Abstract of OD on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in the 2nd junior group. “Rings” (“Multi-colored soap bubbles”)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of an art lesson in the 2nd junior group “Olympic rings” Objectives: -Continue to introduce children to the history of the origin of Olympic symbols (flag, fire, Olympic rings, etc.). — Activate vocabulary on the topic “Olympic Games.” -Promote the development of curiosity - Cultivate strong-willed qualities - patience, the ability to complete work. Goals: - Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints; -Develop attention, memory, sensory perception, eye; — Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Introduce unconventional working techniques. - Cultivate strong-willed qualities - patience, the ability to complete work. Preliminary work: Viewing the presentation, illustrations depicting Olympic symbols, conversation “where the Olympic Games came from”, introduction to winter sports, cut-out pictures on the topic “Sochi Olympics 2014” Materials, equipment: A4 sheets depicting the Olympic rings and a polar bear with medals , chest, “letter”, gouache (red, blue, yellow, black and green), brushes, napkins, PVA glue, wax crayons, foam balls. Contents. -The teacher addresses the children: Guys, this morning I received a letter from the city of Sochi , where the Olympics are taking place. But before opening it, let's remember what symbols of the Olympics we know? Children's answers. Well done guys, you know all the symbols! A torch, rings, medals, a flag. And also a white leopard, a bunny, a white bear. The teacher takes out and shows the symbols of the Olympiad (art illustration). Now let's open the letter and read what is written in it and who sent it to us. The teacher opens the “letter”. Reads. And the letter was sent to us by a bear, a bunny and a leopard. They ask for help. There was such a strong blizzard at night that all the colors on the rings and medal ribbons disappeared! The leopard, the bunny and the bear gave us a chest, which contains everything we need to fix this trouble, but you can open it by solving riddles: Every evening I go Draw circles on the ice. Not with pencils, but with shiny ones (skates). There was a game in the yard in the morning, The kids played out. Shouts: “Puck! ", "past! ", "Hit! “So there’s a game there –…. (Hockey) Well done, you guessed all the riddles! Now the chest has opened! The teacher takes out A4 sheets from the chest with images of Olympic rings, medals and a bear. He distributes them to the children and shows them in what order they need to work. What to use for work. After this, he invites the children to start working. Today you helped the bear because you were attentive and tried very hard. Well done boys!
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Abstract of OD on fine art “Colorful rings” in the early development group

Voevodina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Abstract of OD on fine art “Colorful rings” in the early development group

Goals: To teach children to draw round objects with a continuous continuous movement of the brush. Practice your ability to wash your brush. To instill in children accuracy in work and interest in activities.

Materials for the lesson: Paints of different colors , landscape paper, coasters, Dasha doll toy, water in cups, easel, sample drawing, multi-colored rings .

Techniques: verbal techniques - explanation, questions, instructions.

Preliminary work: sculpting rings , drawing with colored pencils, crayons.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and greet the guests. They pass and sit at the tables.

— Guys, today the doll Dasha came to our classes.

- Rings . I wanted to give them to my girlfriends, but I have so few left.

- Guys, let's think about how to help Dasha? (children's answers)

What's round? (children's answers)

Let us draw them with paints and we will have a lot of them.

The Dasha doll will be able to give to her girlfriends (looking at the rings )


Guys, look at these rings ? Do they have corners or not? Do they roll? (children's answers)


- Look what I took?

- Rings . What color is Zhenya?

To stretch my arms, I do finger exercises.

Guys, let's all show together now a united, smooth movement in the air.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of direct educational activities in fine arts in the second junior group. Topic: “Olympic Multi-colored rings.” Goal: Development of children’s creative abilities and interest in drawing. Assignment.

Introduce them to G. Sapgir’s work “Cat”, teach them how to play with toys, how to hold a pencil correctly.

open drawing lesson 1st junior group “Multi-colored rings”.

Target. Choose colored lumps as you wish, sculpt large and small rings, develop fine motor skills of the hands. Objectives: Contribute to the expansion of knowledge in the differences and names of the main ones.

Drawing with pencils in the 1st junior group. Topic: “Multi-colored rings” Program content: teach children to draw closed lines similar to circles; learn to hold a pencil in your right hand; strengthen the mind.

Lesson summary for the second junior group on modeling “Multi-colored rings.” Purpose: To arouse interest in modeling as a type of artistic activity that allows you to create three-dimensional images (like real ones.

Objectives: Continue to teach children to depict familiar round-shaped objects, hold the brush freely with three fingers. Strengthen the ability to recognize baby animals in pictures and their names.



Drawing “Multi-colored rings”.

Learn to hold a pencil correctly, practice circular movements of your hands; use pencils of different colors; consolidate knowledge about color, the ability to convey a certain shape in a drawing. Develop creativity. Cultivate diligence and attentiveness.

(The teacher has kittens in his hands)

-Meow-meow-meow, hello guys!

- Guys, we have kittens visiting us today.

-Kittens love to play. They play with balls of yarn, when grandma knits, they play with balls.

-And today we will draw rings for our kitten. (Shows the pyramid ring and options for playing with it: rolls it along the floor, rotates it, etc.)

-Look at the multi-colored rings I have. The rings roll on the floor and rotate.

-This is how you can play with such a ring. I think the kitten will really like our gift.

-Now let’s look at the ring carefully.

- What shape does the ring have? The ring is round.

-How will we draw? Show.

(Children draw a circle with their finger in the air with their right hand.)

“Now look at the rings I’ll draw for the kitten: “Here’s a big ring. And this ring is small.”

(Draws small and large rings on the easel).

These are the rings I will give to the kitten so that he can play with them with pleasure. What kind of rings will you draw?

— Our rings will be multi-colored, so each of you will choose the pencil whose color you like best. Tell me what color do you like?

-Now sit down, comfortably, and begin to draw multi-colored rings for kittens: large and small, red, blue, yellow, green.

(The teacher invites the children to choose the color of the pencil, then, during the drawing process, controls the working methods, helps children who have difficulty completing the task.)

(Children's drawings are displayed on the carpet in front of the kitten.)

-Leni has big blue and yellow rings.

-Kirill has small and large multi-colored rings.

-Vicky has blue, red, green rings.

-Look, kitten, he likes your drawings! Hear how he purrs: “Purr, purr!” So he really likes our gifts.

-Guys, please tell me what we were doing?

-What did you like most?

Summary of GCD for drawing in the junior group “Multi-colored rings”

Irina Vitalievna Inozemtseva

Summary of GCD for drawing in the junior group “Multi-colored rings”

Abstract of GCD on art activities

in the younger group

Drawing Multi-colored rings


Teacher Inozemtseva I.V.

V.: Children, listen to me. Today we have guests, say hello.

Please come in and sit at the tables. An interesting thing awaits us.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Rings and Balls.”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Rings and Balls.”

Goal: To teach children to draw round objects.


Educational: Teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion without lifting the pencil from the paper.

Developmental: Develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly, use pencils of different colors in work.

Educational: To cultivate accuracy and the ability to enjoy one’s work. Materials and equipment: balls of thread, paper ring, pictures with a ball and a ring, pencils, album sheets.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, it’s kind of cloudy outside. Where is the sun? Let's all stand up, look at each other, smile and call the sun with our smiles so that it becomes warmer and more cheerful. Well done! Now take your seats. Guys, did you hear someone meow? Look, a kitten came to visit us. Let's say hello to him.

Kitten: Hello, guys. How beautiful and cheerful you all are. Guys. Do you have your favorite toy? What is it called? You know, I really like to play with the ball. Yesterday was my birthday, and my grandmother gave me a ball, but I lost it. Now I have nothing to play with. I wanted to ask you to help me find a ball.

Educator: We know how to help you. Let's, guys, draw all the balls and give them to our guest, and then he will have something to play with. Are you ready to help him? Guys, let’s also draw rings together with the ball so that our kitten has a lot of toys.

The teacher hands out sketchbook sheets and pencils to the children and explains how to hold a pencil correctly to draw balls and a ring. But first, together with the children, he picks up a simple pencil and shows how to draw a circle in the air, then the children repeat after the teacher.

Educator: Guys, look at what beautiful rings and balls you have made, let's show them to our kitten. Kitty. Do you like our balls and rings?

Kitten: Yes, I really like it. Now I have not only balls, but also rings. Thank you guys for your help. Well, now it's time for me to return home. Otherwise my grandmother will look for me. Goodbye, guys.

Educator: Goodbye, kitten, come and visit us again. Let's all say goodbye to our guest together.

Guys, while you were drawing your fingers and hands are probably tired, let's do some physical exercise.

Fizminutka: The wind is blowing in our faces. (waving his hands, palms facing himself) The tree swayed. (arms raised, body swaying from side to side) The breeze is getting quieter and quieter, (lower your hands smoothly) The tree is getting higher and higher. (raise your hands and reach up)

Educator: Well done, now everyone sit down in your places.

Summary of the lesson: Guys, tell me who came to visit us today? Why did he come to us? How did we draw the ball rings? Well done. This concludes our lesson. Thank you for the lesson.

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