Project "In the World of Dinosaurs"
Project "In the World of Dinosaurs"
Author of the development
Babynina Olsha Sergeevna,
Project title: “In the world of dinosaurs”
A problem that is significant to children and that the project aims to solve.
Who are dinosaurs and what did they eat? How dinosaurs took care of their children. Do animals similar to dinosaurs exist now? Why did dinosaurs become extinct?
Relevance of the project.
From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Modern children, due to their excessive activity, cannot always find the answer to their questions on their own. Based on the interests of children, the teacher must create a fascinating world of learning that would help them develop independent research interest and a desire to engage in productive and creative activities.
The child is fascinated by everything that happens around him. Watching the children, I noticed that the children began to be interested in the ancient world and its disappeared inhabitants. When did dinosaurs live and why did they disappear - questions that children often ask. And they need to try to give the most truthful and understandable information to them. After all, there is still no clear answer about the reason for the extinction of dinosaurs. In addition, the relevance of the topic is that this is the past of our planet, and in order to look into the future, we need to know our past.
Formation of children's ideas about the era of dinosaurs.
1. Introduce the amazing animals of the past - dinosaurs, the variety of dinosaur species and their external features.
2. Form ideas about the study of these ancient animals by scientists;
3. Continue to develop cognitive processes: speech, memory, thinking, imagination, attention, coherent speech while working on the project
4. Continue to cultivate a sense of caring attitude towards living nature.
5. Involve parents in joint activities with children, create an atmosphere of common interests for the development and upbringing of children.
Project type.
According to the leading method
: informational and creative project, educational.
According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project
: participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result
By the nature of contacts
: within the same age group, in contact with family
By number of participants:
By duration
: short-term (two weeks).
Project participants
: teacher, children, parents.
. MBDOU kindergarten "Belochka" Krasninsky district.
: scientific and fiction literature, encyclopedia, images of various types of dinosaurs, films and cartoons about the life of dinosaurs, gouache paints, brushes, colored pencils, album sheets, colored paper, glue, scissors, coloring books with images of dinosaurs, etc.
Expected results:
working on the project will help participants :
for children:
acquire knowledge about the era of dinosaurs ,
expand the understanding of
for teachers:
accumulate information and better understand the ideas and actions of preschool children in educational activities
actively participate in project activities ,
through joint cognitive and research activities.
Project stages
: preparatory, main, final.
Implementation plan for the preparatory stage of the project.
№ | Events or main activities | Participants | Responsible |
1. | Preparation of information material and drawing up a work plan | Educator Parents | Parents Educator |
Implementation plan for the main stage of the project
№ | Events or main activities | Participants | Responsible |
1 | Watching the cartoon "Ice Age" | Educator children | Educator |
2 | Conversation based on illustrations “ Who are dinosaurs and when did they live? » | Educator children | Educator |
3 | Modeling from plasticine “Dinosaur” | Educator children | Educator |
4 | Watching the film “Scientists have found evidence of the existence of dinosaurs” | Educator children | Educator |
5 | Working with coloring books and stencils “Dinosaurs” | Educator children | Educator |
6 | Board game - panorama "Dinosaurs", lotto game "Dinosaurs" | Educator children | Educator |
7 | Didactic and low mobility games with dinosaur figures | Educator children | Educator |
8 | Watching cartoons “Dinosaur”, “The Land Before Time”. | Educator children | Educator |
9 | Memo for parents “Tell your children about dinosaurs” | Educator parents | Educator |
10 | DrawingCreating dinosaurs from salt dough (Appendix 8Drawing “My Favorite Dinosaur” | Educators children | Educator |
11 | A selection of poems and stories about dinosaurs | Parents children | Educator |
Implementation plan for the final stage of the project
№ | Events or main activities | Participants | Responsible |
1 | Making a wall newspaper “Valley of Dinosaurs”. | Educators children | Educator |
Photo gallery
Sources of information used
My first encyclopedia. “Dinosaurs” - M.: Egmont Russia, 2001.
Travina I.V. My first book about dinosaurs. Popular science publication for children. - M.: JSC "ROSMEN-PRESS", 2007. - 95 p.
Dinosaurs. Smart stencils. – OSE, 2013.
Fisher E. Dinosaur Book of Records. – M.: Publishing house EKSMO-Press, 2002.
Khomich E.O. Tell me everything about dinosaurs. – M.: AST Publishing House, 2016.
Who were dinosaurs and what did they look like?
"Dinosaur" is translated from Greek as "creepy lizard." These are scaly creatures that walked on two or four legs and laid eggs. Dinosaurs lived on the planet for 160 million years. They lived everywhere: from Asia to Antarctica. The remains of dinosaurs were also found in Russia - in the Urals, Krasnoyarsk Territory, and Yakutia.
Before them, more than 4 billion years ago, the Earth was inhabited by more primitive organisms: algae, mollusks, and later fish.
In total, scientists have studied more than a thousand species of dinosaurs. They were very different from each other: some had sharp claws and spikes on their bodies, others had horns.
Many people mistakenly think that all dinosaurs were huge. Indeed, some reached the size of a five-story building, but there were also tiny ones - the size of a chicken. It is common to depict dinosaurs as gray or green, but in fact, scientists do not know exactly what color these creatures were. This is because dinosaur skin is extremely rare to find. It is believed that their color blended with the colors of the environment - this would make it easier for dinosaurs to hide from enemies.
Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. The fact that they once existed became known only in the 17th century. Dinosaur bones were first discovered by the English scientist Robert Plot in 1677.
Who studies dinosaurs and how?
This is done by paleontologists - people who specialize in studying the remains of extinct organisms. They work both in excavations - in places where fossils have been found - and in laboratories. These scientists search for, unearth, and then carefully study the bones of ancient animals.
In laboratories, paleontologists find out how the creatures to which the found bones belong lived and hunted, and determine their age. Sometimes conclusions have to be drawn with only a couple of bones, or even one at all.
In addition, specialists make copies of bones, from which they then assemble skeletons and exhibit them in museums.
Paleontologists also study fossilized traces left by dinosaurs. To understand what species of animal left a mark, scientists find out the “age” of the rock where the print was found and compare the shape of the fingers and feet with the appearance of the dinosaurs that lived in that era.
Paleontologists come up with names for dinosaur species, often based on the name of the area where the bones were found.
What did dinosaurs eat?
Despite their menacing appearance, many of them were not predators - they ate ferns, leaves, cones, flowers and fruits from trees. In those days, the Earth was humid and hot and favorable conditions were created for the growth of numerous plants, so herbivores did not have to starve.
But there were also carnivorous dinosaurs - which hunted animals and ate their eggs. Some of them could not chew and swallowed stones so that the food itself would grind in the stomach.
The main task of dinosaurs was to get food and at the same time protect themselves from predators. Herbivores defended themselves with horns and thorns, while carnivores had teeth and claws.
What types of dinosaurs are there?
As already noted, there are more than a thousand species. Let's take a closer look at the most famous ones.
One of the largest predators of all time. It walked on two legs with two clawed toes on each, had a large skull and a long, heavy tail, and teeth the size of bananas.
Some scientists believe that the Tyrannosaurus rex could not run and was clumsy, so it did not hunt, but ate only dead animals. However, the more common view is that these dinosaurs were both predators and scavengers, taking prey from others whenever possible. Tyrannosaurus was able to eat up to 150 kilograms of meat in one sitting, but then starve for several days.
The skeleton of the largest tyrannosaurus was found in 1991 in the province of Canada. The length of the skeleton reached 13 meters, weight - almost 9 tons.
These are aquatic dinosaurs, similar in appearance to dolphins: a head fused to the body, very large eyes, and fins. There are many teeth in the mouth. Ichthyosaurs generally weighed up to 2 tons and reached several meters in length. Although there are known species whose length reached 24 meters and body weight - 40 tons.
The first ichthyosaur was found in Russia in 1821, while the largest accumulation of dinosaur bones of this species was discovered in Germany.
Ichthyosaurs were carnivores - they ate fish and shellfish and hunted in packs. The cubs were born in water and immediately knew how to swim. Ichthyosaurs did not come to land.
A distinctive feature is bone plates and spikes on the back and tail (for protection against attacks). These dinosaurs walked on four legs. They ate only tender leaves because they had poorly developed jaws. Stegosaurus teeth were almost unsuitable for chewing. In order to assimilate even delicate plant food, the stegosaurus was forced to swallow stones - they ground the plants in its stomach.
Stegosaurus reached 9 meters in length and weighed up to 9 tons - about the same as an elephant. The bones of these dinosaurs were first found in the USA in 1877.
A distinctive feature is three horns (one at the tip of the nose, two above the eyes), bone “collars” on the head and a beak on the muzzle. “Collars” served to protect the head and shoulders; males used their horns to scare away enemies and fight, including over females during the mating season, and used their beaks to tear off branches of bushes and ferns.
Externally, Triceratops are similar to rhinoceroses, only larger - up to 3 meters in height and 9 in length, with an average weight of about 12 tons. Only the head reached a length of 2 meters. These dinosaurs had several hundred teeth in their mouths.
They ate plants, walked on four thick legs, and lived in small groups.
Triceratops are one of the last dinosaurs on Earth. And their bones were first found in the United States in 1899.
The most tailed dinosaur - with an 11-meter thin tail, it drove away predators. He also had a long neck, a small head with big eyes and long teeth, and four legs. It reached 30 meters in length.
Diplodocus ate plant foods. To pluck tall trees, they stood on their hind legs. And they also swallowed stones.
Diplodocus were herd animals, swam well and preferred to live in swamps - they came to land only to eat and lay eggs.
Diplodocus lived in what is now North America. Fossilized vertebrae of a dinosaur of this species were first found in the USA (Colorado) in 1877.
These tiny animals by dinosaur standards, a bit like turkeys, were the length of an average man - about 1 meter 80 centimeters, and weighed like a child - only 20 kilograms. Velociraptor bones were first found in the Gobi Desert (Mongolia) in 1924.
It is not known exactly what these dinosaurs looked like: they were previously depicted as lizard-like, with green scaly skin, but are now believed to have feathers like birds. Some even suggest that the feathers were multi-colored. Surely scientists know that Velociraptor had three fingers with sharp claws on the front limbs and four on the hind limbs.
Despite their very modest size, velociraptors were dangerous and agile predators. They jumped on the victim, grabbed it with their teeth and pierced it with their claws, inflicting mortal wounds.
Velociraptors became fashionable after the 1993 film Jurassic Park. By the way, they look huge there and hunt in packs. Both are fiction.
Many people classify pterodactyls as dinosaurs - and they are wrong. Pterodactyls are pterosaurs, or winged lizards, related to dinosaurs. Unlike dinosaurs, pterodactyls could fly. Of the modern animals, they were similar in appearance and habits to birds and bats.
The forelimbs of pterodactyls turned into wings (the span reached 8 meters), the body was covered with fur. Some had a tail, not all had teeth. Pterodactyls were distinguished by long, clawed limbs.
These lizards lived like modern birds: in flocks, they flew and looked for food during the day, and slept upside down at night, clinging to tree branches.
The method of feeding depended on the size of the pterodactyl. The small ones, the size of a crow, ate insects, the larger ones ate fish and lizards. Some pterodactyls were two meters long and one and a half meters high and weighed more than 75 kilograms.
It is believed that pterodactyls had a well-functioning brain and excellent vision. They lived in the territories of the USA, East Africa, Western Europe, Australia, and Russia. Their bones were first found in Bavaria (Germany) in 1784.