Many scientists are inclined to think that dolphins are intelligent creatures that develop in parallel
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Synopsis of GCD in the senior group. Theme "Flowers". Author: Sivoldaeva Irina Vasilievna Educational
The use of problematic situations in the environmental education of preschool children Bibliographic description: Ayvazyan, A. G. The use of problematic situations
Didactic game “Who needs what for work” The game introduces preschoolers to specialists in different professions:
Personality - man - individuality Not so long ago, in that very unforgettable Soviet
Anyone can put out a fire in the forest, but what if a real fire suddenly happens? Who's going to come
Daytime sleep is allotted 2 hours. Summary of the organization of the regime moment in the senior group
Carrying out activities on traffic rules in kindergarten Throughout the school year
Conversation about space (senior group) author: Averinskaya Irina Sergeevna teacher-speech therapist MADOU kindergarten “Zvezdochka”
Every day, every person processes and receives a huge amount of information, which cannot be “digested” immediately.