Summary of GCD for children of the preparatory group “The history of the creation of the book”
ABC The first schools in Rus' appeared after Epiphany. The entry in the Tale of Bygone Years reads:
Lesson summary for the senior group “Introduction to Gorodets painting”
A bit of history History indicates that the development of wood studies led to its use on
Project theme: “RUSSIAN FOLK TALES” Authors of the project: 5th grade students of the MBOU “Tat-Kitninskaya secondary school”
Project “Through the Pages of Our Fairy Tales” in a preparatory school group.
Project “Fairy Tales” Project theme: “RUSSIAN FOLK TALES” Authors of the project: 5th grade students of the Tat-Kitninskaya Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution
Physical education fairy tale “Kolobok” for children of the 2nd junior group
Physical exercise “Merry little bun” Natalya Perepechko Physical exercise “Merry little bun” Educational activities require a lot from children
Consultation for educators “Organization of visual arts centers”
Fine arts corner in a group: helping children unleash their creative potential Thematic zones in a group -
Lesson summary “I draw the sea” outline of a drawing lesson (senior group)
Sunny light watercolor You have repeatedly stopped near paintings with a seascape, made in watercolor. Pictured
Summary of the lesson “Road signs” in the senior group
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF GCD on traffic rules “Why are road signs needed” teacher of secondary group No. 8
Dymkovo lady from a plastic bottle and plasticine. Master class with step-by-step photos
Dymkovo lady from a plastic bottle and plasticine. Master class with step-by-step photos Dymkovo lady from
Lesson notes for children 5–6 years old. art activity “Color science. Warm and cool colors"
Color science for children All adults are well aware that the world is filled with many colors and their
Quizzes for schoolchildren. Topic: trees and shrubs
Intellectual quiz game for preschoolers 4-5 years old Intellectual quiz game “Do you know trees?” for children
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