Lesson summary for children of the middle group “Our home is planet Earth”

Lesson summary for Earth Day in the middle group

Summary of a lesson on educational and research activities for children 4-5 years old “THE EARTH IS MY HOME!”
Goal: Formation of the concept of the rules of behavior in nature Tasks: Develop basic skills in observing objects and phenomena; Expand children's understanding that a forest is a community of plants and animals living together in the same territory; To foster a caring attitude towards the environment and water Planning: 1. Review of the album “Paintings by Russian artists.
Nature." 2. Conversation “The Earth is our home...” 3. Physical exercise “Hello, forest!” 4. Didactic games: “Place the planets in order”, “UFOs and aliens” 5. Drawing with paints “Sparrows in puddles” 6. Reading “Three embers and the sun” Tatyana Popova Lesson progress:
MORNING 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE ALBUM “PAINTINGS BY RUSSIAN ARTISTS. NATURE” 2. CONVERSATION “THE EARTH IS OUR HOME...” - In our time, the destruction of nature continues. At the same time, people pursue different goals: someone wants to get more money by selling a rare animal or its fur; someone hunts for his own pleasure, and someone, without thinking, uproots flowers, kills a frog with a stick, throws a stone at a bird, having fun in this way... If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower, If we pick flowers, If everything: both me and you, All the glades will be empty, And there will be no beauty. - We must learn to take care of animals, plants, lakes, rivers and forests - everything that surrounds us. We must try to understand the secrets of nature. “Let’s get to know the world around us better, and once we know it, we’ll truly love it, and once we love it, we’ll take care of it.” — Nature has three treasures: WATER, EARTH AND AIR. Of all the natural resources on our planet, the greatest wealth is land. She is our nurse. We must protect the earth, take care of it, increase its fertility. And the earth today is cut up and trampled. Waste (industrial, radiation) is buried in it, and household waste is dumped. For example, it takes only 90 years for a tin can to decompose in the ground, 2-10 years for paper, 100 years for a cigarette filter, and 200 years for a plastic bag. "Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without understanding what you are. You are not just necessary for life, you are life!” - this is what the famous French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery said about water. Unfortunately, the state of water is of great concern not only to scientists, but to all people of our Earth. Many rivers and streams have turned into sewers, fish are disappearing, and underground springs are drying up or becoming unfit for drinking. Water pollutants include chemical plants, livestock farms, and city landfills that appear near water bodies. Let the rivers on Earth not die, Let their misfortune pass them by. And clean and tasty water will remain in them forever! — A person cannot live without clean air. Well, now about the most important thing. It's scary to look at our Earth! The water is becoming cloudy every day, and the air! How much dirt there is in it! Once clean and blue, Now he is dirty and sick! Every living thing can die! Earth, what did they do to you? - Guys, do you know how to help the Earth on which we live? (children’s answers) 3. PHYSICAL MOTOR “HELLO, FOREST!” Hello, forest, beautiful forest (spread your arms wide to the sides) Full of fairy tales and miracles! (turns left and right with outstretched arms) What are you making noise about with leaves (arms raised up) On a dark, stormy night. (perform swaying left and right) Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? (children peer into the distance, holding a rounded palm above their eyebrows, turning right and left) Open everything, don’t hide it. (spread your arms wide to the sides, shake your finger) You see - We are ours (raise your arms up, and then press your palms to your chest) 4. DIDACTIC GAMES: “PUT THE PLANETS IN ORDER” Purpose: Formation of ideas about the location of the planets of the solar system Tasks: • Introduce children to the names of the planets of the solar system; • Develop attention and memory, visual perception, thinking; • To foster interest in understanding the world around us. Progress of the game:
Children arrange the planets in one strip in order.
To check the result, you need to turn over the picture “UFO AND ALIENS” Goal: Formation of a stable idea of ​​color Objectives: • Strengthen the skills and abilities to select an object by color; • Develop attention and memory; • To foster interest in learning about the world around us. Progress of the game:
Children find pictures of “aliens” that match the color of the ship 5. DRAWING WITH PAINTS “SPARROWS IN PUDDLES”
6. READING “THREE COMBERS AND THE SUN” Tatyana Popova Believe it or not, but everything I tell you is the pure truth. There was once a beautiful country in the north with huge forests, where the boulders and rocks between the trees looked like the ruins of ancient castles, and the blue lakes looked like precious stones that some absent-minded giant had lost in a hurry. Among the forests and lakes in that country there lived hard-working people, taciturn, stern, like the nature around them. Their life went on as usual until a big disaster happened. People did not immediately notice that summer and spring were becoming shorter and shorter, and winter was becoming longer. Finally, a year came when summer did not come, the lakes were not free of ice, the birds did not fly, not a single tree blossomed, not a single flower bloomed. People accepted the challenge. They hunted animals in the winter forest and caught fish in ice holes on lakes. You can’t light a fire in such cold weather, so everyone was looking forward to the moment when they would return home, where the stove would be lit, where they could finally warm up and remember what warmth was. Another year has passed. According to the calendar, spring was supposed to come, but the blizzards still swept over the ground, and the frost only grew stronger. Huge pines in the forest froze to the very core and fell, breaking like icicles. The birds died in flight, unable to withstand the cold. It was as if the frost had decided to destroy all living things - on the coldest night all the stoves went out, and the coals in them turned into ice. People gathered in the largest hut and began to think about what to do, how to continue to live? Old men and women cried: they say, we cannot be saved, death is inevitable. The young people suggested leaving the cold houses and going south, to warmth and light. And then one guy, Risto, stood up and said: “We will always have time to die, it doesn’t take much intelligence. But it is no good to abandon our land to us. And can women, small children and old people endure such a hike? This is what I think: who gives warmth to the earth? Sun! So, we need to go to the Sun for warmth!” Risto's words were met with doubt by everyone. Where to look for the Sun? How to get to it on the frozen ground? Only his fiancee Nasta volunteered to go with Risto to the Sun. Their path to the east was difficult, to where the Sun came to earth every day, once bright and warm, but in recent years unkind and gloomy. The places they walked through were not only deserted, but also lifeless. Risto could not shoot any animal or bird or catch any fish, because all the lakes were frozen to the bottom. By the end of the week, the supplies taken from home were almost gone. How happy Risto and Nasta were when they saw several huts in a forest clearing. Although the chimneys were not smoking on the roofs, human footprints led to one of the houses. This means that people live here, and you can get food. They entered the hut - and there was an old man lying on a cold stove, moaning. He said that long ago everyone who could go had left the village. He was left alone, and, apparently, he would soon die of hunger. Then Nasta took out from her knapsack the last remaining cracker and three dried fish, which they were saving for the most extreme case, and handed it to the old man. His hands trembled, tears flowed down his cheeks. He ate the bread, but flatly refused to take the fish. He says you have a long way to go, you need strength. The old man also handed Nastya a coal from the extinguished stove. Take it, he says, it might come in handy. The next day the travelers were lucky: they saw a little deer. Fluffy, with a white belly and dark spots on its golden skin, it was visible from afar on the white snow. He stood and looked at the approaching people, not sensing danger. Risto raised his bow, but then a doe jumped out of the thicket and shielded her foolish child with her whole body. He looks at the hunter, and there are tears in his huge black eyes. "Do not shoot!" - Nasta screamed. Risto shuddered. He lowered his bow. The doe and her fawn instantly disappeared. And in the snow where they stood, a pebble remained lying. The curious Nasta picked it up and was surprised. It was not a pebble, but a coal. And where did he come from in the deep forest? Those fish that the old man did not take had long since been eaten. Exhausted travelers barely trudge through the forest. Because of fatigue and hunger, they did not immediately notice that the forest had changed. The snowdrifts became lower, as if they had settled. The frost doesn't burn your face as much anymore. And here is a stream running, making its way from under the crust. And then Nasta found a snowdrop. Nasta and Risto walked for several more hours through the spring forest. The silence of winter gave way to the discord of spring. The murmur of the stream and the chirping of birds filled the hearts of travelers with joy and hope. They threw off their tired sheepskin coats, and walking became easier. Finally, Risto and Nasta came to the shore of a huge lake. Blue waves gently advanced on the shore overgrown with green grass. White seagulls were flying in the sky. And very close to the shore, on a rocky island, a huge stove was blazing with heat. On the stove sat a giant dressed in a red shirt with red hair and an equally red lush beard. - Hello, Sun! – Nasta exclaimed loudly. “Hello, beauty,” answered the Sun. “We came to you for help,” Risto said, bowing. “Wait,” the Sun stopped the guy, “first, according to custom, I must feed you and give you something to drink!” At that same moment, a table appeared in front of the travelers, and on the table were pancakes with honey and hot tea. Nasta and Risto have never eaten such delicious pancakes or drank such delicious tea! When the meal was finished, Risto told the Sun about the misfortune that had happened in their country. - What do you want? – asked the Sun. “The trouble remains there, far to the north.” And now you are here, with your bride. Build a hut on the shore of a lake or in a clearing in the forest, and live for your own pleasure! What other help do you need? “Thank you for the offer,” Risto thanked, “but we can’t use it.” Nastya and I did not come to ask for ourselves, but for all our loved ones, for everyone who lives nearby, for our land. The Sun was surprised. She looked at Risto with a narrowed eye, and turned to Nastya: “Listen to me, beautiful girl.” Why did you give in to such a stupid groom? He will not earn any wealth or honor! And what a princess you are - white-faced, black-browed, blue-eyed! Such a bride matches me! Marry me! I will dress you all in gold, you will eat on gold, sleep on gold and cover yourself with gold. Wow, Nasta got angry! She brought her black eyebrows together, her blue eyes darkened with anger sparkling, she stamped her foot and screamed at the Sun: “How dare you say that to me!” My Risto, although not rich, is generous in heart! Sleep on your own gold, at least eat it if you like it so much! The Sun laughed and splashed funny rays all over the place: “It turns out you’re so angry!” Well, okay, don’t be offended, I was the one checking you out. You passed it with honor, now I know that you and your fiancé are worthy of my help. Can I give you a magic coal from my oven? He will give warmth to both the earth and people. But here’s the problem: I can’t just give this coal to anyone. My stove needs it too. The price of my coal is two of yours! Risto wanted to say that they didn’t have coal with them, but he saw Nasta unfasten her knapsack and take out two coals from there: the one that the old man in the abandoned village gave them, and the one that she found at the meeting place with the deer. Sun took Nastya's coals, examined them carefully and threw them into the stove. And in return, she grabbed a smoldering coal from the stove, wrapped it in a handkerchief and handed it to Risto. And here’s a miracle: the handkerchief didn’t catch fire, the coal didn’t burn Ristina’s hands, only the guy felt a pleasant warmth from the bundle. Nasta and Risto said goodbye to the Sun, thanked him and went home. Their return journey was easy and sunny. Everywhere they passed, spring was coming. On the way, they met both a deer and her cub, and an old man who lived in a once abandoned village. Now life was in full swing here, children were laughing, and adults were in a hurry to plow the land on the outskirts of the forest and sow rye. Risto and Nasta were greeted with honors in their native village. The whole world built a large spacious hut for them and played a cheerful wedding in it. The ember received from the Sun had cooled by that time and turned into amber stone. Risto inserted the stone into Nastya’s wedding ring. He and Nastya sat at the head of the wedding table, near a large stove built by the best stove maker of that land. And the fire burned in the stove, bright and hot, like the sun, like Risto and Nasta’s love for each other and their land.

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(for children with OHP)

Theme: "Earth Day"

Educational objectives:

Educational field: “Health”:

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

Educational field: “Physical education”:

Development of general and fine motor skills, facial expressions, coordination of movements.

Educational area: “Socialization”:

To consolidate knowledge about the earth, to instill a caring attitude towards the earth.

Educational field: “Labor”:

Instill hard work.

Educational field: "Communication"


To consolidate children's knowledge about the earth, teach them to compose a story according to a diagram, and form diminutive forms of nouns.

Consolidating adjectives, verb forms, learning to make sentences based on a picture.

Corrective task

: learn to compose a story according to a diagram.

Preliminary work

: conversation about the earth, observation.

Vocabulary work

: earth, rain, sun, plant, water, care, weed.

Individual work:

Maxim, Dasha, Varya make up a story based on a series of paintings. Vova, Andrey, Alisa form the diminutive form of nouns.

Used Books:

1. Krupenchuk O. I. “Teach me to speak correctly”

2. Smirnova L. N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten.”

3. Agranovich Z.E. "Collection of homework to help speech therapists"

Productive activities:

Educator: “Guys, Old Man Lesovichok gave us wonderful seeds.

These are the seeds of beautiful flowers. Let us plant these seeds and grow

many beautiful flowers. Guys, have you ever planted such seeds? (Children's answers).

Please tell me what I prepared for planting seeds? (Children's answers).

Let's plant the seeds in pots. Children plant seeds and talk through their actions (pour soil, loosen soil, plant seeds, water).

Finger gymnastics: “Flower”.

“A tall flower grew in a clearing.

On a spring morning I opened the petals.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals.

Together they give roots underground.”

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