Project “My Sports Family” project (senior group)

Project “We are a sports family - mom, dad, me”

Project “We are a sports family - mom, dad, me”

Preparatory group project

“We are a sports family : mom , dad , kindergarten and me”

Educator: Bushmeleva A. G.

FC instructor: Sukhareva E. G.

Sports educational project

“We are a sports family : mom , dad , kindergarten and me”

Project participants : children of the preparatory group, teachers, parents of students, educators.

Relevance of the project : the problem of deteriorating children's health is becoming increasingly urgent. Due to the way of modern life, many adults are inattentive to the physical health of their child; fathers are withdrawn from participation in promoting a healthy lifestyle; There are very few preschoolers actively involved ; upon examination, preschool children were found to have impaired coordination of movements, poor posture, and flat feet. Only through the joint efforts of family , kindergarten and social partners, which is the Samara Sports Lyceum , can a positive attitude towards physical education and sports .

Goal: formation of social and personal motivation of children of senior preschool age to preserve and improve health through strengthening family ties.

- develop interest in physical education and sports ;

- education of personal qualities (endurance, endurance, courage)


-develop a desire to improve your health through various types of activity; cultivate sense of purpose;

-promote the development of positive emotions;

-encourage motor creativity, learn to follow the example of older comrades.

For parents of students:

-develop physical and creative abilities;

— help to get to know each other better, find common interests.

-increase children’s interest in a healthy lifestyle through various forms and methods of physical education and health work;

— continue to introduce children to the rules of hygiene;

— create conditions for the beneficial physical development of children;

-contribute to the strengthening of children's health through a system of health-improving activities.

Type of project : family-group, short-term, practice-oriented.

— increasing emotional, psychological, physical well-being;

— improvement of health indicators;

— presence of needs for a healthy lifestyle and opportunities to provide it.

-increasing the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers, using various forms of interaction with parents in order to increase the level of knowledge on the problem of strengthening and preserving the health of children;

-creation of a substantively developing environment that ensures the effectiveness of health-improving work;

— personal and professional growth.

— preservation and strengthening of children’s health;

— physical and psychological preparedness of children;

-involving parents in the educational process, joint activities to develop healthy lifestyle skills in children.

— increasing the emotional, psychological and physical well-being of children and adults;

- active participation of dads in sporting events ;

— presence of needs for a healthy lifestyle;

— development of a culture of movements;

5. children’s personal interest in their athletic growth ;

Stages of work on the project :

Stage 1 – preparatory.

1. Studying literature on this topic.

2. Development of a plan for working with parents on the topic of the project .

3. Selection of information on the topic “ sports corner at home. "

4.Development of a plan for working with children in the group: compiling a card index of didactic games, long-term plans, activities, recommendations. Design of a “Health Corner” for children

5. Selection of materials for decorating the parent corner “Games with high physical activity”

In a conversation with children about whether parents play sports , whether sports help in life , a dispute arose about who is more resilient : a trained or untrained person, they decided to test it in practice.

sports equipment together with the students

Stage II – Practical

-decoration of a sports corner

-construction from building material Sports ground

-creating a collage from cut out pictures on a sports theme .

-examination of illustrations Sports


Athletes of the World and Russia - conversations about health, cleanliness, solutions to provocative issues.

-reading fiction about sports : V. Suslova “About Yura and physical education”

, E. Kap
“Temper yourself”

- wellness minutes “Sun”

- research activity “Why doesn’t the ball sink?”

- outdoor games “Tricky ball”

“Hit the object”
“Guess what we are doing”

-drawing on the topic “My favorite sport

- puppet show “About smart little animals”, “One rhyme”, playing games (didactic, role-playing, theatrical)

- a targeted walk to the sports ground .

Working with parents:

-consultations, practical advice, recommendations, parent meeting “How to raise a healthy child?”

-use of visual propaganda (folders, consultations, booklets)


-exhibition of photographs “We will say “Yes” to health”;

-joint activity of parents and children “We are friends with sports” ;

-Selection of family photos from sports

-themes for the design of the photo exhibition “ Sports in

life of our family ."

Stage III – Final

1. Analysis of the work performed, correlation of the results with the goals set.

2. Presentation of project work .

Photo report about the project “Mom, Dad, Me - a sports family!” In these autumn days, when the first frosts have already begun, I want to remember the past summer. And the summer of this year was full of different things.

Scenario of the sports festival “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!” Scenario of the sports festival “Dad, Mom, I – a sports family” for the preparatory group. Prepared by: Physical Instructor.

Scenario for sports entertainment “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” Scenario for a sports festival “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!” Presenter: Attention, attention! We are reporting from the MCOU “Progymnasium.

Sports festival “Dad, mom, me - a sports family” Sports festival Goal: to create a joyful mood, improve motor skills in a relaxed, inviting atmosphere. Wall newspaper “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family” The task of the kindergarten and family is to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, their physical development. Currently.


MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Family project “My Sports Family”

Motto: “Sport, health, joy, laughter – will bring success in everything!”

Project type: educational, practical-informational, oriented.

Type of project: internal - family, short-term

Object of study: sport in the family

Subject of the project: joint activities of parents and children

Thematic field: “Healthy lifestyle”

Research methods: collecting information from books, Internet resources; analysis, comparison, synthesis and observation.

Duration of work on the study: April-May

Project participants: Shevchenko family, group teachers

Author of the project: Daria Shevchenko’s family, middle school students

Problem: Recently, we have noticed that the level of health of many children in other families is declining, because children spend too much time watching TV and the computer, have become less active and, unfortunately, it is not common practice in all families to play sports. They really want to live their whole lives without illness. But what are they doing for this? Many people take a huge number of different pills, vitamins, try to eat only healthy foods, or go on diets. But they don’t do the most important thing - they don’t play sports!

Relevance: Since ancient times, a universal and absolutely reliable way to improve health and increase longevity is well known - sport, a method that does not require expensive medications and technical devices, but only will and some effort on oneself. A healthy lifestyle (HLS), playing sports together with children is an image of a rationally organized, active, joyful life, this is a state of protection from adverse environmental influences, this is what allows you to maintain moral and mental health from an early age until old age. , emotional and physical health, and social well-being. The relevance is that not a single technology, even the best one, can give full results if it is not implemented in collaboration with the family. Since the living conditions, the moral and emotional atmosphere in which the child lives, depend entirely on the parents, who are responsible for the life and health of their child.

Project goal: To consider and determine the meaning of family sports, to study the importance for the whole family, to learn about the benefits of playing sports with the whole family.

Project objectives: to research and implement the set goal: determine the meaning of the word sport in dictionaries; in the process of studying various literature and Internet resources, find out what family sports are and what they should be; find out which sports are useful for the family, compose a report and presentation on the topic “My sports family” , a memo “Sport is important!” , design the booklet “Parents! Exercise

sports with children together”; tell the group's students and their parents about your sports family, the benefits of playing sports, and your desire for a competent and careful attitude towards your health

Completing the project and solving assigned tasks through: entering a problem situation, forming an assessment on the problem (the leading role of parents); increased desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with parents)

Project stages: theoretical (basic) preparatory; practical research, final

1. Theoretical (Main) part

What is sport? Sport (from English sport, abbreviation from the original Old French desport - “game” , “entertainment” ) is an activity of people organized according to certain rules, consisting of a comparison of their physical or intellectual abilities, as well as preparation for this activity and the interpersonal relationships that arise in it process. Sport is health and normal physical development. The child’s body develops intensively, its functions, growth rates, strength, and emotions change. And it is impossible to predict what changes, quantitative and qualitative, will occur in the body after a certain time. Sport is movement, a natural need for children, conditioned by the very nature of a living organism, for which movement is a form of existence. It is necessary to play sports from an early age in life; children should develop a sports culture, accustom them to an active lifestyle, adherence to the rules of personal hygiene and daily routine, and proper balanced nutrition. Therefore, we, parents, as well as teachers, are faced with a huge task to strengthen the physical health of our children. All activities aimed at physical education and health work can improve the level of health of children, due to their accessibility, versatility and high efficiency, create the habit in children of using physical exercises in everyday life, and contribute to the formation of a caring attitude towards their health in children. Joint sports activities between a child and his parents is one of the main aspects of upbringing.

Why is it necessary to play sports? Joint activities and caring for the health of the whole family are not only useful in themselves, but also bring the following positive results:

  • awaken parents’ interest in the level of “motor maturity” of children and promote the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;
  • deepen the relationship between parents and children, unite the family, serve mutual enrichment;
  • joint activities, common sports interests, give parents the opportunity to get to know the child better;
  • create and strengthen in the family an atmosphere of mutual attention and business cooperation, which is so necessary for solving any educational problems;
  • provide the opportunity to engage in physical education in a short period of time not only for the child, but also for the adult, so the parent, showing the child certain exercises, performs most of them with him;
  • allow you to usefully spend the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child
  • contribute to the comprehensive development of the child: important personality qualities (persistence in achieving goals, perseverance) and are beneficial for the mental state of the child

2. Practical part. (Main)

A study in the Shevchenko family showed that there is practically no morbidity here, both in children and adults. Ilya and Dasha are active, inquisitive, and gladly take part in all events, both sports and creative. All this speaks of the complete harmony of the physical and moral state of the children, so we decided to study the living conditions of this family in more detail.

We defined what a family is and what it is like.

This family is special - athletic. You will immediately understand this when you go to their house: clubs, balls, sportswear, dumbbells. Our parents know this clearly, which is why they instill a love of sports. They enjoy hiking, going to the river and swimming in the pool, playing football, skiing and ice skating, as well as roller skating and cycling. Ilya practices boxing and swimming. Due to her age, Dasha is not yet accepted into sports clubs, but the child does not experience a lack of physical activity, because her parents actively involve her in sports at home. Ilya already has his first achievements and awards. Mom leads a volleyball section for children, as well as step aerobics for adults, and actively involves both children and adults in her sections. Of course, children, together with their mother, also attend sections. Dad plays sports at home with his children. Mom-Svetlana Vladimirovna: “Our family is into a little bit of everything for fun, and most importantly, we love each other and take care of our health. We live in the rhythm of sport and kindness!”

3. Final stage. Conclusion

We can say with confidence that joint sports activities unite children and parents, reveal their common interests, lift their spirits, keep the body and spirit of both children and parents in healthy physical shape, are a source of joy, and enrich family life. It has been proven that movement and sports have a significant impact on the normal growth and development of a child, on the development of all organs and tissues. If classes are conducted in the fresh air, then they strengthen the body, contribute to the development of such positive qualities as independence and self-control, attention and the ability to concentrate, resourcefulness, courage, etc. We would like to hope that other parents and children will awaken an interest in active activities sports and movements that contribute to strengthening relationships in the family, nurturing children’s love and respect for their parents, and the harmonious development of the child’s personality. Not every child will become a champion, but everyone must grow up strong and healthy.

Advice from our family: Physical activity is the key to health and emotional well-being. Sports should become a good habit from childhood.

Exercising is good for your health!

1. Create a weekly exercise schedule, alternating between the sports your family plays throughout the month.

3. Make an “accomplishment journal” for each family member. This will allow you to develop a competitive spirit and strengthen your character.

4. Help each family member find a sport they like, then the results will grow faster and self-confidence will increase

5. Visit large sports centers, water parks and entertainment complexes more often, where you can comfortably spend an evening with the whole family, playing various sports.

6. When selecting a sport for your child, study the physiological, constitutional and mental characteristics of the child and the pace of his development, doing this in close contact with a doctor, physical education teacher, and coach.

7. Consider the child’s inclination and interest in a particular sport.

And remember! When choosing a sport, systematic physical education classes, the child’s entire lifestyle, the degree and nature of his physical development, and general familiarity with various sports are of great importance.

Choose family sports - spend time with interest and benefit!

Thank you for your attention! When people talk about happiness, they, first of all, wish each other health. So let the children be healthy and happy, this means that we will be healthy and happy!

Used Books

  1. Kovalev L.N. “Sports in family education of children” - 1999.
  2. Karepova T. G. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschool children in Volgograd. - Teacher. — 2009.
  3. Mitina E. P. Health-saving technologies today and tomorrow // “Primary School” M. - 2006 - No. 6. Family is truly a high creation.
  4. Nechaeva A.B. “Family and Sports” - 1998
  5. Reimers N.F. “Sports in a modern family” - Bustard, 2004.
  6. Kharlamov I.F. “Pedagogy” - Gardariki, 1999.
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Project “My family is the most athletic” (for children of the middle group of preschool age)

Nina Rumyantseva

Project “My family is the most athletic” (for children of the middle group of preschool age)

Project theme : “Child and family

The project was compiled by : teachers Rumyantseva N.Yu., Podlesnova N.A., physical education instructor Personal Z.V., music director Vinogradova E.A.

Type of project : creative, sports , educational.

Project participants : children, teachers, physical education instructor, music director.

Problem area: children are little familiar with a healthy lifestyle; nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Goal: to provide support in organizing joint leisure time in the family .

Objectives: 1. To help raising adults understand the current problem of modern physical development of a preschooler and evaluate their contribution to solving this problem.

2. promote healthy family leisure with preschool ; support the modern family in understanding the values ​​of partnerships.

Acquiring partnerships in physical education and recreational activities in the family ;

Strengthening the physical health of children ;

Conscious attitude towards your health.

Working with parents: consultation “The importance of sports leisure at home

, seminar-workshop
“Children-parent games”
, production of attributes for
sports entertainment “The whole
family is friends with sports .

Project stages .

Stage I – preparatory

1. Collection of photographs for a photo exhibition.

2. Selection of materials for direct educational activities.

3. Production of attributes for the project .

4. Selection of fiction and media presentations on the topic.

5. Selection of musical material for the project .

6. Learning outdoor games and songs on the topic.

7. Working with parents.

8. Selection of material for consultations.

Integration of the project into direct educational activities.

• Conversations “Winter games and fun”

“He who is friends with hardening never bothers”
See T. A. Shorygina. Conversations about health.

• Conversations “Cleanliness and Health”

“Healthy and harmful foods”
“Why exercise?”
Role-playing game "Amusement Park"


Riddles on the topic, reading fiction “Snowcat”

, poems
“Let's go play hockey”
“At the skating rink”
“I'm flying on a snow scooter”
and others, teaching storytelling based on the painting
“Tanya is not afraid of the frost”
, see V.V. Gerbova. Speech development in kindergarten.

Modeling “Winter fun”

, Drawing
“Hygiene items”
, coloring pages

Learning the “Heel and Toe”

, song-games
“What do we like in winter?”
sl. Nekrasova, music. Timicheeva.

Finger gymnastics “Fingers say hello”

«Sport family»

P/i "Cat and Mice"

“We love each other”

Relay races: “Friendly Family”

“Put out the daisy”
“In the land of mathematics”
III – Stage. Final.

1. Release of booklets “How to organize children’s winter games and fun?”

, consultation
“Beautiful posture is the key to health

2. Photo exhibition “Mom, Dad, Me – a sports family

3. Exhibition of drawings on the theme of the project .

4. View presentations on the project .

5. Conducting the final sports entertainment “The whole family is friends with sports


Health Day for parents and children of the middle group “We are a sports family” Health Day for parents and children of the middle group “We are a sports family” Goal. Teach children to maintain and strengthen their health, to form.

Summary of sports leisure activities with the participation of adults and children of senior preschool age “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!” Summary of sports activities with the participation of adults and children. Senior preschool age. Dad, mom, and I are a sports family! Purpose: propaganda.

Entertainment “Mom, Dad and I are a sports family” for children of the middle group and their parents ENTERTAINMENT “Mom, Dad and I are a sports family” for children and their parents of the middle group In the gym, the wall is decorated with the inscription “Dad,.

Sports entertainment “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family” for children of senior preschool age Goal: promoting a healthy lifestyle, strengthening cooperative relationships with the family. Objectives: 1. Attract the attention of children and their parents.

Creative project “The most beautiful, most beloved is my mom” in the middle group Type of project: creative, group, short-term (2 weeks within the group). Project participants: educators, children, parents Relevance:.


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