Summary of educational activities for modeling in an early age group for children 2-3 years old on the topic “Candy on a plate”
Lesson 2. Eat my apple (Plasticine molding) Program content. Teach children to roll small ones
Preschool training program. work program on the topic
Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old Program of additional education for senior preschool children
Organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
“Model of a gaming educational environment in the middle group” (methodological development) Natalya Zinovieva “Model of a gaming educational environment
Summary of a spring walk “Observing a birch tree.”
Traffic rules quest for children of senior and preparatory groups “In search of the magic envelope.”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Quest - a game according to the rules of the road for the older group. Educator: Zhitikhin
ECD on cognitive development "Miracle Water" for children of the older group
Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age “The benefits of water” Summary of the lesson “How important water is”
Children's work in nature and its uniqueness in younger groups
Children’s work in nature and its uniqueness in younger groups PLAN Introduction…………………………………………2 Forms of organization
Calendar-thematic plan for the senior group on the topic “Safety in Nature”
Tags: the phone needs to be called; the sides need to go around; What needs to be done; How to take care;
Summary of an open lesson on traffic rules in the second junior group.
Traffic rules, traffic lights. Lesson notes – Lesson notes on traffic rules “Pineapple and his friends” for
Abstract on the organization of household work in the preparatory group “Household Services”
Notes on the organization of household work in the preparatory group "Household Service" Notes on the organization of household work
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