Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group

From the author

The successful implementation of program objectives depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life of a preschool institution, the atmosphere in which the child is raised, and on a specially designed, thoughtful developmental environment.

The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children and all preschool employees who communicate with preschoolers during the day.

The system of work on teaching children their native language and introducing them to fiction is presented in the works of V.V. Gerbova “Development of speech in kindergarten” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008), “Introducing children to fiction” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008).

The manual “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten”, written within the framework of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, supplements recommendations on the most important area of ​​pedagogical activity - targeted and systematic training of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to provide educators with approximate guidelines for planning lessons (defining topics and learning goals, ways to implement them).

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