The role of cultural and hygienic skills in the upbringing of children of primary preschool age Everyone knows that the health of the body
Work experience in life safety Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 71”
Progress of the lesson for studying the topic “Utensils” 1. Lesson “Magic bag” - I have
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Articles for the stand about the work of the kindergarten “Summer in kindergarten!” Summer
Diagnostics of musical abilities work program on the topic DIAGNOSTICS OF MUSICAL ABILITIES in the preparatory group September of the year
The importance of the educational process The importance of the educational process is to create conditions that are most suitable
Some facts about water. In terms of name, water has many synonyms: hydrogen oxide,
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF “Round table “The Magic World of Books” as a means of improving the pedagogical culture of parents in
Progress of the game: Start of the game: interest the children with the help of a poem Look what happened Everyone