Card file of outdoor games for the summer in the second junior group

Outdoor games to develop strength

Outdoor games are the most effective and most universal means of physical education for a child. When playing outdoor games, the child does not even imply that his comprehensive education is taking place. All outdoor games are interconnected, so it is impossible to say unequivocally what we are developing in a particular game. We tried to combine games that are more aimed at developing strength, but do not exclude the development of other physical qualities.

Outdoor game "SPIDER"

The game is suitable for older preschool age. A large number of people can play, but not less than four.

Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.

Materials needed for the game: chalk to indicate the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or pins to indicate the turning point, a ball.

Progress of the game:

All players must be divided into 2 teams. Each team player takes the following starting position: squats, leaning on his hands from behind, and places the ball between his legs and torso. And in this position, at the leader’s signal, he runs to the flag and back. If the player loses the ball, then he starts moving from the place where the object was lost. The team that completes the distance first wins. To make it more interesting, you can award tokens or small prizes for winning. You can also come up with punishments for the losing team or the so-called ransom, i.e. special tasks. For example, squat 5 times or jump on one leg or anything else that suits your imagination.

Outdoor game "RIDERS"

The game is intended for children aged five years and older, although if a younger child can jump on a bouncy ball, he or she can also take part in the game. Any number of people, at least two, can play. This game can also be played at one of the children's parties.

Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.

Materials needed for the game: inflatable balls - jumpers, chalk or rope to indicate the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or pins to indicate the turn point.

Progress of the game:

Players are divided into 2 teams and take a place at the start. The first member of each team sits on the ball and, at the leader’s signal, jumps to the flag and back. At the start, he passes the ball to the next participant. The first team to complete the distance wins.

If this game is used as entertainment at a children's party, then you can offer the participants in the game cool costumes of riders or knights.

You can offer another version of this game, which would be more suitable for a children's party. This version of the game is also played, but instead of jumping balls, balloons are used, and here the attributes of the riders’ costumes are especially welcome (this could be a toy sword and a lid from a saucepan and a helmet made of cardboard or a metal bowl, or even better, instead of a helmet, a saucepan). And it will be funnier if not only children, but also their parents take part in the game.

Outdoor game "KANGAROO"

Children aged five years and older can play with at least four people. This outdoor game is perfect for entertaining children in the yard, and it can also be used at children's parties.

Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.

Materials needed for the game: a ball, chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags or other stable objects to mark the turn point.

Progress of the game:

All players are divided into 2 teams, line up in a column one at a time and take a place at the start. The first member of each team holds the ball between his knees. At the leader’s signal, players begin to jump around the playing court to the flag and back. At the start they must pass the ball to the next team member. The first team to complete the distance wins.

You can complicate the task by introducing rules according to which the ball cannot be passed with your hands. It will be more fun to play this way, especially if adults join the game.

Outdoor game "CROSSING"

The game is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.

Materials needed for the game: skateboards, long ropes, chalk to mark the start and finish lines.

Progress of the game

All participants in the game are divided into 2 teams. Two members of each team stretch the ropes from start to finish and hold them throughout the game. The remaining players must cross from the start line to the finish line, standing or sitting on skateboards, moving their arms and pulling themselves up on a rope. The team that completes the distance first wins. The losing team receives a “ransom”, i.e. special tasks from the winning team. After completing the tasks, you can repeat the game from the beginning.


The game is suitable for children from four years old. Any number of participants can play.

Purpose of the game: develop physical strength and endurance.

Materials needed for the game: chalk or a regular clothesline, and you can also use jump ropes.

Progress of the game

On the playground, a stream is drawn with chalk, which gradually widens towards the end. A stream can be made by placing a clothesline or two jump ropes parallel to each other. Players are invited to jump over the “stream”: first through its narrow place, then where it is wider and wider. Based on the results of the game, the best player who did not get his feet wet in the stream is determined; he determines the “redemption” for the rest of the players.

Do not forget that the best means of education is personal example. Therefore, join your children, play with them, and a good mood is simply guaranteed for everyone!!!

Game "Traffic Light"

We choose a driver. Players stand on one side of him at a distance of five steps. The driver turns away from the players and names any color. Participants must find this color in their clothes, and holding onto it, they can freely move to the other side. The player who does not have this color must run to the opposite side to avoid being caught. Whoever gets caught becomes the driver.

These are the outdoor games we propose for children 4-5 years old to play outdoors. Kids will definitely love them!

Summer outdoor games. For children

March with your eyes closed

This march is used where there is an opportunity to take advantage of large free space.
A pole (flag) is placed in the middle of the site, or someone is placed, indicating the goal that needs to be reached. At a distance of 50-100 steps from this goal, the players are placed in a semicircle and are blindfolded.

At the command of the leader, they walk forward (possibly singing or to music), trying to walk with the same steps (and if there is music, then walk to the beat) and keep the direction towards the goal. During the march, players must raise their hands forward so as not to bump into anyone.

The player who, after the command “Stop!” is closer to the goal, is considered a winner.

You can play without the command “Stop!” Then the task of the students is to come as close to the pole as possible and stop on their own. Whoever manages to stop closest wins.

Bears with a chain

There is a circle marked on the playground - this is a den where two bears live. The players walk around the site, watching the den. The bears are waiting for an opportunity, unexpectedly run out onto the playground, holding hands, and catch up with the players. If they insult the player, they loudly call him by name, take his hands and quickly run away to the den. Players can help out their friends: if they catch up with the bears and touch the hand of one of them, the bear will release the caught one.


A cat and a mistress are selected, the rest of the children sit (pressing their knees to their chest and clasping them with their hands) in a circle at a distance of half a meter from each other. These are jugs of milk (smoothies). The owner calls the cat:

- Kitty Kitty Kitty! - Meow meow!
- the cat answers.
-Where did you go for a walk? - In the courtyard. - Did you catch the mouse? - No! - Why?
- asks the hostess.
- I want milk! - Choose a smoothie!

The cat walks around the smoothies, touches each one and licks itself.

The hostess asks:

- Well, have you chosen?

The cat comes up to the hostess and in her ear, so that no one can hear, tells the name of the player he has chosen. The hostess says:

- If you can, take it!
- and turns away.

The cat goes around the smoothies again, takes each one by the shoulders and pushes it to the left, saying: “I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want...”

Having reached the chosen smoothie, he says: “I want it!” – and suddenly pushes the smoothie to the right. If she falls over (that is, the player, having lost his balance, will be forced to lean on his hand), then he is eliminated from the game and the cat again begins negotiations with the owner. If the player chosen by the cat manages to react to his movement and does not lose his balance, then the cat changes roles with him and the game starts over.

The cat can only push to the right the player whom he previously named to the owner.

Ocean is shaking

Another name is “Figures”.

Children "swim" in the sea. The rhyme is pronounced:

The sea is worried - one, The sea is worried - two, The sea is worried - three, The sea figure freezes in place.

All the children freeze, and the driver passes between them and looks to see who is moving. At the end of the game, it is calculated who is the most self-possessed and steadfast and has never moved.

Or the children freeze in the poses of sea animals, and the driver must go through and guess who is portraying whom. This version of the game is well known to everyone from fairy tales.

Similar games: “Magic Christmas trees”, “Owl”, “Spider and flies”.

Little guy

One of the players sits down in the middle of the court (on the grass, on a chair), and the others run around him closer and closer so that the one sitting can reach them with his hands and tease him:

“Man, man! Drag us into the stream!”

The one whom the person sitting touches with his hand becomes a peasant and sits in the middle.

The game can be complicated by the fact that next to the peasant there will be various things that need to be stolen. Whoever steals the most is the winner. And you should always distinguish between the more courageous children, but not those who will give in.

We are funny guys

Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. The driver is in the middle. The players say in chorus:

We are cheerful guys, we love to run and jump. Well, try to catch up with us! One, two, three - catch it!

After that, everyone runs to the other side of the site. The driver tries to hit the maximum number of players. It is advisable to make 2-3 dashes and count those caught. Then change the driver.

The same version of the game, but called “We are cheerful parsleys.”

Children jump from foot to foot, walk in a circle and say:

We are cheerful parsleys, We love to jump and gallop, Well, try to catch up with us! One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “catch,” all the children run away, and the driver catches them.

Similar games – “Two Frosts”, various variants of “Dashes”.


Another name is “Mice in the House”.

The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group forms a circle - a mousetrap, the rest of the children represent mice. They are outside the circle. Children standing in a circle make a mousetrap; they hold hands and walk in a circle left or right, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are, They just lost their passion, They gnawed everything, they all ate, They climb everywhere - it’s a scourge. Beware, you cheaters, we'll get to you, we'll set mousetraps, we'll catch them all at once.

(It’s funny that children sometimes think that the last word is “infect”, which is better to convince them of, there is no need for us to call names).

While reciting the rhyme, the children stop and raise their clasped hands. The mice run into the mousetrap and immediately run out the other side. At the presenter’s signal “Clap!” the children lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught, they are counted and placed in a circle. When most of the mice are caught, others are chosen and the game continues.

Instead of a command, you can use musical accompaniment. While the music is playing, the little mice run around, as soon as it turns off, the mousetrap closes.

Another version of the rhyme and ending of the game:

The mice settled in the house and gnawed everything, the naughty little girls. Mice, don't chew the furniture, you're leaving the house! Leave quickly, don't scare the children. We will set mousetraps, we will catch you quickly!

While the children pretending to be a mousetrap recite the text, the mice quickly run in and out of the mousetrap circle. After the words “We’ll catch you quickly,” the mousetrap closes - the children take a squat position and lower their clasped hands down. The mice remaining inside the circle are considered caught.

A very similar game to "Cat and Mouse".

Not afraid

The players stand in a circle without holding hands. One player in the middle of the circle is the driver.

Children jump on two legs, spreading their arms to the side and crossing them over their chests, while saying: “I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid.” When the driver approaches, the players stop and cross their arms over their chests. If the driver manages to touch a child standing in a circle at the moment when his arms are spread out to the sides, the latter is considered caught, takes a step out of the circle and takes part in the further game, standing behind the circle, until he wins back, i.e. The next time the driver tries to touch him, he will have time to cross his arms.

Usually up to three or four caught children play, then the driver is changed. Players should not stand with their arms crossed on their chests at the moment when the catcher has moved away.

Don't let me leave

There are lines on the court: two front (start, end) and two side. Between the front lines the distance is from 30 to 60 m, depending on the preparation of the players, between the side lines 10-25 m (this depends on the number of players).

By lot or by common agreement, one of the players lies face up, closing his eyes, so that his heels touch the starting line (if you cannot lie on the grass or a clean playing area, then you can, for example, sit with your back to the line and preferably with your eyes closed). The rest line up parallel to this line, 2 m from the legs of the person lying, facing him. One of the players must touch the leg of the person lying with his hands, after which everyone runs towards the end line. The person lying down, feeling the touch, jumps up and chases after those running away in order to catch (slap) someone. If he insults one of the runners, he changes roles with him. If unsuccessful, it lies down again. So they continue the game.

Running can also be started by a signal from the conductor: clap, whistle.

During a race, you can only catch one of the runners (although if there are strong players, you can play by checking who can catch the most).

If they play outside after rain or on a polluted area, then the starting position of the driver can be “crouched” - bowing his head until his knees touch.

Cucumber, cucumber

At one end of the court there is a catch driver, at the other - the rest of the players. Children approach the trap by jumping on their feet and saying:

Cucumber, little cucumber, don’t go to that end: the mouse lives there and will bite off your tail.

At the end of the words, the children run back to the “house”, and the mouse trap catches them. You just need to make sure that the children are not afraid to come closer to the trap, but finish the poem no more than two meters from the “house”.

Similar games – “Hares and the Wolf”; “Corydalis Hen”; "Shaggy Dog"; "By the bear in the forest."

Surround the beast

One of the players pretends to be a bear and “hides in a den.” The rest depict hunters. Having found the bear, the hunters try to surround it with a chain; If the bear manages to run out, the hunters run after him and surround him, clasping hands. The caught bear is led into a cage. A bear can be considered caught when all the participants in the hunt surround it and join hands, or, if they fail to do so, then how many will succeed. The bear cannot forcefully tear apart the clasped hands of the players and must only run away and dodge, and cannot crawl under the hands.

Similar games – “Polar Bears”, “Seine”.

Shepherd, sheep and wolves

This game is sometimes simply called “The Herd”.

One shepherd and two or three wolves are selected from among the players, all the rest are sheep. On command, the wolves try to catch the sheep (to grease), and the shepherd tries to catch the wolves (at the same time protecting the sheep). The greasy ones leave the game. The game continues until the wolves catch all the sheep (or it is better to play until the last one, otherwise the shepherd will close all access to it) or until the shepherd kills all the wolves.

A slightly different version of this game:

The wolf's house is in the middle of the site, and the sheep have two houses at opposite ends of the site.

The sheep call loudly to the shepherd:

Shepherd, shepherd. Play the horn! The grass is soft, the dew is sweet. Drive the herd into the field, for a walk in the wild!

The shepherd drives the sheep out into the meadow; they walk, run, jump, and nibble grass. At the shepherd’s signal: “Wolf!” the sheep run into the house - to the opposite side of the site. The shepherd protects the sheep, blocking the path of the wolf. Everyone who is caught by the wolf leaves the game.

Shepherd and flock

The driver is chosen - the shepherd. The rest of the children are sheep. You can play in different ways, it is advisable to think about how to arrange the children more conveniently: you can in one line, the shepherd stands behind, or the shepherd stands in the center, etc. The shepherd is blindfolded. He says: “Sheep, little sheep, here I come”


The sheep take turns approaching the shepherd (or answer from their place): “Shepherd, shepherd, how many steps do you give me?”

Each time the shepherd names a number (up to 10). The sheep counts the appropriate number of steps and stops.

When all the sheep have gone, the shepherd asks, “Where is my flock?”

All the sheep answer:
“Be, be, be...”
, then fall silent.

The shepherd begins to look for the sheep - he follows their voices, and the sheep stand in their places. When the shepherd touches someone, he says: “Sheep, little sheep, who are you?”

The sheep answers:
“Be, be, be...”
The shepherd must guess who it is. If he makes a mistake, all the sheep begin to bleat and one of them returns the shepherd to his original place, and he himself returns to his place.

The shepherd asks again: “Where is my flock?”

, and the game continues until he recognizes the caught sheep. Then he takes off the bandage and becomes a sheep, and the sheep becomes a shepherd. But you can play until you catch a few sheep or even until the last one.

Spider and flies

In one of the corners of the playing area there is a web where a spider (one of the players) lives. The rest depict flies. At the leader’s signal, all the flies, buzzing, “scatter” throughout the playing area. The spider is in the web at this time. After 20-30 seconds, the leader gives the signal “Spider!”, the flies freeze in the place where the signal found them. The spider comes out and looks. He takes the one who moves to his web. After three or four repetitions of the game, the number of flies caught is counted. A new spider is chosen and the game resumes.

The game is very similar to “Magic Christmas Trees”, “Owl”, “The Sea Is Worried”.

Running in fours

The guys are divided into four teams. Team players are located in ranks behind the outlined sides of the square. Each team must have the same number of participants. Each team calculates in numerical order. The presenter calls these or other numbers in any order.

The players whose numbers have been announced move outside the constructed square (on the right or left; moving by regular running, side steps or backwards, there can be many options) and try to take their places. The player who takes his place in the line before others wins.

It is, of course, necessary to call the players in such a way that everyone takes part, but so that the running backs do not relax, it is useful to call out the repeated numbers a couple of times (preferably those that are the most equal in strength).

In addition to different types of movements, this game can also use different starting positions.

Jump over the stream

A stream is drawn (indicated) on the playground, narrow at one end, and then wider and wider (the size should be determined based on the children’s capabilities).

Children are invited to jump over the stream, first where it is narrow, gradually moving to its widest part; whoever can get further is the winner. This game can be considered a preparatory game for the game "Wolf in the Moat".


Two competitors stand with their backs to each other, locking elbows. They strive to pull each other across a certain border (line). Whoever wins twice out of three times wins. You can play until you reach the next round. So that the winners can then compete with each other.


The players line up in several columns. At a distance of 5 - 6 m, objects (racks, balls, pins, etc.) are placed opposite each column. The first in the column - the “locomotive” - at the teacher’s command, runs around the object, returns and, having hitched the carriage (the second participant takes the first by the belt), repeats the exercise. When they return, they take a third, and so on, until the whole team has run through. The column (team) that completes the task faster wins. When the game is repeated, the columns are lined up in the reverse order. During dashes, you cannot break the chain of “cars”, otherwise the “train” will not reach the destination station (finish). The teacher must take into account that the strongest and most resilient children need to be placed in front.

A similar game is “Stream”.

Try to overtake

The players stand in a large circle at the back of each other’s heads (it is advisable that there be a distance of 2-3 m between them). At the signal, everyone runs in a circle, trying to overtake the person running in front on the right side. The one who was overtaken goes into the middle of the circle. The winners are the two or three (depending on the conditions) who remain last outside the circle line.

The same can be done with walking in a circle (but here it will be very difficult to make sure that the children are walking and not running).

Jumping sparrows

This game has many names, depending on who is standing inside the circle - “Sparrows and the cat”; "Kite - little sparrows."

A circle is marked on the floor, children stand outside the circle. A cat driver is selected. He stands inside the circle. The cat must catch (spot) players. A caught sparrow leaves the game. When the cat catches three or four sparrows, it is changed. Sparrows jump inside the circle on two legs. And while they are in a circle, the cat must catch them. It is possible to complicate the task: jumping sideways, on one leg, backwards, etc.

A similar game is “Hares in the Garden”, “Who is Faster”.

Interrupted tag

The tag driver in this game needs to loudly say the name of the player he wants to stain. But if, during the pursuit, the tag sees that another participant in the game is next to him, he changes his decision, calls him by name and tries to catch up with the new player and stain him. The Tainted One leaves the game. Fifteen can change his decision many times, depending on the situation. And the guys should always be vigilant so as not to “oversleep” the moment when their name is called. If there are several guys with the same names, then you can allow the tag to catch any of them.

Similar games are “Tag”, “Tag”, “Trap”.


The players are divided into two or more teams (depending on the number of players and the venue), each of which is lined up in a column. The starting places for each team are marked on the site (on a rectangular site it is easiest to place two teams in opposite corners diagonally).

On command, the guides of each team begin running clockwise. Moreover, everyone tries to catch up and tarnish the one running ahead. Having run around the circle, the guides touch the next participants, who continue the competition. The team whose player is the first to catch up with the opponent running in front wins.

The main thing is to ensure that the players do not start running before touching, so that they do not interfere with the running players of other teams, and when running they strictly adhere to the distance markings.

If the teams are equal in strength and it is not possible to catch up with anyone, then the game should be interrupted with a pause for rest.

Read the tracks

Not the most active game, but very interesting.

It is carried out on the sand.

One or two players go forward and do two or three such exercises on sandy or loose soil, after which imprints will remain (jumping, tumbling, wrestling, etc.). Those who remained, having come to this place, determine from the traces what happened here. Then the players change roles.

The most resourceful and quick-witted win.

Hide and seek

It is advisable to play this game where there is a lot of space, and especially a lot of different obstacles and loopholes. The driver stands at a designated place (facing a wall, tree, etc.). And it counts from 10 to 100 depending on the preparation of the participants and the territory. After this, the driver goes to look. There are two options: the first - the driver simply searches for each player until he finds everyone. Secondly, the players can unnoticed get to the conditional place (where the driver counted) and help themselves out there (by touching this place with their hand). The words can be arbitrary - “I’m helping myself out,” etc. You can allow the rescue of captured comrades (discuss in advance how many you can help out or how much you can manage). Then the child must quietly run to the designated place, first knock and say “I’m helping myself out,” and then “I’m helping out Alexey,” “I’m helping out Nadya,” etc. and will be in time.

The game is very similar to Magic Wand.

Bird without a nest

Players form a circle, standing in twos, one after the other, facing the center. One player is chosen as the driver. He stands in the middle of the circle.

Each player in front (inner circle) depicts a nest; the players standing in pairs at the back (outer circle) are birds. On the count of “one”, players representing nests place their hands on their belts; On the count of two, the bird players place their hands on the shoulders of the nest players. The driver does not have a nest. On the count of “three,” the birds fly out of their nests and begin to run freely on their toes, making movements with their arms, like a bird with its wings. The nest players remain in place (although you can complicate the game and allow the nests to move, but they must move while maintaining their appearance - hands on their belts). As soon as the conductor says: “All birds go home!” - each of them hurries to occupy the nest located closer to her, that is, to put her hands on the shoulders of the player standing in front of him. The driver also strives to occupy a vacant nest. If he succeeds, then the bird left without a nest becomes the leader and is located in the middle of the circle. You can occupy the nests only after the conductor says “all the birds go home.” Birds can fly throughout the area, but not near their nest. Those depicting birds change with those depicting nests. So the game continues. In conclusion, the best players are determined - those who have never been a driver.

Variations of this game are “Homeless Hare”, “The Second Wheel”, “The Wolf and the Little Goats”.

Birds and cage

The players are divided into two subgroups. Some, holding hands, form a circle - a cage. Others are located on the outside of the circle. It is better to play the game with musical accompaniment (but it is also possible without it); two melodies are selected for it.

At the conductor’s signal, those standing in a circle begin to move in one direction to the music. The other part of the players - the birds - with their arms spread out to the sides, move in the opposite direction. Then the melody changes, those standing in a circle stop and raise their hands up. Birds run in and out of the cage. Upon a repeated signal, the music stops, those standing in a circle squat and lower their hands down. Those who find themselves inside the cage are considered caught and join the general circle. So the game continues until all the birds are caught.

Main rules: you cannot lower your hands before the signal (close the cage); those whose heads are inside the cage at the moment of the signal are considered caught; during the second tune (or second signal) all birds must run through the cage.

The direction of the players' movements should be changed, and the duration of the melodies should be different. And it is necessary to ensure that children do not use force when detaining them.

A similar game is “Mousetrap”.

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