Notes for preschool educational institutions on the section “Cognition” on familiarization with maritime professions.

Relevance of maritime professions

In order to decide to enroll in a maritime university, you first need to figure out whether the gamble is worth the candle, because maritime education is not cheap. But in fact, the cost of education will pay off almost on the first flight.

Sailors have always been needed at all times, because sea routes of communication are one of the modes of transport, in addition to road and air. Therefore, maritime professions are among the most in demand not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Transporting goods by water is a faster and more affordable way of transportation. If you have firmly decided to connect your life with the sea, you will definitely not be left without work.

A sailor is not a profession, it is a calling

Marine specialties: vintage or fashionable?

There has always been a demand for sailors. The fact is that sea transport is one of the main modes of transport along with air and road. At the same time, cargo delivery by sea is considered the most accessible and fastest method of transportation.

There are no random people here, because everyone who came to enroll in maritime professions (and the list of options is huge) knows exactly what they want. And since childhood.

And they don’t go into the maritime field rashly, because training here costs a lot. True, expensive education pays off almost immediately, literally on the first flights.

Advantages and disadvantages of working at sea

In order to make a decision to become a sailor, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This work is difficult both physically and mentally. But there are advantages that may outweigh all the disadvantages.

Let's talk about the pros first:

  1. Salary. It is known that sailors earn good money. On foreign ships the salaries are even higher. The sailors are fully supported and there is simply nowhere for them to spend money, with the exception of rare and short-term stays in ports. Therefore, returning from a voyage, the servant of the sea brings a large sum.
  2. An opportunity to see the world. Sailors travel a lot and visit different countries. When they call at the port of another state, they get new impressions that they so need on long voyages. Unusual cuisine, imported goods, sights - these are just some of the advantages of maritime professions.
  3. Own business. Having saved up enough money from flights, you can open your own business so that you can be with your family. Even a small transport company will generate stable income

Now about the disadvantages of working at sea:

  1. Insulation. You will spend most of your time away from shore in the company of the same people. If you are selected to work in an international company, you may become the only Russian-speaking employee on the ship. This is psychologically difficult, especially for people who are used to communicating in large companies or among friends.
  2. Working conditions. The watch on the ship lasts 6 hours, then 6 hours of rest. Drivers, for example, work in conditions of increased noise. Frequently transported goods carry potential dangers: chemical waste, oil, gas. Typically, vacation is accompanied by vibrations, pungent smells, loud sounds and the absence of any entertainment, and, in fact, also takes place at work.
  3. You will constantly be away from your family. Coming home after long voyages, you will find that your children are growing up without you and that much has changed in the house without your participation. Some sailors feel like strangers in their own home.

Main pros and cons of the profession

Like any profession, the specialty of a sailor has its positive and negative sides.
Let's take a look at the advantages it has:

  • the opportunity to see the whole world while remaining at work;
  • very high salary;
  • there is an opportunity to save money, since during the voyage the main expenses are borne by the owner of the ship;
  • there is an opportunity to learn a foreign language and get acquainted with the culture of different peoples;
  • Unlike other working professions, there is a very long vacation, reaching 4-6 months.

Now we need to consider the disadvantages of the specialty:

  • it will be very hard physical work;
  • separation from family and relatives may last 1 year or more;
  • while sailing you can encounter various types of dangers, ranging from natural disasters to attacks by pirates;
  • not all ships can boast that they provide the crew with maximum comfort;
  • you have to live and work in a limited area for a long time;
  • conflicts with team members are possible;
  • very often seafarers cannot claim a pension. This is due to the fact that payment to the pension fund is voluntary for them, and therefore simply does not exist. In this case, they are obliged to take care of themselves in old age on their own.

Now you know who belongs to the profession of a sailor, who it is, what responsibility is assigned to them.

You may be interested in the article: Who is a navigator.

What are the maritime professions?

The maritime profession does not mean only service at sea. There are many specialties in this industry. Conventionally, they can be divided into: sailors and shipbuilders. Let's take a look at some of these specialties.

For those who want to walk by sea:

  1. Captain of the ship. This is the commander of the entire ship. He is responsible for the entire deck crew. Plots the route and commands the loading and unloading of the ship. His salary starts from 460,000 rubles per month, and captains on ships with dangerous cargo receive even more.
  2. Chief engineer. This is the head of the engine room; all drivers, mechanics and ordinary personnel report to him. He is responsible for the smooth operation of the vessel and its maintenance. The salary of a senior engineer starts from 300,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the vessel and the cruising range.
  3. The assistant captain is the captain's deputy in his absence. He must know navigation and routes, and be able to properly organize a team. Depending on the total number of crew, the volume of the vessel and the cargo being transported, the captain may have several assistants engaged in different activities: Chief Mate, First Mate, Second Mate, and so on. The salary of an assistant captain depends on his rank and is approximately 200,000 rubles.
  4. Assistant chief mechanic. By analogy with the captain, this is the deputy chief engineer. He should be able to do everything the same as a senior mechanic, but his area of ​​responsibility is narrower. The average salary of an assistant chief mechanic is 200,000 rubles.
  5. The boatswain belongs to the deck crew. He is the boss of all sailors, draws up a schedule of shifts and controls their work. The average salary of a boatswain is 100,000 rubles.
  6. A sailor is a junior member of the deck crew. He moors the ship, carries out instructions for the boatswain and the captain's mates. The salary of a long-distance sailor starts from 60,000 rubles.
  7. A mechanic is a junior employee in the engine room; he monitors the operation of the ship’s mechanisms and performs preventive maintenance. The average salary of a mechanic is similar to that of a sailor.

Of course, there are many specialties on board a ship depending on the type of ship: these can be fishing boats, cruise ships, oil drilling vessels and many others. In addition to ordinary navigation, there are also professions of submariners. Their work is associated with increased risk, because submarines are powered by nuclear reactors, and this is radiation. And in the event of an accident, it will be necessary to devote all efforts to eliminating the malfunction, because there is no escape from the submarine.

For those who cannot imagine a long separation from home, there are maritime specialties in the field of shipbuilding:

  1. A shipbuilding engineer is a specialist who designs the construction of ships. The work is very responsible; he must take into account many factors. The average salary of a shipbuilding engineer is 75,000 rubles.
  2. A ship's electrical and radio installer installs, repairs and configures radio equipment on a ship. Accuracy is very important in this matter, because electrical switching equipment is extremely important for ship navigation. The average salary is 45,000 rubles.
  3. A marine mechanic repairs mechanical faults of a ship while it is in dock. The average salary of a mechanic is 75,000 rubles.
  4. Shipbuilder. Based on the name, it is clear that this is a person who builds ships. The profession is quite complex, because ships have a lot of parts made of different materials. The average salary of a shipbuilder is 100,000 rubles.

These are just a few specialties that you can master at maritime universities or colleges. The list of professions is large, and everyone can choose a profession to their liking. Mostly men go to work at sea, but there is a place for women there too; cooks on ships earn from $1,000 a month. Women also became more common among captain's assistants.

The captain of the ship is almost a TOP manager, only stronger, higher, faster

Marine specialties for girls

Do you want to know what sea-related professions are available for girls on a ship? Representatives of the fairer sex are well suited for entertainment or service professions on ocean ships and cruise ships.

But today, more and more often, women can be found in captain and navigator positions, as well as in the positions of pilot and skipper, and ship doctor.

But the most common professions on board are related to entertainment:

  • entertainment show moderators;
  • dancers and vocal groups;
  • animators;
  • stewards;
  • specialists in the restaurant and tourism business.

The richness of the aquatic world and phenomena led to the development of research areas, so you can often find on such ships female professions of marine biologist, oceanographer, climatologist, etc.

How to find a job after university?

After graduation, you will receive an international diploma, because all ship-owning companies are subject to the International Maritime Organization, which issues uniform operating standards for all countries. But even with an international diploma, it’s difficult to find a job on your own.

For this purpose, there are crewing companies, from the English word “crew” - ship’s crew. These companies act as intermediaries between seafarers and ship owning companies. They search for employees for ships in accordance with the employer's requirements. Therefore, you do not have to send out your resume to companies yourself.

What should you be prepared for?

Since maritime transportation of goods over long distances allows for significant savings, the demand for professional seafarers will always be high. Especially if they have extensive experience or have a useful specialty.

However, when choosing to work on a ship, you should be prepared for the fact that it will take place in very limited conditions. Moreover, there will not be many amenities. And the atmosphere prevailing in the team will play quite a big role.

This is due to the fact that the voyage can last more than a year, and this is a serious test for the psyche, especially if there are internal conflicts.

What additional skills should you learn to get a better job?

During education in maritime specialties, emphasis is placed on learning English. All documentation is prepared in English, as it is the international language for shipowners around the world. In addition, having mastered the English language at the proper level, you will quickly find a job in a foreign company. A simple sailor in a European or American company receives from 3,000 USD.

It is also advisable to master some specialty on land. The fact is that work at sea is physically difficult and your health can be undermined. Therefore, if you do not pass the medical examination, then your work with the sea will end and you will have to look for yourself on land. It will be useful to master an applied technical specialty similar to a maritime one.

Work at sea is for real men with nerves of iron and excellent health. You will be able to see different countries, enjoy the beauty of the sea, and most importantly, earn a decent amount of money. With all her shortcomings, she is worth it to train as a sailor and conquer the seas.

What kind of profession is this?

A project like Wikipedia calls the sailor profession one of the most interesting and romantic. This is not surprising, because what could be more interesting than going to sea, overcoming the power of the elements and oneself. However, it is worth considering in more detail what kind of profession a sailor is and what you should know about it.

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First of all, it is associated with difficulty and a large number of tests that only a high-level professional can withstand. Sailors are members of the crew of ships of any type and purpose. These can be passenger, transport or military ships. Hence it is worth saying that such a specialist must be a generalist, since very often, due to the small number of technical personnel, he will have to perform the main types of work.

Naturally, from the total number of seafaring specialists, those who will have specific characteristics and perform work only available to them will stand out.

These are specialists such as:

  • cook - cook;
  • navigator;
  • captain.

The profession of a sailor is in demand in all port cities. You can be hired for service on any ship where there is a vacancy. Moreover, the more experience you have, the greater your chances of ending up as a crew member.

It is worth saying that it is important to know one, or better, several foreign languages, because a ship making international voyages may have an international crew. After all, sailors often go abroad to work under a contract.

Progress of the game.

Children. We need to build a ship.

(Children begin to build a motor ship, the teacher helps)

Educator. What a wonderful ship it turned out to be. I would like to know about the professions you play.

Now you already have a ship, but who is in charge here?

Educator. to meet you . What is your name?

Educator. What does a captain do on a ship?

Child: I monitor the work of the team, watch how the engines work. I know how to properly navigate a ship along the desired route. I also make sure that all passengers have a good time on my ship.

Educator. Where is the captain's workplace?

Child. In the control room on the captain's bridge.

Educator. Dear captain, where is your ship heading?

Child. Our ship is heading to the city of Surgut.

Educator. I'm on the same path with you.

Child (mouthpiece)

. Raise the anchor, raise the gangway. Full speed ahead.

Who is the captain's assistant, who does housekeeping on the ship?

Educator. Who is our boatswain? meet you ? What is your name?

Tell us about your work.

Child: I work as a boatswain, making sure that the ship has food supplies and items necessary for the journey. I monitor the work of the sailors and ensure that the ship is clean.

Educator. And who is standing here and spinning such an unusual wheel?

Child. This is not a wheel, but a steering wheel. I am the helmsman and make sure that the ship is on the right course. Checking it against the map and compass.

Educator. I know the helmsman needs excellent vision. Let's do a little exercise for your eyes. (To music)

Teacher (inhaling through nose)

. Something smells so delicious, something delicious is probably being prepared. Who's working here?

Educator. Who is a cook and where does he work?

Child. A cook is a cook, he prepares food. He cooks it in the galley.

Educator. And if you run out of food, where will you get it?

Child. will catch me fish .

Educator. I would like to try your fish.

Child. Now I’ll ask the sailors to catch it . (Makes a request)

Educator. Guys, which of you are sailors? What is your name and what do you do on the ship?

Child. We restore order and make sure that our passengers have a good time on the ship. We fish and clean the deck.

Educator. And I know that sailors love to dance in their spare time.

Dance "
Sailors " (free dance)

Educator. Guys, something must have made me sick. Who will help me on your ship because the shore is far away?

Educator. Introduce me to the doctor . Dear doctor, what is your name? Tell me about your profession , how do you work on a ship?

Child. I treat sailors and passengers. I measure their blood pressure and set up thermometers. I give medicines and do bandages.

Educator. I met , it seems, the entire crew of the ship. Guys, who are you on this ship?

Child. We are passengers. We travel along the Ture River to the city of Surgut.

Educator. Dear captain, it seems we are approaching the city of Surgut

Child. Lower the anchor. Lower the ladder.

The teacher leaves the ship with the children.

Educator. Guys, I really liked it on the ship. You spoke very interestingly about naval professions .

When you grow up, what would you like to become?

1. Krasnoshchekova N.V. “Plot-role-playing games for preschool children”


Rostov-on-Don. 2007

2. T. V. Potapova “Conversations with preschoolers about professions

Moscow. 2003

3. T. AShorygina
Professions . What are they like? "Gnome"
Moscow. 2004

4. Internet resources.

"Day of the Military Sailor." Sports entertainment for children of middle and junior groups. THE PRESENTER – the commander-in-chief of the Fun Exercises – welcomes the participants of the holiday. “I wish you good health, dear guys! I wish you good health, dear ones.

"Winter Kaleidoscope". Cognitive lesson in the middle group Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of winter with its characteristic features. Objectives: 1. To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about winter and phenomena.

Integrated game educational lesson in the middle group “Eco-travel” Topic: “Eco-travel”. Program content: To give an idea of ​​miracles-transformations in nature; introduce forest masters to spiders;

GCD in the OO "Cognitive Development" in the senior group on the topic "Furniture" Goals: to form children's ideas about the furniture that is in the kitchen, hallway, living room, and playroom, children's room, bedroom; expand.

Educational entertainment for the middle group. Topic: “Visiting Fedora.” Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about different types of dishes, their names, and uses in everyday life. Form ideas about table setting.

Educational lesson “Signs of Autumn” in the middle group Objectives: 1. Teach children to notice and name changes in nature: it gets colder, precipitation, wind, fruits and roots ripen, birds fly away.

"Pets". Cognitive lesson in the middle group Correctional educational objectives: 1. To form an idea about domestic animals, their appearance and lifestyle. 2. Form a generalization.

Sports and educational event in the preparatory group. Topic: “Excursion to the world of sports” State budgetary educational institution “school” No. 2057 Sports and educational event in the “Yolochka” group Topic: “Excursion.

Modeling lesson in the middle group. Topic: “Daisies” Purpose: to teach children to determine the content of their work, to use familiar techniques in modeling. Objectives: learn to convey the features of each.

Lesson on Speech development in the middle group. Topic: Spring Direct educational activities in the middle group Date: May. Educational area “Speech development” Theme “Spring”.


Cognitive lesson in the middle group. Topic: “Profession of a sailor”

Svetlana Devyatkova
Educational lesson in the middle group. Topic: “Profession of a sailor”

Social and communicative. Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society. Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers. Forming children's readiness for joint activities. Fostering friendly relationships between children. To form a desire to organize role-playing games; distribute roles. Create conditions for creative self-expression. To instill in children respect for the work of naval workers.

Cognitive development . Expand children's ideas about naval professions . Provide knowledge about the importance and significance of their work.

Speech development. Continue to develop speech as a means of communication . Enrich children's speech with adverbs that denote relationships between people and their attitudes toward work. Develop the ability to maintain a conversation.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Continue to develop children’s ability to establish a connection between the structure being created and what they see in the life around them; create a variety of buildings. Continue to develop the ability to work collaboratively. Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness. Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey the character of music through movements. Learn on your own, come up with movements, reflecting the character of the song.

Physical Culture. Improve children's motor skills and abilities.

Game material. Construction set, kitchen utensils, hospital

, steering wheel, lifebuoy, flags, dolls, substitute items, captain's cap, sailor suits, binoculars, ladder, anchor, microphone, camera.

Preliminary work. Reading works about sailors and the fleet. Modeling boats. Conversation about the work of fleet workers.

What personal qualities should a seafarer have?

The cost of ships and cargo transported, not to mention the priceless human lives, require a high level of responsibility from the seafarer. Every member of a ship's crew must be useful. There is no room for mistakes or negligence on a ship, so...

Representatives of this profession are disciplined, organized and attentive people.

Every year, seafarers undergo a medical examination, based on the results of which a decision is made on their professional suitability. Therefore, the presence of any diseases will interfere with professional activity. High loads require good physical fitness and endurance. To withstand constant pitching, a sailor must have a well-developed vestibular apparatus. Mental health is equally important, as being surrounded by a limited number of people and not being able to set foot on solid ground can cause stress and depression.

Patience, endurance and the ability to maintain good relationships with others will also help you survive a long voyage. The sailor must be attentive and quickly respond to the situation. No less important qualities will be analytical thinking and the ability to master oneself under stress.

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