”, “Okay, okay, grandma baked pancakes”, “Gu-gu-gu -gu-gu-gu, in the green meadow”, “The cat went to the market”, “Rock-hen”, “Our ducks in the morning - quack-quack-quack”, “Like our cat”, “Zainka on the hay ", "Two birds were flying", "We lived with grandma", "Wolf-wolf", "You are geese, geese", "Little cowardly hare", "Gulya, gula-dove", "Like ours at the gate", " Like on thin ice”, “Rain, rain, more!”, “Rainbow-arc”.

Fairy tales. “The Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok” (arranged by K.D. Ushinsky), “Teremok”, “Masha and the Bear” (arranged by M. Bulatov).

Author's works. E.E. Moshkovskaya. “Doctor, doctor, what should we do?”; G.M. Novitskaya. “The river is flowing”; R.S. Sef. “The one who washes his hands with soap”, “Although I’m not big”; R.A. Kudasheva. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"; M. Rodina. "Snowflakes".

Poems. A.L. Barto. “Toys” (“Bunny”, “Teddy Bear”, “Bull”, “Airplane”, etc.), fragments from the poems “Roaring Girl”, “Dirty Girl”, “April”; V. Biryukov. “The beetle has woken up”;

A. G. Kostetsky. "Barefoot Gosling"; E.E. Moshkovskaya. "Ears"; G.R. Lagzdyn. “Cockerel”, “Why is Egorka alone?”, “Bed”, “Washing”; E.A. Blaginina. “That’s what a mother is”, “We blow bubbles” (excerpt), “Rainbow”, “Our Masha”; E. Garlapak. "Snow Woman"; G.A. Ladonshchikov. "Winter"; Z.N. Alexandrova. “In little mittens”, “Felt boots”, “Delicious porridge”, “My bear”; N.P. Sakonskaya. “Where is my finger?”; I.P. Tokmakova. “Porridge”, “Garden”, “Autumn Leaves”, “Let’s Play”, “Bainki”, “Like on a hill - snow, snow”; N.V. Pikuleva. "Invitation to Dinner"; L. Gerasimova. “Legs are dancing”, “The Cherry Orchard”, “Gift for a Doll”, “Spring”; E.N. Uspensky. “About a boy who fights with a spatula”, “About a girl who sucks her thumb all the time”; G.A. Ladonshchikov. “Play Together”, “On the Sand”; L.M. Kvitko. “Swing” (excerpt); S.Ya. Marshak. "Ball"; L. Gerasimova. “Sunny Bunny”, “I draw polka dots”, “I draw the evening”, “We build a fortress from sand”;

B. D. Berestov. “Sick Doll”, “Sparrows”, “Happy Summer”; P.A. Samples “Treating a doll”; S.B. Kaputikyan. “Masha is drawing” (excerpt), “Masha is having lunch”; S.Ya. Marshak. "Children in a Cage", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse"; L.N. Tolstoy. “Nastya had a doll”, “Three Bears”; K.I. Chukovsky. "Chick"; V.G. Suteev. “Chicken and Duckling”, “Under the Mushroom”, “Who Said Meow”; V.F. Korkin. “What grows in our garden bed?”; P.N. Voronko. "Pie"; M.A. Poznanskaya. "It is snowing"; O.I. Vysotskaya. "Snow Bunny"; B.V. Zakhoder. "Builders"; V.A. Levin. “Sparrow Bathing” (excerpt); A.N. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has come"; A. Brodsky. "Sunny Bunnies"; AND I. Yashin. "After the rain".

Forms of work on speech development

The development of speech in the garden occurs in specially organized classes and in everyday life. With children 2-3 years old, the teacher plays different games, invites the little ones to do speech exercises, tells fairy tales, reads nursery rhymes and short poems by heart. Classes are conducted in subgroups.

The teacher talks with the children in the morning, during a walk, during games, after a nap or in other free time. The conversation arises spontaneously or is planned (the teacher sets the task of repeating a learned poem, automating an intractable sound, etc.). If the teacher talks to one child, then this is individual work. This is how speech develops in children.

Speech development tools

Speech development tools in the first junior group include toys, pictures, books, didactic games and exercises, and finger gymnastics. Any interesting and safe toy is suitable for speech development, but it is much more convenient and effective to have pre-prepared sets. For example, a didactic doll. This is an ordinary doll, but it comes with sets of clothes for different seasons, toy dishes, bathroom accessories, household items, etc. The toys also include puppet theater characters.

Pictures are divided into subject and plot. The first depict objects or objects of nature, the second - any events (children playing in the sandbox, a driver driving a truck, etc.). There are also pictures depicting people and animals.

At this age, for the development of speech, the works of A. Barto, E. Blaginina, Z. Alexandrova, other children's prose writers and poets, and small forms of children's folklore are used.

Didactic is a game organized by a teacher for the purpose of teaching children. Speech exercises are also aimed at learning, but they do not contain all the components of the game (game task, plot, rules). During finger gymnastics, students recite the text of a short poem or nursery rhyme and perform movements with their hands. The effect is that in the brain speech and motor areas are located nearby, so an impact on one of them activates the other.

Let us give examples of finger gymnastics, didactic games and exercises for speech development in the first junior group.

1. Fingers form a pinch, as if it were a brush. The child moves his hand up and down, saying: “I will paint the chair and the table, and the cat Masha with a soft brush.”

2. “Let’s lick the jam from our lips.” The teacher invites the students to imagine that they have jam on their lips, and they need to lick it off. Children make characteristic movements with their tongue. The exercise helps to increase the mobility of the tongue, therefore, clearer articulation.

3. “Who’s behind the tree?” The teacher shows a picture in which animals are hiding behind a Christmas tree, only the tails of the animals are visible. Children determine who is hiding.

4. “Fox, dance.” The kids ask the toy fox to dance. If the form of the verb is used incorrectly, then the character refuses to perform the action, and another child formulates the request. The fox dances, and the children use their voices to imitate the sound of musical instruments.

Features of speech development of children of the first junior group

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kucherenko

Features of speech development of children of the first junior group

In the speech development of a young child, the main thing is to stimulate his active speech. This is achieved by enriching the vocabulary, intensive work to improve the articulatory apparatus, as well as expanding the area of ​​communication with adults.

The main form of the pedagogical process in kindergarten is GCD (in this case, speech development )

Here the knowledge of children , which they acquired through practical means or received by acting with objects in their immediate environment, is concretized and clarified.
What activities can ensure the development of a child’s active speech?

First of all, the joint activity of an adult with a child, during which emotional contact and business cooperation are established. It is important for the teacher to organize joint actions so that he can call the child for verbal interaction or find lively, accessible reasons for the child to communicate. In the process of joint activity, the teacher does not set tasks for direct speech teaching. The setting of problematic language tasks here is situational in nature: the child says only what he wants to say, and not what the teacher planned. Therefore, the organization and planning of joint activities must be flexible. The teacher must be prepared for improvisation and for the child’s counter activity. In the process of joint activity, the child gradually develops the position of a junior partner , guided by an adult and constantly taking into account the latter’s initiative.

So, what forms of joint activity between a teacher and children on development can be identified at an early age? To answer this question, we should remember some features of young children :

• it is difficult for them to concentrate on monotonous activities that are unattractive to them, while during the game they can remain attentive for quite a long time;

• their attention is aroused by externally attractive objects, events and remains as long as interest remains;

• their behavior is situational and almost always consists of impulsive actions;

• they are characterized by imitation and easy suggestibility;

• they have a predominance of visual-emotional memory and visual-effective thinking[1].

The teacher must remember that when solving problems of speech development of young children, the activities that he organizes should be:

- event-based (associated with any event from personal experience)

and rhythmic
(motor and mental activity must alternate)

—procedural (young children have a great need to develop skills in everyday processes: they like the process of washing, dressing, eating, etc. To develop the child’s active speech, the teacher needs to accompany the child’s actions with words and encourage him to pronounce them).

In our work on the development of speech in young children, we use the following forms of joint activities:

- observation and basic work in nature;

— scenarios of activating communication;

— conversation with oneself, parallel conversation;

— fun games and round dance games to develop communication ;

- listening to fiction using colorful pictures;

— staging and elementary dramatization of literary works;

— games to develop fine motor skills ;

— didactic games and exercises;

- everyday and gaming situations;

- basic experimentation;

— means of oral folk art [4].

Of course, it is impossible to show all forms of joint activities in one day, so we will talk about those that, in our opinion, are the most interesting and effective.

Play is the leading type of activity at an early age, creating the most favorable conditions for the mental and personal development of a child , since in the process of play he himself strives to learn what he does not yet know how to do. The game, meeting the natural needs of the child, contributes to the normal development of his cognitive processes: perception, thinking, speech, memory, imagination.

Learn while playing! This idea has always fascinated many teachers and educators. In order for young children to master the necessary movements, speech, and various skills, they must be taught this. It is necessary to develop speech in children as the main means of communication with others. Speech communication between a child and adults is preceded by emotional communication. It is in emotional communication that the foundations of future speech and future communication are laid with the help of meaningfully pronounced and understood words.

The living environment in which a child is raised and the attitude of an adult towards him are of great importance for the development It is adults who play the leading role in the child’s speech development : the teacher in kindergarten, parents and loved ones in the family. The speech culture of adults, how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him , largely determine the success of a preschooler in language acquisition.

Didactic games were created for learning through play. We conduct them with toys, objects, pictures and on a verbal basis (verbal)

.Game activities allow you to activate the child’s existing vocabulary: the child finds himself in a situation where he is forced to use previously acquired knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions.

Playing educational games with toys and objects with children, such as “Doll Masha woke up”

“Toy Store”
, we help our students consolidate their knowledge of the names of clothes and tableware, activating and enriching their speech.

Using printed board games “Paired Pictures”

etc., we form
children’s , consolidate their knowledge about plants, animals and their babies , vegetables and fruits. Thus, in the process of accumulating nouns, generalizing concepts (clothing, dishes, furniture, toys, animals)
children’s .

By manipulating with toys during the game, we designate actions: walking, sleeping, eating, etc., i.e. we teach children to use verbs. Using games "More - Less"

“Wonderful Bag”
we develop children’s ability
to see the features of objects and highlight their characteristic features and qualities, consolidating knowledge about color and size, enriching children’s vocabulary with adjectives.
When working with young children, we consider the combination of visuals and words to be effective. Bright objects and pictures make the baby want to look at them. The child learns verbal designations of objects and phenomena of reality, their properties, connections and relationships. To enrich and activate children’s vocabulary we use “Wonderful Bag”

“Guess what it sounds like
children’s vocabulary with the help of didactic games “Guess and name”
“Guess who came to us”
“Who is doing what”
“Name the animals and tell me who screams what”
Thus, didactic games are educational games that help clarify and enrich the vocabulary of young children and activate their speech.
Creating an emotionally favorable situation helps to arouse in the child a desire to actively participate in verbal communication . And it is theatrical play that can create situations in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into dialogue and open up.

Consequently, theatrical play, having a great influence on the child’s speech development , stimulates his active speech by expanding his vocabulary and improving his articulatory apparatus.

In theatrical play, didactic, emotionally rich speech is formed. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Theatrical games promote the assimilation of elements of verbal communication (facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, voice modulation)


Of a special nature is the game that children create themselves, reproducing in it what is close and interesting to them (the actions of people with household objects, labor processes, people’s attitude towards each other, their recreation, entertainment, etc. ). Of course, in such games the theme, content and sequence of the displayed events are not determined in advance by adults, but are based on the life experience of children ; the rules are, as it were, hidden in the content of the events displayed. Such games are called creative, role-playing games.

The first joint games instill in children a sense of collectivism and friendship. Kids learn to communicate, make requests and proposals to their comrades. With the timely formation of a plot game, children of the third year of life begin to play together, sometimes in threes, entering into role-playing interaction. In games like Barbershop

“At a doctor’s appointment
,” we introduce children to the names of professions, teach them to take on a role, perform appropriate actions
(cutting, combing hair, treating, giving injections, etc.)
Initially, children imitate what you show them, then they begin to independently organize the game, enter into dialogue, and transfer actions from one object to another. During the games, we encourage children to name the objects they use and pronounce the actions they perform.
Games are often accompanied by poems and songs. The poetic text determines the course of the game, regulates the motor activity of children and their behavior. Kids listen to the words of the text and focus on the content. Poetic syllables set the rhythm of movement. Movements with speech accompaniment cultivate a sense of beauty, the ability to listen to every word of the teacher, and activate attention. When the game is repeated, the kids remember the words and begin to sing along.

When conducting outdoor games with text, we use appropriate attributes (pictures with game characters, we encourage them to repeat the text. We also involve shy children , who reveal their capabilities in the game, they develop speech , they learn to communicate with others. In outdoor games In order for the child to accept the plot, we characterize the depicted image, the toys must speak, thus creating a true play situation.

A developing subject-spatial environment promotes not only the creative , but also the speech development of children based on play activities. This environment provides playful activities and is also designed to help establish effective communication between children and the teacher and with each other. The equipment is located so that children can freely use it without resorting to the help of an adult, so that with its help the child can easily get involved in a play situation at any time.

Gaming activity creates that positive emotional background against which all mental processes occur most actively. In addition, gaming activities reveal the individual abilities and personal qualities of the child, and allow us to determine the level of his knowledge and ideas, which is necessary for the further effective work of the teacher with each child.

We also work among parents to introduce children In the corner for parents we display a folder with games, where we inform the goal and progress of the game. The formation of children's interests was noticeably influenced by the positive attitude of parents towards games, towards the children's enthusiasm for outdoor games and exercises. Parents listen to our consultations and often seek advice themselves. Such dialogue between educators and parents promotes confidential communication between parents and children.

Work systematically carried out in kindergarten and reinforced at home gives positive results. It can already be noted that children are more willing to play together and can agree on the use of toys. The teacher’s participation in the game is now quite natural.

In conclusion, it should be noted that we constantly work with children of primary preschool age and at the end of the school year we present our results to the teachers of the older groups to whom our pupils move.


1. Arushanova, A. G. Forms of joint activities of a teacher with children on development at an early age [Electronic resource]. —

Access mode: https://www.moi-detsad.ru/konsultac13.htm#_ftnref1

2. Arushanova, A. G. Speech and verbal communication of children : a book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 1999. - 272 p.

3. Karpukhina, N. A. Lesson notes for the of kindergarten, a practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh, 2007. - 207 p.

4. Kolycheva, T. I. Speech development of young children in the classroom and in everyday life [Electronic resource]. —Access mode: https://www.ivalex.vistcom.ru/konsultac146.htm

Methods and techniques for speech development

The main method of speech development at this age is conversation. Encouraging children to talk, the teacher asks reproductive (“who is this?”, “What is this?”) and search questions (“why are there puddles on the street?”, “Why wear a hat?”), stimulates contact with peers and adults (“ask at Masha’s, will she play with us?”

The next method is storytelling. The teacher's stories should be short in volume, interesting and meaningful. For example: “Guys, look at what a beautiful doll I have. Her name is Katya. Katya has soft, fluffy hair, brown eyes, a white blouse with buttons and a colorful sundress.”

Fiction also contributes to the speech development of children. The teacher reads poems and nursery rhymes by heart and retells short fairy tales. If the work is familiar to children, then you can use the technique of negotiation. The teacher begins the phrase, and the students finish:

Our Tanya loudly... (cries)

Dropped it into the river... (ball).

Since babies do not yet know how to think abstractly, preschool speech development is a combination of verbal methods with visual ones: demonstration of toys, small pictures, book illustrations, puppet and shadow theater scenes.

Practical methods are the organization of didactic games and exercises discussed above.

"Wonderful bag"


focus on the gender of the noun when defining an object by its characteristics.

Materials: hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, bag.

Let’s tell the children something like this: “A hare came to our kindergarten. Runaway bunny, what's in your bag? Can I have a look? What is this? (Carrot.) What carrot? (Long, red.) Put the carrots on the table. And what's that? (Cucumber.) What cucumber? (In the same way we take out a tomato, apple, etc.)

Now the hare wants to play with you. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will put his paw into the bag, take a vegetable or fruit and tell you about it, and you must guess what the bunny has in his paw. Listen carefully. It is long and red. What is this? (Carrot.) It is green and long. What is this? (Cucumber.) It is round and red. What is this? (Apple.) It is round and red. What is this? (Tomato.)"

Planning work on speech development

Speech development in preschool educational institutions is carried out on the basis of a long-term plan, which is drawn up by the teacher in accordance with the kindergarten education program or other program document. The long-term plan is drawn up in the form of a list or table. The name of the month, topic and program content of the lesson are indicated. An example of a long-term plan is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Long-term work plan for October

Lesson topicProgram content
1A cat came to us To consolidate ideas about a toy, expand the active vocabulary in the field of onomatopoeic words (“meow”, “bang”), nouns (“kitty”, “cat”, “ears”, “tail”), adjectives (“smooth”, “fluffy” ), verbs (“go”, “give”). Develop attention and thinking. Cultivate responsiveness and kindness.
2For a walk in the autumn forest Form ideas about the autumn forest, expand the active vocabulary in the field of nouns (“autumn”, “forest”, “tree”, “leaves”), adjectives (“yellow”, “red”), verbs (“turn yellow”, “fall” ), prepositions (“with”, “on”). Develop attention, perception, thinking. Cultivate curiosity.

Based on the long-term plan, a summary of speech development is drawn up. In addition to the topic and program content of the lesson, the notes indicate the material used (toys, pictures, etc.), describe the preliminary work (if carried out), describe in detail the remarks and actions of the teacher, and the expected answers of the children. A summary is also a kind of plan. Speech development occurs systematically. Young specialists write detailed plans and notes, but an experienced teacher needs a long-term plan.

Summary of a lesson on speech development for the first junior group “The bunny came to visit us”

Summary of a lesson on speech development for the first junior group “The bunny came to visit us”

OO “Speech Development”:
- teach to pronounce the sound “ay” clearly and for a long time.
— activate children’s speech, encouraging them to answer questions. OO “Cognitive Development”:
- continue to teach the difference between red and green colors.
— to cultivate interest in understanding the world around us OO “Physical Development”:
— to form the expressiveness of movements, the development of coordination of movements.
Visual, game.
(hare, cabbage, carrots)
Lesson progress

Greeting "Everyone clapped their hands"

Everyone clapped their hands, together, more fun!
Our feet started pounding, louder and faster! We'll hit you on the knees. Hush, hush, hush. We raise our hands, our hands, higher, higher, higher! Our hands began to spin. They went down again. They circled, circled and stopped. Educator:
Guys, a guest came to us today.
Do you want to know who it is? (Yes)
Then guess the riddle.
He has big ears, Shorty - a round tail.
He loves to eat cabbage. Who is this? Here's the question! (Hare) Educator:
Well done, you guessed it correctly, it’s a hare.
(The teacher shows a toy - a hare.)
Guys, what kind of bunny?
(Gray, Soft, Fluffy)
Let's say hello to him.
(The children say hello to the bunny. He greets the children. The children look at the hare.)
The bunny is a runner, what's in your bag?
Can I have a look? What is this? (Carrot)
What carrot?
And this?
What kind of cabbage?
Guys, is the bunny asking you and me for help? Shall we help the bunny pickle cabbage for the winter? Children's answers (Yes) Finger gymnastics “Pickling cabbage”
We chop and chop the cabbage.
(Use your hands to show how we chop the cabbage)
- We chop three or three carrots.
(Use your hands to show how we rub the carrots)
We salt and salt the cabbage.
(Add a pinch of salt to our fingers)
We mash the cabbage.
(Crush the cabbage with your hands) Didactic game “Let's teach the bunny to speak correctly” Goal:
To develop intonation expressiveness.
The bunny brought a wonderful bag with him.
It contains different pictures. The bunny will talk. What is written on them? If he says it wrong, you will teach him to say it correctly. Ishka – children correct “bear” Herringbone – squirrel Onik – elephant After “training” the bunny begins to name all the objects correctly. Game situation “Walk through the autumn forest” Teacher:
“Guys, the bunny invites us to walk through the forest with big and small legs.”
Big feet walked along the road - TOP, TOP, TOP, (children walk with big steps)
Small legs ran along the path - stomp, stomp, stomp
(children run on their toes)
Oh, guys, where did our bunny run?
Let's look for him? Let's all call him together! Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Bunny! - Well done, kids, we found a bunny. The bunny thanks you for your help and invites you to play with him. Outdoor game “The little gray bunny is sitting”
- Guys, did we help the bunny?
- How did we help the bunny? (children's answers)
- And the bunny has prepared gifts for you (medals, treats)
. - Let's say goodbye to the bunny. Let's tell him goodbye. And let's go back to kindergarten. Along a level path, along a level path, We walked, we walked, we walked We arrived at the kindergarten.

Recommendations for parents on speech development in children

For the development of speech in the first junior group to be successful, the efforts of the teacher are not enough. Much depends on the parents and close relatives of the child. Teachers advise mothers and fathers to talk with their children more often, discuss various questions (“why does a flower grow?”, “what color is the sky?”, “what should we feed the cat?”, etc.).

An adult's speech should be clear and moderately loud. You cannot copy a child’s statements or pronounce words the way a child does.

With the help of parents, you can perform puppet shows based on the plots of familiar works, and memorize short poems. The teacher places a list of books and texts of poems in the parent's corner.

You should be attentive to children's issues. If you can’t immediately satisfy the baby’s curiosity, then you can give the answer later, look for the necessary information in books.

You need to treat the child’s speech very carefully, follow the teacher’s recommendations, and, if necessary, contact a speech therapist.

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