Attention, memory and thinking are incredibly important mental processes, and start developing them
Organization of the process of drawing with finger paints The drawing process itself is very exciting, so don’t forget
Tasks and forms of work on traffic rules in preschool educational institutions Tasks and forms of work in different
Fairy tale Once upon a time there lived a Little Ladybug in a sunny meadow, and she was so forgetful, carefree...
What is Gender? This concept denotes a person’s belonging to a certain social gender, which is formed
The bunny applique will be made with pleasure by a child of any age, because the hare is one of the main
Dear colleagues - future team coordinators! I present to you a new project “Come Out! Let `s play!" Project
Didactic game “Teremok” Participant of the exhibition: Olga Yurievna Datsyuk, teacher of the MADOU CRR – kindergarten no.
Presentation “Hello School” presentation for a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic Slide 1!
What are the benefits of role-playing games? What are the specific benefits of role-playing games? Let's start with