Early childhood psychological service (using the example of preschool educational institution No. 47) 1605

Early childhood psychological service (using the example of preschool educational institution No. 47) 1605

Early age is that crucial period of a person’s life when the most fundamental abilities that determine the further development of a person are formed. During this period, such key qualities as cognitive activity, trust in the world, self-confidence, a friendly attitude towards people, creative opportunities, general life activity and much more are formed. However, these qualities and abilities do not arise automatically as a result of physiological maturation. Their formation requires adequate influence from adults, certain forms of communication and joint activities with the child. The origins of many of the problems that parents and teachers face (reduced cognitive activity, communication disorders, isolation and increased shyness or, on the contrary, aggressiveness and hyperactivity of children, etc.) lie precisely in early childhood. Correction and compensation of these deformations in preschool and school age present significant difficulties and require significantly more effort and costs than their prevention.

Currently, the vast majority of children spend their early childhood in the family. Family education is indeed optimal for a small child, since the love of close adults, their sensitive and flexible attitude, and individual communication are necessary conditions for the normal development of the child and his good emotional well-being. However, not all parents understand the age characteristics of children under 3 years old and know how to find adequate pedagogical influences. Most families retain the idea of ​​early age as a period of physiological maturation and physical development. It is believed that mental development begins after 3 years. As a result, parents' attention is focused on the baby's physical health, limited to hygienic care (feeding, walking, bathing, etc.) and providing him with a lot of toys. In other families, on the contrary, they overestimate the child’s capabilities and begin to teach and raise a 2-year-old child in the same way as a 5-7 year old child (they teach him to read and write, use a computer, sit him in front of the TV, etc.). In both cases, the age characteristics of children are ignored, which can lead to very sad consequences. The result of this “inability” of parents is an increase in alarming problems associated with the mental health and development of children (delays in mental and speech development, lack of imagination, attention deficit, impulsiveness and aggressiveness, emotional deafness, etc.).

The full development of a young child requires adequate and qualified psychological and pedagogical support from professionals with the necessary qualifications. However, at present there is an acute shortage of relevant specialists (psychologists and teachers) to work with young children. In pedagogical universities in our country there is generally no such specialization - educational psychologist or early childhood educator. Nursery groups are staffed by preschool education specialists or those who do not have special education (medical staff, parents or relatives of children, etc.). As a result, young children (1–3 years old) are either left without any psychological and pedagogical support at all (the work of the teacher is limited to hygiene maintenance and adherence to the daily routine), or receive influences that do not correspond to their age characteristics.

Meanwhile, this age stage has significant qualitative specifics. It is impossible to apply to him methods and techniques of work suitable for raising preschoolers. Working with young children requires special training, involving both specialized knowledge and experience working with young children. All this makes it extremely important to create a psychological service for children under 3 years of age.

This task is of particular relevance at the present time, when there is an intense influx of young children into kindergartens. In recent decades, after mothers gained the opportunity to raise children under 3 years of age at home without losing their jobs and receiving child care benefits, the nursery system has virtually collapsed. Teachers who have experience working with children under 3 years of age have either retrained to work with preschoolers or left the education system. However, currently there is a reverse process: due to the changed socio-economic situation, more and more young mothers are forced to send their young children to nurseries. In Moscow kindergartens there are already quite a lot of children no older than 3 years old, there is a queue for nursery groups, and in the future, due to the increase in the birth rate in Moscow, the problem of raising young children in preschool educational institutions will become even more acute. It is obvious that this contingent, new to the capital’s education system, is in dire need of qualified specialists who can work with young children. In this regard, there is an urgent need to develop models of early childhood psychological services.

Psychological work with children under 3 years of age is a relatively young and not yet well-formed area of ​​practical psychology. Today, it is extremely relevant to analyze the experience of the (still small) state educational institution No. 47. This kindergarten specializes in educating young children (from 1 to 3 years old) and is one of the base sites for the experiment in the Central District of Moscow, in which various forms of psychological and pedagogical work with young children are tested. In addition, Preschool Educational Institution No. 47 is part of the university district of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education: university employees provide scientific leadership of the psychological service, and university graduates (the authors of this article) work there as practical psychologists. In this article we are trying to generalize this experience and talk about the specifics and tasks of a psychologist’s work with this rather unique group of children.

The specifics of a psychologist's work
with children under 3 years old
It is obvious that the work of a psychologist involves, first of all, focusing on the age characteristics of children and understanding the difficulties that educators face. Let us dwell on the main problems in working with young children.

The first difficulty that both parents and kindergarten teachers face is the problem of adaptation to the child care institution .

. More than half of children aged 1 to 3 years are not ready for kindergarten. The lack of psychological readiness for a child care institution is fraught with numerous medical and psychological difficulties - children begin to constantly get sick, cry all day long, they experience neurotic reactions, aggravate psychosomatic phenomena, etc. However, there is currently no special work to prepare young children for a child care institution not being carried out. If the preparation of a child for school is repeatedly and carefully worked out and is one of the main tasks of education, then the transition of a child from a family to a child care institution, which turns out to be no less abrupt and traumatic event, remains unattended by teachers and psychologists. It is obvious that this problem needs to be given special attention.

One of the organizational forms of child adaptation to a child care institution is short-term stay groups, or “adaptation” groups.

At preschool educational institution No. 47, two such groups regularly work - in the first and second half of the day. The main tasks of these groups are as follows:

  • overcome the symbiotic relationship between the child and the mother and promote the development of his independence and autonomy;
  • attract children's attention to their peers and teach them to focus on the actions of their partners;
  • establish humane, friendly relationships between children;
  • offer children and parents educational games and activities appropriate to the children’s age;
  • promote the development of children’s cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking);
  • enrich the lives of children with new impressions and positive emotions;
  • prepare children for entering kindergarten.

These tasks are solved in the process of conducting a variety of games and activities, which are organized jointly by teachers and psychologists. The duration of each lesson is 3 hours. The number of group members is 8–10 children each. Parents take part in the first classes. Then, as the children adapt to the new environment, parents leave the children and go about their own business. The experience of conducting classes in a short-term group shows that the positive effect of these groups requires the participation of a psychologist.

The special task of the psychological service in adaptation groups is to work with difficult cases and find an adequate approach to different groups of children. The complexity of this task is that it is impossible to offer a single adaptation method for everyone - each child needs a special approach. The only common point is gaining the trust and affection of the baby. Without such trust in the new adult, the child’s normal emotional well-being is impossible.

The need for an individual teacher approach to each child is obvious at all ages. However, at an early age, an individual approach is crucial not only because all children are different, but also because a small child can only perceive the influence of an adult that is addressed personally

to him. Kids do not perceive calls or proposals addressed to the whole group. They need a look in the eyes, calling by name, a gentle touch, in a word, everything that indicates the personal attention and personal attention of an adult. Only in this case can they accept and understand the adult’s suggestions.

Another feature of working with young children is the ineffectiveness of purely verbal methods of influence.

Any instructions, explanations of the rules, calls for obedience turn out to be useless, since children still do not understand them well, and besides, until the age of 3-4, children cannot regulate their behavior through words. They live only in the present, and the influences of the situation (surrounding objects, movements, sounds) are much stronger motivators for them than the words of an adult. This feature of young children places high demands on the actions of the teacher and psychologist. They must be extremely expressive, emotional and “infectious”. Only your own enthusiasm for any activity can arouse interest in it in a small child. The teacher should have increased sensitivity to the baby’s conditions, expressive movements and facial expressions. This does not mean that you should not talk to young children. But words must be included in the context of real actions, have a bright intonation coloring, and be accompanied by appropriate gestures and movements.

From the above it follows that organized frontal lessons cannot be carried out with young children, when an adult explains or shows something, and the children “learn.” Such activities are not only ineffective, but also harmful, since they can paralyze the activity of children. of this age is to stimulate activity

every child, to arouse in him
the desire
to act, communicate, play, and solve practical problems. What is needed here is the emotional involvement of children, the creation of a common semantic field, and the emotional involvement of an adult in the necessary actions. This is the only way to convey to the child interest in a new activity, to attract and captivate him and thus arouse his own desire. All this places special demands on specialists working with young children. Emotional expressiveness, artistry, the ability to win over and convey interest in an activity are the professional qualities of specialists working with young children. These qualities are necessary for both teachers and psychologists.

It should be emphasized that psychologists and teachers should work especially closely with children under 3 years of age. At an early age, when the basic mental processes are just being formed, correctional work (unlike preschool and school age) is not the main thing for a practical psychologist. It is much more important at this stage to create adequate conditions for the full development of age-related neoplasms. This task is common to a teacher and a psychologist, but if a teacher focuses on a certain program and the child’s achievements, the psychologist focuses on the age and individual characteristics of children, their independent activity and emotional comfort. It is obvious that these lines complement each other; in addition, they are implemented on a common content and are aimed at the general tasks of the child’s development.

children In relation to an early age, there are specific and specific developmental tasks, which become the content of the work of both a psychologist and a teacher. Let's look at them in more detail.

First of all, this is the development of objective activity, since this activity is leading at an early age. It is in it that the child is introduced to culture, in it the main psychological new formations of this period are formed: speech, visual-effective and figurative thinking, cognitive activity, purposefulness, etc. Within the framework of objective activity, several directions can be distinguished, each of which is an independent task and involves certain methods of implementation.

Firstly, this is the development of culturally normalized, specific and instrumental actions. A small child must learn to use the objects around him: eat correctly with a spoon, draw with a pencil, dig with a shovel, comb his hair with a comb, fasten buttons, etc. All this is necessary not only for the development of hand movements and general motor skills, but also for overcoming spontaneous, impulsive activity, and therefore, to master oneself and one’s behavior. The child must understand and assign the meaning of these simple actions, see their result, and feel his skill. This is how he gains a sense of his competence, independence, and self-confidence. To solve this problem, it is necessary to accustom him to self-care from the first year of his life: show him how to dress properly, comb his hair, hold a spoon or cup, leaving him the opportunity to act independently and encouraging him to do so. In addition to ordinary household procedures, we need special toys created for young children (scoops, spatulas, fishing rods with a magnet, etc.).

Another line of objective activity is the development of visual and effective thinking and cognitive activity. A young child thinks primarily using his hands. By correlating the shape or size of individual objects, he connects the properties of objects and learns to perceive their physical qualities. For such activities, there are numerous toys specifically designed for children. These are all kinds of inserts of various shapes, pyramids, simple nesting dolls, turrets, etc. By guiding balls through a maze or trying to open mysterious boxes in which the desired prize is hidden, the baby solves real mental problems. And although solving these problems is inseparable from practical actions, it requires significant mental effort and cognitive activity. The adult’s task here is not to show the correct method of action (i.e., to suggest a solution to the problem), but to evoke and support cognitive activity, to interest the child in a mysterious object and to encourage independent experimentation.

Another important direction in the development of objective activity is the formation of purposefulness
and perseverance of the child’s actions
. It is known that the activities of a child under 2 years of age are procedural in nature: the baby receives pleasure from the process of action itself, their result does not yet have any independent meaning. By the age of 3, the child has a definite idea of ​​the result of what he wants to do, and this idea begins to motivate the child’s actions. A child at this age no longer acts just like that, but with the goal of obtaining a certain result. Thus, the activity becomes purposeful. It is obvious that focus on results and persistence in achieving goals are the most important characteristics not only of a child’s activities, but also of his personality as a whole. To develop this valuable quality, the help of an adult is necessary. A small child needs to be helped to “hold” the goal, directed towards achieving the desired result.

To do this, you can use constructive games and toys that involve obtaining a specific product. These can be shaped pyramids from which you need to assemble an object (a car, a soldier, a dog, etc.), all possible mosaics or puzzles that are used to create pictures, cubes or simple construction sets for small children. All of these games require an idea of ​​what should happen and persistence in achieving the result.

All of the listed types of objective actions require individual work by the child. Small children do not yet know how to act together; objects and actions with them completely absorb the interests of children; at the same time, they cannot focus on the actions of their partner, take into account other people’s desires, etc. Each child should have his own toy in his hands and his own ways of acting with it. Such individual activity with objects causes concentration and concentration on the object, a kind of “fascination” with one’s actions. This is a very important and valuable condition. Montessori saw the beginning of the child's will in the concentration of children on actions with objects. It is necessary to support the child’s individual work with objects in every possible way and create the necessary conditions for it. This, in turn, requires a sufficient number of adequate benefits and a special organization of the development environment. Consulting educators on the selection of the right toys, creating a playful developmental environment, and periodically updating it - all these are the tasks of a psychologist who must focus on the interests and capabilities of children of this age.

Another extremely important and responsible task in raising young children is the development of speech.

. Speech acquisition, as is known, mainly occurs during this period - from one to three years. Speech rebuilds all the child’s mental processes: perception, thinking, memory, feelings, desires. It opens up opportunities for completely new and specifically human forms of external and internal life - consciousness, imagination, planning, managing one’s behavior, logical and figurative thinking and, of course, new forms of communication.

Speech in a young child arises and initially functions in the process of communication with an adult. The first task of education in this regard is the development of active, communicative speech. To do this, it is necessary not only to constantly talk with the child, but also to include him in the dialogue, to create in him the need for his own statements. A child’s speech does not develop through imitation of other people’s models, even the most correct ones. For a child to speak, he must have a need for it, a need to express in words what cannot be expressed by other means. Such a speech task (the task of pronouncing the right word) is given to the child by an adult.

At the first stages of development, the baby’s speech is included in his practical objective actions and is inseparable from them. A child can only talk about what he sees and what he does here and now. Therefore, the inclusion of words in specific actions (or “unity of word and deed”) is an important principle for the formation of active speech. Each new word should be understandable to the child, carry a certain meaning and be based on a specific situation. Creating such a speech-generating situation that activates children’s speech is a special psychological and pedagogical task that should be solved jointly by a teacher and a psychologist.

The second important line of speech development is the improvement of so-called passive speech

, i.e. understanding the speech of an adult. Most children at 1.5–2 years old already understand well all words and simple phrases if they are included in a specific situation. Overcoming situational coherence and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech is the most important line of development at an early age. Literature plays an invaluable role in this. Short and simple children's fairy tales, poems by A. Barto or S. Marshak, folk nursery rhymes and songs provide the necessary material for speech development. However, adults must open this material to children and make it understandable and attractive. This is helped by expressive reading, accompanied by gestures, bright intonations and, possibly, a puppet show. The development of methods for the speech development of young children is also the task of a psychologist.

At an early age, another important function of speech arises - regulatory

. The ability to control your behavior with words appears. If up to 2 years of age the child’s actions are determined mainly by the perceived situation, then in the second half of early childhood it becomes possible to regulate the child’s behavior through speech, when the child follows the adult’s speech instructions. Psychologists consider this form of behavior as the first stage in the development of voluntary behavior, when the child’s actions are mediated by a speech sign. Therefore, acting according to instructions opens up the possibility of developing self-regulation and self-control. This essential ability must be developed and exercised. It is important to choose for each child a certain level of complexity of instructions that corresponds to his capabilities and abilities. This is a very significant line of child development at an early age, which requires appropriate psychological and pedagogical support.

Mastering speech at an early age makes possible the development of children's imagination. Imagination arises in the third year of life, when the ability for playful substitutions appears, when familiar objects are given new names and begin to be used in a new capacity. Such play substitutions are the first form of the child’s imagination and constitute the most important step towards the child’s new leading activity – role-playing play. Numerous observations and studies show that play does not arise on its own, without the participation of those who already know how to play - adults or older children. A small child needs to be taught to play. Learning to play is carried out not in class, but in the process of playing together with an adult, who teaches the child how to replace some objects with others. The play of children requires the indispensable participation of an adult, who not only conveys to them the necessary methods of play actions, but also “infects” them with interest in the activity, stimulates and supports their activity. Any game has a complex educational effect: it requires mental, volitional, and physical effort, coordination of one’s actions and, of course (if the child is truly involved in it), brings emotional satisfaction. Therefore, the development of creative play and imagination in children 2–3 years old is the most important task of a psychologist.

At an early age, another extremely important area of ​​a child’s life arises – his communication and relationships with peers. Despite the fact that the need for a peer is far from taking the main place in early childhood and is usually not considered as the main line of its development, the first forms of interaction between children play an extremely important role in the development of the child’s personality and interpersonal relationships. It is here that a sense of immediate community and connection with other people equal to the child is established. Research shows that the need to communicate with peers arises in the third year of life. At this age, children’s communication has a very specific content, which is an emotional-practical interaction. A special place in such interaction is occupied by imitation of each other. Children seem to infect each other with common movements and emotions and through this they feel mutual community. Such interaction gives the child a feeling of similarity with another, equal being. The experience of similarity and community causes intense joy and promotes self-awareness. The teacher can give it a cultural, organized form. The optimal means for this are well-known games in which children act simultaneously and in the same way: “Loaf”, “Carousel”, “Blow up, Bubble”, “Bunny”, etc. These games at an early age should take place with the direct participation of an adult who organizes children, shows them the necessary movements and words, immerses them in the general atmosphere of the game. The development, selection and conduct of such games constitute an important area of ​​work for a psychologist.

Almost all young children (from 1.5 years old) growing up in a family need contact with peers and mastering communication skills. Early childhood is a sensitive period for developing a tolerant attitude towards others. Therefore, it is advisable to combine children with different difficulties in one group. At preschool educational institution No. 47 there are two integrative groups that are attended by several children with Down syndrome. Bringing together different children at an early age is very effective. For children with special needs, this makes it easier to adapt to the society of their peers and accelerates their development, and for ordinary children it gives irreplaceable experience of communicating with others who are different from them, which is extremely important for developing tolerance. At the same time, the correct organization of communication between children in an integrative group presents serious difficulties and requires the participation of professional psychologists.

All of these tasks are common to the teacher and psychologist and are solved in their close cooperation. A practical psychologist in a nursery group has his own specific functions. This is primarily psychological diagnostics and work with parents. Let us dwell on them in more detail and tell you how these areas are implemented in preschool educational institution No. 47.

Peculiarities of psychological
diagnostics of young children
Practice shows that recently various forms of mental development disorders have become increasingly common in children. Children with special needs make up a large part of the child population. Healthy children also often experience delays in speech development, emotional disturbances, impulsivity, disinhibition, etc. Timely identification of these problems is crucial for overcoming them and building an adequate strategy for working with the child. The most important task of the psychological service is to monitor the mental development of young children

. It is known that in the first 2–3 years of life, a child’s development occurs extremely intensively; in fact, every 2–3 months new abilities and capabilities of the baby are discovered. Delays or deviations in development at this age are fraught with serious problems in later periods. However, specialists, as a rule, do not monitor the normal mental development of children. If the medical examination procedure for young children is carried out regularly, then their mental development remains unattended by professionals. Filling this serious gap is one of the important tasks of psychological services.

However, diagnosing the development of young children has significant specifics and requires a special approach. Our kindergarten uses a new version of psychological diagnostics [3].

The novelty of this diagnosis lies in the fact that for the first time it is based on areas fundamental for the mental and personal development of children - communication with adults and objective activity. This approach allows you to take a fresh look at the child, evaluate his achievements along the main lines of his development, which ensure the formation of such basic personal qualities as initiative, curiosity, creativity in relationships with the social and objective world, trust in him and self-confidence. At the same time, the importance of the development of motor skills, sensory sphere, speech and other mental functions is not denied, but they are considered as means of communication and objective activity, and not as the main tasks of education.

The fact of an adult’s influence on the full development of a child has recently been established and generally accepted. The formation of almost all abilities is carried out in his interaction with adults and depends on the content of communication. However, in practice, diagnostic procedures, as a rule, involve assessing children’s compliance with individual instructions and isolated actions and practically do not include tests aimed at identifying the nature of the child’s communication with adults. This diagnostic option fills this significant gap. Based on many years of scientific research, the authors developed qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessing the main forms of communication between a young child and adults. The specificity of this communication lies in the fact that it unfolds against the background of actions with objects and includes them as its content. This determines the diagnostic procedure, which is based on the diagnostician’s simultaneous observation of how the child communicates with an adult (including through speech) and how his objective activity proceeds. Thus, diagnostics is carried out in several directions at once, the main of which are the following:

  • diagnostics of the development of communication with adults, including identifying the development of speech as a means of communication;
  • diagnostics of the level of development of objective activity leading at an early age (motor abilities and level of cognitive activity are considered as aspects of objective activity).

A comprehensive qualitative analysis allows not only to diagnose the current level of development of individual areas, but also to establish the causes of certain lags in development. A distinctive feature of the methods that determine the level of development of a child’s activity is his involvement in communication with an adult. Based on the concept of the zone of proximal development, we proceed from the fact that in order to determine the actual level of development of a child, it is not enough just to measure and record his current actions; it is necessary to detect and take into account his potential capabilities that arise and manifest themselves in joint activities with an adult. The degree to which an adult accepts help and support and the ability of an adult to influence a child’s independent actions are the most important indicators of the child’s potential.

However, diagnostics is far from the main direction of a psychologist’s work. As already noted, it is much more important to provide adequate conditions for the normal development of the child’s psyche and personality. The main thing among these conditions is the child’s full and age-appropriate communication with close adults.

Psychologist's work with parents

The central and determining figures in the upbringing and development of a child are, naturally, parents. The task of increasing the psychological and pedagogical awareness of parents is closely related to the formation of an adequate parental position

It is obvious that the main figure for a small child in most cases is the mother. It is the nature of the mother’s communication with the child, the adequacy of its influences to the age and individual needs and capabilities of the baby that determine both the emotional well-being of the child and his mental development. Therefore, developmental and correctional work with young children can only be effective with the participation and active involvement of parents. Meanwhile, practice shows that not all mothers know how and consider it necessary to play with their child; most of them do not know what games and toys correspond to the age characteristics of the child, and do not take into account the individual needs and abilities of their child. A kind of education and training of parents,
their consultation on educational toys, games and activities, the inclusion of parents in joint play with the baby, the disclosure of the peculiarities of the psychology of a small child and the age-related patterns of its development is an important and necessary task for psychologists.

A parent seminar has begun at preschool educational institution No. 47, which provides a kind of education and training for parents ,

carried out in such forms as specialists talking about the age-related capabilities and (limitations) of young children; consultation on educational toys, games and activities; revealing the peculiarities of the psychology of a small child and the age-related patterns of his development; psychotherapeutic work with parents; mastering practical types of joint activities with the child.

Special seminars are devoted to various topics relevant to family education: the role of family holidays in raising a child; excitable child; the work and play of a child, fairy tales and literature for children.

The first seminars caused resistance from parents. Many of them refused to attend them, citing the fact that raising children is a matter for specialists. Some mothers demanded additional classes in a foreign language, literacy, mathematics, etc. However, subsequently the resistance was overcome, and now an increasing number of parents are joining the classes. Feedback from parents indicates the good effectiveness of this form of work. Some of them note that they saw the child “with different eyes,” found the right approach to him, and learned to talk and play differently with their children.

So, we tried to summarize our experience in early childhood psychological services and talk about the main forms of work of a psychologist in nursery groups.

Naturally, these forms do not define or exhaust all the possibilities of early childhood psychological services. But, based on the above, we can formulate the following principles for the work of a psychologist with young children:

  • orientation to the specific age, interests and capabilities of children 1–3 years old;
  • priority of developmental work over correctional and diagnostic work;
  • meaningful cooperation with the teacher and the complementarity of the functions of the teacher and psychologist;
  • communication with parents, increasing their psychological and pedagogical competence and involvement in the pedagogical process.

It seems to us that, taking into account these principles and with the appropriate qualifications, it is possible to diversify existing forms of work and create new forms of work for early childhood psychological services.

Early childhood is a special period of formation of organs and systems and, above all, brain functions. It has been proven that the functions of the cerebral cortex are not only fixed hereditarily, they develop as a result of the interaction of the organism with the environment. This occurs especially intensively in the first three years of life. During this period, there is a maximum rate of formation of prerequisites that determine all further development of the body, therefore it is important to timely lay the foundations for the full development and health of the child.

To protect and strengthen the health of children, preventive health work is of particular importance: adherence to the regime, balanced nutrition, hardening, gymnastics, medical and pedagogical monitoring of development and health.

For the first time, the entire complex of features of early childhood was formed by one of the founders of nursery education in our country, Professor N.M. Aksarina.

What are they?

1. Early ages are characterized by a rapid pace of development of the body.

In no other period of childhood is such a rapid increase in body weight and length and the development of all brain functions observed. A child is born a helpless creature. However, by 2 months he has formed conditioned reflexes (habits), and during the first year of life, inhibition reactions are formed. At this time, sensory skills and movements are actively developing, and the baby masters speech.

The rapid pace of development of a young child, in turn, has a number of features. First of all, the spasmodic development. At the same time, there are periods of slow accumulation, when there is a slowdown in the development of certain body functions, and alternating with them so-called critical periods (jumps), when the child’s appearance changes over a short period of time. This can be seen in the development of the speech understanding function of a child in the second year of life. Thus, at the age of 1 year to 1 year 3 months, a slow accumulation of the stock of understandable words is observed. During this period, the baby masters independent walking, which expands his ability to directly communicate with the outside world. On the one hand, walking seems to temporarily delay the manifestation of reactions associated with understanding speech. On the other hand, it is walking that promotes direct communication between children and surrounding objects (which an adult denotes with a word), helps them establish a strong connection between the object and the word, and leads to a leap in the development of understanding of speech.

Critical periods in child development are 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 6–7 years, 12–13 years. It is at this time that drastic changes occur, giving a new quality in the development of children: 1 year - mastering walking; 2 years – formation of visual and effective thinking, a turning point in the development of speech; 3 years is the period when the connection between the behavior and development of the child with the second signaling system is especially clear, the baby becomes aware of himself as an individual; 6–7 years – the period of school maturity; 12–13 years – puberty, period of puberty (L.S. Vygotsky).

Jumping reflects the normal, natural process of development of the child’s body, and, conversely, the absence of jumps is a consequence of defects in the development and upbringing of children. Therefore, it is so important, during the period of a child’s accumulation of experience, to create optimal conditions for the timely maturation of a new quality in the development of a particular function. However, critical periods are also difficult for a child. They may be accompanied by a decrease in the baby’s performance and other functional disorders. At this time, the baby especially needs good care, in a manner that is gentle on his nervous system.

The rapid pace of child development is due to the rapid establishment of connections with the outside world and at the same time the slow consolidation of reactions. Young children are characterized by instability and incompleteness of developing skills. (Taking this into account, repetition in training is provided, ensuring a connection between the influences of the adults surrounding the child and his independent activity.)

Unevenness in the development of a young child is determined by the maturation of various functions at certain times. Observing this pattern, N.M. Shchelovanov and N.M. Aksarina identified periods of special sensitivity of the baby to certain types of influence and outlined the leading lines in his development. They emphasized that when raising children, special attention should be paid to the formation of those reactions that are maturing for the first time and which cannot develop independently, without the targeted influence of an adult. For example, the “revival complex” that appears in a baby at 3 months, the ability to use simple sentences when communicating with an adult at 2 years, the appearance of role-playing games at 3 years.

In the first three years of a child’s life, there is great vulnerability and lability of his condition, due to the rapid pace of development of the body. Children of this age get sick easily, their emotional state often changes (even for minor reasons), and the child gets tired easily. Frequent morbidity, as well as increased excitability of the nervous system, are especially characteristic of stressful conditions (during the adaptation period when children enter a nursery, etc.).

However, a rapid pace of development is possible only with great plasticity of the organism and its great compensatory capabilities. This is especially true for brain functions. There is a lot of so-called unoccupied field in the child’s cerebral cortex, therefore, through specially targeted influences, it is possible to achieve a very high level of development of the baby and earlier formation of one or another function.

The basis for the education of young children should be, first of all, the development of such abilities as imitation, reproduction, the ability to watch and listen, compare, distinguish, juxtapose, generalize, etc., which will be necessary in the future for the acquisition of certain skills, knowledge, life experience.

2. An essential feature of early childhood is the interrelation and interdependence of the health status, physical and neuropsychic development of children.

A strong, physically healthy child is not only less susceptible to illness, but also develops better mentally. But even minor disturbances in the baby’s health affect his emotional sphere. The course of the disease and recovery are largely related to the child’s mood, and if it is possible to maintain positive emotions, his well-being improves and recovery occurs quickly. N.M. Shchelovanov established that the development of malnutrition is often associated with a deficit of emotions and dissatisfaction with the baby’s motor activity. It has been revealed that neuropsychic development, in particular speech function, largely depends on biological factors: the course of pregnancy, complications during childbirth of the mother, the state of health of the baby, etc.

3. Every healthy child in the first three years of life is characterized by a high degree of indicative reactions

to everything around. This age-related feature stimulates the so-called sensorimotor needs. It has been proven that if children are limited in receiving information and processing it in accordance with age capabilities, the pace of their development is slower. Therefore, it is important that the lives of children be varied and rich in impressions.

Sensory needs also cause high motor activity, and movement is a baby’s natural state, contributing to his intellectual development.

Emotions become especially important in early childhood

so necessary when carrying out routine processes - when feeding, keeping the child awake, shaping his behavior and skills, ensuring his all-round development. The early formation of positive emotions based on the establishment of social connections with adults, and later with peers, is the key to the development of a child’s personality. The emotional sphere also has a great influence on the formation of children’s cognitive abilities.

Interest in the environment in early childhood is involuntary and largely socially determined. It is impossible to force a baby to watch or listen, but many things can interest him, so positive emotions play a special role in teaching young children. Often, not yet understanding the meaning of an adult’s speech addressed to him, children react to its intonation and emotional mood, easily catch them and become infected with the same mood. This is both the simplicity and complexity of raising young children.

5. In the development of young children, the leading role belongs to adults.

It provides all the conditions necessary for the development and optimal health of the baby. Communicating with him, he brings warmth, affection and information that is necessary for the development of the child’s mind and soul. A friendly tone, a calm, even attitude towards him is the key to a balanced state of the baby.

One of the conditions ensuring normal development and well-being of young children is the unity of pedagogical influences

on the part of everyone who participates in their upbringing, especially in a family where several people are often involved with the child: mother, father, grandmother and other adults - and
their actions in relations
with the baby are not always consistent and not always constant. In these cases, the baby does not understand how he should act, how to act. Some children, easily excitable, cease to obey the demands of adults, others, stronger ones, try to adapt, changing their behavior each time, which is an impossible task for them. Thus, adults themselves are often the cause of unbalanced behavior in children. Therefore, it is very important that not only in the family, but also in the preschool institution, the requirements are equally feasible for children, agreed upon between parents and educators.

When accepting a child into a group for the first time, the teacher must know everything about him, having received information from the doctor, in a conversation with parents, in communication with the child even before he arrives at the preschool institution. In the first days of your child’s stay in the group, you should not sharply violate what he is used to at home, even if these habits are not entirely correct. For example, a child is accustomed to sleeping with a pacifier at home, and at first you should not wean him off. But the teacher must patiently explain to parents that, if possible, they should gradually prepare the child for weaning: tell them what skills the children need to develop at home, and what methods to use.

Young children are suggestible and easily convey the mood of those around them. A raised, irritable tone, sudden transitions from affection to coldness, screaming negatively affect the baby’s behavior.

It is very important to use prohibitions correctly in raising a child. You can't let your baby do whatever he wants. Both frequent prohibitions and permission to do whatever the child wants are harmful. In one case, the child does not develop the skills necessary for life; in another, the child is forced to deliberately restrain himself, which is a lot of work for him. How to deal with young children? First of all, prohibitions, if necessary, must be justified; demands for their implementation must be presented in a calm voice. You cannot allow something that was previously prohibited, for example, you should always demand that the child does not sit down to eat with unwashed hands, does not go near an open window, a burning stove, does not take things from the teacher’s table, etc. However, there should be much fewer prohibitions than what he is allowed to do.

The requirements must be feasible for young children to fulfill. Thus, it is difficult for a child not to move for a long time - to sit or stand, maintaining the same position, to wait until, for example, it is his turn to get dressed for a walk.

From an early age, children develop independence. Performing actions without the help of an adult begins to give the baby pleasure very early. Having barely learned to speak, he turns to an adult with the words “I myself.” This baby’s need for activity and self-affirmation should, as far as possible, be supported in every possible way. In play, children often try to overcome some difficulties themselves, and there is no need to try to help them right away. Let the child try to perform the action independently. This is one of the conditions for the development of skills and good mood of the baby.

Often the cause of a child's unbalanced behavior is a disruption in his activities. At an early age, a child cannot quickly and voluntarily switch from one type of activity to another, and therefore a sharp breakdown, a demand to immediately stop, for example, a game and do something else beyond his strength, causes a sharp protest. And vice versa, if an adult does this gradually - first he suggests finishing the game, putting the toys in their place, then he gives instructions for a new type of activity: “Now let’s go wash, fragrant soap. And for lunch there are delicious pancakes. Will you help me put the plates on the table?” – the child willingly obeys.

Individual characteristics should be taken into account in education

child. Children with different types of nervous activity have different working capacity limits: some get tired faster, they more often need a change during the play of calm and active games, and go to bed earlier than others. There are children who themselves come into contact with others, demand that they be called to such contacts, and more often support their positive emotional state. Children also fall asleep differently: some slowly, restlessly, asking for the teacher to stay with them; For others, sleep comes quickly and they do not need special influences. During the game, some children easily complete the adult’s tasks (therefore, it is important that the task is quite difficult and that the child solves it independently). Others are waiting for help, support, encouragement. Knowing the individual characteristics of a child not only helps the teacher find the right approach, but also contributes to the formation of certain personality traits of a growing person.

Often the cause of unbalanced behavior in children is improper organization of activities: when motor activity is not satisfied, the child does not receive enough impressions and experiences a deficit in communication with adults. Disruptions in behavior can also occur as a result of the fact that organic needs are not satisfied in a timely manner - inconvenience in clothing, diaper rash, the child is hungry, or did not get enough sleep. Therefore, the daily routine, careful hygienic care, methodically correct implementation of all routine processes - sleep, feeding, hygienic needs, timely organization of the child’s independent activities, classes, implementation of the correct educational approaches are the key to developing the child’s correct behavior and creating a balanced mood in him.

The tasks and means of education correspond to the characteristics of the early childhood period

child, they include physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education.

Objectives of physical education: protecting the health of children, their movements, full physical development; instilling cultural and hygienic skills.

Basic means of physical education:

providing sanitary and hygienic care, carrying out hardening measures - extensive use of air, sun, water; rational feeding and nutrition; organization of massage and gymnastics; organization of the daily routine; methodically correct implementation of all routine processes (feeding, sleep, wakefulness); ensuring the child’s physical activity (room for movement, availability of special benefits in children’s institutions).

Objectives of mental education: formation of actions with objects; sensory development; speech development; development of gaming and other activities; the formation of basic mental processes (attention, memory), the development of visual and effective thinking, emotional development, the formation of primary ideas and concepts about the world around us, the development of mental abilities (the ability to compare, distinguish, generalize, establish a causal relationship between individual phenomena); formation of cognitive needs (need for obtaining information, activity in classes, independence in understanding the world around us).

Basic means of mental education:

emotional and business communication between an adult and a child during the child’s own activities; special training provided by the teacher in the classroom; independent practice of the child himself in everyday life, games, communication.

The main activities at an early age are communication with adults, as well as the development of actions with objects. For their timely development, it is necessary to create optimal conditions.

Objectives of moral education: the formation of positive relationships with adults (the ability to calmly fulfill their demands, show affection and love for parents, family members, educators, the desire to help others, show an affectionate attitude, sympathy); nurturing positive personality traits (kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, initiative, resourcefulness, the ability to overcome difficulties, to finish a job); nurturing friendly relationships between children (the ability to play nearby without disturbing other children, share toys, show sympathy, provide help in case of difficulties, etc.); fostering positive habits (the ability to say hello, thank you, put toys away, etc.); training in basic forms of labor activity (all forms of self-service, all possible assistance to younger and older children, for example, watering flowers together with adults, bringing napkins for lunch, cleaning paths in the area, etc.).

Means of moral education:

patterns of adult behavior, approval of good deeds, teaching children positive actions; organizing special appropriate situations, reading books.

For the full and harmonious development of children, it is important from an early age to cultivate in them a love for the beautiful in the environment, nature, and everyday life, that is, to form aesthetic feelings.

Objectives of aesthetic education: developing the ability to notice the beautiful in nature, the surrounding reality, people’s actions, clothing, developing creative abilities (an ear for music, visual activity).

Means of aesthetic education:

acquaintance with nature, music, learning to sing, draw, sculpt, read folk nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales.

All of the above tasks are solved through the joint efforts of the preschool institution and the family. Proper organization of children's lives in a group environment allows the mother to work successfully, and the child to develop harmoniously under the guidance of specialists (pediatricians, educators, music workers).

Let's take a closer look at the features of child development at each stage of early childhood.

Project “Center for Early Development of Children from 0 to 3 Years”

Pedagogical project “Center for Early Child Development (from 0 to 3 years old) “Our Joy””
Relevance Currently, new additional organizational forms of preschool education are being developed in Russia, such as short-stay groups, lekotek, early intervention services, etc. One of Such forms are the Center for Early Child Development “Our Joy”. Early childhood development centers come to the aid of modern mothers in raising their children. Their main advantage is that, firstly
, going there is an event in itself.
It will be useful for the child to change the environment, play with new toys, and plunge into an atmosphere of creativity in the company of other children. In addition, communication with peers will serve as a good adaptation to kindergarten, teaching the child to interact with similar kids. Of course, if the baby is sociable, then you can practice in the sandbox. However, some children need an incentive - a joint round dance or group games - to overcome natural timidity. Secondly
, the children's development center is also a piece of inspiration for the mother, who sometimes may lack knowledge or professional advice in matters of upbringing.
In this case, the children's center will help fill the gap by demonstrating to parents the capabilities of popular techniques. And thirdly
, this is an excellent opportunity for mothers who are yearning for communication to finally break out of four walls and make new friends.

The goal of our Center is comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance to young children from 0 to 3 years old, aimed at developing the communicative functions of speech, adapting the child to entering a preschool educational institution, as well as advising parents on issues of upbringing and development of children. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks : - creating conditions for the timely identification of young children with delayed speech development and providing the necessary comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance; — protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children; — interaction with specialists to ensure the full development of the child. — providing comprehensive correctional, developmental, consulting and educational work with children’s parents. Target group: young children from 0 to 3 years old who do not attend educational organizations and their parents (legal representatives). 6 specialists are involved in conducting complex classes:
1. Teacher 2. Teacher-speech therapist 3. Teacher-psychologist 4. Physical education instructor 5. Fine arts teacher 6. Music director The program includes 8 lessons per month.
Class schedule: 2 times a week. The duration of the lesson is 1 academic hour. The optimal group size is 5 parent-child pairs. Within the walls of the Center, active work is underway to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance to families with young children (from 0 to 3 years old) who do not attend preschool educational institutions. Experience shows that it is necessary to create special conditions for young children, taking into account the fact that children attend classes at the Center together with their parents. Therefore, specialists are faced with the task of organizing a thoughtful, subject-development environment that meets modern requirements. The developmental environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible, and safe. It is proposed to build the space of the Center from 3 modules: 1. module of game activities; 2. methodological support module; 3. household module. 1. The module of game activities includes: 1.1.
Center for educational games. The space is divided into several playing fields: • Center for group exercises on the carpet;
• Center for the formation of objective and procedural games of sensory development; • Center for subject activities initiated by the child. At the child’s initiative, the play center accommodates: prefabricated play modules, such as: “Kitchen”, “Hairdresser”, “Hospital”, etc. They are mobile, easy to clean, they can be changed by removing one and displaying another, depending on the tasks of teaching work, the characteristics and interests of the child; a set of soft transforming modules that can be used both for play buildings and for outdoor games; a cabinet with open sections accessible to children, on which the teacher displays toys for the free activity of children, taking into account the solution of certain problems and the individual interests of the child; boxes with floor constructor. 1.2.
The artistic development center includes space for group play situations, for individual creativity, a play corner, and an exhibition of creative works.
In the group study area, the organization of space is of great importance. It is organized in such a way that every child is within the teacher’s tactile reach; horseshoe-shaped tables, height-adjustable legs of tables and chairs help us with this; there are also 6 light tables for sand painting and special sand. 1.3.
The motor activity center includes a play space for high mobility and an area for the formation of basic movements.
The second includes wall bars, climbing bars, a transforming module for the development of motor skills, balls, and fitballs. Comfortable mats are used for relaxation and paired exercises with mom. 1.4.
The Center for Musical Development contains space for musical rhythmic classes, for listening to music, and a theater and play area.
The attributes are located on a convenient stand. The Center for Musical Development is equipped with a synthesizer, a music center, and a music library for young children. 1.5.
The center for psychological and pedagogical support includes elements of a sensory room: a “water column”, a “soft environment” chair, which are conveniently used for relaxation, articulation and manual massage.
The office is equipped with a didactic table for the formation of objective actions: it has boards with holes for bushings, rolling and throwing balls, stringing rings; differentiation of objects by color, size, shape. With the help of a teaching table, we organize children’s play “nearby”. : a chest with various attributes of costumes (hats, masks, bonnets, ties, beads, etc.) and a full-length mirror for the child. This corner is used in work on the socialization of the child, the formation of positive interaction with close adults and peers. 2. The methodological support module includes a methodological office, a reception room, and a printing house. The printing house is equipped with everything necessary: ​​a multifunctional device, a laminator, a stitching machine, a line for folding booklets, which allows teachers to produce their printed products: collections of games for specialists and parents, booklets with information about the directions of the center’s work, etc. At the reception, parents can receive information about work of the Center. Also, in the hall there is a convenient stand-wall with magnets, where we organize exhibitions of children's creativity, inform parents about our achievements (diplomas, awards are placed), and present a selection of methodological literature for parents and literature for reading to young children. 3. The household module includes a reception area.
Considering that the Center is visited not only by children, but also by parents, there are drawers for things. They have compartments for a child's and an adult's belongings. The room is equipped with a children's toilet, and there is a hygiene room with small sinks. Here children, imitating each other, learn self-care skills, getting used to neatness and personal hygiene. Principles of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical work:

– The principle of complexity, which consists in the psychological and pedagogical impact on the entire complex of speech and non-speech deviations of the child, based on the coordinated activities of all specialists and parents; – The principle of relying on various analyzers, which involves participation in the formation of mental functions of the visual, auditory, kinesthetic and motor functional systems; – The principle of phasing, ensuring continuity and continuity of stages of preventive work; – The principle of taking into account the zone of proximal development (according to L.S. Vygotsky), which involves providing the child with tasks of a certain level, the implementation of which is possible with measured help from an adult. In this case, the level of psychomotor and speech development of the child should be taken into account; – The principle of complicating the material, which involves the gradual inclusion of difficulties in developmental work; – The principle of visibility, which involves the use of visual aids in classes with children, which ensures the assimilation of the content of the task and the achievement of a specific result; – The principle is ontogenetic, requiring consideration of the sequence of formation of the psychomotor sphere and types of activity of the child (including speech activity) in ontogenesis; – The principle of implementing the activity approach, which presupposes at an early age reliance on the leading type of activity - objective activity that contributes to the mental development of the child as a whole: the development of motor skills, perception, thinking, speech, etc.

The main areas of work of the Center:

— Working with parents. — Speech development. — Development of mental functions. — Formation of the motor sphere. — Sensory development. - Physical development. — Musical development. — Artistic and aesthetic development.

Corrective and developmental methods for working with young children

The first years of a child’s life are considered by most experts as a sensitive period for the development of motor, cognitive and speech activity. Various developmental disorders that arise during this period, manifesting themselves even to a minimal extent, can subsequently lead to severe disorders of the motor, mental and speech spheres in preschool age. Psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as a complex technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization. The sooner you start working with your child to develop certain skills, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the world around him and gain the knowledge and abilities necessary for a full life. It is on this principle that correctional and developmental methods of early childhood development are based. Corrective and developmental methods are effective means of correction and contribute to achieving the greatest possible success in overcoming the developmental difficulties of young children. Experts can recommend a number of correctional and developmental techniques presented to parents of children for working at home. The techniques are so simple and accessible that they are very easy to understand and apply on your own.

1. Developmental program “Growing Together”

This program is designed to work with families of young children.
The program has two stages. The first stage is the “Children” program, aimed at working with families of children from 1 year 2 months to two years. The second stage of the program , “Happy Baby,” is aimed at working with families of children aged two to three years. Each stage can be carried out independently and in conjunction with each other. The program is designed for specialists - teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, that is, all those who work with families of young children. At the same time, the program materials can be useful and interesting to parents of children. The “Growing Together” program is designed for two years, eight to nine months of group work. The first stage, the “Children” program, lasts from September to May. The second stage of the program is “Happy Baby” - from October to May.
The “Growing Together” program is designed taking into account the main developmental goals of an early child. Full harmonious development of a child is possible only in the presence of positive emotional relationships. It is in collaboration with adults and peers that a child is able to move along the path of development. The program contains interesting traditional and original games aimed at various areas of child development (communicative, motor, intellectual, emotional). Game didactic material can be used taking into account the individual pace of development of each child. At this age, the child has a desire to join a group of peers and take part in joint, still short-term, play activities during free play.

Program goals: - Development of emotional relationships between mother (father) and young child. — Assisting parents in the process of raising and developing a child. Objectives: - Psychological and pedagogical education of mothers (fathers) on the issues of upbringing and development of young children.
— Development of social and communication skills in preschool children (through interaction with children and adults). — Development of cognitive activity of young children. — Development of motor activity (gross movements, fine motor skills). — Development of the emotional sphere of young children (empathy for fairy tale characters, etc.), development of empathy. 2. Family Soft School

Currently, the speed and pace of life is constantly growing; in times of crisis, parents are forced to earn more and, accordingly, spend more time on work.
Increasingly, communication with children occurs “on the run”; there is no trusting relationship in the family. When it comes to forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children, parents often forget that the best way to do this is by personal example. Exercising together not only improves the health of the whole family, but also promotes cohesion and unity. The task of the kindergarten is to organize such activities and involve the family in joint sports activities. Family Soft School is a method of general development in the form of a system of games for families with children of any age (from 0.6 months or 2.5 years) and different characteristics of mental health (aggression, non-contact, developed on the basis of the soft arts of ancient warriors and designed for revealing in a person the innate ability to be flexible, courageous, sensitive and be able to adequately overcome any difficult situation.The peculiarity of the technique lies in special physical, bodily exercises and games, where the child not only develops physical skills, becoming stronger, but also personal qualities: independence , psychological flexibility, constructive interaction with others. Parents who regularly attend classes at the “Family Soft School” note that they have improved their relationship with the child, began to better understand his needs, and the child has become more socially adapted. The essence of the school is three “Ts”: T- squeezing (interaction = tactile contact, first love and give tenderness) T- creativity (situational approach = intuition) T- difficulties (= provocative situations) Basic principles of the “Family Soft School” system 14 basic principles:
1. Positive thinking We try to think positive: believe in yourself, think about the good, exclude from the conversation “no” and wording that frightens us and our child. For example: instead of “You’re doing it wrong, We’re always late because of you, You’ve scattered your toys again,” we say: “Good girl! Now I suggest you try again in a different way, we need to hurry, collect the toys, just like I collect my things.” 2. Attitude for everyone, taking into account the characteristics of development and age. 3. Work in the family Real life situations of “child-parent”, “person-person” relationships and a chance to resolve the problems that arise in them. 4. Game is a unique means of communication, education, training 5. Situational approach Leading schools are highly sensitive to the psychophysical state of each child or adult and create a unique situation - complex, but feasible. We learn to find a way out of difficult situations, we discover that our capabilities are much wider than we thought. 6. We create artificial difficulties for ourselves, we go towards the difficult. If you avoid difficulties, they will not be resolved on their own. Overcoming difficulties is necessary for emancipation and development. In our games, we return to a situation that is difficult for us or the child until it becomes easy and pleasant (this principle works in conjunction with the principles of positivity and gradualism). 7. Correct means comfortable. The main criterion for performing an exercise in a passive role is comfort. In our classes we learn dynamic relaxation - the ability to move effectively, using the minimum number of muscles whose work is necessary at the moment. Find a comfortable position, the easiest way out. 8. Graduality All game situations become more complicated without forcing events. Every step of development of a child and an adult is carefully “lived” - this is the only way to achieve a stable and significant result. Often parents are so carried away by the result that they stop seeing themselves and the baby, or enjoying the process. 9. Partnership and dialogue in all games: learning to listen and speak. 10. Integrity The body and psyche are one, the development of one leads to the development of the other. Every stressful state is recorded in the mind and body. With age, clamps and blocks accumulate, and a so-called “muscle shell” is formed. Working with clamps, we remove fears and complexes, and vice versa: experiencing positive emotions, we relax physically. The sooner you start, the thinner the “shell” and the more opportunities for liberation. 11. Integration This is the process of combining parts into a whole. In our classes we practice several types of integration: each family member into their own family, the whole family into a team, parents into the world of play and childhood, children with special development into society, new motor and psychological skills, abilities for cooperation, mutual assistance, empathy - into life and communication practice. 12. Teach only what you know 13. End with success 14. Love first, then teach.

3. Sand animation

Why is sand painting so useful? First,
the child develops an interest as a researcher.
After all, the activity is usually surrounded by mystery. It's almost like conducting a scientific experiment or a magical ritual. A special table with lighting is set up for drawing. And they don’t give you paint at all, but sand, which pours out and at first is completely impossible to “tame.” And the sand may not be ordinary, but tinted. Secondly,
the feeling of sand in your hands relaxes.
Sand is a living material; you can touch it with your finger, stroke it with your whole palm, and feel the hardness of every grain of sand on your skin. During the lesson, nerve impulses are transmitted from the skin to the brain, and the baby is “recharged”, like a battery, with good energy. Creativity with sand allows you to relieve anxiety and phobias. Emotional “clamps” go away and the body is reborn. Thirdly,
the child fantasizes with sand more boldly than on paper with pencils or paints.
Here you can draw, correct and draw again, without fear of making any mistakes. The kid can sift the sand, collect it in a pile, level it, pick it with his finger, depict primitive sticks, “scribbles” or entire pictures, and then break everything and create again! Dozens of different actions and dozens of design variations in a relatively short period of time. Fourthly,
drawing with sand promotes the development of fine motor skills. Experts say that this technique is even more effective than finger gymnastics. Why is that? Because activities with sand strain both the brain and muscles more.

4. Music therapy

Music therapy includes: • listening to music; • singing songs; • rhythmic movements to music; • a combination of music and drawing, articulation, finger gymnastics. When working with preschool children, music therapy consists of musical arrangement of games, breathing exercises, and reproduction of a given rhythm. Music should be used during independent work, when verbal communication is excluded (except for reading to music - for children who stutter). The following recommendations must be taken into account: • For listening, you need to use those works that the child likes and is familiar with. They should not attract their attention with their novelty. • Duration of listening – no more than 10 minutes during the entire lesson. • Sound volume must be moderate. • All classes are united by a single lexical and thematic material, which corresponds to the stages of speech therapy work. In speech therapy, music therapy is used to develop in children: • auditory attention; • sense of tempo, rhythm and time; • thinking abilities and imagination; • communication skills; • training of general and articulatory motor skills. You will see that the baby is dancing, moving to the beat of the music, stamping his feet, clapping with pleasure. Keep him company: spin, sing, rejoice with him, praise your little artist.

We recommend watching:

Project in an early age group. We want to be healthy! Experience of interaction between teachers and parents in solving educational problems. Early age group Project “My Favorite Toys” in an early age group (2-3 years old) Project: “Adaptation of young children to kindergarten conditions”

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Article on the topic: “Development and education of young children in preschool educational institutions according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Sharenko Vera Alexandrovna. MBDOU "Kindergarten "Varenka" , Abakan city, teacher.

Early childhood is a special time for the development of children's bodies. Almost all mechanisms in the cerebral cortex do not depend on heredity, but develop directly as a result of the body’s contact with the surrounding reality. This happens especially noticeably in the first three years of life, so it is important to lay the prerequisites for the healthy development of the child in a timely manner.

Professor N.A. Aksarina, being the founder of a nursery, in our country for the first time formed a complex of characteristics of the development of children in early childhood. She argued that the child's body develops at a rapid pace. In no other time period of childhood can such a rapid increase in the mass and length of the child’s body and the development of all brain functions be observed. The rapid pace of formation of a child’s body has its own characteristics. Directly, first of all, this is a spasmodic development. Critical moments in human development - 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 6-7 years, 12-13 years. It is during these time periods that dramatic changes occur in the formation of new qualities in child development: 1 year is the time of mastering walking; 2 years - the formation of visually effective thinking, a turning point in the development of speech skills; 3 years is a period of clear connection between the child’s behavior and development and the second signaling system, the formation of personal development; 6 - 7 years - the period of maturity for schooling; 12-13 years – puberty, development of gender characteristics of this age. [2; 165].

Spasmodicity reflects the natural, reasonable course of a child’s development. If there are no developmental leaps, then this is a sign of defects in the baby’s development. Consequently, it is very important, while the child is enriching the experience of existence in society, to create effective conditions for the timely formation of a new quality in the development of various functions. It is very important to understand that critical periods involve the child overcoming enormous difficulties and can go in parallel with a decrease in the performance of children and other disorders of the functions of the child’s body. Good care that spares the child’s nervous system, care, and attention help him overcome all the difficulties of this period.

The pace of a child’s development depends on the rapid establishment of connections with the outside world and the slow consolidation of reactions. The skills and abilities of young children are characterized by an unstable and incomplete nature. In this regard, in teaching children it is necessary to use repetition of the material covered, to ensure a connection between the child’s independent work and the adults around him.

Spasmodic development of a young child depends on the maturation of many functions within a certain time frame. N.M. Shchelovanov and N.M. Aksarina, observing this pattern, identified the leading lines in the development of the child, based on the periods in which the baby’s special sensitivity to certain types of influences can be traced. They noted that when raising children, special attention should be paid to the formation of those reactions that mature again or directly for the first time and which cannot be formed independently, without any purposeful actions of an adult. For example, the “revival complex” , which is inherent in a baby at 3 months, the ability to use simple sentences in a conversation with an adult at 2 years, the appearance of role-playing games at 3 years.

Due to the rapid pace of development of the body, a child under 3 years of age is characterized by great vulnerability and lability of his internal state. At this age, the baby is susceptible to frequent and sudden illnesses, his emotional state changes dramatically, he gets tired easily, and his nervous system is unstable.

The foundation in teaching young children is the development of a number of abilities: imitation, reproduction, observation skills and the ability to listen, compare, analyze, distinguish, contrast, synthesize life experience.

Another feature of early age is the interdependence of the health, physical and neuropsychic state of children. A strong, physically healthy child is much less susceptible to illness and develops better mentally. But we should not forget that even minor disturbances in the baby’s well-being have a negative impact on his emotional sphere and behavior.

Every healthy child in the first three years of his existence has a high degree of indicative reactions to everything around him. This age-related feature directly activates the needs for sensorimotor development. Science has proven that if children are limited in enriching information and processing it, then in accordance with their age capabilities, the pace of their development slows down. Sensory needs are the basis for the baby’s high motor activity, and movement is a natural, conditioned state of the child, which is responsible for the development of his intellect and personal development in the future.

A special place in early childhood is given to the child’s emotions, which directly arise during routine moments - feeding, keeping the child awake, and shaping behavior. Emotions ensure the comprehensive development of a child’s personality. Positive emotions that arise when interacting and communicating with adults and peers are the key to the formation of a fully developed child’s personality.

The leading role in the development of a young child belongs to an adult. Its function is to provide all the conditions that are necessary for the development of a positive state of health for the child. When communicating with a child, an adult gives warmth, affection, and provides the volume and content of information that will be useful for the development of the child’s mind and inner state of soul. A friendly attitude, calmness, understanding, and sympathy are the key to a balanced state of the baby.

In the upbringing of young children, the unity of influence of all participants in the educational process should prevail: teachers, parents and other close family members. This is one of the conditions that ensures the child’s full, all-round development and well-being. In a family, a child is often given attention and raised by several people: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and other adults - and their actions are not always coordinated or inconsistent in their demands on the child. Consequently, in these cases, the baby cannot orient himself in the correctness of his behavior and does not understand how exactly to behave in various situations. Some children do not obey the demands and requests of an adult, others, stronger ones, try to adapt to the situation that has arisen, each time changing their opinion and behavior, which is the most difficult task for them. A child, trying to please each side, causes great harm to his mental health. That is why adults themselves often become the cause of a child’s unbalanced, aggressive behavior. Therefore, it is important to know and understand that the requirements must be consistent and equally feasible for the baby. [5; 112].

When a teacher admits a child to kindergarten for the first time, he should know as much information as possible about him. Frequent conversations with parents and doctors add to the general understanding of the child; the teacher has the opportunity to more correctly organize interaction with each of the students, which has a positive effect on the development of each of them. You should not sharply adjust the baby’s habits, because everything should happen harmoniously, gradually, the teacher should show maximum patience with each of his pupils.

Young children are incredibly suggestible and easy to manipulate. Directly when communicating, they convey the mood of the people around them. An increased, sudden, irritable tone, sudden transitions from affection to rudeness, shouting negatively affect the baby’s behavior.

You should use prohibitions when raising children very carefully and meaningfully. After all, frequent prohibitions, as well as frequent permission to do whatever you want, are harmful to the extreme. In one case, children always restrain themselves, in the other, they do not develop the skills necessary for life. Prohibitions must be justified, demands must be made in a balanced, friendly, calm voice. The requirements must be feasible for the child to fulfill.

Independence is formed in children from early childhood. A child’s performance of actions without the help of an adult gives him special pleasure very early on. Having barely learned to speak, the child often uses the following statement in his speech: “I myself . This baby’s need for activity, independence, and self-affirmation should be supported by any means. Let the child try to perform the actions independently. This is one of the conditions for the successful development of skills and good mood of the baby. [1; 9].

Very often, the cause of restless behavior in children is disruption of his activities, intrusion into his comfort zone. A child at an early age is not able to abruptly, voluntarily finish one type of activity and immediately begin to engage in another type; the requirement to immediately stop the activity and do something else is beyond his strength, causing him to be sharply indignant and protest against the adult.

During the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child. All children have a different type of nervous system and, therefore, the limit of their working capacity is not the same: some of them are very hardy, while others get tired very quickly.

Children's behavior is also influenced by the organization of the child's activities. If this activity is organized incorrectly, it often becomes the cause of inappropriate behavior of the child. Dissatisfaction and lack of physical activity lead to a lack of impressions and life experience in communicating with adults and peers. Therefore, strict adherence to the baby’s daily routine is the key to developing adequate child behavior.

Taking into account the characteristics of the early childhood period, a number of tasks and means of raising a child as a full-fledged, comprehensively developed personality are identified.

Objectives in physical education: protection and promotion of children's health; full physical and mental development; instilling and consolidating cultural and hygienic skills. Basic means of education: intensification of hardening activities; wide and frequent use of air, sun and of course water; rational nutrition taking into account regime moments, general massage, gymnastics; compliance with the baby's daily routine; ensuring sufficient movement of the child.

Objectives of mental education: development of actions with surrounding objects; sensorimotor development; baby's speech development; development of games and other activities; formation of basic mental processes (attention, memory, imagination, etc.); development of mental abilities and consolidation of skills in practice; formation of needs in the cognitive sphere. The main means of education: business and partnership communication between an adult and a child during his independent activities and games; creating a social development situation through various types of activities; consolidation of skills in the child’s independent activities in everyday life, in games, in communication.

The objectives of moral education include the following: the formation of a respectful, friendly relationship with adults; nurturing positive personality traits; fostering positive interactions with friends; education and consolidation of positive habits; training in basic prerequisites for work. Means of moral education: patterns of adult behavior; approval of good deeds, encouragement, praise.

Objectives of aesthetic education: developing the skills to see beauty in the surrounding world, nature, people; development of creative abilities and talent. The tasks of education are solved in different ways and means: through contact with nature, music, when teaching aspects of singing, modeling, drawing, reading folk tales and stories.

All of the above tasks are solved directly through the joint efforts of the preschool institution and the child’s family. Many parents show a high interest in pedagogical knowledge, realizing that ignorance of the principles of education, the characteristics of the morphological maturation of the child’s body and the state of his health can lead to an erroneous interpretation of methods in pedagogy, to the emergence of any non-existent, unreasonably adjusted hardening techniques, improper organization of childcare baby. Therefore, the job responsibilities of the educator include directly working with parents to educate them in the field of pedagogical knowledge, and, in case of special need, directing and correcting their actions in the educational process of their child.

In conclusion of this article, we can conclude that the main role in the development of a young child is played by an adult who directly interacts with him in everyday life, and the psychological and physical development of the child in a given period depends on how professionally this activity is organized. age.


  1. Aksarina N.V. Raising young children. M., Medicine, 2017.
  2. Vygotsky L. S. Thinking and speech // Collection. Works: In 6 vols. M., 2016 T. 2.
  3. Davydov V.V. Problems of developmental training. M., 2017
  4. Leontyev A. N. Problems of mental development. M., 2022.
  5. Lisina M.I. Age and individual characteristics of communication with adults in children from birth to 7 years. M., 2022.
  6. Raising and teaching children in kindergarten / Ed. A. V. Zaporozhets, T. A. Markova, M., Pedagogy 2022.
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Innovative forms and methods of working with young children under the Federal State Educational Standard.

When organizing routine moments, such as washing, feeding, dressing, I use bibabo dolls and soft toys (the doll can tell, show, ask, praise, help, etc.). Dolls not only attract the attention of children, but also foster a culture of behavior and form hygiene skills. For example, guys, a bunny came to visit us. He wants to see how to wash his hands correctly. Show the bunny how you know how to properly dry your hands with a towel.

For kids I show simple performances, for example, “The Story of a Monkey”, where the only acting character is a “bibabo” doll - a monkey with whom something happens and, from an excess of feelings, she sings and dances, talks, is happy and sad. More than one child will not refuse such a performance! Children perceive the doll as a person, share their experiences with it, and educate it. She can be capricious, and the kids teach her good manners and feed her porridge.

I act out little scenes between two toys: a Teddy Bear and a Doll, for example. The doll and Teddy Bear can dance, jump, play hide and seek, and catch up with each other. For such a theater you also don’t need anything special: just two toys. The child is open to an imaginary world, an imaginary situation. He exists in fantasy as in reality. The baby does not notice your hands, he sees the story that is playing out in front of him and empathizes.

Finger theater is especially popular among children. In it, all the characters, scene and plot are located... on one or two hands. First, I put one doll on my finger and with it act out a simple plot, a favorite fairy tale, for example, “Kolobok.” The finger character moves, dances, jumps, communicates with the kids, creating the feeling that he is a living actor. Finger theater is the best simulator for the development of a child’s speech and emotional sphere. It develops the child’s ability to maintain a dialogue and speak independently; in addition, the game simply improves the mood.

Kids love the tabletop theater very much - all the details that make up the toy-actors - geometric figures. The head is a circle, the body and arms are cones, the ears are triangles. With the help of such dolls it is especially good to stage nursery rhymes, songs and mini-fairy tales. Showing children a puppet theater brings a lot of joy and pleasure and puts them in a good mood. Theatrical performances help children to more emotionally and deeply perceive the content of works and contribute to the development of their speech.

Character toys

For young children, dolls occupy an important place. A doll is not an ordinary object at all. At an early age, the doll becomes for the child a substitute for another person in the game and a faithful play partner. But a child can only bring a doll to life and make it a real friend, someone you can look after and communicate with, with the help of an adult. Every effort should be made to make the doll real, alive, for the baby. To do this, I talk to children on behalf of the doll, rejoice or cry in a “doll” voice, ask the children for help, etc.

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