Summary of a lesson in a senior group on the topic: “Journey along the Rainbow”

Entertainment for older preschoolers (5-6 years old). Colors of rainbow

The event is intended to be carried out with children 5-6 years old when learning colors.
In a fun way, kids will not only get to know the colors of the rainbow, but will also be able to better explore the world around them. Author: Oksana Anatolyevna Danilchenko Purpose: to promote the study of the colors of the rainbow and the emergence of children’s interest in studying the world around them. Objectives: - promote the study of the colors of the rainbow; - promote the development of fantasy and imagination; - contribute to the development of an aesthetic attitude towards everything around you. Event time: 30 minutes Age of children: 5-6 years. Progress of the event. Teacher:
- Sometimes there are miracles in life.
For example, the sun talks to the rain. Guys, what do you think they can talk about? Children:
- About plants, crops.
- What happens when the sun meets the rain?
- Rainbow
- Riddle: “A colored rocker hung over the river” (rainbow) - Which of you has seen a rainbow?
— Is it possible to meet her in winter? Children:
- No.
- Let's listen to A. Wenger's poem “Colors of the Rainbow.”
The colors are terribly tired today: They painted a rainbow in the sky. We worked for a long time on the rainbow of colors. The rainbow came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale. All colorful - what a beauty! Just admire the colors: Red Red radishes grew in the garden bed, Nearby there are red tomatoes. There are red tulips on the window, Red banners outside the window are burning. Orange The orange fox dreams of carrots all night - It looks like a fox's tail: Orange too. Yellow The yellow sun looks at the earth, The yellow sunflower watches the sun. Yellow pears hang on the branches. Yellow leaves are flying from the trees. Green We have green onions growing and green cucumbers, and outside the window there is a green meadow and whitewashed houses. Every house has a green roof, And a cheerful gnome lives in it Wearing new green trousers Made from maple leaves. Blue My doll has blue eyes, And the sky above us is still bluer. It is blue, like a thousand eyes. We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us. Blue There is an island in the blue sea, The path to the island is long. And on it grows a flower - Blue-blue cornflower. Violet The violet violet is tired of living in the forest. I'll pick it and bring it to my mom on her birthday. She will live with purple lilacs On the table in a beautiful vase near the window. Teacher:
- Now let’s try to solve riddles about the colors of the rainbow.
Gave me this color of fiery poppies bouquet. Just like that, without a birthday, To improve your mood. (Red) Dear color, quickly tell me, What do you value in life? Round pumpkins and carrots, I deftly grow them in the garden bed. (Orange) A dandelion grew in the field, a golden-yellow boy. He was friends with this color and looked like the sun. (Yellow) Sews summer outfits of amazing colors. Bushes, vegetable gardens and orchards are painted with it. (Green) The sonorous brother stream - The colors of this friend, Calls all his friends to drink with his pure water. (Blue) The color of heaven is forget-me-not. I haven’t forgotten for a minute. I dressed up all the flowers and didn’t forget one. (Blue) This color gave perfume to one violet - he doesn’t mind. He painted the violet because he is beautiful. Violet) Teacher:
- Well done guys!
But besides the colors of the rainbow, there are three more colors: It lies on the roof with snow, They draw and write on it, It is in cow’s milk, And in sour cream, and in flour. (White color) Although it is hidden in the chimney, it is always in fashion among panthers, and any black man carries it with him every day. (Black color) It is in asphalt and concrete, In the warm fluff on a raven, In a wolf and its tail And in cats in the dark. (Gray color) Teacher:
- Now let's draw a little.
You need to paint the magic flower with your favorite color. Children are offered a coloring book of a seven-flowered flower, which everyone paints with their favorite colors. Teacher:
- It's time to play.
1. Game “Where is this color found?” [/
i] Purpose: remembering colors.
Equipment: sheets of cardboard in colors corresponding to the spectrum of the rainbow. Progress of the game: Children are shown colors and asked to remember where they are found. Red – Little Red Riding Hood, tomato, poppy. Orange – orange, tangerine. Yellow – dandelion, sun. Green – grass, leaf. Blue – sky, bell. Blue - cornflower Violet - violet. 2. Game “Rainbow”
Goal: remember the colors of the rainbow and their sequence.
Equipment: Rainbow pattern, rainbow coloring pages, colored pencils. Progress of the game: Show a sample of the rainbow to the children, and together name the sequence of colors. Color the rainbow. Discuss the results. 3. Game “Collect a bouquet”
Goal: consolidate the colors.
Equipment: blanks of flower petals and hearts from cardboard. Progress of the lesson: parts of flowers are scattered on the carpet, children need to fold the flowers (1 heart and 5 petals) and name the colors of the petals. Teacher:
- Our meeting is coming to an end and in order to once again remember the colors of the rainbow, we will listen to the poem by L.B.
Deryagina: Maybe the fairy gave me a magical dream, with miracles, maybe that’s how it was in reality. Judge for yourself. The world is shrouded in a shroud - Pieces of dust are carried by the wind, Even the sun and the moon do not shine because of the dense clouds. The sky, mountains and plains seem to be in a gray web. Uncomfortable and deserted, There are no traces of bright colors. Well. Where are these colors? High, in the edge of heaven, In silence, with their eyes closed, They sleep in a wonderful castle, The castle is decorated with stars. Full of various cherished secrets. There are seven multi-colored beds in one of their towers. Clouds serve as a pillow, And feather dust from the air. Silver sheet made of transparent moon lace. They see colorful dreams. Dreams are so similar to fairy tales, And all earthly disasters do not bother them yet. RED paint among other Beautiful, endless dreams Dreaming of a scarlet flower With a carefree red cap. What is ORANGE dreaming about? Three magic oranges, A red fox in a fur coat, And Chippolino in freckles. YELLOW paint, sleeping soundly, Dreams of Tim - a brave duckling And also, of course, a turnip, Which has already ripened in the ground. GREEN, endless, Dreams about a girl - a frog, A wonderful Emerald city And a kikimora - a chatterbox. BLUE paint sleeps on the azure feather bed. In her dream she dreamed of a fairy tale about the beautiful Malvina, the BLUE paint sleeps sweetly, Dreams flash in succession: Following the marvelous blue bird - Someone with a blue beard. PURPLE clearly Sees a delicate violet. In a word, everyone sleeps so well that it’s simply a pity to wake them up. On Earth at that time, it was raining, there was a thunderstorm, and it was so dark... The Sun couldn’t stand it! Having sharpened the rays like arrows, they threw sleepy colors, and then the rainbow arch rose above the whole world. Everything around shimmered with incomparable colors, the clouds themselves scattered, the sun laughed loudly. Poppies, roses and pomegranates have lit up in scarlet color, Red-cheeked tomatoes are ripening in the hot summer. Apricots and tangerines absorbed the orange color - They became a bright decoration for a new joyful picture. How yellow-skinned both lemon and banana are! And a dandelion blooms like the sun. All the forests, gardens, lawns were dressed in lush greenery, They played out, made a lot of noise, and merry flocks of frogs. They dress up in the blue fabric of the lake and sparkle. The banks are covered with a continuous pattern of Forget-me-nots. The blue color painted the sea in a hundred unprecedented shades. And a blue whale with a small whale frolics in the open space. The eggplant in the sun warms the purple back, like a rainbow, the multi-colored tail of the peacock. Along with this variety of colors, fairy tales arose on earth. Sorcerers began to live in this world without fear. Since then, all over the planet We cannot count the beauties and colors And the World of magical, wise fairy tales is blooming, to the delight of children. Teacher:
- See you again, guys!

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What is a rainbow?

So, how to explain to a child what a rainbow is? People have long tried to understand the nature of this incredible phenomenon. But before there was no such knowledge about the world as there is now. It was impossible to say exactly what it was. Therefore, many legends are associated with the rainbow. For example, in Ancient Greece it was believed that a rainbow was a bridge connecting heaven and earth, along which the messenger from the gods Iris traveled to people every day. In ancient India, a rainbow was the bow of the god of thunder and lightning, Indra. And in China they believed that the rainbow is a heavenly dragon that protects heaven and earth.

The ancient Slavs also considered the rainbow to be a bridge that connected heaven and earth, along which angels descended from heaven to our earth to collect water from a river or lake. They then poured the collected water into the clouds, from which life-giving rain came.

Many peoples still consider rainbows to be a bad omen. The rainbow was imagined as a bridge over which the soul of the deceased passes to another world, and when a rainbow appeared in the sky, it meant someone's imminent death.

But all these are nothing more than myths that have no basis in reality. Rainbows have also been associated with some other natural phenomena. For example, signs related to weather prediction have appeared: if the rainbow is high and steep, then there will be good clear weather, and if it is low and flat, then the weather will deteriorate.

The very first scientist to reveal the concept of a rainbow to the world was the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle. He was the first to realize and tell everyone that a rainbow is not an optical illusion or magic or some kind of material thing, but a complex optical phenomenon.

Where does a rainbow come from?

A rainbow occurs when the sun's rays penetrate water droplets in the air, causing them to refract and form an amazing spectrum of colors - a rainbow.

This natural phenomenon occurs when the sun breaks through the clouds, it is about to rain or it has just stopped. The rays of the sun penetrate the raindrops, which in turn work as a diffuser, like a filter, scientifically called a “prism”, breaking the white light of a sunbeam into different colors. Drops of water deflect light at different distances, which is why a multi-colored strip is obtained, which in science is called a “spectrum”. The rainbow has a spherical shape, which arises from the shape of the droplet.

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