Notes on paper design in the senior group “Happy Journey”
Interesting ideas and design schemes For older preschoolers, the greatest pleasure comes from activities that contain
a story about chickens
Stories for children. Tales about chickens. Feel free to hit the road. Love is more important than magic
Mom's Birthday This story about chickens teaches children to be caring and not to
Methodological recommendations for conducting conversations with preschool children
Methodological recommendations for conducting conversations with preschool children Victoria Tripolskaya Methodological recommendations for
Russian folk music
Oral folk art as a means of education and development of preschool children
Russian folk musical instruments The ancient Slavs used objects with the extraction of musical sounds to conduct
what sports should a child do in winter?
Project “Winter Sports” methodological development (senior group)
Winter sports for children are an opportunity to combine business with pleasure. This is also physical activity.
Quiz “Vitamins” Biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School, Troitskoye village, Sakhalin Region Danilenko N.V. - presentation
How to create the right daily routine? A thoroughly thought-out rational daily routine that everyone should follow
Experimenting with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Water, methods of water purification”
Summary of a lesson on experimental activities for children of senior preschool age “Miracle Water”
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Experimenting with children of older preschool age
Solar system. Explanation for children
Entertainment for children of the preparatory group. solar system
Astronomy for children > Solar system Description of the planets of the solar system for children: look at the model
Staging sound using imitation
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Producing the sound C”
Normally, by the age of 3–4 years, children correctly pronounce the hard and soft sound “s”. Incorrect
Swimming lessons for children from 3 years old
Welcome to the website of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 232 “Zhemchuzhinka” in Ulyanovsk.
SanPIN for swimming pools. Visiting rules and regulations for children: what should the water temperature be?
For any suggestions regarding the site: [email protected]
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