Project for the senior group “Nature is our friend or enemy?” according to the rules of safe behavior in nature

Summary of OOD in the senior group on the topic “Safety in the forest and park”

Summary of OOD in the senior group on the topic “Safety in the forest and park”

Author: Chirova Polina Sergeevna, teacher of MBDOU No. 79 “BOY-KIBALCHISH”, Severodvinsk

This work is useful for educators. The summary is intended for children of the older group (5-6 years old). The notes can be used as a main lesson, as well as as a circle lesson.

Program content:


Formation of children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature (in the forest, park).


1. Formation of knowledge in children about sources of danger in the forest, park: insects, plants, fire, old trees.

2. Formation of knowledge in children about the rules of safe behavior in the forest.

3. Formation of knowledge in children about actions in dangerous situations in the forest.

4. Development of attention and logical thinking.

5. Foster a sense of caring for your health.

Methods and techniques:

conversation, looking at illustrations, reading poems, artistic expression, didactic games, reading fiction.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. What is a forest? (many trees, mushrooms and berries grow, animals live in the forest).

- Why do people go to the forest? (rest, breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms, berries). What is a park? Why do we go to the park?

- Right! Why do we need fresh air? (so as not to get sick, to be healthy).

— A forest is the green wealth of nature, beauty, health, a place where you can relax and take a walk! So now we will go with you to the forest to relax and breathe fresh air. And for a walk in the forest, we need to take with us items that may be useful to us.

A d/i “What should we take with us on a hike” is held - items that may be useful in the forest are selected.


It seems they took everything and forgot nothing.

(audio recording “Sounds of Nature” is played)


So we came to the forest. Let's look at the illustrations on the board. What do they show? What dangers await us in the forest and in the park?

Do you know what grows in the forest? (mushrooms, berries, herbs).

- Now we’ll check how you know the plants of the forest. (Game “Edible-Inedible”.


How many mushrooms and berries grow in the forest! Are we collecting them? (Yes)

— Can all mushrooms, berries, and herbs be picked? (no, there are edible and inedible, poisonous).

— Why can’t you collect inedible plants?

They cannot be collected, as they are hazardous to health and also serve as medicine for animals.

Listen to one short story. The girl Masha was picking berries when she suddenly saw an unusual, unfamiliar berry, ate it, and after a while her stomach hurt. What should a girl do? (children's answers).

Week "Safe behavior in nature"

Natalia Arzabuzova

Week "Safe behavior in nature"

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual educational activities in special moments Creation of an educational environment for independent activities of children

Monday 10/22/2018 Morning Conversation: “What is the natural

Goal: Contribute to the formation of knowledge about the
natural . D / game “Be careful in
nature Purpose: to consolidate children’s ideas about dangerous situations in
nature , teach the rules of safe behavior , develop memory, and cultivate a sympathetic attitude towards the victim. Morning exercises. Goal: improve skills in basic types of movements; form correct posture. Work on developing fine and gross motor skills “Trace the tomato with dots
With Sofia, Polina, Kostya. When dressing for a walk, fix the names of clothes, shoes, hats - develop fine motor skills, cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers. poster “Rules
of behavior in nature .

D/game Safety in nature

OOD 1. Physical culture (see plan)

2. Familiarization with the objective and social world. “It’s good in our garden”

. Teach children to navigate some nursery rooms. cultivate a friendly attitude and respect for employees. O. V. Dybina, from 30

Walk Walking map No. 14. “Birds fly away to warmer lands”

.Goals: continue to acquaint children with
natural phenomena in autumn , the life of plants and animals (flight of birds)
; promote the development of observation, curiosity, horizons, and search and research skills; cultivate a love for birds.

Individual. PHYSICAL work. Goal: To teach children to roll a ball in front of them and catch up with it. (Tanya, Vasilisa, Maxim)

Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep Goal: to form the need for daily physical activity.

Analysis of the situation “If you are bitten by a mosquito”

Goal: To establish the rules for handling insects. d/game “Collect a plant”

.Goal: to form children’s ideas about the structure of plants, its parts and their significance for plant life.
Yana, Pavel, Miroslav. Situational conversation “Sunny bunnies”
. Goal: to develop a sense of community with other children. Improve your ability to participate in a general conversation. Pictures depicting the main parts of plants.

Evening walk Children play independently in the area. Goal: continue to teach children to play independently; interact in a team; give in to each other; share toys; cultivate interest in children's games. Generalization of ideas about typical spring phenomena in inanimate nature .

P/i “Bird and Cat”

“Birds and a car”
- exercise running, the ability to navigate in space, endurance.

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual educational activities in special moments Creation of an educational environment for independent activities of children

Tuesday 10/23/2018. Morning Conversation “How sand can become dangerous”

Goal: show the child games with sand and warn him that playing with it
is unsafe : you need to be careful and make sure that sand does not get into your eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, head. Situational conversation “Why you can’t pick inedible mushrooms and berries”
Morning exercises. Goal: improve skills in basic types of movements;
form correct posture. D/I “How many beetles are there”
Develop the ability to distinguish between one and many. (Maxim, Makar, Nastya)

Continue to teach children to take off their clothes before going to bed and hang them neatly on their high chair, and remember their clothes.

Pictures of insects.

OOD 1. FEMP.Goals: to improve the ability to compose a group of objects from individual objects and to single out one object from the group, to denote the totality with the words one, many, none; continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle, examine it tactile-motorly and compare circles by size: large, small. Pomoraeva, 15.

2. Physical education (see plan)


Walk Walking map No. 15. “How trees prepare to meet winter”

.Goals: continue to introduce children to the trees of their immediate environment; fix the names of coniferous and deciduous trees; tell how they prepare to meet winter, that they are a habitat for animals and birds; promote the development of observation, curiosity, horizons, and search and research skills; cultivate a love for plants.

Ind. work with Sasha, Maxim, Artem. Practice balance.

Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Goal: to form the need for daily physical activity. Research activities. “Here it is, shifting sand”

Purpose: to introduce the properties of sand.
D/I (mosaic) “Fold the bee” (team work)
Develop constructive abilities, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes. Playing with sand.

Develop independent play activities; imagination, fantasy. Pavel, Veronica.

Situational conversations about the rules of cultural behavior at the table during dinner (chew with your mouth closed, use a napkin, develop the ability to properly use a spoon, napkin) Sand, molds, spatula

Evening walk Observing the clouds. Purpose: to develop children's powers of observation, imagination, and fantasy; develop skills in writing a descriptive story.

P/i "Birds and Chicks"

Goal: to develop dexterity, the ability to navigate in space.

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual educational activities in special moments Creation of an educational environment for independent activities of children

Wednesday 10/24/2018. Morning Conversation “We are young friends of nature

Goal: To encourage emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side of the world around us.

Didactic game “You can - you can’t”

Goal: To form basic ideas about ways of interacting with animals and plants, about the rules of
behavior in nature .
Morning exercises. Goal: improve skills in basic types of movements; form correct posture. Learning finger exercises “Mushrooms”

Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Cultivate neatness, respect for personal belongings, the belongings of a friend, and a culture of behavior in the locker room .
OOD 1. Music (according to the music director’s plan)

2. Hood. esthete. development. Modeling. “A gift for your favorite puppy (kitten)

. Form imaginative perception and imaginative ideas, develop imagination. Teach children to use acquired skills and abilities in modeling. T. S. Komarova 57


Walking map No. 16. “Like thin ice”

.Goals: continue to introduce children to
natural (light frost in the morning, the sun still warms in the afternoon)
; promote the development of observation, curiosity, horizons, and search and research skills.

Instructions for strengthening ATS: practice jumping on both legs while moving forward. Anya, Veronica, Alisa Gr.

Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

Goal: to form the need for daily physical activity. Presentation “Poisonous mushrooms and berries”

Target. Expand children's horizons. Enrich knowledge.

D/ game “Put the fungus in your box”

Learn to recognize poisonous and edible mushrooms. Indian modeling workshop with Artem, Roma, Dinar “Treat for dolls”
Purpose: to teach children to roll out lumps of plasticine with straight movements, to connect the ends of the resulting stick.
“What we collected from the garden”
Purpose: To teach to recognize vegetables and develop speech.
Insert pictures “Poisonous mushrooms and plants”
Purpose: To develop basic
Evening walk

Observation "Evening Shadows"

.Goal: To give ideas about the appearance of shadows, to update ideas about the properties of light. Develop speech, thinking, imagination, curiosity, interest in the artistic word.

Communication games: “Who can name the most?”

"What happens if?"
Goal: to develop coherent speech, the ability to logically express one’s thoughts.

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual educational activities in special moments Creation of an educational environment for independent activities of children

Thursday 25.10.2018. Morning Conversation “Cats can be dangerous too”

Goal: Expanding understanding of the rules
of safe communication with animals, domestic and wild. Consideration of a series of plot pictures “What is good and what is bad” Purpose: To teach children to distinguish good behavior from bad . Pay attention to the fact that good behavior brings joy and health to both yourself and the people around you. Morning exercises. Goal: improve skills in basic types of movements; form correct posture. Ind. Job. With Yana, Karina, Pasha. Games with sounds “Guess what rustles, what makes noise”
Purpose: to develop auditory perception and attention.
Cultivate a desire to take care of your health by washing your neck, face, hands with cool water (during the day)
Series of pictures “What is good and what is bad”


OOD 1. Speech development. Reading of A. Blok’s poem “Bunny”

Memorizing verse. A. Pleshcheeva “Autumn has come...”
Goals: to help children remember the verse.
A. Pleshcheeva “Autumn has come...”
When perceived, verse. A. Block “Bunny”
to evoke sympathy for the bunny. Gerbova, 40

2. Physical education (see plan)

Walk Walking map No. 17 “Playing with shadows”

natural phenomena (the reflection of the sun in glass or a shadow on the ground)
; promote the development of observation, curiosity, horizons, and search and research skills.

Ind slave with Lera, Miroslav - exercise endurance running.

Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Goal: to form the need for daily physical activity.

Word games “Guess the description”

Goal: learn to guess the word from the description.
Develop attention, memory, speech, vocabulary of children. Teacher’s story “How to dress for the forest”
Purpose: To expand children’s knowledge on the topic.
Individual work with Anya, Roma, Alisa Ger. Did game "Colors"
- learn to find pictures of the desired color and distribute them into groups.
To develop in children the ability to find activities of interest, play with other children, and avoid conflict situations. d/game “Colors”
Evening walk Observation of the starry sky. Goal: to develop curiosity, attention, the ability to find beauty in the surrounding world.

Outdoor games “On a level path”

“Catch a mosquito”
Purpose: to teach children to combine push-off with a wave of their arms when jumping, and to maintain balance when landing.

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual educational activities in special moments Creation of an educational environment for independent activities of children

Friday 26.10. 2022 Morning Teacher's story “What to do if you get lost in the forest”

.Goal: Instill the basics
of safety , rules of conduct in the forest . Examination of medications in the first aid kit and demonstration of first aid for cuts and insect bites. Goal: to develop first aid skills. Morning exercises. Goal: improve skills in basic types of movements; form correct posture. Ind work on speech development with Nastya, Seryozha. Learning the song “Little Hedgehog”
. Goal: to develop speech and auditory perception.
d/i “What would happen if.”
Goal: solving situations, life safety, development of speech, thinking, imagination.

Staging of the nursery rhyme "Cat's House"


Bringing a first aid kit with bandages, cotton wool, and medicine bottles into the center of role-playing games.

OOD 1. Art. - esthete. development. Drawing. "Blow up, bubble"

. Teach children to convey images of outdoor play in drawings. Strengthen the ability to draw round objects of different sizes. Develop the ability to paint with paints and hold a brush correctly. T. S. Komarova s. 56

2. Musical lesson. (according to the music director’s plan)


Walk Walking map No. 18 “Gloomy sky”

.Goals: continue to acquaint children with
natural phenomena in late autumn (night frosts, snow, cloudy weather)
; learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships; promote the development of observation, curiosity, horizons, and search and research skills.

Ind slave in physical training with Pasha, Maxim, Lera “One, Two, Tri-run”

- learn to act on the teacher’s signal.

Evening Final entertainment Safety in nature

.Goal: To develop attention, memory, thinking when solving problem situations, the instinct of self-preservation.
Articulation gymnastics with Egor, Sasha “Horse”
. Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. To form in children a conscious attitude towards order, a desire to maintain order in the environment.

Evening walk Observing the clouds. Purpose: to develop children's powers of observation, imagination, and fantasy; develop skills in writing a descriptive story.

Word game on life safety. “What to do if you get lost”

Goal: to develop speech, thinking, imagination.

Summary of the lesson “Safety in nature” preparatory group

Topic: “Safety in nature”

Objectives: Educational:

— To develop basic environmental knowledge in children, to teach children the rules of behavior in the forest. — To develop in children knowledge of safe behavior: rules for handling fire hazardous objects, skills in protecting personal health and caring for the health of others. — Teach some first aid techniques in case of injury;


— Develop a cognitive interest in the natural world, an idea of ​​what actions harm nature. — Develop speech in conversation, logical thinking, attention through didactic games, the ability to make simple conclusions, inferences.


— To instill in children environmental behavior, a responsible, humane, careful, emotionally positive attitude towards nature. — Instill labor natural history skills.

Equipment and material: Layouts: trees, fire, diary “The ABCs of safety in nature”

Signs: “Do not litter in the forest! ", "Do not leave an unextinguished fire in the forest", "Do not make noise in the forest! "

Items: backpack, items for d/i “What will we take with us on a hike”: box of matches, garbage bag, first aid kit, brilliant green, adhesive plaster, water bottle, cubes, iron.

“garbage”: juice boxes, candy wrappers, empty bags of chips, empty bottles of yoghurt and drinks.

Visual demonstration material:

Pictures depicting forest and vegetable garden plants; Safety signs.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part: conversation

Educator: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. What is a forest?

(many trees, mushrooms and berries grow, animals live in the forest).

- Why do people go to the forest?

(rest, breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms, berries).

- Right! Why do we need fresh air?

(so as not to get sick, to be healthy).

— A forest is the green wealth of nature, beauty, health, a place where you can relax and take a walk! So now we will go with you to the forest to relax and breathe fresh air. And for a walk in the forest, we need to take with us items that may be useful to us.

A d/i “What should we take with us on a hike” is held - items that may be useful in the forest are selected.

Educator: It seems they took everything and forgot nothing. We will also take this book with us. It is empty now, it has blank pages. We will put in it everything we learn about during our walk. (children line up one after another and go into the forest)

Main part:

(audio recording “Sounds of Nature” is played)

Educator: So we came to the forest. What is this? (there is a lot of garbage scattered in the clearing). The whole clearing is in the trash! Who did this? Is it possible to relax in such a clearing? What should we do, guys?

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