Exploratory activities on a walk in different seasons
Research activities during a walk in different seasons Experiment 1: make a cut with a shovel to
Abstract of GCD in mathematics for the preparatory group “Tsarina Mathematics”
Abstract of the educational activity "An entertaining journey to the land of Mathematics" in the preparatory group. Summary of GCD “An Entertaining Journey”
child observation diary
Protocols for observing children in various activities
Observation in the work of a teacher The number of signs studied should be minimal, and they should be
Speech development in children
Speech development in the first junior group. Speech development classes at preschool educational institutions
When and how speech development occurs Speech development is recommended to begin with the birth of a child. Already
Abstract of the NOOD application in the senior group on the topic: “Into space on a rocket.”
Cosmic idea made of paper and cardboard for April 12 From components such as paper
What is the difference between a psychologist and a teacher, neurologist and psychiatrist?
The work of a psychologist. Lesson notes for the preparatory group
Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old Summary of a lesson of a teacher-psychologist with preparatory children
long-term thematic plan for technology
Lesson 3. Planning tasks: making lists and prioritizing
If you begin to thoroughly understand what factors influence a person’s life,
Card index of games for the sensory development of children in the middle group
Methodical manual “Do-it-yourself sensory toys” Author: Irina Petrovna Taut, teacher at MAU DO
Russian folk game is fun and educational for children
Although games in Rus' have always been considered fun, our ancestors attached great educational importance to them.
SanPin norms and requirements: to what temperature do they walk in kindergarten, and in what cases is it not necessary to go there?
SanPin norms and requirements: to what temperature do they walk in kindergarten, and in what cases is it not necessary to go there?
General norms and requirements for preschool educational institutions according to SanPin The activities of preschool educational institutions are strictly regulated
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