Card index of didactic games on life safety (middle age) Natalya Pustovalova Card index of didactic games on life safety
Drawing with leaf prints is a non-traditional technique. The completed work always looks interesting and creative,
Features of a child with ODD level I, ODD level II. Alalia (organization of RPPS, working methods)
Types of applications Before you start learning how to make beautiful applications with your own hands, you should understand
Table Etiquette for Children Politeness Lessons to Help Instill Good Manners in Children
“Methods and techniques for introducing preschool children to art.” Author: Vasilyeva Alena Aleksandrovna Artistically
Proper nutrition is the key to health and beauty How to eat healthy - this question interests
Lapbooks on the topics “Life Safety”, “Fire Safety”, “Fire is a Friend, Fire is an Enemy” for children
Implementation of the program content in educational areas: “Cognitive development”; “Speech development.” Types of children's activities: Cognitive and research,
"A man made of geometric shapes." GCD for design Venue: game room Topic of the week: “I am a man.