The importance of role-playing games in the development of preschool children

The meaning of the game for a preschooler

In the game, the child practices communication skills
. The preschool period is the most important time for personality development. It is during these years that the baby receives his first knowledge about the life that surrounds him, he begins to develop his own opinion on what is happening, a certain attitude towards people and events, habits and behavior skills are formed, which forms the basis of his character. Much of the above is most often formed through play. It is through play that a child gains knowledge and develops communication skills, forms a worldview, expands his cognitive sphere of activity, and develops dexterity and discipline. Thus, the game becomes the best way for a preschooler to absorb information and social experience.

Role-playing games are of great importance for the development of a preschool child as a person.

“Role-playing games are games of a collective nature that develop children’s ability to communicate with peers.”

From about the age of three, role-playing games occupy a major place in the life of a younger preschooler. It is in this area that the child’s personality develops, the development of his cognitive processes is activated, and the foundations are laid for mastering new, more complex types of activities. While playing, preschoolers reflect in the roles they try on themselves everything they see around them: events, adult behavior patterns, etc. Participation in role-playing games allows the child to feel like a part of the children's team, to be critical of themselves and people.

The importance of role-playing games in the upbringing and development of a child

For a preschool child, play is a leading activity, a form of organizing life activity, and the main means of comprehensive development.
Starting from early preschool age, children show interest in play. However, they do not fully master gaming skills, and therefore children are very interested in playing with an adult. By middle preschool age, children already know how to play with each other; one of the most interesting games for them is role-playing game.

Definition 1

A role-playing game is a game that has a specific plot - a series of interconnected events and situations, and the roles that are distributed among its participants, and are the main core of the game.

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Role-playing games are aimed at developing memory, thinking, imagination and personality in general in preschoolers.

The pedagogical value of a role-playing game lies in the fact that in addition to the relationships that are dictated to children by the plot of the game, other real and actual ones arise between them. During the game, children learn to interact with each other, understand how they relate to successes and failures, and learn to resolve conflict situations. The game helps the child overcome his timidity and embarrassment, and develops a variety of skills (work, play, communication, etc.), depending on the plot of the game.

Role-playing games teach children to independently establish relationships with the team and develop productive communication skills.

The game can be organized by a teacher who explains the plot to the children, assigns roles and manages the entire process of the game. The game can also be organized by children independently. When organizing the game independently, children themselves assign roles and follow the development of the plot. The game can be organized by children based on a fairy tale they read, a cartoon they watched, or the plot can be invented spontaneously (for example, a game of school, hospital, etc.).

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In the process, role-playing games and joint play activities help children develop organization, responsibility, self-control and self-regulation skills, and consistency with the actions of other children. As the plot of the game develops, children acquire planning skills, creative imagination, initiative, activity, determination, etc.

Note 1

Thus, the role of role-playing games in the upbringing of a preschool child is very great, since it contributes to the comprehensive and complete development of the child’s personality and the formation of the necessary skills and abilities.

Let's play at life

There is no game without a plot.
The plot is the main element of a role-playing game. There will be no game without it. The plot is the area of ​​activity that children reproduce. While playing, a preschooler reproduces actions, events, relationships from life, while his play actions (examining a patient, preparing a pie, building a house, etc.) are the main means by which he realizes the plot. The plots of the games are different.

“Did you know that game plots change over time? Their content depends on the historical period, the state of the country’s economy, natural and geographical features of the area, and cultural traditions. There are also plots of games without time, for example, in “Hospital”, “Family”, “School”.

The next important element of the game is its content , which the child embodies through a certain role. The role is the main component of the game and the means of implementing the plot. A role for a child is his position. That is, the child, accepting a role, identifies himself with some hero and lives in the game according to the principle of conformity to this role, based on his own ideas. The role is based on rules of behavior that the baby borrows from the adult world, adopting the behavior of adults. Already at three years old, the child wants to act not only independently, but also like an adult.

One of the features of role-playing games is their social orientation

Features and benefits of role-playing games:

  1. Certain rules and their observance by children.
  2. Social orientation of games.
  3. Rich emotional palette.
  4. Development of intelligence.
  5. Active development of creativity.
  6. Speech development.

By playing role-playing games, the baby develops intensively and diversified.

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The importance of role-playing games in the life of a preschooler

N.V. Mikhachik, teacher at MBDOU “Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 9 “Rodnichok”, Nyandoma

“A game is in no way an exercise in some particular function. This is the form of life of a preschooler, the main means of his development and the formation of specific human abilities...” D.B. Elkonin

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements for the basic general education program of preschool education, a significant difference is the exclusion of educational activities from the educational process as not corresponding to the patterns of child development at the stage of preschool childhood. It becomes urgent for preschool teachers to search for other forms and methods of working with children.

At each age, there is a leading activity, within which new types of activity arise, mental processes develop, and mental new formations arise.

Play is undoubtedly the leading activity of a preschooler. It is through play that a child learns about the world and prepares for adult life. When properly organized, the game creates conditions for the development of the child’s physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities and ensuring the social success of the preschooler. Three interconnected lines of child development: feel-know-create harmoniously fit into the child’s natural environment - a game, which for him is both entertainment and a way of understanding the world of people, objects, nature, as well as the sphere of application of his imagination. The game acts as a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults, where everything is intertwined and interconnected.

A number of conditions contribute to the successful implementation of gaming activities and increasing the effectiveness of play development in preschoolers:

  1. Free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game: not imposition of games, but involvement in it.
  2. Children must understand well the meaning and content of the game, its rules, and the idea of ​​each game role.
  3. The game should have a positive impact on the development of the emotional-volitional, intellectual and rational-physical spheres of its participants. With the help of the organization of gaming technologies, children are given the social experience of playing (teaching gaming skills).
  4. A sufficient amount of time for play and the availability of those toys that help children realize their plans, i.e. creation of an object-game environment.
  5. When creating a play environment, the gender differences of children should be taken into account (the interests of both girls and boys should be respected equally); carry out timely changes in the play environment, taking into account the enriching life and play experience of children and in accordance with their interests.

There are different types of games - active, didactic, theatrical and role-playing.

Psychologists rightly believe that role-playing play is the highest form of development of children's play. The child grows and develops, and the game develops with him - from the simplest everyday plots he moves to more complex ones, reflecting all areas of human activity.

Role-playing games are of great importance in the mental development of a child, developing voluntary attention, memory, imagination, and creativity. The rules that are mandatory when playing the game instill in children the ability to control their behavior, impulsiveness, and negotiate with partners, contributing to the formation of character. While playing together with peers, children learn to communicate and the ability to take into account the desires and actions of others.

Playing a role-playing game, getting used to some image, the child reproduces his impressions, rethinks and reveals them.

The basis of the role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him.

Children's independence in role-playing games is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves choose the theme of the game, determine the line of its development, decide how they will reveal the roles, where the game will unfold, etc.

Each child is free to choose the means of embodying the image.

The main structural component of a role-playing game is the plot. Without it there is no game itself. Throughout human history, the plots of children's games have changed.

The stories are divided:

  • Social services (family, kindergarten)
  • Production ones, reflecting the professional work of people (games of hospital, store, car, etc.).
  • Public (celebration of City Day, school)

Another structural component of a role-playing game is content.

The content of the game is what is reproduced by the child as the central and characteristic moment of activity and relationships between people in their everyday and social activities (D. B. Elkonin).

The content of the role-playing game is embodied by the child through the role he takes on. A role is a means of realizing the plot and one of the main components of a role-playing game.

Every role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the life around him. Submission of the child to these rules is the most important element of role-playing play.

In the game, as in any activity of children, the teacher plays a leading role. In the game, adults teach children a lot and shape their moral qualities.

The teacher's advice and suggestions support the children's interest in the game and help bring it to the end. This is important for developing perseverance and focus in preschoolers.

When leading a role-playing game, the teacher must always remember that it is necessary to develop the initiative, independence of children, preserve their spontaneity, and the joy of play. Any kind of coercion should be excluded from the methods of managing the game, never fantasize for the child, do not invent a game for him. Only with such guidance does gaming creativity develop successfully.

Methods of managing children's play can be divided into traditional (R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya) and new (N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova, E.V. Zvorygina, S.L. Novoselova)

D.V. Mendzheritskaya argued that the teacher has the right to intervene in the game if this is required in order to give her the right direction. But an adult’s intervention will only be successful when he enjoys sufficient respect and trust from children. She believed that the main way a teacher influences children’s play and raising children in play is through influence on its content, i.e. on the choice of topic, plot development, distribution of roles.

A N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova believe that in order for children to master gaming skills, the teacher must play with the children. They propose to consider the management of role-playing games as a process of gradually transferring to preschoolers increasingly complex ways of constructing a game. The transfer is carried out in joint play between an adult and children.

Techniques for directing a role-playing game can be direct and indirect.

Direct guidance involves direct adult intervention in children's play. It can be expressed in role-playing participation in the game, in participation in the collusion of children, in clarification, in providing assistance, advice during the game, or in proposing a new topic for the game.

Indirect guidance of play is especially fruitful when working with preschool children. The teacher expresses his judgments while playing with children exclusively in the form of advice, without demanding strict obedience.

Watching the play of children in the second younger group, we saw that children not only play little, but also do not know how to play. This means that the child does not develop activity, imagination, creativity, or important communication skills. We set ourselves the goal of teaching children to play role-playing games. And through play, expand children’s knowledge about the work of adults. For the first acquaintance with this topic, we chose the profession of a doctor.

Based on these goals, we developed the project “Introduction to the professions of a doctor and a nurse .

Project participants: teacher, medical worker, children and parents of the second junior group.

Project type: short-term; cognitive-research; creative and informational.

Problem: Every profession is unique. Children of primary preschool age do not have clear ideas about the variety of work activities of adults. Children do not clearly understand the specifics of a doctor’s work, what objects he needs in his work, and do not know how to develop role-playing interaction - role-playing dialogue.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that through acquaintance with the professions of a doctor and a nurse, preschoolers enrich their knowledge and ideas about the work of adults, expand their vocabulary, and also learn about the importance and significance of this profession.

The goal is to form a holistic understanding of preschoolers about the profession of a doctor and nurse through different types of children's activities.


  • To develop in children the ability to play according to their own plans, to stimulate children’s creative activity in play.
  • To form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness.
  • Help create a game environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.
  • Enrich children's understanding of the profession of a doctor and nurse;
  • Continue to accumulate and expand children's vocabulary;
  • Develop the ability to reproduce in play various actions that children observe in life, using substitute objects;
  • Develop children's creative abilities through productive activities;
  • Develop activity and curiosity.

Planned result:

  • Gaining knowledge about the profession of a doctor and nurse;
  • Expanding children's vocabulary;
  • The ability to reproduce in play various actions that children observe in life;
  • Development of communication skills;
  • Development of creative abilities in children.
  • Development of such qualities as: curiosity, activity.

Project stages:

1. Organizational and preparatory stage

  • collection of material necessary for the implementation of the project;
  • development of notes of conversations, game situations;
  • updating attributes for role-playing games;
  • production of didactic games and manuals;
  • selection of fiction;
  • replenishment of the development environment;
  • preparing an album with plot pictures on the topic “The work of a doctor and a nurse .

2. Practical (main) stage

  • Conversations “Who will come to our aid?” , “How should you behave in a doctor’s office?” , “Why do we need vaccination?”
  • Reading fiction by K. Chukovsky “Aibolit” , V. Suteev “About the hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations” , E. Blaginina “Sick Bunny” .
  • Discussion of plots, actions of heroes.
  • Excursion to the medical office.
  • Game situations “Katya the doll got sick” , “So that the tooth bites” .
  • Didactic games “Useful - harmful” .
  • GCD "What's in the bag?"
  • Looking at pictures on the topic “The work of a doctor and a nurse .
  • Making a poster “What’s in a doctor’s suitcase?”
  • GCD (drawing) “Onion”
  • GCD (modeling) “Vegetables and fruits”
  • GCD (application) “Ambulance”
  • Board games: “Professions” , “Profession Lotto” .
  • Parents' help in replenishing the "hospital" - sewing doctor's and nurse's gowns.
  • Design of travel folders for parents on the topics: “Healthy lifestyle” , “Role-playing game” , “Role-playing games for children from 2 to 4 years old” , “Games with dolls” .

3. Final stage

  • Organization of the role-playing game “Hospital”
  • Exhibition of children's works
  • Presentation “Introduction to the professions of a doctor and a nurse”

Observing preschoolers in their activities, we noticed that at the end of the project the children began to use the role-playing game “Hospital” and played it with great interest and success.

Children have developed basic gaming skills that allow them to deploy a number of interconnected conditional objective actions during the game and attribute them to a specific character (role).

Analyzing the results of the project, we realized that the use of role-playing games for the comprehensive development of a child and the formation of his positive personal qualities is very relevant.

List of information sources:


  1. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. M., 1978
  2. Zvorygina E.V. Children's first story games. M: Enlightenment. 1988
  3. Zvorygina E. Komarova N. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of role-playing games. // Preschool education. 1989 No. 5.
  4. Mikhailenko N.Ya. Organization of story-based games in kindergarten: a manual for teachers / N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova. – 3rd ed., rev. – M: LINKA-PRESS, 2009.
  5. Tkachenko I.V., Bogachkina N.A. I play - it means I live interestingly. M: DROFA, 2008
Next >

Types of role-playing games

  • Household: “Home”, “Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Holiday”, “Birthday”.
  • Industrial and public: “School”, “Shop”, “Post Office”, “Beauty Salon”, “Library”, “Hospital”, “Bus”, “Train”, “Police”, “Fire Brigade”, “Construction”, "Army" and others.
  • Heroic-patriotic: “Heroes of War”, “Flight into Space”, etc.
  • Literary: based on the plots of literary works, cartoons, and television programs known to children
  • Directing: games in which the child himself voices the dolls and performs actions for them.

The meaning and role of role-playing games in the lives of preschool children

Agliullina Farida Fanilovna

The meaning and role of role-playing games in the lives of preschool children

A child’s personal qualities are formed in active activities, and above all in those activities that are leading at each age stage.

The leading activity of preschool age is play.

The game provides him with a feeling of freedom, subordination of things, actions, relationships, allowing him to realize himself most fully “here and now”

, achieve a state of emotional comfort, become involved in children's creativity, built on the free communication of equals.

Thanks to the game, a preschooler has a greater opportunity to be independent, communicate with peers at will, realize and deepen his knowledge and skills.

Through play, a child enters the world of adults, masters spiritual values, and assimilates previous social experience.

When we talk about play as a leading activity for a preschooler , we mainly mean joint role-playing game . Role-playing play in its typical form is a free type of joint activity for children. Children unite among themselves on their own initiative, determine the plot of the game , take on appropriate roles, distribute game material, outline and develop the content of the game , performing certain game actions. They take the plot and content of the game life , reflect those moments that attracted attention, aroused interest, and made a special impression.

The meaning of plot-role-playing games is diverse . In play, a child learns about the world around him, his thinking, feelings, and will develop, relationships with peers are formed, and self-esteem and self-awareness are formed. In play, children become acquainted with such aspects of reality as the actions and relationships of adults.

Thanks to their elders, children get acquainted with some aspects of the lives of adults . Children's play does not simply reflect the amount of information the child receives, but models situations.

During the game, children take on various roles, as if replacing people who are in certain social relationships with each other, and their actions. They understand the essence of relationships between people.

Play in preschool age permeates their entire life , promotes physical and spiritual health, is a source of extensive information, and a method of teaching and educating children.

With the help of games, conditions are created for the development of creative abilities and the all-round development of the child.

The main priority of teachers’ activities is the purposeful, systematic organization of the process of formation of the child’s creative personality by including him in various types of games in order to maximize the development of basic social functions.

The modern level of social relations presupposes, along with the ability to act according to a given pattern and the intention to demonstrate independence in cooperation with an adult, also the development of creative imagination.

People capable of self-development and self-improvement, of finding and making non-standard decisions are truly the most important capital of modern society, and this capital is laid in early childhood.

Of all types of children's play, the most significant for the development of a preschooler is plot-role play as a special form of satisfying his need to take a certain place in the world around him, transforming this need into specific content - the implementation of socially significant and valued activities.

In the field of preschool education, play is considered not only as a pedagogical tool, but also as a form of organizing children’s life activities . Thanks to the influence that the game has on preschoolers with the content of cognitive and socio-moral information contained in plots and roles, thanks to the very process of the game as an activity that requires achieving a goal, independently finding the means to implement a plan, and establishing trusting relationships between partners, the game is recognized as a leading activity in this age period.

Role-playing game - children's reproduction of the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

plot-role-playing game in its development goes through several stages, successively replacing each other: introductory game, display game, plot-display game , plot-role-playing game , dramatization game.

The structural components of a role-playing game are role , plot , content, rules, game actions, role-playing and real relationships, game items and substitute items.

The central component of the game is the role - the way people behave in various situations that correspond to accepted norms in society.

The role unites all aspects of the game the plot (sphere of social reality) is reflected in its implementation.

and content (the main point of the activities of adults and the relationships between them, which are displayed in games).

The child’s introduction to this reality should occur in such a way that a person and his activity become at its center, and as a result of this familiarization, a positive emotional attitude towards the activity arises.

Attribute objects are of great importance a role , plan and develop a plot , and create a gaming situation. They provide external conditions for the implementation of the role and facilitate role-playing behavior: the child performs the role of a doctor when she is wearing a white coat and cap.

In older preschool age, external attributes are less and less necessary, since the basis of the game is the idea of ​​the function of objects.

In role-playing play, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development.

Role-playing games for children 3-4 years old

The games of younger preschoolers differ in content from the games of older children.
The games of younger preschoolers differ in content from the games of older children. This is due to the insufficient experience of children, the characteristics and level of their mental and emotional development, and cognitive processes. The baby cannot yet imagine the entire gameplay in his imagination and grasp the logical chain of events following each other. Therefore, the content of children’s games at first is not entirely logical, fragmentary, and somewhat incoherent. In early childhood, children repeat simple actions with toys that adults show them.

“The games of younger preschoolers consist of everyday activities: children carry, ride, cook, bathe, etc. A little later, roles appear: I am a doctor, I am a driver, I am a mother. The chosen role directs the child’s play: now the baby chooses only those actions that are characteristic of the chosen role: for example, “mother” chooses food and dishes for preparing dinner, the doctor needs a thermometer, etc. Children use both symbolic and imaginary objects for play , and real."

At the turn of three and four years, the child’s games become more interesting. This is due to the fact that children acquire new knowledge about the world. Children are already combining various events, including in games elements of plots from their experience or children's works (fairy tales, cartoons).

For a child of middle preschool age, the choice of role becomes important: the child wants to play the role that he likes.

The plot-play activity of a 3-4 year old child is of the following nature:

  • the presence of individual game actions of a gaming nature
  • actual implementation of a role without naming it
  • the plot is a chain of two actions
  • adult participation in holding an imaginary situation.

The game “Cook” will be interesting for a 3-4 year old child.
Here are some examples of games that will be interesting for a 3-4 year old child:

  1. "Let's go for a walk."

Goal: teaching a child how to select clothes for the season, learning the names of clothing items and their elements.

Contents of the game: the child prepares the doll for a walk, choosing the right clothes for it, carefully dressing the doll in the correct sequence, naming the clothes.

  1. “To the store for shopping.”

Goal: teaching children to name and classify objects, expanding their vocabulary, developing a communicative culture for preschoolers, and teaching the basics of politeness.

Contents of the game: you need to distribute the roles, who is the seller, who is the buyer, and play the game in accordance with the roles. Buyers visit the store, choose purchases, and the seller politely serves them.

  1. "At the doctor".

Goal: teaching the child attentiveness, sensitivity, caring for the sick, understanding the functions of medical devices, increasing vocabulary.

Progress of the game: the child plays the role of a doctor, and the toys play the role of patients. Patients come for an appointment, the doctor must examine them, make a diagnosis, prescribe and carry out treatment.

  1. "The doll's birthday."

Goal: expanding the child’s knowledge about setting the table for a festive dinner, consolidating knowledge about cutlery and cutlery, instilling attentiveness, caring, responsibility, a desire to help, and expanding vocabulary.

Contents of the game: you need to tell the child that today is the Marina doll’s birthday. The child takes the toys and goes to visit the doll, congratulates her, and then the doll invites everyone to the table to treat themselves to a birthday cake and tea. The child must help the doll set the table.

  1. "Home construction".

Goal: to familiarize the child with construction professions, tools and equipment that make the work of builders easier, to learn how to build a simple structure, to expand knowledge about the profession of a builder, to improve vocabulary by introducing the concepts of “building”, “builder”, “building material”.

Contents of the game: invite your child to build a spacious, bright house from cubes or other materials in which toys would live. At the same time, introduce your child to construction professions by showing thematic images and offering to play one or another profession: bricklayer, painter, carpenter, crane operator, truck driver, etc.

The importance of role-playing games in the development of preschool children

“The game is a huge bright window through which into the spiritual world

the child receives a life-giving stream of ideas,

concepts about the surrounding world. The game is the spark that ignites

a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The whole life of a preschooler is permeated with play; this is the only way he is ready to open himself to the world and the world for himself. Qualitatively new social requirements for the education system as a whole suggest that a developing society needs educated, moral people who can independently make decisions in situations of choice and are capable of cooperation. The above qualities of a modern personality are not formed in “adult life”. As you know, the foundation of a person’s worldview, character, and habits is laid from an early age. Therefore, today a “developing society” pays special attention to the education system in general and preschool education in particular.

The entire pedagogical process in a preschool setting is based on play activities. Through the variety of children's games, the authors of educational programs, teachers, and psychologists recommend raising, developing and training a preschool child.

Game is one of the main forms of organizing the process of education, training and development in kindergarten. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age. In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider a leading activity. The educational significance of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the child’s psychology, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children’s relationships, on the precise organization and conduct of all kinds of games. Just as many shades appear with play in the pedagogical management of the educational process.

Among all games, a special, leading place is occupied by a plot-based role-playing game. This is a game in which children take on the roles of adults, and in imaginary play conditions specially created by them, they reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them.

Story play is the most attractive activity for preschool children. Its attractiveness is explained by the fact that in the game the child experiences an internal subjective feeling of freedom, the subordination of things, actions, relationships - everything that in practical productive activity offers resistance and is difficult to achieve. This state of internal freedom is associated with the specifics of the plot game - action in an imaginary, conditional situation. The central point of role-play is the role that the child takes on. At the same time, he does not simply call himself by the name of the corresponding adult “I am a builder”, “I am a doctor”. The child acts like an adult whose role he has taken upon himself. Every role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the surrounding life, borrowed from relationships in the adult world. For preschoolers, a role is an example of how to act. Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own.

The plot-role-playing game does not require a real, tangible product from the child; everything in it is conditional, everything is “as if”, “make-believe”. A child can hammer imaginary nails with a toy hammer; can be a “doctor” and “treat” sick dolls. All these “possibilities” of story-based play expand the practical world of the preschooler and provide him with internal emotional comfort.

Most games reflect the work of adults: children imitate their mother’s household chores, the work of a teacher, doctor, driver, etc. The games instill respect for all work, emphasize its significance and benefits for society, and affirm the desire to take part in it ourselves.

Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of behavior and all mental processes. Performing a play role, the child subordinates all his momentary, impulsive actions to this task. In the game, children concentrate better and remember more than when given direct instructions from an adult.

Role-playing play is of particular importance for the development of imagination. Game actions take place in an imaginary situation; real objects are used as other, imaginary ones. The practice of acting in an imaginary space helps children acquire the ability to creatively imagine.

What conditions are necessary for children to have the opportunity to show creativity in story games, so that these games are attractive?

Firstly, it is necessary that the content of the games correspond to the interests and capabilities of children, and the characteristics of the children's subculture.

Secondly, pedagogical support for story-based games should be built taking into account the gradual increase in the child’s independence and creativity.

Thirdly, the subject-play environment of a kindergarten should be dynamically changing, and children should take part in its creation.

The famous researcher of children's games E.O. Smirnova compares the current state of play activity of preschoolers with an environmental disaster - the mechanism for transmitting play has gone wrong. This means we need to help children, because play is a child’s life itself, instinctive, associated with exploration, communication and self-expression, combining action and thought, bringing satisfaction and a sense of success (“Declaration of the Child’s Rights to Play”).

Role-playing play is a complex formation that contains both elements of the development of role-playing behavior and elements of mutual coordination of actions. While playing with peers, children begin to take into account the desires and actions of the other child, defend their point of view, and build and implement joint plans. Play has a huge impact on the development of children's communication during this period.

Numerous studies indicate that with tactful, pedagogically appropriate guidance, the game helps to enrich the child’s horizons, develop imaginative forms of cognition (imaginative thinking, imagination), strengthen his interests, develop speech, as well as the moral development of the child.

What principles should a role-playing game be based on? 1. The teacher must play with the children. 2. The teacher should play with children throughout preschool childhood; at each stage, the game should be developed in such a way that the children immediately “discover” and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing it.

Thus, the educational possibilities of role-playing games are extremely great, and it is important for a teacher to be able to implement them. The game can turn a lazy person into a hard worker, a ignorant person into a knowledgeable person, and an inept person into a skilled person. It helps to unite the team and include withdrawn and shy children in active activities. Games instill conscious discipline; children are taught to follow rules, justice, the ability to control their actions, as well as correctly and objectively evaluate the actions of others.

List of information sources.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers. M.: TC Sfera, 2004, - 128 p.
  2. Vinogradova N.A. Role-playing games for older preschoolers: a practical guide / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Pozdnyakova – M.: Iris-press, 2008 – 128 p.
  3. Grishina G.N. Favorite children's games. - M., 1997.
  4. Doronova T.N., Karabanova O.A., Solovyova E.V. Play in preschool age: a manual for kindergarten teachers. M.: Education of a preschooler, 2002, 128 p.
  5. Games for preschoolers. - M., 1995.
  6. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. How to play with a child. – M., 1990.
  7. Novoselova S.L. Developing object-based play environment for childhood. World “Quadro” // Preschool education, 1998. No. 4.
  8. Polyakova M.N. Construction of a developmental environment in groups for children of senior preschool age // Preschool pedagogy. 2004. No. 1. p. 12-15.

What is fun for 5-6 year olds to play?

The games of middle and older preschoolers are characterized by the integrity of the plot and the interconnectedness of events.
A child of 5-6 years old is no longer interested in the game itself, but in the relationships between the characters. This is why children do not like to take on roles that are unpleasant or incomprehensible to them. At this age, children interact through speech, and games become very emotional. In games, dialogues are of great importance - it is with the help of them that interaction is established between the participants in the game.

The games of middle and older preschoolers are characterized by the integrity of the plot and the interconnectedness of events. The guys carefully select the plot of the game and plan its development. They react very emotionally and vividly to the events that unfold during the game. Here they show their creativity, imagine, invent.

The plot-play activity of a 5-6 year old child is characterized by:

  • distribution of roles before the start of the game
  • transition to role-playing actions that reflect the social functions of people
  • a solid logical plot

What games might interest a 5-6 year old child?

  • "In library"
  • "Cosmonauts"
  • "Providing medical care"
  • "Family"
  • “Circus” (“Magicians”, “Artists”)
  • "In the cafe"
  • "Trip around the world"
  • "On the roads of the city"
  • "Olympics"
  • "In a workshop"
  • "At a car service station"
  • "Pharmacy"
  • "Mail"
  • "In airplane"
  • "School"
  • “At the Exhibition” and many others.

Watch a video about role-playing games in kindergarten

Remember that role-playing games in the life of preschoolers are a very important activity. In such a game, the child develops mental, creative and communication abilities. Encourage children to play and come up with new stories, help them.

Role-playing games in preschool educational institutions. The role of play in a child's life.

We are having fun

to attract children to participate in humorous fun, to develop independence skills in organizing and preparing fun, to promote the unification of children, to develop the emotional sphere of the child, to cultivate optimism, love of life, a sense of teamwork, and mutual assistance.


everything necessary that a child can use to improvise pranks and attractions.


5–6 years.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to organize a competition. You can come up with and show a funny story, a fable, show a trick, etc. A jury is selected to evaluate the result. After each performance they give their ratings. At the end of the game, the points are tallied and the winner is announced. He is awarded the “Veselchak” medal.

In the cafe


teach a culture of behavior in public places, be able to perform the duties of a cook and waiter.


necessary equipment for the cafe, toys-dolls, money.


5–6 years.

Progress of the game:

Buratino comes to visit the children. He met all the children and made friends with other toys. Pinocchio decides to invite his new friends to a cafe to treat them to ice cream. Everyone goes to the cafe. There they are served by waiters. Children learn to place an order correctly and thank you for the service.

Trip around the world


expand children's horizons, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, friendships, expand children's vocabulary: “captain”, “travel around the world”, “Asia”, “India”, “Europe”, “Pacific Ocean” "


ship made of building material, steering wheel, binoculars, world map.


6–7 years old.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to go on a trip around the world by ship. If desired, children are chosen for the roles of Captain, Radio Operator, Sailor, Midshipman. We consolidate knowledge about what these people do on the ship - their rights and responsibilities. The ship sails through Africa, India, and other countries and continents. Sailors have to deftly steer the ship so as not to collide with an iceberg and cope with the storm. Only well-coordinated work and friendship help them cope with this test.

On city roads


consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of the road, introduce them to a new role - a traffic controller, cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.


toy cars, flags for traffic controllers - red and green.


5–7 years.

Progress of the game:

children are offered to build a beautiful building - a theater. We choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to the right place. Car drivers can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go to get building materials. But here’s the bad news: the traffic lights don’t work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary for the traffic of cars to be controlled by a traffic controller. Select a Regulator. He forms a circle. He holds red and green flags in his hands. A red flag means “stop”, a green flag means “go”. Everything will be alright now. The traffic controller controls the traffic.

The importance of role-playing games for older preschoolers

Compiled by:

Kizyma Galina Vasilievna

Banku Jamilya Gabdulkhakovna


compensatory groups for children with STD

MBOU "Kindergarten No. 4 "Snegurochka" Salekhard

Play has always had, has and will have great importance in a child’s life. And if you think that the game is just entertainment and an empty pastime, you are deeply mistaken. During the game, the child learns to analyze, develops his imagination, thinking, and many other useful things happen in the development of the child.

There are several types of play activities. This is individually objective, which occurs at an early age from six months to two years, objectively imitative, which manifests itself in the second year of life, and plot-role. We'll talk about role-playing games below.

What are role-playing games?

Role-playing games are games in which children “put on” a role, conveying its character, and act according to a certain given plot or create it themselves. That is, it is in some way a theatrical performance. Children get used to their role and behave as they see their character from the outside.

Role-playing games take their place in a child’s life when he learns to use objects not only for their intended purpose, but also in accordance with the plot of the game. In the process, the child will have a desire to copy the actions of adults, he will learn to interact with other children in the game, or adults.

Initially, role-playing play manifests itself in the usual imitation of an adult by a child. The baby vacuums on his own, cooks soup, puts toys to bed, and repairs something. After some time, the child begins to play out familiar life situations: “visiting the hospital,” “going to the store,” etc.

At this stage, dialogue between the characters is added to the role-playing game. The help of a parent will be very helpful here. If you help your child in the game, then by the age of two and a half, the child will independently play role-playing games along with his toys.

Next comes the complication of the game due to the appearance of a plot - the combination of several situations. For example, the plot could be a trip to nature - first the child will collect the necessary things, then get into the transport, unpack his bags on the spot, maybe take a fishing rod and go fishing, or something else like that. Children begin to agree on the rules of the game - business communication develops. At 4-5 years old, children not only play out everyday situations, but also add stories from fairy tales, cartoons, and books to the game.

Older children are easily involved in role-playing games, but even this does not mean that an adult can remain in the background and let everything take its course. If the parent does not provide the child with new situations for play, the child may stop developing and stop showing independence. The manifestation of creativity and independence in role-playing games shows the level of development of the child’s thinking.

The significance of toys for promoting independent play by children of senior preschool age is also specific. If in the play of children the subject situation determines the plot, then older preschoolers themselves construct the subject-game situation depending on the chosen topic and the intended course of the game, subordinating it to the game plan.

The play of younger preschoolers requires significant reliance on toys and objects that replace them. The main requirement for a substitute toy is convenience in performing play actions, proportionality in size with other play material. It is very important that such a toy resembles the depicted object with its general contours. So, a doll can be made from a towel, if you roll it up and put on an apron or bow, instead of a plate you can offer a circle of cardboard, etc. With proper guidance of the game, three-year-old children not only enthusiastically use the substitute objects offered by adults, but also themselves they choose and agree in advance what they will mean (“This is a doll”, “This is a plate”). Sometimes a substitute toy is assigned a role (“Let this be dad, and this is daughter”). Children 4-5 years old also carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but they are already beginning to use gestures, words, and a certain position of an object or the child himself. At this age, attribute items acquire special importance: all kinds of hats, aprons, robes, handbags. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of instrumental actions in a particular profession. The doctor needs a robe, a table for receiving, a stick indicating a thermometer or syringe, and he certainly needs patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse. These patients may be large dolls with easily removable clothes or naked babies wrapped in a blanket. Sick children should have their own fathers and mothers.

For a 6-7 year old child, the main thing is no longer in performing role-playing actions with the help of toys and objects, but in communicating with those who have taken on other roles related to his role, with the meaning of the plot of the game. This significantly changes the requirements for a toy and forces us to look for an answer to the question of what it should be like, not so much in the game itself, but in real life today. These are not only games of family, school, hospital, but also space exploration, harvesting, gas pipeline construction, etc.

Thus, role-playing games teach the child to coordinate his actions with other participants in the game, try on various personal qualities, and also find ways out of various situations. By playing these games, the child grows up to be a creative and independent person, ready to solve life situations.

Classification of role-playing games:


Goal: to teach children to classify objects according to general characteristics, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.


Goal: to arouse children’s interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication. To develop in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions; to teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments. Vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.


Goal: to expand knowledge about the professions of pharmacy workers: the pharmacist makes medicines, the cashier-salesperson sells them, the head of the pharmacy orders the necessary herbs and other drugs for making medicines, expand the vocabulary of children: “medicines”, “pharmacist”, “order”, “ medicinal plants."

Equipment: toy pharmacy equipment.


Goal: to introduce children to construction professions, to pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children how to build a simple structure, to cultivate friendly relationships in a team, to expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, to expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “construction”, “bricklayer”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.


Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the purpose of a kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - a teacher, a nanny, a cook, a music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, and to treat their pupils with care.


Goal: to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, to cultivate a culture of communication, to expand children’s vocabulary.


Goal: broaden children's horizons, teach children to properly use library services, apply knowledge of literary works previously acquired in classes, consolidate knowledge about the librarian's profession, instill respect for the work of a librarian and respect for books, expand children's vocabulary: “library”, “ profession", "librarian", "reading room".


Goal: to expand the theme of story games, to introduce the work of astronauts in space, to cultivate courage, endurance, and to expand the vocabulary of children: “outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “outer space”.

Equipment: spaceship and building material, seat belts, tools for working in space, toy cameras.


Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of the road, to introduce them to a new role - a traffic controller, to cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.

Equipment: toy cars, traffic controller flags – red and green.


Goal : to clarify children’s knowledge about what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches, to cultivate a desire to study at school, respect for the teacher’s work, to expand children’s vocabulary: “school supplies”, “briefcase”, “pencil case”, “students”, etc.


Goal: To introduce this service sector, to professions in the atelier, to the names of fabrics, accessories, and clothing. Develops imagination, creative imagination, shapes taste and sense of style

Children will learn about embroidery threads, knitting, and appliqué. The child must be able to describe a thing, its color, purpose. Children can play in the doll studio. Young fashion designers can draw new clothes for their favorite dolls, or come up with a new thing for the doll themselves in their own atelier.


Purpose: Introduces children to the work of postmen, learn to send letters and parcels.


The plot-role-playing game “Theater” allows children to learn that theater is a whole world of different professions. The guys buy a ticket, present it at the control, hand over their things to the cloakroom, and go into the auditorium. And behind the scenes the theater lives a big life: the actor is helped to prepare for the performance by the make-up artist and costume designer, and the director directs his performance. Theater does not exist without an orchestra and conductor. Small playful fragments of the “Theatre” project are gradually forming into a general idea of ​​theatrical life. Children talk about their trip to the theater with their parents. Theater is impossible without staging fairy tale fragments or poems. The teacher talks about different theater genres. An interesting game is puppet theater, where children can try themselves as puppeteers.


Goal: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.


Goal: Consolidation of knowledge and skills about the work of a driver, on the basis of which the children will be able to develop a plot-based, creative game. Developing interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising children's respect for the work of a driver.

Internet resources:


1. Boychenko N.A. Plot-role-playing games for preschoolers. Publishing house "Radianska school" Kyiv, 1982;

2. Vasilyeva M.A. Guiding children's games in preschool institutions - M., 1986;

3. Korotkova N., Mikhailenko N. Pedagogical principles of organizing role-playing games // Preschool education, 1989, No. 4;

4. Markova T. A. To the teacher about children's games: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - M., 1982;

5. Novoselova S. L. Game of a preschooler - M.: Education, 1989;

6. Ruskova L.V. Methodological recommendations for the program of education and training in kindergarten - M.: Education 1986;

7. Timofeeva N.V. Self-development of a preschooler’s personality in education as a pedagogical problem. Khabarovsk, 1999.

8. Shitova T.P. Development of fantasy and creativity of preschoolers in role-playing games //Child in kindergarten. 2004, No. 6.

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