A card index of poems for memorizing in the senior group for children with STD

Children's poems for speech development. Every child develops and becomes familiar with the world around him through speech. From the age of one month, babies begin to prepare to pronounce sounds. At the initial stage, they demonstrate this by humming, the next step is already accompanied by the pronunciation of syllables. When a child clearly learns to speak syllables, he will try to put them into words. After this, children develop the skills to connect words in the form of phrases and sentences. Your baby's ability to speak develops through reading and learning nursery rhymes. Rhyme helps children understand poems more easily and remember them better.

I'm drawing

I’ll draw a big house with a colored pencil: Smoke billows from the chimney, Birds hover above the cornice, There’s a flower pot on the window.:( The sun is like a nickel in the sky, Flocks of clouds are circling, My grandmother is in a scarf, Knitting white socks, Smells of fresh milk. Next to the house there is a garden in bloom, A scarecrow is on duty in it - Pulls his stick hands higher, Disperses the sparrows, Protects the beauty. The dog left the kennel - The cat started a game with him: He jumped onto the fence, the prankster, And now he teases from there - Barking rushes through the yard. Here I am, here is my brother... Childhood, a glorious time! I would have continued to draw, But my older brother interrupted, taking away the pencil. How can you not cry here? I was punished in the future: “You can’t take my school notebooks without asking, Natka!” ... I tried so hard, because © 04/27/2016 Natalya Polyakova

For a child aged 2 years

Children's poems for speech development. From the age of 2, children can read speech therapy poems. They are excellent at training the pronunciation of certain sounds and reinforcing clearly defined letters and syllables. 2 years is the right age to teach a child such rhymes.

Cat - midge

A cat sat on the window

The cat wants to eat a midge

Cat grabs a midge with its paw

Where is the midge? Not to be seen.

Heap - cloud

The wind from the sea drives the cloud

We rake the leaves into a pile

Rain cloud in the sky

The pile of garbage is large.

Pechka - river

The owner lit the stove

The little frog jumped into the river

Coal flared up in the stove

The frogs have a house in the river.

Funny speech therapy poems for children

Great summer ahead

My friend Svetka and I entered ninth grade. The forest will greet us with a bird cherry branch Tomorrow morning. Let's pick up more food, throw it in the backpack, go to the forest on a moped and have a picnic. We will lie on the grass, look at the blue sky, we will kiss sweetly, eat barbecue and sing songs! A great summer is ahead, a free holiday without worries. You can wander around until dawn, Or go on a hike. Let's take our time to weigh our ideas... Only tomorrow the two of us will spend the whole day together, leaving everything for later! © 05/21/2013 mishal

I can't live without a dog

Mom and Dad say to me: “How can I get you away from dogs?” After all, even if the dogs growl, I can’t help but pet them! I have been asking my father for a long time to allow me to get a dog, I bring puppies to shows: Shar Peis, Labradors, Collies... But every time there is the same answer, So painfully familiar to me: “Maybe in a couple of years And only if I succeed at school!” But why? I can not understand! I’m ready to do anything for the sake of a dog: If requested, take them to the store, wash socks and iron trousers! Let the friends of the parent circle call him a dog lover. How can these people not understand, That there is no truer friend than a dog! © 01/14/2013 mishal

Poems about poultry


Here are the ducklings, look, they are learning to swim in a trough! They row deftly with their paws, and soon they will swim across the pond.


Vocal cockerel, Red-scarlet comb. In the morning, as soon as the light rises, he sings a song loudly. He has so much to do, he got up early and managed to do everything!

Hen and chicks.

The mother hen looks at the chickens and squints. Even though they sit in the shade, they are like the sun. It’s a pity that soon everyone will run away from the nest.


In the garden, like a master, a fat gentleman wanders importantly. Dressed in a motley frock coat, an overdressed turkey.

Children's poems

The Star Wanderer of the Worlds Carried Gifts on his sleeves, And over his shoulder was a bag, As if Grandfather for the New Year, The corner became leaky, And the snow began to fall, The children were making a joyful noise, White flies were flying, The girl asked, - Wanderer, Give me a washbasin, So that I can wash the animals, To endow them with cleanliness, - There is no washbasin, There is a box where there is LIGHT, You have it inside, But here is the key, here, take it, The boy asked for rain, - This, dear, wait, Since I spilled snow, Let the winter have fun, On- It’s better for you to have a brush, Take up the ornaments, You will draw with it, Make patterns for winter, Gave others a notebook, Write fairy tales for children, There were many Gifts from huge sleeves. © 11/14/2011 Firefly

Poems about insects and amphibians


Along the path, along the path, Centipedes came to visit, But on the way they rubbed their feet, The poor things are squeezing their sandals. ©


The snail crawls and crawls, and carries its little house, And on its face there is a smile and a song it sings: I have my little house, my little house, always with me. ©


In the warm summer, butterflies fly over the gardens. Their colored wings sparkle joyfully. You can catch them with a net, You can draw them, You can put them in a jar, Don’t forget to let them go!


Along thin cobwebs Four spiders are in a hurry, wearing shoes with thin heels. Four little spiders Hurry after the spiders Along thin cobwebs Wearing boots with heels.


This is how nature works: Without bees there is no honey in nature, In the morning they sat on a flower, By night there is honey in the hive.


“Kva-kva-kva” the frog sings, And scratches his belly, She feels comfortable on the leaf, You can sing almost all morning. Everyone in the pond knows the frog, Everyone gets tired of it, But the frog doesn’t care, It’s been living here for a long time! And whoever she bothers - let him move out of here himself!

Poems for children

-What do you see, kids, when you open your books? -We see everything the other way around. Here is a rooster - it’s written “cat”. A little hare galloped through the forest, and it says “little fox.” Little jackdaws are sitting on the branches. We read “wolf cubs.” -Something is wrong here, guys! The people agree: -Everything is the other way around. -Well, let's try to fix it. Put the words in place. An airplane is drawn, -We won’t say “steamboat.” - A titmouse is jumping in the branches, - So it’s clear - it’s a bird. -Who will say “hippopotamus” if a cat is drawn? There are ponies grazing in the meadow. Everyone can see that these are horses. We'll notice everything here and there and put it in its place. © 12/14/2011 Boris Ponomarev

Poems about forest animals


The squirrel jumped out for a walk in the morning, to collect cones on the fluffy Christmas tree. From branch to branch, Jumping easily, the squirrel climbed very high.


Along a forest path, Early in the morning, On a thorny back, Carrying mushrooms into a hole. This is a prickly hedgehog, From head to toe, As if without needles He could carry them.


A gray bunny under a bush, twirling his gray tail. He rubs his nose with his gray paw and sings his song: “Oh, how much I’m afraid, What if I get caught by a fox!”


His red coat sparkles, he fools wolves here and there, he chases mice and bunnies, through fields and meadows. This red beauty is known for her cunning. Don't trust her guys, she is a very cunning fox.


On a cold, gloomy winter day, a hungry wolf walks and wanders. He prowls through forests and fields, And he looks for food for himself. In fairy tales he is called “gray”, and he gets it there. Either the fox will suddenly deceive you, or the hunters will come.


The bees are chasing Mishka. “Ju-zhu-zhu, don’t be a thief! Don’t touch our honey, go on your way!” The bear rushes without looking back, Only his heels flash in the grass. Instead of honey there will be cones. There are bears on the nose of the thief.


In a warm and dry hole, deep underground, a blind mole lives very lonely. From morning until sunset he digs tunnels in it, Although the work is a bit dirty, He is pleased with it.

Children's poems

Donkey, donkey, why are you sad? Our good, nice, stubborn baby. Sometimes you get up and won’t move. Why are you silent and won’t respond? – I’m not stubborn, I just dream, How I fly across the blue sky! Smoothly soaring high, high! And it’s so easy in my soul, easy…………………………………….. You’re funny, you’re an animal, not a bird. Is it possible for this to happen? I think if you strive for something, then a lot can happen. You can build a dream airplane and go on a successful flight! I want dreams to come true on this planet, in pink. *** Once upon a time Peter lived with two big cats. They didn’t go through the door - they climbed through the windows. But one day, in bad weather, he closed the windows. Those remained on the street, the little fools cried. A puppy ran past, picking up crumbs, “Why are you crying so bitterly, matryoshka kitties?” - We wanted to get into the house, the windows were closed... Meow at the doors, and they were open. Get to know the world to the fullest, silly cats, Otherwise all sorts of mistakes will hinder you. © 12/24/2011 Sergey Kosa Urantia

Poems about kindergarten for children

Fox cubs are being taken to kindergarten

Fox cubs are led to kindergarten in hats with pompoms, from under their fur coats their tails hang with white tips. The fox cubs don’t want to go into the garden: Resisting with their little paws, They keep cunning, cunning, cunning With their mommies and daddies. Smart ears are trembling in hats under pompoms - They lured foxes into the garden with jelly and donuts! The parent will close the door - And run quickly! Although a little fox is a cunning animal, an adult fox is more cunning!

E. Anokhina

Forest kindergarten

Along a forest path, a large squad hurries into the distance: Bears, pigs and crickets, followed by hamsters! And the ducklings are racing after them, The kittens are rushing after them, And just like that, they are all rushing in a row - So where is the squad rushing?

And the detachment hurries to where there is a hut by the pond, where they sing merrily, where they serve compote, where they feed you delicious porridge, and introduce you to the doll Masha! So where is everyone rushing in a row? Well, of course - to kindergarten!

Everyone will have fun there, run, jump and learn! And there are so many toys there! Everyone is playing in the open space, So the little animals are rushing in a row - Hurry up to kindergarten!

So, nice guys, Be like the little animals, Walk in a row with mom and dad to kindergarten.

They are waiting for you there! They miss you, They welcome you there with joy! Everyone will be happy to see you there - love your kindergarten!

K. Avdeenko

How to become a schoolgirl

Yesterday my neighbor Alla told me everything about school!

They don't go to school to play, they learn to read at school! There are girls and boys leafing through books every day. They don’t sleep there even at noon - This is not a kindergarten for you!

I can go to school! All you need to do is: grow up, eat soup and porridge quickly, listen to mom and grandma... Go to the garden in the morning without tears, and be an example to your sister!

T. Efimova

Our portrait

Our group is friendly - Smart, obedient, sings songs and is very creative.

Now I’ll paint our whole group with all colors, Let our cheerful portrait Smile for a hundred years!

P. Sinyavsky

Our toys

There are a lot of toys in kindergarten, Our toys are in plain sight: Puss in Boots, long-eared bunnies, And a drum, and balalaikas. Dolls are sitting elegantly in braids, Dolls are looking at hares and bears. We don’t hit or break our toys, we don’t take them away from our comrades. Our toys are in plain sight - We have everything in common in kindergarten.

N. Naydenova

Our towels

We drew different pictures ourselves, nailed them over the towels ourselves. Sasha won’t take Olino’s towel: He won’t confuse the Blue Plane with a bird. Borya the newcomer knows his boat, Misha knows his strawberries, Mashenka knows his top. Seryozha has an apple, Volodya has a pear, and Katyusha chose the picture with cherries. The butterfly is with Igor, the Hare is with Natasha... We don’t confuse our towels at all!

N. Naydenova

New girl

New girl in kindergarten. I'll go to the new girl now.

- Why are you on the sidelines? It's boring to be alone. Here are our toys, Here is a clockwork elephant.

You see - I started it with the key, Now it will go From the wall to the table.

Here are our cubes, We are building houses. You will also learn how to build yourself!

Let's go, I'll take you to the guys. All girls like Kindergarten.

N. Naydenova

We became friends in kindergarten

We never get bored together, we walk together and sing together, we chew a donut with jam on the go. We became friends in kindergarten.

Even when I become the oldest, I will not stop hanging out with my friend, I will share a song and a pie with my friend.

P. Sinyavsky


I love my kindergarten. It is full of children. One, two, three, four, five... It’s a pity that we can’t count them all. Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.

It's good when we are together!

S. Pitirimov


I’ve been going to kindergarten for a long time and I’m friends with everyone here. Today I am with Seryozha, walking hand in hand.

And yesterday, together with Kolya, I built a house out of cubes, We admired it together, jumped around, laughed... And then we plopped down on this wonderful house together, And while we were getting up from it, we accidentally broke everything.

And the other day my friend Natasha and I shared porridge - I wanted to help her so much: I ate everything from her plate.

How glad and happy I am - There are only friends around here!

E. Grudanov


Dear, kind kindergarten, Nice and good. You introduced me to Vanya and Seryozha.

We were very proud of the strong male friendship, Even mothers also became friends because of us.

Now it's always the three of us. On weekdays, on weekends. It’s as if my friends became like brothers.

N. Migunova

Queen of Kindergarten

Lush outfits everywhere, Multi-colored bows. The kindergarten desperately needs a Beauty Queen!

From Alina to Inessa - Everyone is beautiful, like a princess!

But Alyonka, the one on the left, Apparently, will become a queen. She, Alyonka, has green all over her cheek!

N. Yaroslavtsev

First love

I like the girl in our garden... Tomorrow I’ll go up to her in the sandbox and tear off the pompom from her hat... Let her roar! But he won’t forget me for a whole year.

G. Voronkova

The very first love

I loved the girl in our garden, We shared everything: the pot and the food. We played together, but I began to notice: She began to play with another boy. I won’t forgive her for this betrayal - I won’t let her go to the potty again, And I’ll tear off the pompom from her hat - let her roar! I’ll play with her friend... Here...


I'm getting married

There was a commotion in the garden in the morning - the girls prevailed. They repeat such nonsense: Everyone wants to get married!

Svetka gives me the ball, and Irochka gives me the car. Natasha gives a plane, Markers - Marinka.

I don’t understand who I should choose. My thoughts made me feel hot. Should I be left alone, should I return all the gifts to them?

You will have to decide anyway, Who is better, more fun? I'm marrying my mom! It's decided! She's dearer to me!

T. Lavrova


The kindergarten starts work at eight, and by eight our yard is filled with a swarm. The human offspring, a lover of fuss, is silent and gloomy in the morning.

Now it’s time for me to go to work, I’m running, The yard greets me with a burry chirp, And posterity is already piling up Their towers, their working quarters in the snow.

Sometimes the bulletin, hanging out at the window, I look and observe everything for a long, long time, How, free and riotous, from dark to dark, the shift is accustomed to order and duty.

And the guys leave at seven, in the semi-darkness, in a hurry, without saying “goodbye” to each other, and hurry and mince along the frozen ground, clinging to their mother’s warm hand.

Dmitry Sukharev

Quiet hour

The shutters close, the children undress. - Hush, hush, hush, birds, don’t sing under the window! In the quiet hour one sleeps so sweetly, The boys sleep soundly. Don't click, cicadas, don't chatter—clack-clack-clack! The guys need to rest, they need to sleep for an hour! Don't croak, frogs, under the guys' window! There are cots here, the guys sleep soundly here. The shutters open The children are getting dressed... Tell me, children, What did you see in your dream?

E. Tarakhovskaya


In our kindergarten, friends, it’s just wonderful! We are like a friendly family With our teacher: We sing songs together. We have fun, we celebrate, in general, we live well and laugh joyfully! To your teachers. We say “thank you” to the cooks and nannies, as if to our mothers!

Poems for children about animals

Tiger cubs have been pugnacious since childhood! But I’ll tell you one remedy: Pet the tiger cub behind the ear, and he’ll immediately turn up his belly! ... Elephants have long ears! And long, long noses! They are pulled, for them, naughty ones, by adults who are always in a hurry! ….. Hedgehogs are not angry at all! Covered with needles on top, Because they can’t bite! How else can they defend themselves? ….. Hippos have a full tummy Because they have a big mouth! And not all hippos are fat, it all depends on how adults feed them! …. Crocodiles are not evil at all! They're just a little naughty! And they bite all day long, not out of harm! Just for fun! ... Giraffes have long necks, Because they are mouthy! They twist their necks in all directions, What's going on in different corners! … © 05/18/2012 Herman Grew

For a child aged 4 years

Children's poems for speech development. Children aged 4 years really like to listen to rhymes that contain animals, birds, insects, and seasons. They can be cheerful and sad, funny and instructive. All works are sure to evoke certain feelings in the child: joy, compassion, pity. Often, after reading a poem about those who are in trouble or trouble, children feel responsible for them and want to help them. Of course, relevant topics in poems for their age are the seasons, animals, everyday objects and things.


We ask mom for a fur coat - So autumn has returned to us. We'll walk in fur coats and collect mushrooms. I'll pick a bouquet of daisies and weave a wreath myself. Admire the daisies, Our winter is winter. The following poem trains the pronunciation of the letters: “r” and “l”.



In an anthill under a willow, ants live beautifully. Their house is a fairy-tale palace, Every resident in it is a fighter. From childhood they learn to shoot, to protect the queen - mother. But the queen does not spin; she lays white eggs. Ants protect their royal eggs. And they live in a happy country In a palace under an old willow tree. You can invite your child to memorize and repeat this poem.


Dressed up the legs in new boots. You walk, legs, straight along the path. You walk, stomp, don’t splash through puddles, don’t walk into the mud, don’t tear your boots.

A fun song for speech development with movements

To our children...

Children, this is our seed of happiness! The sun shines brighter, more cheerfully, If suddenly the baby smiled at us, Surprising all your guests! And the baby, opening his tender mouth, Where he doesn’t even have a tooth yet, will mumble quietly, like a stream, Something incomprehensible to everyone And opening his blue eyes, Seeing his mother bending over, He will stretch out his chubby little hands, And want to tell her something... The mother will take her dear, beautiful child in her weary arms, lean him against her tired chest, very quietly and tenderly saying: “You grow up, my little son, quickly grow into a hero, you are still just a small sprout, but my support in the future. You are my dear blood. You will grow up and leave your home, But we all live, knowing from birth, The best way is only the way home...” © 09/29/2012 Venera Goncharova (Poem written at school age)

For children

Day after day, week after week We passed by you and me. The two of us walked, slept, ate, My child, my long-awaited one. Your mother couldn't wait for her first date with her child. You knocked with your arms and legs, moved in your mother, and then finally your mother saw her long-awaited happiness. On this winter day, spring came. Not for everyone, but certainly for her. My dear children, I love you deeply, without boundaries, To write a book about this, a thousand pages are not enough for me. In this life I lost a lot, I only gained more than anyone else. After all, without you I was quietly dying, but with you I came to life again. © 04/01/2013 Feruza


An eccentric walked along the roads And bowed to everyone, He must have been in love, He bowed all day long Without money - for nothing!
And if you fall in love even a little, you won’t recognize yourself! I so want to open up to everyone and bow to everyone around me and kiss everything around me!

And many did not understand, “What does he want, weirdo?” They just hardly took him seriously, bows - what a trifle!

But then one day it happened: the eccentric disappeared somewhere, and for some reason everyone, like a well of thirst, looked everywhere for him.

Everyone said to each other: “Where did he go? We lived so wonderfully with him, We all loved him so much!.. Or maybe we had a dream?”

Take a closer look: suddenly there’s an eccentric again, a lover lives between you And he gives bows to everyone, He gives out bows all day For nothing, for nothing...

To my children

I love my children so much, But I often overdo it. Forgive me, my dear ones, because it’s all because of love. I love their sweet voice so much, Like streams in spring. Even if they are full of pranks, I love them all the same, Stronger than love. I so want that in life, Luck smiles at them, So that happiness covers them completely, So that they are unbending and steadfast in the fight against their fate. I really want my mentors to be good for them. But it doesn’t always work out well, alas! I so want to help them reach the heights of which we have not yet told. And give them a good start in life and education for them. I so want that when they get older, they don’t forget about me, And that when they come to visit, they whisper: “Mommy, we miss you so much And we all love you very much!” And they hugged you so tightly and kissed you. And I will always cherish this kiss. May the Lord protect them from evil, from evil, illness and filth, and fill their hearts with reverence, truth and faith. I love you so much, you are mine. You are my happiness given from above. The two most important people for me in such a huge world. I love you And this is forever. © 04/09/2013 Elena Nesterova

For a child aged 5 years

Parents should know that their little one at the age of five will not focus his interest on any one object. On this basis, when choosing poems, you should focus on works that use things that are understandable to a child. If you need to learn a poem, it should be short and simple.

Where is whose house?

The sparrow lives under the roof, In a warm hole there is a mouse's house. The frog has a house in the pond. A bird's house - a warbler - in the garden. - Hey chicken, where is your house? He is under his mother's wing.

Physical exercises in kindergarten


I climbed onto the horse and hold on with my hands. Look at me. I went to my mother.

cat house

Ding-dong, ding-dong, The cat's house caught fire. A chicken is running with a bucket, But she didn't get there, She spilled the water.

For a child aged 6 years

Children's poems for speech development. One of the main aspects for a baby is his family. Poems on this topic are very suitable for children aged six. Thanks to these works, the child understands and realizes that it is most correct to value and love in life, and learn to set priorities correctly. Preschoolers will be pleased to read a warm and touching work to their close family members.


Dad reads books to me. I value my friendship with him. I’ll retell each fairy tale out loud for Dad. I’ll retell it out loud. Then I’ll take the book. I’ll read it aloud to dad. Dad will retell the story. It will take my breath away. That’s how we read to each other. We retell it out loud. And it’s so fun in the apartment. And it’s so fabulous all around.

How to properly develop a child physically while he is small?

Children at this age will be no less interested in riddles about family members.

Who will teach us how to hammer a nail, not as a joke, but seriously? Who will teach you to be brave? If you fall off your bike, don’t whine, And scratch your knee, and don’t cry? Of course... (Dad)

He will always treat you with jam, he will set the table with treats, Lada is our sweetheart, Who? - Dear... (grandmother)

A very relevant topic for children aged six is ​​saying goodbye to kindergarten.

Goodbye, kindergarten!

The kindergarten gave us a lot of knowledge and skills into the world of discoveries, adventures and success! And now we are invited to visit the school - 1st grade! Let learning give you joy every day and every hour!

How to prepare a child for school? What to do? How to practice?

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