The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation.
Summary of individual lesson Setting the sound r
Features of articulation The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation (if the child does not have other speech problems, for example, dysarthria)
Methodological recommendations for planning and organizing role-playing games in different age groups in kindergarten.
Lumps, bushings and flaps. What to play with a preschooler so that parents don’t have to
Children's outdoor game "Mousetrap" for preschool age
Outdoor games “Mice dance in a round dance”, “Cat and mouse”, “Mousetrap”
Rules of the game Cat and Mice Choosing a presenter and driver: it is more advisable to act as a presenter
Fine motor skills of the hands in children 3, 4 and 5 years old - developmental features
Conducting classes on the development of fine motor skills in preschool educational institutions for children 3, 4 and 5
girl and doll
Development of subject activity and cognitive abilities. Games and activities for young children
Contents and features of subject activity at an early age Definition 1 Subject activity is one
Drawing on the topic of traffic in the preparatory group
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group
Pedagogical Council "Patriotic education in modern society in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"
CHILDHOOD-GUIDE From the experience of “Civic-Patriotic Education of Preschool Children” Zubekhina Anna Evgenievna, Kryukova Tamara Aleksandrovna, teachers
Summary of a lesson on application in the senior group “Family”
Flat applications from palms In toddlers, starting from two years old, children can
Consultation for teachers “What types of children’s theaters are there?”
Is it difficult to do? It probably sounds a little scary: make a puppet theater! But on
Drawing lesson in the middle group on the theme of berries
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes. The purpose of this lesson: Cultivating children’s love for arts and crafts
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