“We are Russians!” (entertainment for patriotic education of older preschoolers)

Patriotic education project “Victory Day”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 48"

Project for the patriotic development of older preschoolers “Victory Day”

Compiled by:

Panshina N.N.

Belousova A.D.

Verkhnyaya Pyshma, 2019


Patriotic education of preschool children is a pressing problem in the conditions of modern Russia. Not only life has changed, but we ourselves have changed. Over the past decades, the very concept of patriotic education of preschool children, its content, goals and objectives has been radically rethought. The feeling of love for the Motherland is one of the strongest feelings; without it, a person is flawed and does not feel his roots. And whether he feels attached to his native land or moves away from it, this already depends on the circumstances of his life and upbringing. Therefore, it is important that a child, already at preschool age, feels personal responsibility for his native land and its future. At V.P. Astafiev has wonderful words: “If a person has no mother, no father, but has a Motherland, he is not yet an orphan. Everything passes: love, the bitterness of loss, even the pain from wounds passes, but the longing for the Motherland never goes away and never goes away...”

One of the main means of moral and patriotic education in preschool educational institutions is the project method. Based on a personally-oriented approach to teaching and raising children of senior preschool age, it develops cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge and develops cooperation skills; opens up great opportunities in organizing joint search activities of preschoolers, teachers, and parents.

The theme of the Great Patriotic War is extremely relevant in modern society, it contributes to the unification and cohesion of our people. Victory Day is close and understandable to preschool children, because it implements a fairly simple, clear idea, known to them from fairy tales - the idea of ​​​​the confrontation between good and evil and the final victory of good.

May 9 is a great holiday for our people. A day of joy and at the same time a day of sadness. On this holiday we congratulate veterans and honor the memory of those killed. For many decades this tradition has been passed on from generation to generation. And now their great-grandchildren are congratulating the veterans.

In senior group No. 9, a long-term educational project has been developed, which we called “Victory Day.”

Project type:

By duration: long-term (September 2022 – May 2020).

By the nature of contacts: within the preschool educational institution, family, society - Verkhnepyshminsky Museum of Local Lore, Museum of Military and Civil Equipment.


One of the most important tasks of education is the development of high moral qualities in children, including patriotism. From early childhood, it is necessary to instill respect for the history of your Fatherland, as well as for the people who defended their native land.

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