Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in junior group 1

long-term planning in the first junior group

Accepted: I approve:

At the pedagogical council, the head of a structural unit

structural unit of GBOU Secondary School No. 3 urban settlement Bezenchuk

"kindergarten "Kolosok" No.___ "kindergarten "Kolosok"

“___”_________________20____ ________________ N.A. Glebova



State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region

Secondary school No. 3 urban settlement Bezenchuk municipal district Bezenchuksky

Samara region, structural unit "kindergarten "Kolosok"

For 2022 – 2022 academic year


Teachers: Meleshkina K.V.

September, 1 week.
Topic: “Goodbye summer! Hello kindergarten!

Direct educational activities. Topic of the week Program content Literature
Monday 1. Communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult

2. Motor activity

“A Journey through a Kindergarten Group!”

"Visiting the Children"

Introduce children to the premises of the kindergarten and the rules of behavior in kindergarten. Create conditions for successful adaptation

Practice walking in a straight direction, develop a sense of balance; cultivate positive emotions.

V.V.Gerbova page 33

Abstract No. 1

Tuesday 1. Drawing/ modeling

2. Perception of the meaning of music

"Tili-tili dough..."

(introduction to plastic materials)

Introduce children to dough as an artistic material. Create conditions for experimental recognition of the properties of dough plasticity. Develop tactile sensations and fine motor skills.

According to the music director's plan

I.A.Lykova, p.18.
Wednesday 3. Object activities and games with composite and dynamic toys Experimenting with materials and substances

2. Perception of the meaning of music

"My funny ringing ball" Development of objective actions. Introduce the ball and game actions with it.

According to the music director's plan

I.A. Pomoraeva,

V.A. Pozina, page 10.

Thursday 1. Perception of fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures

2.Motor activity

"Funny pictures"

introduction to book graphics)

Arouse interest in looking at pictures in children's books. Introduce book graphics. Develop aesthetic perception. I.A.Lykova, p.16.

Abstract No. 1

Friday 1. Self-service and actions with household items - tools

2.Motor activity while walking

We came to wash ourselves!” Teach children to wash themselves properly; cultivate cultural and hygienic skills; be careful (do not wet clothes, do not splash water)


According to the plan, physical instructor

O.P.Vlasenko, p.39 KZ

Summary of GCD in the 1st junior group on the formation of a holistic picture of the world

Summary of the direct educational activities of children in the 1st junior group on the formation of a holistic picture of the world.
Topic: “Pets” Author: Akhatova Ramzia Vilsorovna, teacher of the preschool educational institution “Solnyshko” Kindergarten Integration of educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Fiction” “Music”, “Physical education”, “Artistic creativity” - drawing. Goal: To develop cognitive interest in the world around us, to form ideas about domestic animals, to evoke a desire to draw in an unconventional way. Objectives: Educational:
Teach children to distinguish by appearance and name the most common domestic animals.
Form an idea of ​​the animal, its appearance, and nutrition. Developmental:
Develop understanding of speech, thinking, memory, attention, observation.
To promote the development of interactive speech, enrich the vocabulary of children. Educational:
To cultivate love and caring attitude towards pets, curiosity.
Preliminary work: 1. Observation of pets while walking. 2. Learn by heart flowing songs about pets Methods and techniques: - Surprise moment. — Creating a game situation, artistic expression. — Phys. just a minute. - Help from the teacher: questions, demonstration, praise, encouragement. Material: • audio recording of chickens chirping, “The chicken went out for a walk” • basket, fluff, plate, model of a bone;
• toys: cat, dog, chickens. • sheets of paper, cotton swabs, gouache. Progress of GCD
Guys, someone is knocking on our door, I’ll go and have a look.
Brings in the basket. Look, they handed us a basket, let's see what's here. There are feathers here. I'll give them to you now. Prepare your palms. Look how small, fluffy, light they are and how they can fly. Now I put the feather on my palm and blow on it, the feather flies. Can you do that? Children blow and play with feathers. Who do you think lost these feathers? Whose are they? Maybe someone needs them? Let's go along the path to look for who lost these little feathers, and so that they don't fly away, we'll hold them tightly in our hands. -The game “On a Level Path” is played. (Children walk one after another and perform the movement in accordance with the text) Here are our feet walking: Top, top, top On a level path Top, top, top We walk merrily, raise our legs, Over the pebbles (jump) Jump, jump, jump over the pebbles, Thump into the hole. (squat). Educator. Look who lives here? Whose tail is that peeking out? (takes the children to a house made of building material). The children answer. Kitty. That's right, it's a cat. What kind of fur coat does he have? Soft, fluffy (children petting a cat toy) The teacher tells a nursery rhyme. (children help in chorus with the movements). Like our cat's fur coat is very good, Like a cat's mustache is amazingly beautiful, bold eyes, white teeth. Educator. Do you think these might be his feathers? No, he has fur. So it wasn't the cat who lost these feathers. Let's treat him and move on. What does the cat like? (children's answers). Children feed the cat. Educator. We wish her bon appetit. Children. Goodbye, cat. - The game “On a Level Path” is repeated. Children approach the teacher’s screen. Look who it is? This is our dog Zhuchka. Call her: “Bug, come out! "(The song “Here is Bug's dog" is sung) Here is Bug's dog with a squiggle tail, playing with the children, barking very loudly - Av-av-av! Does Bug have feathers? No, she has fur like a cat’s: soft, warm. So it wasn't the Bug that lost a feather. Let's treat the Bug and move on. What shall we treat her to? (children's answers). Eating a bone, bon appetit, Bug. And we will continue to look for whose feathers these are. -The game “On a Level Path” is repeated. Educator. Children, have you heard? Someone squeaks: pee-pee-pee. Let's look in the basket. Children find chickens (soft toy). Who is this? Chickens. What are they? (children's answers) small, fluffy. How do they squeak? (pee-pee-pee). They probably froze without their mother. Let's take the chickens and warm them up (children breathe). Look for fur or feathers on the chickens. Let's put our feathers on the chickens to keep them warm and soft. While Mother Chicken is away, let us sing them the song “The Chicken Went Out for a Walk.” Children perform movements in accordance with the text). Educator. Our chickens are also hungry, what should we feed them? And I have nothing else in my basket. Let us draw grains for them. Take your seat. We will draw with cotton swabs - show us how to take them. (with two fingers) In front of you are leaves with painted plates, dip them in paint and apply dots. The grains should be small, small. Educator. Well done, now we can feed the chickens. Bon appetit! Our chickens have eaten, let's put them in a warm nest.

We recommend watching:

Abstract of the GCD “Cognition” The world around us in the 1st junior group Synopsis of the GCD in the first junior group using ICT on the topic “Grains for the chicken” Synopsis of the GCD in the group of young children Synopsis of the GCD in the 1st junior group

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