The project is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War The project is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
Notes on non-traditional drawing for older children. Topic: Space GCD summary
Preschool children show special interest in the surrounding nature, its elements and phenomena. Homemade
Summary of a drawing lesson on the topic “Children doing exercises” Summary of a lesson in the section “Artistic and aesthetic
Pudost residents are the best at playing national games. The festival of folk games and
Next riddle Purpose: To consolidate the ability to compose an image in parts from different figures. Educational: teach
Tales about the rules of the road “Rules of the Road” and “Idle Traffic Light” are wonderful fairy tales
What is important to consider when creating a natural corner in a kindergarten? Living corner in kindergarten
At the present stage, preschool education plays a big role. Even for children of older preschool age
Didactic game “Wonderful Bag” in the younger group The purpose of the didactic game “Wonderful Bag” is improvement