Outdoor games for the middle group Marina Timeryanova Outdoor games for the middle group Outdoor game
Research work of a preschooler. Example Research work. Topic: “The Magic of Soap Bubbles” CONTENTS: 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….2 2.
Summary of a lesson on ecology in the junior preschool group “I am part of nature” Bibliographic description:
Summary of an open physical education lesson “Journey to the Autumn Forest” with children of the senior group. MKDOU
"Me and my health." Valeological games and exercises According to the World Health Organization, “health”
Methodology for drawing trees and people in senior and preparatory schools. This development describes a detailed
Thematic planning of educational activities in an early age group Shunina Natalya Thematic planning of educational activities
Musical entertainment “Birds are our friends!” (second youngest) Mukhametzyanova G.R., Kuznetsova O.V., Sharipova L.Sh.