Card file of didactic games on traffic rules for young children card file on life safety (junior group)

Didactic game “Our assistant traffic light”

Didactic game: “Our assistant is a traffic light”

The game is intended for children of primary preschool age (from 2 to 4 years old). At the initial stage, children play games with an adult, then independently.


To form in children ideas about basic traffic rules.

Educational objectives:

Introduce children to the traffic light and form an idea of ​​its purpose and signals: red light - STOP (prohibits movement), green light - GO (allows movement), yellow light - WAIT.

Form an idea of ​​spatial relationships (above, below, in the middle).

To consolidate children's ideas about color - determine the circle of the desired color (visual correlation: red, yellow, green).

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary using words: signal, road, pedestrian, traffic light, pedestrian crossing; above, below, in the middle or between.

Developmental tasks:

Develop fine motor skills by performing actions with objects.

To develop children's attention and speech through the ability to listen, understand content and repeat individual words and verbal text.

Develop the ability to correctly place circles on a traffic light layout.

Educational tasks:

To develop children's pedestrian behavior skills.

Evoke an emotional response from the game process.

Rules and options for the game.

Game "Getting to Know the Traffic Lights"

The game is attended by two to four children and an adult leader.

The adult invites the children to get acquainted with the traffic light.

A traffic light is a friend to everyone, it is the most important thing on the road.

A traffic light indicates when you can cross the road and when you can stay put. All pedestrians must obey him.

Let's look at a traffic light - it has three signals: red at the top, green at the bottom, and yellow between them or in the middle.

Then the adult offers to repeat everything again, together, pronouncing the main phrases.

Sedentary game “Pedestrian crossing”

The game is attended by two to four children and an adult leader.

The presenter invites the children to be pedestrians and try to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.

-And the traffic light will help us with this, listen carefully and do:

“Before you cross the road, look at me. If I turn on the red light, it means it’s dangerous to move (stop - the children are standing still), if the light is green, walk on - the path is open (walk - the children imitate walking), but the yellow light is on - there is no more crossing, don’t rush, wait, very soon the traffic light will light up a new eye (wait - the children stand and pronounce the words together with the leader, clapping their hands).”

The teacher accompanies the verbal text by showing the necessary signals on a traffic light model.

The game is repeated several times.

Game “Help the traffic light find its lights”

The game is attended by two to four children and an adult leader.

The traffic light invites children to play with it:

“Something happened to me and I lost my lights, please help me!” (children are asked to fix the traffic light).

Children take turns “helping” the traffic light.

During the game, the adult asks the children questions:

-What color is this light?

— Where is it located: at the top, bottom or in the middle?

- What does this light mean?

If children are having difficulties, the adult enlists another child to help.

As a result, the traffic light thanks all the children for their help and offers to always be friends and never forget about him.

Game "The traffic light has lost its light"

3 children can play. There are traffic lights in front of the guys. The traffic light has two colors, and instead of the third there is a white circle. And nearby there are chips of red, yellow and green colors. The child’s task is to pick up the right chip and put it on the traffic light where it should be. The one who completed the task faster than the others wins.

The game can be somewhat complicated by turning over the chips. Children take turns taking a chip, opening it and saying whether it fits their traffic light or not. If it fits, they keep it and put it on their traffic light.

Didactic game: “Our assistant traffic light” PPTX / 808.42 Kb

Quest game “Let’s find the colors for the traffic light”


for young children 3-4 years old

Goal: developing basic understanding of road safety rules; fostering a conscious attitude towards the need to comply with these rules.

Objectives: learn to distinguish between the roadway and sidewalk, understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights; develop visual memory, attention; ability to interact with a playing partner; develop friendly qualities.


  1. Meeting with a traffic light.
  2. Forest dwellers are kidnappers.
  3. Lights for traffic lights.

1.Meeting with a traffic light

Advertising message

At the first stage of the game, the children met a crying traffic light, whose colors were stolen by forest inhabitants (hare, wolf, bear). Then, we went into the forest to find the lights, with the help of a magic ball that shows the way.

2.Forest dwellers are kidnappers

On the forest paths we met a hare, a wolf and a bear. After completing the hare's task in the game “Collect mushrooms and cones,” the children received a red light. Having guessed the wolf's riddles, the children received a yellow light as a reward. Ball helped get to the bear's den. The bear gives the children a task: to play the game “Bear in the Forest”, and rewards the children for a good mood with a green light

3.Lights for traffic lights

In his den, the bear invites the children to stick lights on cardboard, which were given to them by the forest inhabitants - the kidnappers. The end result is a cheerful Traffic Light that thanks the children and gives postcards as a reward.

Progress of the game:

Educator - Guys, now I’ll tell you a story. When I came to kindergarten in the morning and entered our group, I saw that our traffic light was crying. I asked why he was crying and Traffic Light told me that he was helping the children cross the road, and then decided to play, and got so played that he didn’t notice how the wolf hare and the bear took his colors and ran back into the forest.

Guys, can we help the Traffic Light find its colors so that we can continue to help children cross the road?

Educator - Guys, how can we help the Traffic Light collect its colors? Let's go into the forest, ask the animals to return the colors, and a magic ball will show us the way. Wherever it goes, that’s where we’ll go.

The teacher throws the ball towards the hare.

Educator - Guys, look at the note here, the bunny left this, he writes: “I scattered all the toys, but I can’t collect them. Help me collect the mushrooms in one basket, and the cones in another, and you will find your color.”

Guys, we will help the bunny collect, and he will give us the color.

Mushrooms and cones are scattered on the floor, children collect them in baskets

Educator - Guys, look, the traffic light is red, he will be very happy.

Educator -Now let’s see where the ball will lead this time?

The teacher throws the ball towards the wolf

Educator - The gray wolf does not give us the color, the wolf offers to answer his riddles. Can you guys handle it?

Three multi-colored circles Flashing one after another. They light up, blink - They help people... (traffic light)

A man is walking over me. He calls me a zebra. (crosswalk)

It rolls briskly along the rails, All the wheels are made of iron. Hey, passerby, don’t yawn - It’s rolling... (tram)

I'll go around all the roads, on rubber wheels, I'm not afraid of work, I'm carrying a heavy load. I’m going, I’m going straight, And my name is “...(truck)

Educator - Guys, the wolf liked the way you answered, and he will happily give the second color of the traffic light yellow, the traffic light will definitely be happy.

Educator - Lead us further as a ball.

The teacher throws the ball towards the bear's house.

Educator - Guys, the bear doesn’t want to give us the color until we play with it. Shall we play with the bear guys?

Outdoor game:

I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest, but the bear doesn’t sleep and growls at us (2-3 times)

Educator - Guys, the bear really liked the way you played, and he gave us another, third color.

Educator - Guys, let's count how many flowers we have?

Counting out loud

Educator - Now we can assemble a traffic light. Ion will start helping children cross the road again.

glued onto black cardboard

It turned out to be a funny traffic light, which we saved. The traffic light is very grateful to you, for which he gives postcards.

Daria Viktorovna Bazarova ​teacher

Didactic games on traffic rules in the senior group

Didactic games on traffic rules for older preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Game “Assemble a sign”
Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs and traffic rules; develop logical thinking, attentiveness; foster a culture of safe behavior on the road and in public places. Material: envelopes contain puzzles - road signs, chips. Progress of the game. Children are divided into crews (teams), at the teacher’s signal, they open envelopes and put together their signs from the parts.
To complete the task - 5 minutes. For a correctly assembled sign - 1 point. Extra points can be earned if players correctly answer the name of the sign and what its meaning is. Game “Cross the Road”
Purpose : to consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights. Progress of the game. The teacher alternately raises three circles: red, yellow, green. Children must cross the intended “road” (carpet path, passage marked with ribbons, pebbles, etc.). Children who cross the “road” into a red or yellow circle leave the game.

Game “Green Eye”
Purpose : to consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights. Progress of the game. A mock-up traffic light is installed at the entrance to the kindergarten.
When the children return after a walk, the teacher “turns on” the red light - “You can’t go”, then the yellow light - “Get ready.” You are only allowed to enter the premises when the light is green. Game “Our Street”
Purpose : to teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational) intended for drivers and pedestrians. Material: model of a street with houses, intersection; cars (toys); pedestrian dolls; driver dolls; traffic light (toy); road signs, trees (layouts). Progress of the game. The game is played on a layout.
With the help of dolls, children, on the instructions of the teacher, act out various road situations. Game “Turns”
Goal : to develop coordination of hand movements (right, left), visual attention. Material: signs: “Move straight”, “Move right”, “Move left”; rudders. Progress of the game. If the teacher shows the sign “Move straight,” then the children take one step forward; if the sign is “Move right,” they turn to the right by moving the “steering wheel,” and if the sign “Move to the left,” they turn left by moving the “steering wheel.”
The one who makes a mistake leaves the line. Game “Crossroads”
Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights. Progress of the game. Four presenters, two of whom receive red circles, the other two - green, stand at the “crossroads”.
Children pretend to be pedestrians and cars. When the whistle blows, the presenters raise their respective mugs, and the “pedestrians” and “cars” begin to move. The next whistle indicates a change of traffic light signal, the drivers change places. "Pedestrians" and "cars" stop. After the next whistle, the movement resumes, and the offenders leave the game. Game “Guess the Transport”
Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, the ability to find objects by description; develop ingenuity, quick thinking and speech activity. Material: pictures (cards) depicting transport. Progress of the game. The teacher asks the children riddles about types of transport.
The child who guesses what kind of transport is being discussed in the riddle receives a picture with its image. Whoever has the most pictures at the end of the game is the winner. Game “Find a Safe Way”
Objectives: to reinforce the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop thinking, memory, attention; Expand words knowledge. Material: model of a street (road part), road signs, traffic lights, transport (passenger cars, trucks), pedestrian dolls. Progress of the game. Children, on the instructions of the teacher, act out various situations on the model that promote safe movement along the streets.
Riddles about road signs

What a miracle this is. Two humps like a camel? This sign is triangular, what is it called? (Rough road.) This sign warns that the road here has a zigzag and a steep one awaits the car ahead... (dangerous turn). A striped horse, they call it “zebra”. But not the one at the zoo... People walk along it here. (Transition.) Where the steps lead down, Go down, don’t be lazy. The pedestrian must know: Here... (underground passage).

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