Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Winter” outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group)

Frontal speech therapy session with presentation for the senior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Frontal speech therapy lesson for children of the senior group “Jam from the clouds”
The article was compiled based on materials from Elena Matvienko, Lydia Slutskaya, E. Koshkarova, T. Kersten.
This material is intended for speech therapists and kindergarten teachers.
The lesson notes were compiled taking into account the federal educational standard for preschool education. Frontal speech therapy lesson for children of the senior group “Jam from the clouds” Goal: the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity. Program content Educational objectives: - teach children to establish contact with each other, promote group cohesion; - help reduce emotional stress and impulsiveness. Developmental: - develop attention, speech, imagination, memory, thinking. Educational: - cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. Preliminary work: Vocabulary work: self-massage, landscape. Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation, gas scarves of different colors, handouts for non-traditional finger painting “Baby Elephant”, stereo system, fermented milk product.
Progress of activities:
I. Organizational moment. 1. Game - greeting with musical accompaniment. 1: Come in, come in, all the kids! It's good that you came. - Well, hello, guys! - Hello! - How are you feeling? - Very good! - It's time for us to get busy. - Yes Yes Yes! - We will all try - Just like always. - We will draw and answer questions. I ask you guys to repeat after me. 2: Come in, the puppies have come to visit us. Answer as they do. - Well, hello, puppies! - Woof woof woof! - How are you feeling? - Woof-woof-woof-woof-woof! - It's time for us to get busy. - Woof woof woof! - We will all try - Woof-woof-woof-woof-woof! - We will dance and sing songs. I ask you, puppies, to repeat after me. 3: Come in, come in, all the kids! It's good that you came. - Well, hello, guys! - Hello! - How are you feeling? - Very good! - It's time for us to get busy. - Yes Yes Yes! - We will all try - Just like always. - We will draw and answer questions. I ask you guys to sit down at the table now. II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson. - Today you and I will play with the clouds. And you will find out how we will do this a little later. III. Main part. 1. Conversation about what color clouds are. — Guys, what color are clouds? - White! - Is it only white? No. Clouds come in other colors, and you will find out which ones by watching the presentation. Attention to the board. 2. Multimedia presentation with musical accompaniment “Sunset Jam” Have you ever tried Sunset Jam? Here it is strawberry, Well, and then blueberry. A bit unusual, but tastes great. Such a wonderful dinner is always ready for us. Don't forget to blow off the foam from the fresh clouds. 3. Discussion of what was seen. — What color are clouds? - Red, orange, blue, purple, gray, single, crimson. - Why is this happening? — The sun rises and sets, painting the clouds in different colors. 4. Self-massage with handkerchiefs. The guys receive gauze handkerchiefs of different colors and do self-massage under the guidance of an educational psychologist. — The clouds are falling onto our palm. — First we stroke the right palm, then the left palm. — We stroke the arms from the shoulder to the fingers. — We pass the handkerchief between our fingers. - Let's hide the cloud in our fist and release it. Place tissues next to the child. 5. Physical exercise “Baby Elephant on a Cloud.” There lived a gray little elephant on a white cloud. He flew quietly across the blue sky. And the little elephant trumpeted colorful songs about what he saw and loved. When he looked at the bright Sun, He sang red songs cheerfully. When he lowered his head down, he sang green songs. 6. Collective work in the non-traditional technique of finger painting (trunk) with the help of a baby elephant. – We are not releasing the baby elephant. We will ask him to stay with us and help us draw clouds in the sky. IV. Summary of the lesson. - What did you like?
-What was fun? “And now we’ll all taste the clouds together.” The guys taste the clouds (fermented milk product). Presentation for frontal speech therapy classes for the senior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

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Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson for children of the senior group “Jolly Dwarves.”


automation of sounds [v –v].


Develop phonemic awareness.

Differentiate sounds [v-v].

Learn to do sound analysis of syllables.

Practice using plural nouns. h. in R. p. with the word “many”.

Practice composing sentences based on the model.

Develop visual attention and memory.

Equipment: paper figurines of gnomes, pebbles made of cardboard in blue, green, red, images of lanterns, leaves on strings, houses made of cardboard with red, blue, green roofs, a chest with object pictures whose names contain the sounds [v-v].

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

— Guys, would you like to go on a trip?

— The gnomes Grumpy and Cheerful will go on a journey with us.

The speech therapist puts pictures of gnomes on the board.

— What is the first sound in the name Grumpy? And in the name Veselchak?

“Today we will go on a journey with the gnomes and study the sounds [v –v].

2. Articulation and characteristics of sounds [v-v].

- Guys, make the sound [v]? -What sound is that?

- Why is he agreeable? Is it hard or soft? Is he voiceless or voiced?

- Now let’s pronounce the sound [v]. What is he like?

- That's right, consonant, soft, sonorous.

3. Game "Lanterns".

— Guys, in order to go on a journey, we must complete the first task of the dwarves. The gnomes have lanterns that they would like to decorate. Let's make them colorful.

- I will name the sounds, and you designate them with the corresponding circles:

- a-p-u-b-v-v-y-p-b-i-

In front of the children are blue, green and red circles. Children take turns characterizing the sound, choose a circle and place it on a magnetic board:

- Now the lanterns will light our way.

4. Game "Stormy River".

- Guys, here we come to the river, near which there are pebbles. Let's complete the following task for the gnomes: I will name the syllable, and you lay out the diagram.

The speech therapist calls the syllable va, the children lay out the corresponding “pebble circles”, and a sound analysis of the syllable is performed. The syllable vi is parsed in the same way.

5. Exercise “Sound songs”.

- And the one who sings the sound song will cross the river.


You – in – va, etc.

Va - vya - va, etc.

If one of the children does not cope with the task, another child helps him and they jump over the stream, holding hands.

6. Exercise “Breeze”.

- Well done, everyone crossed the river and we ended up in a clearing. And in the clearing a strong wind blows and moves the leaves on the trees. Let's blow on the leaves together with the Dwarfs.

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