The magazine “Practical Pedagogy” invites teachers and educators to take part in the All-Russian distance pedagogical conferences.
Summary of the parent meeting on the topic “Children’s safety on the road” Author: Olga Stepanovna Kruglikova Summary
For preschool children you can come up with many entertaining activities, a special place among them is
Musical games for the younger group of kindergarten Methodological development. Musical games for younger preschoolers
Musical games for preschoolers Musical games for preschoolers: “Let’s get to know each other and be friends!”
Mathematical KVN for older preschoolers Mathematical KVN in kindergarten. Scenario Mathematical KVN for
Summary of the game of travel in the middle group of kindergarten Summary of the game in the middle group at
Active teaching methods in kindergarten Seminar for teachers. — presentation Active learning methods
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF THE PROBLEM OF MANAGING A PRESCHOOL CHILDREN'S PLOT-ROLE-PLAYING GAME In the modern understanding, a game is a “form”
Didactic games “Trees” in the senior group In the senior group, preschoolers learn to distinguish, describe, classify,