Environmental corner in kindergarten. Decoration Decorating an ecological corner in a preschool educational institution with your own hands Author:
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Scenario “Child’s birthday in kindergarten
Week “Games and Toys” in the middle group “Smile” WEEK “GAMES AND TOYS” IN THE SECONDARY
Summary of GCD for FEMP. Senior, preparatory group. Generalization of knowledge about geometric shapes Lesson notes
Toy week in kindergarten: program In kindergarten, there are a lot of toys to organize a week
Observing the growth and development of living beings During the school year, teachers with children
Preview: Abstract of educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development in the 2nd junior group (modeling) "Let's blind the wheels
Plants that should not be grown in a child's room The appearance of some plants may cause
Phonetic stories by T.A. Tkachenko. We learn to pronounce the sound L correctly. The manual contains 15 stories and
Fairy tales on fire safety rules for preschoolers Fairy tales “CLICK FIRE AND WATER” Once upon a time