Organization of circle work in preschool educational institutions; methodological development on the topic

Physical development: water aerobics

Swimming in the pool is good. And water aerobics is even better. Children will not only learn to float on the water, but will also be able to strengthen their muscles and develop correct posture. In water, the joints and spine rest, while the child can throw out his energy. Water aerobics teaches children to interact with each other and helps develop flexibility.

Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, games, striking techniques, and acrobatics. Kids learn dynamism, endurance and dexterity. Both girls and boys can practice this martial art.

Circus art is a very unusual and exciting activity. Children will be taught to juggle and dance. In addition, the children will be taught acrobatics skills. Such activities will definitely appeal to active and cheerful children.

Mathematical circle “Secrets of the Mobius strip”

Clubs are one of the forms of additional education in preschool educational institutions and are aimed at expanding general and specialized knowledge, satisfying the individual interests and inclinations of children, and developing creative abilities.

Young teacher Tashchilina D.V. conducts work with children in the mathematical circle “Secrets of the Mobius Strip”. The main goal of the circle was the formation of thinking, intellectual and creative abilities, labor skills and abilities of children. The teacher conducted entertaining educational games and experiments with the children: “Magic Rays”, “We are Magicians”, “Box with a Secret”. The children depicted the results of the experiments in their drawings and in the experiment diary using diagrams. Thus, group work in kindergarten gives students many bright, unforgettable impressions. Joyful experiences raise vitality and support the cheerful mood of adults and children. The child begins to appreciate the beautiful, and, feeling respect for himself as an equal, he gradually begins to liberate himself and begins to create.

Intellectual development: chess, robotics

Children as young as 4 years old can start playing chess. Since chess is a game, the child quickly learns this interesting activity. During the learning process, memory, logic, attention, and thinking develop. In addition, playing chess helps develop perseverance, instill in a child the will to win and determination.

Robotics is interesting to children from an early age. After all, a child can create a robot himself, even the most primitive model. Such activities help develop logical thinking, attention, and perseverance. The children learn to work with their hands, and also communicate with each other and learn to work in a team.

Mental arithmetic helps develop a child’s mental abilities so much that he can solve any example or problem in his mind. Such activities have a beneficial effect on mental abilities in general. Mental arithmetic allows you to develop thinking, logic, and memory. And you need to do it at an early age.

Psychological circle “I will become strong”

Clubs are one of the forms of additional education in preschool educational institutions and are aimed at expanding general and specialized knowledge, satisfying the individual interests and inclinations of children, and developing creative abilities.
Teacher-psychologist Chabin A.A. organized the psychological circle “I will become strong” with children of the preparatory group.

The purpose of the group work is to create psychological conditions that ensure the full mental and personal development of children, to create a favorable psychological climate for the development of children, taking into account the individual characteristics and inclinations of each child, through the organization of psychoprophylactic work.

When conducting group work, the teacher-psychologist uses a variety of methods and techniques:

The result of the circle work was the creation of a positive emotional atmosphere in the group, the formation of a sense of community, cohesion, and the development of joint activity skills in children.

Creative development: sand painting, designer doll studio

The sand painting club offers not only interesting, but also useful activities. Sand helps the child simulate situations and create scenery for living out any situation. The baby can transform his problems and resolve the difficulties he has. Sand therapy can reduce anxiety, develop fine motor skills, speech, thinking, and imagination. Such activities help increase self-esteem and instill love for the world around us.

In the designer doll studio, children are taught to make funny textile toys, polymer clay dolls, and frame toys. Classes are structured in such a way that every child finds it interesting. The age of the baby must be taken into account. The youngest children are asked to create a simple doll, while older children can make a rather complex toy. This type of work develops fine motor skills, patience, perseverance, and imagination. The child gains cutting and sewing skills.

Even those who don't know how to draw will enjoy drawing with wool. Experienced teachers will help each child create a unique picture by laying wool on a base under glass. Such activities awaken imagination, have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, and teach perseverance.

When choosing a club for a child, you should focus on abilities and desires. It's the most important. And if your child doesn’t know where it’s best to sign up, you can try different directions.

A class on non-traditional painting techniques “Magic Brush”

Clubs are one of the forms of additional education in preschool educational institutions and are aimed at expanding general and specialized knowledge, satisfying the individual interests and inclinations of children, and developing creative abilities.
Teachers of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Topolek” have developed plans for circle work and, during the 2019-2020 school year, are implementing work with children on physical, social, personal, and intellectual development. Teacher Kochetova Yu.A. organized a group activity with the children of the “Solnyshko” preparatory group on the non-traditional drawing technique “Magic Brush”. Goal: to develop creativity in children using non-traditional drawing techniques through group activities.

The teacher introduced the children to new drawing techniques: zentangle, pastel drawing, candle, wax crayons, watercolor; drawing using cotton pads. The teacher organized an exhibition of children's works with non-traditional drawing techniques for parents. The teacher and children took part in the regional exhibition of arts and crafts “To the only mother in the world” and the regional competition “I love my native land.”

How to enroll a child in clubs through Gosusugi?

An application for a child’s education can be written directly to the selected organization. This service is also available on the State Services portal for registered users living in Moscow.

How to get it:

  1. On the main page of the portal, select the “Family, Children” or “Education, Study” section.
  2. Select the “Enroll in clubs and sections” tab (the portal will redirect you to the website)
  3. Fill out the form, based on it the portal will offer options.
  4. Choose a direction.
  5. Select the start date for classes or entrance exams.
  6. Fill out the form provided.
  7. Submit your application for consideration.

Application review period is 1 business day. Registration may be denied if there are no available places at the selected institution.

A class on non-traditional painting techniques “Watercolor”

Teachers of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Topolek” pay great attention to the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children.

Teacher Konopatskaya S.V. For 2.5 years he has been conducting group work on the non-traditional drawing technique “Watercolor” with children of the different age group “Fidgets”.

Goal: development of children's creative abilities, imagination, imagination using non-traditional drawing techniques.

Due to the peculiarities of the children’s age, in each lesson the teacher uses the following techniques: artistic expression, finger games, physical education, outdoor games, and music playing.

The teacher included interaction with the family in the circle work plan: involving parents in creating conditions in the family that contribute to the most complete assimilation of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the circle, visual information; organizing exhibitions of children's works for parents. The work done had a positive impact on the children's success. They became more active, more emotional, their vocabulary was enriched, and their interest in artistic creativity increased.

Children are active participants in competitions and exhibitions of works. In October, in the regional competition “Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary” the works of 2 students were presented: Kristina Kolosova “Holy Mother of God”, Stepan Shchepelev “On the Green Meadow”.

In November, an exhibition of works “Non-traditional drawing techniques” was held, made in different techniques: spraying using stencils, poking with a hard brush, foam rubber, imprinting.

Vocal singing circle "Bell"

Teachers of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Topolek” have developed plans for circle work and, during the 2019-2020 school year, are implementing work with children on physical, social, personal, and intellectual development.

Musical director Bondarenko T.V. conducts work with older children in the vocal singing club “Bell”.

The goal is the formation of the aesthetic culture of preschool children, the development of the abilities of emotionally expressive performance of songs.

When working on vocal performance, the teacher uses a technique called “Singing to oneself,” when part of a piece of music is performed normally, and part silently, singing with the inner ear. This technique mobilizes children's attention.

The music director uses vocal improvisation in circle work - composing and simultaneously performing his own tune, and offers children mini-stories during which improvisation is included.

Games are of great interest to children - dramatizations to their own vocal and motor accompaniment or simply to music with metro-rhythmic actions. Children are immersed in a choreographic situation, which allows them to perform movements with a better understanding of the meaning and emotional impact.

The teacher uses musical auto-trainings that regulate the state of the child’s soul, help overcome uncertainty, confusion, fear, apprehension.

The music director uses health-saving technologies: intonation and phonetic exercises, breathing and articulation exercises, art therapy.

Bondarenko T.V. works closely with parents, conducted training on the topic

“Cultivating the ability to subtly feel singing music.”

Parents with children from the senior group “Zvezdochki” took part in the regional competition “Theater Seasons” and showed the musical fairy tale “You Must Listen to Mom.” Our kindergarten took 2nd place in the regional competition, which is the result of group work.

Circle for introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture “Rodnichok”

Teachers of the MBDOU “Kindergarten “Topolek” have developed plans for circle work and, during the 2019-2020 school year, are implementing work with children on physical, social, personal, and intellectual development.

Educator Budyanu N.V. conducts group work “Rodnichok” with children of the senior group “Yagodki”.

Goal: To form spiritual and moral relationships and feelings of belonging to one’s home, family, village. To form in children initial ideas about the life and way of life of the Russian people, their traditions and culture.

The teacher uses a variety of forms and methods in his work: conversations, games, theatrical elements, folklore and productive activities.

The teacher organized with the parents a mini-museum “Russian Izba”, in which classes and conversations are held to introduce Russian poetry and Russian folk tales. The teacher implemented the socio-cultural project “My Genealogy” with children and parents, and produced a “Family Tree” and “Family Coat of Arms”.

Sports and recreation club “Healthy”

Clubs are one of the forms of additional education in preschool educational institutions and are aimed at expanding general and specialized knowledge, satisfying the individual interests and inclinations of children, and developing creative abilities.

Physical education instructor Basakina O.G. carries out work in a health club with children of different age groups “Fidget”.

Goal: Creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children, increasing physical fitness.

The teacher used health-saving technologies in her work: finger exercises; “Friendship”, “Drops”; corrective exercises for the prevention and correction of poor posture: The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “Starfish”; relaxation: “Bird spreading its wings”, “Create the sun in yourself”; breathing exercises: “Big and small ”, “ In the forest ”. The teacher uses motivational moments and games in circle activities: “Waterman”, “Cat and Mice”, “Giant Dwarfs”. The result of the circle work was sports competitions: “We are strong, we are friendly”, sports entertainment “Journey to a country of safety”.

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