Traveling through fairy tales lesson plan (senior group)



1 Volkova Tatyana Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva Olga Anatolyevna Fiskovets Oksana Vladimirovna Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 257 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd” LESSONS IN THE SENIOR GROUP “TRAVEL TO THE CITY OF FAIRY TALES” Type: communication (speech development) Type: general Topic: “Travel to the city Fairy tales » Age of children: older group Method of organizing children: group Purpose: using various techniques to help children remember the name, content of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters. Objectives: Educational: continue to introduce children to oral folk art and fairy tales. Developmental: develop the ability to recognize individual fairy tales by characteristic features and patterns; develop the emotional sphere of the child’s personality, psychological processes (memory, imagination).

2 Speech: to activate speech, enrich vocabulary, learn to select adjectives and antonyms that determine the character of the characters. Educating: to cultivate interest in fairy tales, promote the development of moral qualities, evoke sympathy, a desire to come to the rescue. Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Physical Education”. Methodological techniques: game situation, looking at books, illustrations, showing diagrams, speech games, riddles, summing up. Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, diagrams for fairy tales, dramatization based on fairy tales. Demonstration material: diagrams for fairy tales, books with fairy tales, a chest with “fairy-tale objects”, illustrations based on the fairy tale “Teremok”. Handouts: cut-out pictures, diagrams of fairy tales. Progress: - Good morning, dear children! Let's greet each other: - Hello, sky! (raise your hands up), Hello, sun! (make a circle above your head with your hands), Hello, earth! (lower your hands smoothly), hello, all my friends! (all the guys hold hands and raise them up). - Guys, tell me, do you like fairy tales? (Yes) - Where do we learn fairy tales? (From cartoons and books) - That's right, and to read a book, you need to open it. Finger gymnastics “My Book” - Guys, do you believe in miracles? Then I invite you to go to the city of Fairy Tales by train: “The carriages, carriages rattle along the rails. They are taking us to a fabulous city with a group of guys!”

3 - Here we are. Make yourself comfortable. Look, there's some kind of chest here. I wonder what's in it? (Children take turns taking objects out of the chest and name which hero or fairy tale this object is associated with. D/i “Guess which fairy tale” (Key, egg, pie, arrow, first aid kit, walnut shell, bowls). The teacher takes out an envelope from the chest and reads the address: Kindergarten 257, to the children of the group “Zvezdochka” from the Snow Queen. “You disturbed my peace and I will freeze you and leave you here if you do not complete the task.” - Oh, guys, I don’t want to be frozen . Well, let's complete the tasks? Finger gymnastics “Favorite fairy tales” Task 1: “Assemble an image of fairy-tale characters from cut pieces and say: who is this and from which fairy tale.” Task 2: “Guess the names of fairy tales from book covers” (Exhibited on the board ) Task 3: “Confusion” - the fairy tale “Teremok” is mixed up, you need to arrange the illustrations according to the plot. Task 4: The Snow Queen mixed up the names of the fairy tales, everything needs to be corrected: “Ugly Kitten”, “Three Little Wolves”, “Sunny Queen”, “Cockerel” Ryaba”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Crocodile”, “The Wolf and the Seven Tiger Cubs”, “Pashenka and the Bear”, “Turkey Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Nikitushka”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf”, “Sister Fox and the gray mouse", "Green Riding Hood", "Cat in Felt Boots". -Well done! Justice was restored. I suggest you go to a fairy tale: Fizkul.

4 Task 5: “Name the name of the fairy tale based on the diagrams” (Diagrams with fairy tales on the tables) “Find a card with a diagram from the fairy tale” (“Mitten”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Three Bears”. Task 6: “Which these excerpts from fairy tales?": - "Are you warm, girl?" ("Morozko") - "The Wolf lowered his tail into the hole and sentenced" ("The Wolf and the Fox") - "I left my grandmother and left my grandfather" ("Kolobok" ") Psycho-gymnastics "Kolobok": - Show how thick Kolobok's cheeks are (Children puff out their cheeks), - Show with your hands how Kolobok rolls. Depict a sad and then cheerful Kolobok, - Passing the ball to each other, let's tell what kind of Kolobok he is. ? Task 7: “Name the second part of the name”: Brownie (Kuzya), Vasilisa (Beautiful), Old Man (Hottabych), Postman (Pechkin), Doctor (Aibolit), Signor (Tomato), Chanterelle (Sister), Kroshechka (Khavroshechka) . - Guys, you know that in fairy tales there are good (positive) and bad (negative) characters. Which fairy tale hero did you want to be like? Why? (The good ones, because they do good deeds). I have a magic wand, with its help we will turn negative character traits into positive ones. Task 8: “Say the opposite”: deceitful - truthful, cowardly - brave, evil - kind, greedy - generous, lazy - hardworking, stupid - smart, weak - strong, dirty - clean, sloppy - neat. - Well, it seems that we have completed all the tasks and the Snow Queen will not freeze us. We not only visited the city of Fairy Tales, but also did a lot

5 good deeds that helped the heroes of fairy tales. Let's remember what we did and who we helped? (Children's answers). - And now it’s time for us to go back: “The carriages, carriages are rattling along the rails. They’re taking a group of guys back to the group!” I want to wish you to grow up as lucky as Ivan Tsarevich, kind like Emelya, hardworking like Cinderella, resourceful like Puss in Boots, economical like Matroskin. You can always meet your favorite fairy-tale characters on the pages of books. Now you can go to the corner of the book, new fairy tales will greet you there.

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