Tales about birds. Woodpecker. Why is the woodpecker respected by all birds and animals? And what happened
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Gymnastics includes techniques for relieving psycho-emotional
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Continuity between kindergarten and school. Good traditions for the benefit of children. "Schooling
What is it for? Raising a patriot cannot be successful without appealing to culture
More than anything else, children love to play. Whatever game they choose, snowballs,
Greetings! I am happy to support the patriotic theme of Victory Day. Already sewn for this great holiday
Aster made of corrugated paper Secrets of builders: working with couplings DIY New Year's crafts - 9
A selection of Russian folk outdoor games for children of different ages. Folk games reflect centuries-old
Representatives of the bird world are found in nature in amazing diversity, they symbolize the sky, freedom, life
The activities of any teacher are inextricably linked with psychology, since they have to work with children. Especially