Educational and research project “Miracle garden on the windowsill” in the junior group of kindergarten

Garden tales on the window

Galina Polenok
Garden tales on the window

Garden tales on the window

Nature is our common home. Loss of respect for it leads to a loss of morality in a person - this idea was repeatedly affirmed in their works by Russian writers M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky.

Environmental education and upbringing of preschool children is currently becoming one of the priority areas. The earlier the formation of the foundations of ecological culture begins. The higher its level in the future. We teach to see and understand the beauty of our native nature, to treat all living things with care.

To solve the problems of environmental education, all the necessary activities are carried out in our kindergarten:

— a subject-specific developmental environment is created;

— familiarization with nature is carried out in various forms: at educational activities and in everyday life (in work, observations, games, a corner of nature)


— thematic walks are regularly planned and conducted to help children observe the weather and nature in natural conditions;

— educational and educational games are actively used.

of vegetable gardens appears on the windowsills of the kindergarten . And our group is no exception! We not only planted seedlings and cared for them, but also used them for food for our hamster - sprouted wheat served as food. The children really enjoyed watching the pleasure with which the hamster ate the wheat sprouts that the children helped care for. Seedlings are grown in trimmed boxes. Onions, cucumbers and wheat were grown in the beds of our wonderful . Here, observations were made of the growth of seedlings and methods of courtship, which developed observation skills, taught them to peer into the surrounding nature, establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, children observe which ones grow faster, compare the color and shape of leaves, and determine the conditions necessary for growth and development.

In order for the child to independently learn to care for plants, parents were given the task of planting any plant together with the child, giving him the opportunity to independently care for the plant and observe the growth of the plant. The task was also given to bring a photograph depicting a child and the plant that he grew.

Vegetable garden on the window “Vegetable garden on the window” Voronina Snezhanna May 2022. In the Cinderella kindergarten there was a show of the competition “Vegetable Garden on the Window”. The goal is engagement. “Tale on the Window” Winter is considered the most fabulous period of time. Children are waiting for the New Year and believe in miracles, and we adults still believe in fairy tales, everyone. "Green world on the window." Photo report on decorating a vegetable garden on the window “Green world on the window.” Photo report on decorating a vegetable garden on a window. Spring! Nature comes to life, birds fly in, the sun shines and warms, it comes to life. Photo report “Garden Lanterns” Now the time has come to grow plants in our garden. The children, together with their parents, figured out how to decorate their glass pot.

Methodological development of the performance using the example of the fairy tale “Twelve Months” based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak. Fairy tale script Staging a play in kindergarten is a great holiday, and there are great opportunities for realizing various educational tasks. At work.

Vegetable garden on the window Children of primary preschool age do not have a sufficient understanding of plants, where they grow, and the necessary conditions. Vegetable garden on the window In our younger group, we made this garden on the window. We made a pen for animals, animals graze in it. There is a miracle lake in the garden, with.

Vegetable garden on the window In our kindergarten there was a competition for the best vegetable garden on the window. Of great importance in the cognitive development of children, the education of environmental culture.

Vegetable garden on the window “Visiting the fairy tale “Pykh” [“Visiting the fairy tale Pykh”] [Hello dear colleagues, I present to your attention a small vegetable garden on the window. The main means of cognition.


Original design ideas

The older the kindergarten group, the more responsibility for the garden on the window can be assigned to it. Children will be able to cope with clearing mini-beds of weeds and will be able to monitor the temperature and watering. And come up with interesting ideas for decorating a small green corner. Here, their ingenuity and ingenuity will definitely come in handy. Pieces of cardboard can be used under the fence. And place a scarecrow in the middle of the area.

In the corner where cucumbers grow, right on the fence, you can attach bees made of colored paper. Thanks to the efforts of the children working on the design, the vegetable garden on the window in the kindergarten will look like a fairy tale. Every little thing carries a certain meaning. The task of parents and educators is to explain this to the little ones.

[stextbox just imagine how much joy a child will have when he sees the first shoots. This will spur interest in the garden, because the work was not in vain.

At the top, on the window, you can place small flowerpots with flowers. Surely the girls will be interested in looking after them. At the same time, they will gain new information for themselves. For example, some plants like more moisture and predominantly cold watering, others less. And you only need to water them with warm water. Having learned all this, children will be able to independently care for the plant at home.

Vegetable garden on the window based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Elena Klimentyeva

Vegetable garden on the window based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

of the fairy tale Teremok came to visit us

. What great fellows they are, they built themselves a new house.

And today we will find out how friendly they live in it.

Standing in a field is a teremok-teremok ,

He is not short, not high, not tall.

The mouse says at breakfast: “Friends, shouldn’t we plant a vegetable garden ?”

In the morning, as soon as the sun came out, the animals got to work. The top and the bunny dug up the ground, made beds, and brought water from the stream.

The fox said: “To be healthy, let’s sow more vegetables.”


The mouse added: “And we’ll plant beans, they’re very healthy.”


Our heroes worked all day. By evening work on vegetable garden was completely completed.

The mouse squeaked: “We’re so great! Now we will weed, water, fertilize the seedlings"


The sun hid behind the horizon, evening came. After a hard day, our little animals went to drink tea. They rejoiced at how they worked together and that they did such a necessary job!

Attached files:

Project “Vegetable Garden on the Window-2019” MBOU “Malougrevskaya Secondary School” structural unit Type of project: informational - creative.
Content: educational. According to the number of participants. Photo report “Vegetable garden on the window” Every year, in winter, my children and I in kindergarten traditionally organize a vegetable garden on the window. The goal of creating a window garden is to engage. Photo report “Our miracle garden. Vegetable garden on the window" (middle group) Spring has come and with its arrival everyone begins to prepare for planting in the garden, buying seeds, planting seedlings, in general, work is in full swing. Garden. Photo report “Vegetable garden on the window” Children at this age do not have enough idea that vegetables can be grown indoors and about the conditions necessary. Photo report “Vegetable garden on the window” In the spring, in our group “Sun”, we, together with young children, organize a vegetable garden on the window sills. This is such a fabulous garden. Vegetable garden on the window 2018 In April 2022, the annual competition “Vegetable garden on the window” was held in our kindergarten. The priority of this competition was planting and growing. Project “Garden on the Window” Project: short-term Type of project: educational, research, creative Participants in this project: children, their parents and teacher. "Vegetable garden on the window." Project Project “Vegetable Garden on the Window” Relevance of the topic: Children are unfamiliar with the fact that plants grow from seeds and grow them in winter, when they lie on the ground.

Project “Vegetable Garden on the Window” Type of project: informational – creative; group. Content: educational. According to the number of project participants: group. Implementation deadlines.



Children should be directly involved in the process. They may not be able to plant the seed correctly in the ground right away, then entrust them with an equally important task - registration.

When creating a vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten, do not forget about decorating it in the form of a fairy tale. By the way, you can use your favorite cartoons as an idea. For example, "Masha and the Bear".

[stextbox requires warmth for good growth. So, we draw a sun, color it, cut it out and glue it to the window. It will warm the beds. We use the same principle to draw clouds and butterflies.

If space allows, you can put a whole onion in the water, and very soon the children will see the fruits of their labors and will even be able to taste a fresh green onion for lunch. It’s just that in a jar it will look boring and not aesthetically pleasing. You can cover the container with colored paper, or ask your mother to knit a cover for it, sew buttons on it, they will serve as eyes and nose. The result will be Chipolino.

Using the same pattern as the sun, make a tree and glue it on the window slope, it will be very beautiful. Place animal figures between the mini-beds. It could be anyone, a hare, a cow, a horse.

There is another great idea - make something like a fence from planks or parts of a construction set and attach it to the windowsill with tape. This structure will serve as a front garden. By and large, you can use anything. You can create garden beds in the cars and use Kinder Surprise toys to enliven the free space.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill based on the fairy tale “Puff”

Jeanne Prieb

Vegetable garden on the windowsill based on the fairy tale “Puff”

In our kindergarten at the end of February there was a competition for vegetable gardening on the windowsill based on various fairy tales . Our group decided to decorate a vegetable garden based on the fairy tale “Pykh.”

Fairy tale characters settled on our windowsill : grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter Alenka and the hedgehog Pykh.

The guys and I decided to plant vegetables such as: turnips, onions, garlic, peas, beans, beets, carrots. We also planted flowers: marigolds, tulips.

For a month we observed and looked after our plantings. The children watered, loosened, and fertilized our vegetables and flowers.

The kids and I also watched the branches of poplar and birch, how their buds swelled.

How happy the children were when the first leaves appeared on the branches.

After a month of observing and caring for our plants, we created a fairy tale on the windowsill .

in the design of the fairy tale on the windowsill , “Pykh”, for which we thank them very much!

Miracle vegetable garden on the windowsill In our kindergarten there was a competition “Fairy Tale on the Windowsill” It was not held at the usual time for planting, or rather from January to February 16.

Speech therapy games for the fairy tale “Puff” Speech therapy games for the fairy tale “Puff” Riddles An angry touch-me-not lives in the wilderness of the forest, There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog.) A hundred clothes.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. OUR GARDEN ON THE WINDOW SILL. People are surprised: “What a miracle garden!” The influence of the surrounding world on the development of a preschool child is enormous. Vegetable garden on the windowsill. Now, of course, is not the season for a window garden, but I want to share with you my garden from last year. Goal: to create interest in children. Photo report “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Vegetable garden on the windowsill. A vegetable garden on a window can be very diverse. A window sill is well suited for growing vegetables. It's settling in well.

Festive autumn event based on the fairy tale “Puff” for the speech therapy group Festive autumn event based on the fairy tale “Puff” for children in the speech therapy group. All roles are played by children. Children enter the music room and stand up.

Project “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Project name: “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Type of project: educational, creative, short-term. Relevance: Influence of the surrounding world.

Project “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” The time spent in kindergarten will be remembered by children not only for interesting and versatile activities, but also useful and necessary. Vegetable garden on.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill using the origami technique “Fun Vegetable Garden” Cheerful Vegetable Garden In the spring of 2022, the children of the middle group, as well as the junior group, and I worked in two groups on a schedule (three shifts each.

Scenario for the autumn holiday “Hedgehog Puff-Puff” in the first junior group Repertoire: 1. Song “Autumn Song” 2. Song “Autumn” 3. Dance of the Fly Agaric 4. Dance of the Rowan 5. Dance “Dance of the Autumn Leaves” 6. Game.


What are the benefits for a child of having a vegetable garden outside the window?

By creating a miniature vegetable garden on the window, children receive new information. They learn how to care for crops and expand their vocabulary. Previously, terms such as planting, loosening, seeds and others were incomprehensible to them. And now the guys have a clear idea of ​​all this.

You can come up with different addition and subtraction problems. For example: “we planted 6 bulbs, 4 of them managed to germinate and produce a green feather. The question is how many bulbs have not sprouted at the moment.”

These are not all the advantages of this project. Direct participation in planting plants develops a sense of responsibility in children. As they master new knowledge, they independently seek answers to their questions. Thereby enriching your inner world and expanding your horizons.


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