interesting facts about dolphins
The most interesting facts about dolphins. Interesting facts about dolphins for children
Many scientists are inclined to think that dolphins are intelligent creatures that develop in parallel
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic “Flowers” ​​(the world around us, communication) outline of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Synopsis of GCD in the senior group. Theme "Flowers". Author: Sivoldaeva Irina Vasilievna Educational
Girl with a watering can
Using problematic situations in environmental education of preschool children
The use of problematic situations in the environmental education of preschool children Bibliographic description: Ayvazyan, A. G. The use of problematic situations
Didactic game “What a firefighter needs for work”
Card index of didactic games on labor education for preschoolers
Didactic game “Who needs what for work” The game introduces preschoolers to specialists in different professions:
“development of a child’s personality in the context of organizing the technology “kindergarten-open system” in a preschool” methodological development on the topic
Personality - man - individuality Not so long ago, in that very unforgettable Soviet
Summary of GCD in the senior group “Profession Firefighter”
Anyone can put out a fire in the forest, but what if a real fire suddenly happens? Who's going to come
Daytime nap in preschool. Requirements for the organization and features of the implementation. (consultation for educators)
Daytime sleep is allotted 2 hours. Summary of the organization of the regime moment in the senior group
Scheduling in the middle group on the topic: Transport. Traffic rules Driver's work
Carrying out activities on traffic rules in kindergarten Throughout the school year
Journey into space
Cosmonautics Day. Conversation in kindergarten. Senior group
Conversation about space (senior group) author: Averinskaya Irina Sergeevna teacher-speech therapist MADOU kindergarten “Zvezdochka”
Speech at the teachers' meeting. Topic: “Card indexes on speech development, its significance, main advantages.”
Every day, every person processes and receives a huge amount of information, which cannot be “digested” immediately.
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