Presentation on the topic “Rules of conduct in the forest” for preschool children. Publications on the topic:
Sports festival “Be healthy!” (together with parents) Competitor Pryadko Angela Anatolyevna head of physical education
Conversation about the forest in the preparatory group Synopsis of a conversation about the forest for children 5-7 years old
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Report to the pedagogical council on the topic: “What should a teacher’s speech be like?” Everyone
Fun balls A physical education activity for middle group children together with their parents. Goal: Enrichment
In preschool educational institutions, special attention must be paid to fire safety and teaching children rules of behavior
Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group Purpose. Contribute
LEGO construction in the middle group on the topic: “Cars for residents of the flower city” Consultation for
Goals and objectives The goal of the game “Make a sentence” is the development of lexical elements of speech, improvement of grammatical
Kindness Day in Kindergarten. Preparatory group Summary of the lesson “What is kindness” for children