Summary of a thematic lesson in the senior group “Lessons of Kindness”

Kindness Day in Kindergarten. Preparatory group

Summary of the lesson “What is kindness” for children of the preparatory group
Author: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg Description: the material may be of interest to teachers of senior preschool age, teachers of additional education.

GOAL: To generalize children’s idea of ​​kindness as a valuable human quality, to develop social feelings and mutual assistance. TASKS: - Form friendly relationships; - reveal the essence of the concepts of “goodness” and “kindness”, “good deeds”; — activate children’s vocabulary (kindness, joy, happiness, care, attention); - develop logical thinking, imagination and attention in children, instill interest in a new form of play activity; — to form children’s idea of ​​kindness, to cultivate good feelings towards the people around them, to help children understand that everyone needs love and a friendly attitude. Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, reading poems, proverbs about goodness, memorizing them, watching cartoons, reading fairy tales about goodness. The home was given the task to complete a drawing, appliqué, or craft on the topic: “What is kindness?”

PROGRESS OF THE LESSON Educator: What is kindness? Wash the cat's bowl, Give a flower a drink of water (He's terribly lonely), Fix a sister's toy, Let an old lady pass first, Treat sadness with love with words, Help a tired mother, And a stranger girl, Carry a briefcase home. From warmth and kindness, Flowers bloom, She warms everyone, Like a ray from a window. (I. Polyushko) Educator: Guys, did you like the poem? What do you think we will talk about today? Answers. Educator: What is kindness? Answers.

Educator: many writers and scientists wrote a lot of wonderful lines about kindness. Listen to some of them.

Educator: I want to read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and complete the assignment for the poem. Physical pause: If we frown in the morning, Kindness will help us. Well, kids, get together, And smile at each other.

Educator: How good, you all smiled. I would like to invite you to devote your entire day to good deeds. First, let's conduct such a lesson in our group. Child: In a group on a winter day in the morning, there was a lesson in kindness. Everyone studied diligently, And today among themselves, They didn’t share candy, But they shared kindness. All grievances were forgotten, Peace was concluded with the whole group. And they decided - from now on, there will be no quarrels. So as not to isolate ourselves, Let's all stick together, Let's keep up as a group, Let's all help each other. During the lesson of kindness, There was so much warmth, That from this warmth, All the flowers bloomed! (N. Anishina) Educator: What are good deeds? Answers. Educator: Guys, let's play the game “Good Deeds.” List what good deeds you, preschoolers, can do? Who will remember and name more of the things you did? Children take turns naming things to do and each child bends his finger (counts his completed things)

Answers: help the nanny set the table, wipe the dust on the shelves, water the flowers, put away the toys, help the younger ones (play with them, share a toy), behave well, fix the book, study well, etc.

Educator: What is needed for people to become kinder, for kindness to be everywhere? How should you start your day? Answers: with kind words and good deeds. Educator: What kind and polite words do you know? Answers.

Educator: Well done, you remembered the words, but you already say them a hundred times a day. I invite you to go out onto the mat, let’s all stand in a circle and play the game “Proverbs about Kindness.” I pass the bunny toy, and everyone takes turns saying the proverbs and passing the toy to each other.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of kindness? Answers.

Educator: Our next task is the most difficult, let's distract ourselves a little and do some gymnastics. I walk and you walk - one, two, three (step in place) I sing and you sing - one, two, three (conducting with our hands) We walk and sing - one, two, three (we walk in a circle in one direction ) We live very friendly - one, two, three (we walk in a circle in the other direction) We don’t live too hard, and we are friends with everyone (we walk in a circle, holding hands and hugging each other) Educator: Guys, the kids asked you to make a salt dough for them to give them nesting dolls so that they can decorate them and then play with them. Now I suggest you make matryoshka dolls from salt dough (which I prepared in advance), and after sleep we will take the dolls to our little friends. While you are making nesting dolls, I will ask you to write poems about goodness and good deeds. And you can also tell these poems to the kids in the evening. Child: All people need kindness, Let there be more kind ones. It’s not for nothing that they say “Good afternoon” and “Good evening” when meeting. And it’s not for nothing that we have the “Good Hour” wish. Kindness is the adornment of a person from time to time... Child: It is not at all easy to be kind, Kindness does not depend on growth. Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice. Child: I want everyone to laugh, so that dreams always come true, so that children have joyful dreams. So that the morning is good, So that mom doesn’t be sad, So that there is no more war in the world. Child: - Good afternoon! - they told you, - Good afternoon! - you answered. How two strings connected Warmth and kindness.

Educator: What wonderful dolls the nesting dolls turned out to be, you did a great job, you deserved the treat. Let's leave our nesting dolls, let them dry, and we'll go to the site and do good deeds there and breathe some air.

Educator: Please note that in the locker rooms we have an exhibition of your works on the topic - goodness. Well done to everyone, they did a wonderful job, and everyone contributed a piece of their kindness to our group. Educator: And in the afternoon I suggest you decorate our “Tree of Goodness”.

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