Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “My Family”

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, look at the picture I brought you today.

(place the picture on the stand)

-What will you call this picture? painting " Family "


-Do you like to solve riddles?

-Now, I will ask you riddles, and you must guess who we are talking about.

tell a fairy tale at night .

-What can your grandmother do? (children’s answers, the teacher seeks complete answers)

Grandfather: He wears glasses, reads a lot of books, knows a lot of fascinating stories. He helps his grandmother: he goes to the store and the market, receives a pension and does not harm his grandchildren.

-What is your grandfather like?

Mom: They call her the very first, most beautiful word on earth. This is the most dear person to you.

-Who is this riddle about? (about mom)

-What kind words do you call your mother? (mom, mommy, mummy)

-And in the old days, mother was affectionately called mother. (repetition by children)

-And the last riddle.

Dad: He is strict, attentive, spends all his free time with you: he takes you to the circus, during vacation he takes the whole family out into nature .

- That's right, what can dad do? (cut down trees, play football, etc.)

-What is your dad like? (strong, brave, courageous)

- Guys, do you know what people close to you call? (if children have difficulty, the teacher helps them)

- That's right, they are called relatives or relatives.

-Tell me, who are brother and sister? (relatives)

-What about your cousin? (relative)

-And auntie is daddy’s sister, who do you want? (relative)

-And uncle is daddy’s brother? (relative)

Physical exercise: (finger gymnastics: children bend their fingers into fists)

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

Together, a friendly family (children bend and unbend their fists)

-Today for class , I asked you to bring a photo of your family . I also brought a photo of my family and I want to tell you about it

Teacher's story "My family "


story according to plan:

1. How many people are in the family ? (name them)

2. Tell us about each of them : where he works, studies, what he likes to do in his free time.

3. What does your family when they get together?

4. Why and why do you love your family ?

- Guys, did you like my story ? Why?

-Who has questions for me? (answers children's questions)

-And now, you yourself will write a story about your family . (2-3 answers)

(Then the children quietly tell stories to each other )

Didactic game “Who owns what”

. (A word game in which children name 3 objects that belong to grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, brother, sister.)

-Do you guys know sayings about family ? (if they know, then name and explain)

-Listen to another saying.

Your family is your most faithful friends.

-Explain how you understand it. (Children's answers)

Summary of the lesson .

( stories are recorded to decorate the corner.)

Photo materials for the project “My Family

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Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic “My Family”

Finger game:

One, two, three, four, (the child clenches and unclenches his fists)

We washed the dishes for mom (rub one palm against the other)

A teapot, a cup, a ladle, a spoon and a large ladle (we bend our fingers, starting with the thumb)

We washed the dishes for mom, (rub one palm against the other)

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The spout of the teapot is broken,

We broke the spoon a little (we bend our fingers starting with the little finger)

This is how they helped mom! (clench and unclench our fists)

Collective application

Educator: now let's remember about our boy, remember he has a family, let's settle this family in a beautiful house where they will all live happily!

Let's go to the table, the details of the house are laid out here, they need to be glued onto paper in such a way that you get a beautiful house (instructions: first glue the base of the house, then glue the roof, then the windows and doors, stick everything in a certain sequence, neatly and beautifully )

You guys are so great! We have a beautiful town, our family will live comfortably and well in it. Sit down on the floor, we'll play a little.

Game “Name the Missing Word”

Educator: guys, I will read out proverbs with missing words, and you try to find out which words I missed and name them.

“It’s warm in the sun, good in the presence of (the mother).”

“There is no sweeter friend than my own (mother).”

“Gold and silver do not grow old, (father and mother) have no price.”

Educator: what a great fellow you are! What proverbs do you know about family? (children's answers)

Exercise “From seed to tree”

Educator: come on, you and I will play a game called “From seed to tree”

I will be the Gardener who cares for the seed, the parents are water, without which the seed cannot grow, and you will be the seed.

You turn into a small seed, wrinkled, shrink into a ball, cover your head with your hands. I, the Gardener, treat the seeds very carefully, water them with water (pats the head)

With the warm spring sun, the seed begins to grow (children rise)

Its leaves open (the arms stretch upward, the stem grows (the body stretches out, branches with buds appear (the arms spread to the sides, the fingers clench into fists, and the moment comes when the buds burst (the fingers sharply unclench, and the sprout turns into a beautiful tree).

Summer is coming, the tree is good, it admires itself, smiles at its neighboring trees.

Guys, look, an exhibition of drawings “My Family” has opened in our garden. Come and look at the piles of drawings? Who wants to talk about their family? (along the way, the teacher asks about family members: what is the name of mom, dad? Who is the eldest in the family? Who is the youngest? Do you have a brother or sister? Who looks after you more? How do you take care of your family? What would you like to wish for your family?

Lesson "My Family". Compiling stories from family photographs

Galina Panina

Lesson "My Family". Compiling stories from family photographs


TOPIC: Compiling a descriptive story based on the photograph “My Family


GOAL: To teach children to compose a story according to the teacher’s plan. Develop the ability to vividly, coherently, consistently describe incidents from the life of your family . Learn to form words using diminutive suffixes and select related words.

EQUIPMENT: painting Family

, family
photographs of children , didactic game “Who owns what”

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