Unconventional drawing in the second junior group An unconventional way of drawing is first and foremost
Consultation for kindergarten parents on traffic rules Consultation for parents “The road safety of a child depends
Loving parents are ready to do anything for the comprehensive, and most importantly, comfortable and joyful development of their
How to achieve information content when creating a stand? It’s better to make do-it-yourself stands for kindergarten
Modeling techniques for the composition “Cockerel with his family” According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the topics of modeling lessons are repeated annually,
What is speech culture? Culture refers to the mastery of oral and written speech. Development of culture
Goal: Testing mathematical knowledge in a playful and entertaining way: in counting, the ability to independently complete tasks
Exercises and tasks Basic exercises and tasks that need to be done daily at home for active
Theatrical didactic game in kindergarten Didactic game “Glove theater or tell a story with your hands”
Project "Broad Maslenitsa" for children of senior preschool age Project "Broad Maslenitsa" for children of senior age