Presentation “Preparing children for school in the middle group through FEMP” Regina Dementieva
Preview: Lesson notes for the senior group on familiarization with fiction. Reading
Card index on cultural and hygienic skills for children of the first junior group Marina Makhorina Card index on cultural and hygienic skills
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Non-traditional forms of work with children in the organization of educational activities aimed at the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
“Development of children’s coherent speech through theatrical and play activities.” 2.1. Development of coherent speech
Ulyanova Alexandra Anatolyevna Games for social and communicative development. Games for the development of the emotional sphere of a preschooler. 1.
The purpose and objectives of interaction between kindergarten and parents. The most important goal of interaction with parents is
The structure of the lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Educational and methodological manual on the topic MBDOO No. 11 “Kindergarten