Skills required for drawing animals in the middle group Before preparing for a drawing lesson
Goal: development of independence, active skills of joint activities of children in the classroom. Training sessions: Reinforce the skill
Working with the nature calendar In the middle group it should be simple based on the material presented,
Psychological service of early age (using the example of preschool educational institution No. 47) 1605 Early age is the most responsible
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Traffic Light”. Program content: Visual
Lesson summary, reflecting the specifics of work on the program for the formation of prepositional case forms. The author presents a lesson summary,
Books about the seasons Series "Town" Susanna Rotraut Berner. Spring, Winter, Summer, Autumn. This
Slide captions: THE AMAZING WORLD OF STONES Responsible: teacher-speech therapist Statkevich E.O. educators Mashalgina G.P.
The difference between stones and metals Not every solid object in nature is a stone. Meet
Elena Miroshina Summary of educational activities for drawing in the preparatory group “Portrait of a Friend” Municipal budgetary preschool