Summary of educational activities for FCCM in the preparatory group “My Family” Summary of educational activities “My Family” Purpose:
Article “New approaches to interaction with the family of preschool children within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard” Leisure forms
Social and communicative development in the senior group of preschool educational institutions Author-compiler: Ramazanova Khadizhat Gazibekovna, teacher of MBDOU "DSKV" Zolotoy
Minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten We present to your attention a large collection of minutes of parent meetings
“Journey to the Dairy Country”, “The Adventures of Kolobok” In the development of “The Adventures of Kolobok” children come to the rescue
Card index on the topic “Outdoor games by season for the second junior group” 5. “Homeless hare.” Target:
Observation as the main method of environmental education for preschool children Observation as the main method of environmental education
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Organization of motor activity of a preschooler in the daily routine. One of the most important tasks of our
"Centers for the development of children's creativity in the preschool group" Consultation for teachers at the preschool educational institution "Development Centers"