Planning educational work middle group Week “Games and Toys”

Toy week in kindergarten: program

There are many opportunities for organizing a toy week in kindergarten, and they need to be used! It is better if each day of this week is dedicated to a separate topic and takes place in a special atmosphere, with visits to different thematically decorated premises of the kindergarten, the street, and possibly excursions.

Of course, parents do not have the opportunity to attend every event - but it is better if the closing or opening of the toy week takes place with their participation. Then it will be possible to introduce parents to the program for the whole week, to involve them in a conversation about the benefits/harms of certain toys and the features of organizing children's play.

In some kindergartens, there is a good tradition of holding a competition between parents on such a day to create the most creative children's toy (the toy is prepared by the parents in advance). Then the week of toys in kindergarten ends with an amazing exhibition that can give kids a lot of interesting impressions, and perhaps - thanks to the efforts of the most practical mothers and fathers - some new interesting toys for group activities.

The “toy” topic is so wide that ideas for organizing themed days should not arise.

This could be a sports toy day in the gym or on the playground, a musical toy day in a music or assembly hall.

You can spend a wooden toy day and combine it with an excursion to the park.

You can organize a theatrical toy day and improvise a performance with the kids.

It would be great if the kindergarten staff could organize a folk toy day, and not only tell, but also show the kids what their grandparents played with when there were no Barbie dolls and transforming robots, remember the songs and nursery rhymes that could accompany children’s games. Or maybe even visit the museum, asking its staff in advance to focus the kids’ attention only on the “toy” exhibits, so that the excursion doesn’t drag on and tire the kids out.

And let the week of toys in kindergarten end with a real “toy ball”, with fun music, games and a small “doll” treat, to which preschoolers will “invite” their favorite and most faithful... toys!

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Planning the week “Games and Toys” in the second junior group

Olga Agataeva

Plan for the week of “Games and Toys”

from 11/16/2015 until 20.11.2015

Weekly objectives:

  • developing children's interest in various types of games
  • support for free creative self-realization in the game
  • development of cognitive activity
  • optimal use of play equipment that promotes the activation of children’s play activities.

Monday. "My favorite toy"


Morning exercises with your toys

Goal: develop coordination of movements, increase emotional and muscle tone.

Didactic game “Find a toy”

Goal: to teach children to determine and name where it is in relation to other objects, to use appropriate prepositions in speech.

The candle loves to dress up in multi-colored rings. Put it on quickly, come on: Wider at the bottom, narrower at the top (pyramid)

He spins on one leg, but when he gets tired he goes to bed (spinning top)

It’s rubber and round, just begging to be held in your arms, to toss and catch, to roll (the ball) along the path.

Independent play activities with favorite toys

Goal: to enrich children’s gaming experience, to show an example of story-based actions with various toys.


Memorizing poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” , dance of little ducklings.

Goal: to develop children's creative abilities and expressive speech.

Tuesday. Didactic games


Morning exercises with massage balls

Goal: to develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements.

Conversation about the ball

Purpose: to consider different types of balls (size, material, shape, to arouse interest in this toy.

Outdoor game "Ball"

Modeling “Making rattles”

Goal: teach how to make rattles from waste material, develop fine motor skills.


Role-playing game “Hospital” - at a doctor’s appointment.

Goal: to teach children to play out situations related to personal experience; develop the ability to take on a specific role.


Morning exercises “For guys about animals”

Goal: create an emotionally positive mood, develop coordination of movements.

Writing a story about your toy

Goal: to teach children to write a story about their favorite toy, to expand their vocabulary with emotional and evaluative vocabulary, and to learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives.


Didactic game Lotto “Animals”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name animals; develop memory and attention.

Thursday “Theatrical Games”


Conversation about the theater

Goal: to clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about the theater, types of theater, rules of behavior in the theater.

Morning exercises “Turnip”

Goal: to develop coordination of movements, raise the emotional and muscle tone of children.

Dramatization based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Goal: to create a positive emotional mood, develop interest in theatrical activities and fairy-tale characters.


Finger game “Friendly Family”

Friday "Day of outdoor games"


Conversation “To be healthy”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the meaning of movements in human life.

Outdoor game "Planes"

Goal: raise emotional and muscle tone, develop coordination of movements, exercise running.


Sports leisure: “We are dexterous and brave”

(P.I.: “Shaggy Dog” , “Run to Me” )

Goal: to develop agility, speed, ingenuity, coordination of movements

Next >

Thematic week “Games and Toys”

Thematic week

"Games and Toys"


  • - attracting the attention of all teachers, specialists, parents to the purpose of the children's game; determining its place in the operating mode

preschool educational institutions;

  • — increasing the professional level of teachers of preschool educational institutions on all issues of organizing children’s play activities;
  • — developing children’s interest in various types of games and supporting their free creative self-realization in play;
  • — optimal use of play equipment, manuals and other means and materials available in preschool educational institutions that contribute to the activation of children’s play activities;

  • As part of the thematic week, various types of games (role-playing, moving, theatrical, leisure, didactic, etc.) were organized in preschool educational institutions. Particular attention was paid to creating conditions for children's amateur games in various forms: - competitions for children's buildings; - making homemade toys by children and parents; organizing the repair of gaming equipment; - transfer of family experience to kindergarten (interesting games in the family, grandmother’s forgotten games); — creation of conditions for a play environment, paraphernalia for children’s amateur games; — relay races and competitions; - training parents in children's games; — presentations of author’s games-aids; - joint games for children of different ages; — production of game costumes and paraphernalia for plot and theatrical games.

1st day “Fun toy library”.

Main goals:

- develop children's gaming skills,

- learn to conduct game dialogue in accordance with the role, interact in

game in accordance with the plot, negotiate, follow

game rules,

— to carry out the social development of children in play;

- bring joy from playing together.

  • Morning exercises “We are toys.”
  • Conversation with children “Stories about toys”
  • Role-playing game "Trip to Children's World"
  • Reading fiction about toys
  • Board and educational games, puzzles, rebuses
  • Making homemade toys by children and parents

2nd day “Day of Russian folk games and toys.”

Main goals:

-give an idea of ​​folk toys, folk crafts and

folk games;

- amuse the children; cultivate character, mind, will; develop moral

feelings; physically strengthen the child; create a certain mood;

cultivate interest in folk art;

  • Conversation with children about Russian folk toys and games.
  • Application "Folk Toy".
  • Reading nursery rhymes, jokes, chants.
  • Outdoor folk games: “Babki” (we use skittles instead of grandmothers); “Burners”, “Stream”, “Wolf in the Moat”, “Zhmurki” and others.
  • Making a folk rag doll

3rd day “Day of outdoor games”.

Main goals:

- teach children to use familiar outdoor games in free activities;

positive emotional mood from joint activities;

- improve children's health;

- to activate the existing knowledge and skills of children;

— develop children’s motor skills and dexterity.

  • Morning exercises in the form of exercises from funny songs
  • Exercise “Who will collect the most toys”
  • Conversation with children about the benefits of sports, gymnastics, outdoor games
  • Drawing “My favorite toy.”
  • Outdoor games “Planting Potatoes”, “Centipede”, “Mousetrap”,
  • "Blind Man's Bluff". “Find yourself a match”, “Burners”, “Owl” and others.
  • Relay races and competitions “Fastest”

4th day: “Day of plot-role-playing games.”

Main goals:

- systematically enrich the experience of children;

— develop children’s gaming skills;

- teach how to conduct a game dialogue in accordance with the role, interact in the game in accordance with the plot, negotiate, follow the game rules;

— to carry out the social development of children in play;

- bring joy from joint games.

  • Talking with children and looking at illustrations and toys “What are toys for?”
  • Construction of children's buildings and layout for director's and story games
  • Role-playing games “Road Rules”, “Supermarket”, “Bank”, “Taxi”, “Cafe”, “Flower Salon” and others.
  • Carrying out satellite games: “A trip to the zoo, theater, museum”, “We are going to the store”.

5th day: “Day of theatre, theatrical toys and dramatization.”

Main goals:

— clarify children’s knowledge about theater as an art form;

- create a desire to be like positive theater characters;

– development of creative and acting abilities of senior preschool children

age, imagination.

  • Conversation with children about theater, its origins, its types, its meaning,
  • Dramatization of a fairy tale with author's elements.
  • Independent creative activity of children with various types of theater puppets (finger, flat, bibabo).
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