Summer walk - excursion in kindergarten. Middle group

Organization of the educational space of the group. Group sightseeing tour

Galina Irina

Organization of the educational space of the group. Group sightseeing tour

We invite you to a sightseeing tour of the secondary general development group No. 6 “Semitsvetik”

, hope you enjoy.

We are in a group room .

The developing subject-spatial environment of our group ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the group space , materials, equipment and supplies for the development of children of middle preschool age, protection and promotion of health.

The environment meets the requirements of content richness, transformability, multifunctionality, variability, accessibility and safety, and is intended for joint activity of an adult and a child and independent activity of children that meets the needs of childhood. The furniture corresponds to the height and age of the children.

In organizing the environment, we tried to maintain a single design solution: the color of the walls, furniture, carpet, and blinds have a pleasant color scheme that adjusts to an emotional mood and a harmonious relationship between the child and the outside world.

The group room is represented by development centers. Each center has movable, transformable boundaries in the form of a screen, movable shelving, and plastic containers. The equipment is placed so that it is convenient to organize joint and independent activities; all items are proportional to the height, hand and physiological capabilities, gender of the children in our group .

Each child is given the freedom to choose the means to use their creative abilities, satisfy their interests and curiosity, taking into account individual and age characteristics.

In the group , we tried to use lean technologies, namely, visualization of equipment, each development center has its own color marker, in our opinion, this follows the main rule - where they took it, they put it there.

When designing RPPS, the creation of conditions for informatization of the educational process . For this purpose, the group room is equipped with equipment for the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process (mobile computer, interactive whiteboard, projector)


Organization of duty is an important part of the labor education of a preschooler. The simple duties of an attendant instill in a child such qualities as hard work, discipline, and accuracy. In our group, the duty corner is represented by a small stand with an algorithm for the actions of the duty officer; bright aprons and caps are sewn by parents’ hands.

The Literary Center is marked with a red color marker.

This center provides literary development for preschool children. Books are arranged in containers according to sections: fiction (fairy tales, poems, educational literature (books about nature, works about safety rules, baby books made by the hands of children and their parents. The selection of material is carried out taking into account the topic weeks.

Next is the “Cognition Center”

indicated by a purple color marker.

In front of you are racks with equipment reflecting the implementation of the variable part of the educational program - the partial program “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”

Spiritual and creative patriotism must be instilled from early childhood. The main task of the teacher is to awaken in the child a feeling of love for his homeland. It is to awaken, not to impose. In modern life, there are almost no objects of ancient folk life, and we decided to clearly demonstrate them by creating a model of a Russian hut: which reflects the main attractions of the house: stove, hearth, grip, table, benches, cradle, spinning wheel, floor, window, rug. Here, the main symbol of Russia is presented - the matryoshka doll, bast shoes. On the lower shelf, the children get acquainted with the history of Arzamas, its main symbol - the Goose, the glorious Arzamas bow, birch bark dolls and bast. Flag, etc. Thanks to the creation of a special environment that allows the child to touch history.

Next are didactic, developmental and logical-mathematical games aimed at developing the logical action of comparison, logical operations of classification, seriation, recognition by description, reconstruction, transformation . Workbooks “Mathematics is interesting” are freely available so that the child has the opportunity to use it in free activities.

Games for developing counting and computational skills are also presented. Sets of cards with numbers, Sets of cards with the image of the number of objects (from 1 to 10)

and corresponding numbers, counting sticks, entertaining and educational mathematical material.

To develop the lexical and grammatical side of speech, folders with subject and plot pictures for retellings, word games and tasks on the current lexical topic were purchased. This contributes to the development of speech, expansion of ideas about the world around us, spatial orientation , observation and imagination .

To form the foundations of safe behavior in children. a street model was made, educational games “Road Signs”

, game
, d/i, dominoes
, set
, materials on fire safety, toys - vehicles, illustrations about transport and work tools.

The natural world cannot be known from a picture. In order for a preschooler to learn to understand the world around him, to realize what is part of it, and to establish connections between natural objects, it is necessary to immerse the child in the appropriate atmosphere. We decided to create a miniature world of nature, here are several types of indoor plants, a diagram of how to care for indoor plants, and the necessary equipment: watering can, sprayer, rake, scoop, apron. A nature calendar is kept, where children record weather changes. In order to form the first ideas about a plant as a living organism , to establish simple relationships and dependencies in the natural world, we observe the growth of onions in water and a pot of soil, the blossoming of buds on a lilac branch, children have the opportunity to record changes on an observation sheet.

The furniture is designed in such a way that for children there is a table for conducting experiments, a microscope, magnifying glasses, containers with natural materials, bulk products, containers of different capacities, spoons, funnels, scoops are stored in transparent containers, and a journal of experiments is presented.

Various lotto games are also presented here: “Wild and Domestic Animals”

, illustration material -
“Wild animals”
“Domestic animals”
. In transparent containers there are figurines of “wild and domestic” animals, with symbols on the containers for easy serialization.

Below are containers with water and sand for carrying out simple experiments , toys for playing with sand and water.

Next is the “Sports Center”

, - indicated by a yellow color marker

providing physical activity and organizing health-preserving activities for children.

Here is the necessary sports equipment: hoops, balls, medium, small, ribbons of different colors on rings, skittles, thin rope, flags of different colors, a set with a ball with Velcro

, plumes, ribbed and massage paths, non-traditional sports equipment: for the development of dexterity and eye
“Throw and Catch”
, exercise equipment for the development of breathing:
“Magic Snowfall”
“Hot Tea”

Soft modules are bright and interesting toys for children; they can be used to construct various buildings that will be used in any activity.

Next is the CENTER of creativity - indicated by a green color marker

Providing solutions to the problems of activating children's creativity (directing and theatrical, musical games and improvisations, artistic, speech and visual activities );

A stand-hanger on which costumes for theatrical and role-playing games are located.

A theatrical screen on which different types of theaters are presented: table theater, puppet theater, mitten theater, finger theater, dolls and attributes for playing out fairy tales, masks. Illustrations with scenes from fairy tales.

When organizing musical and artistic activities for children, the following is taken into account:

- introduction to the art of music

— development of students’ musicality

-ability to perceive music emotionally

On the right are musical instruments (sounding and non-sounding)

: metallophone, pipes, drum, tambourine, piano, sounding boxes with various fillings, portraits of composers, illustrations with musical instruments, as well as educational games. A tape recorder, discs with musical works, as well as video tales.

To develop constructive skills, our group has a sufficient number of different construction sets: a construction set with large blocks, a wooden construction set, puzzles, lacing games, a Brix construction set.

“algorithms for their implementation”
are also presented .

To show initiative in artistic and play activities, children are offered the following materials: colored pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolor and gouache paints, wax crayons, colored chalk, plasticine, brushes, sticks, foam rubber, stamps, stencils, coloring books, colored paper, cardboard, self-adhesive film . In order to draw or sculpt any object, you need to remember it well; for this, algorithmic diagrams, drawings, sculpting, sample models for cutting out of paper have been developed - this is located in a stand and indicated with a green marker; in order to familiarize children with folk crafts, albums with illustrations have been collected - red, types of painting - blue. Also, to familiarize children with the types of sculptures, sculptures of small and medium shapes are presented. There is also a board for drawing with chalk and felt-tip pens.

Next is the game center - indicated by an orange color marker

In the fifth year of life, a high interest in role-playing games is shown; this is the time of its heyday. It has been noticed that children of middle preschool age, when playing, like to somehow designate their play area. In this regard, conflicts often arise. When children who are not participating in the game try to ignore the boundaries of the play space , or simply occupy part of the play area. To avoid this, we decided to equip the gaming center in the form of designated spaces : store, family, hostess, hospital, hairdresser, car dealership. A variety of play equipment: strollers, dolls, baby dolls, cars, tools. Also, in solving the problem of free movement and simultaneously playing in several subgroups , we decided to create playing space made from a blue polypropylene sheet. Marker "Home"

, family store, hospital-car service.
With this marker you can play out a huge number of plots. Marker “Rocket”
, children use it as a submarine, an ice floe with an ice hole.
Having tested markers in working with children, we were convinced that they have a number of advantages and meet modern requirements: they are easily transformed, multifunctional, variable, and develop children's fantasy and imagination .
Retreat Center

Here children can relax after noisy games, leaf through a book, and play alone with their favorite toy brought from home.

Teacher's workplace

The teacher's workplace is organized also taking into account color markers.

In our work we strive to:

- the objective world provided the needs of each child;

-RPPS ensured the implementation of the individual interests and needs of children, contributed to the accumulation of social experience;

-RPPS acted as a condition for expanding the child’s capabilities;

-RPPS contributed to the formation of mental, mental and personal qualities of preschool children.

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