Outdoor games. The importance of outdoor games in raising children. Types of outdoor games

39 outdoor games with a description of the rules of the game What could be more beautiful and natural than running?

Any outdoor game includes running. Almost every game sport is based on running or fast movement.

By engaging in outdoor games children learn to interact with each other, develop dexterity, reaction speed, and coordination of movements.

Follow safety precautions during classes. Children can run and jump only where there are no sharp corners and a non-slip floor. It is better to play with the ball on a lawn lined with short grass.

Outdoor games for children 5 -12 years old

The benefits of outdoor games

The fact that active games have a positive effect on the body of a little person (and a big one too) is a proven fact.
But we will still remind you how outdoor games are useful for children: 1. Games with active motor elements are a way to strengthen a child’s muscles, develop dexterity and flexibility. Since outdoor games can to some extent be considered physical education, their effect on a growing body is similar to the effect of physical exercise. That is, all the child’s organs and systems are activated, and their work improves;

2. The opportunity to throw out boiling child energy in this way, as well as relieve accumulated anxiety and negative emotions, makes the child calmer and, as a result, organized;

3. The need to comply with certain rules and conditions in the game, as well as interaction with other participants, enables the child to become more sociable and proactive, as well as self-possessed, resourceful and decisive;

4. Outdoor games are also a great opportunity to unobtrusively develop a child’s thinking, memory and imagination.

What can we say about outdoor games, which, in addition to all of the above, also increase children's immunity, which is also important for a modern child.

Outdoor games

It is with the street that most of the fun children's games are associated, accompanied by laughter and mischievous children's screams. The imagination of little playful girls is inexhaustible, so they are interested in the street at any time of the year. Unfortunately, in outdoor children's games there is also such a thing as fashion. Therefore, such beloved ones as “blind man’s buff”, “Cossack robbers”, “the sea is troubled once”, “ring” are a rarity for modern children. However, nothing prevents you from introducing them to each other, perhaps improving (the games) a little. There are many more interesting games that will allow your child to have fun and usefully spend time outside. Well, if you provide him with the “tools” necessary for the outdoors (a bicycle, roller skates, a ball, a sled, etc.), you won’t need to invent anything at all - he will find an active activity for himself.

Outdoor game "Dashes"

The goal of the game is to run from flag to flag. The main thing is not speed, but endurance. Whoever remains last wins.

Outdoor game "Catch-up"

The game can be played in any yard or forest clearing. The running distance is an oval. Sit on it, at an equal distance. And run when the signal is given. Whoever catches up with their opponents first wins. But the players can be different, so the strongest participant must catch up with the weakest 2 times.

Outdoor game “Attack from all sides”

We place any object at a certain distance (12-30 steps). And when there is a clap, the opponents run to take the item. Whoever took it first won. The competition can be repeated several times. The game can accommodate up to 4 people

10 pins - relay race

Representatives of two teams compete to see who can quickly collect and then place 5 pins. The pins are placed at a distance of 2 meters from each other in one row. The first participant collects all the pins - the next one puts them back in their original places. After completing the stage, all pins must be in place.

Relay race with potatoes

The winner in this game will be the team that can carry it faster, without dropping the spoon with potatoes in its hand, to a certain mark and back. Determine the number of circles yourself.

Running with a spoon in your mouth

You need to put a plastic spoon in your mouth and put a tennis ball in the spoon. The team that finishes the stage the fastest without dropping the ball is the winner. You can invite teams to carry water in a spoon, moving backwards.

Fun exercises with the gym - an active game

We are celebrating the Year of the Dragon with our hand (we wave our hand) We will meet the Year of the Snake with another (we wave another) We will open our souls to our cherished dream (we spread our arms to the sides) Hello, say, to our cherished dream (we say) Let’s stamp our foot, let the sadness go away Let’s stamp another, let the fun come Where Snake tail? Look. Wag your tail cheerfully. Well, let's clap each other together. We need to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Along the line - an outdoor game

Who can easily and quickly run along a line drawn on the ground or drawn with chalk on the asphalt, without tripping and falling into the conventional “abyss”. The game can be played both for teams and for several participants running parallel to each other.

Excellent coordination - active play

We complicate the previous game and place a matchbox on the opponents’ head.

A fun outdoor game “Terrible Guard”

A 3-4 meter rope is tied to the post. Around the pillar, within the same radius, are scattered pebbles or coins - 20-30 pieces. The watchman holds the rope with one hand, and with the other he insults the players. The one you insult is eliminated from the game. The watchman’s task is to prevent the thieves from stealing the “wealth”, but the remaining thieves are very persistent and try to take possession of everything - they collect stones to the last. Then the next participant is chosen.

"Wolves and Sheep" Game between two teams

A conventional line is drawn on the ground. The shepherd and sheep are one team, are on the same side, and the wolves are another team and are on the other side of the line. Wolves want to eat and therefore constantly resort to forays into foreign territory. The wolves' task is to kill the sheep, and the shepherd's task is to kill the wolves.

Team game for boys “If you love to ride, love to carry a sled”

It is necessary to measure the distance of 20 meters that the participants will cover. In teams, pairs are selected based on the strength of the participants. The conditional distance is covered in pairs in turns - in one direction one carries the other, in the opposite direction - vice versa.

Game in pairs “Pull-Push”

The same pairs as in the previous game, only the pairs stand with their backs to each other and lock elbows. It turns out that first the first one runs facing forward, and it’s more difficult to run back - with his back.

Skill game "Dive through the hoop"

Anyone can throw a hoop. But not everyone can run and dive into it while running. You need to dive into as many hoops as possible at a distance of 30 meters, but if you knock down the target, then you start from the scene of the accident, and one point is deducted from your overall achievement.

Outdoor game “Along the Winding Path”

The goal of the game is to drive the hoop between towns with a snake, without catching a single one, and performing various pirouettes with it.

“Now forget that you can run” - game - relay race

You need to cover a distance of 30-40 meters as quickly as possible than your opponent. If you lift both legs off the ground at once, this is no longer walking, but running and the referee removes you from the field.

Relay race "Running in a sack"

Two teams play. Players put bags on their feet and begin to overcome obstacles: jump over a stool, crawl under a bar, and then head to the finish line. At the finish line, the bag is removed and you run to the team, hand it over, the bag and another participant begins the relay. The first team to complete the relay wins.

Game Pick cucumbers

Instead of cucumbers, chestnuts with prickly skins are used. Children are divided into teams and receive baskets and mittens. To the music, they must collect the scattered chestnuts.

Team game “Pull the turnip”

The game takes two teams. Each has 6 people. Participants take turns from grandfather to mouse to run around the pin. The last participant must pick up the pin and run to the team. The first team to complete the task wins

Fun ball game

Participants hold in their hands a playing field, in the center of which there is a hole with a diameter slightly larger than the ball. The presenters throw balls of two colors (blue and white) onto the playing field, the participants throw the balls so that they hit the center. The task of the blue team is to throw blue balls faster, and the white team is to throw white ones. Whoever is faster wins. Props: Playing field - light fabric 2 x 2 m, sewn from two colors with a hole in the center, balls (10 white and 10 blue)

Relay game between objects

Two teams play. The number of players is up to 10 people. Objects are hung on a rope and stretched to the distance the players can run from start to finish. Participants wear multi-colored caps on their heads, and they can hold anything in their hands, depending on the theme of the event. Hang on a rope any attributes related to the theme of the game program. Task: run like a snake from start to finish, without catching a single hanging object or dropping the cap from your head.

Musical game "Flowers and Bees"

Flowers (made of cardboard) grow in a clearing, bees fly around them, but there are one more bees than flowers. And as soon as the music stops, the task of the bees is to quickly take a place on the flower. Those who do not have time leave the game. So until one of the participants wins.

Outdoor game "Fun Football"

For this game, you need to sew huge underpants, which the team members wear. Task: drive the ball from start to finish and back. Teams can dress up this unusual prop several times.

Mobile relay race “Draw the sea”

Teams participate in the game. At the finish line there is an easel on which you need to draw: sea, ship, clouds, etc., all on a marine theme. Task: take turns running up to the easel and drawing one line, after which you need to return to the team. The next participant continues the relay. The fastest team wins. The best drawing gives the team another point.

Game "Move Chairs"

Two teams play. You need to move the chairs one by one to the finish line and back. It would seem that everything is simple, but the peculiarity of this game is that you need to move the chairs without using your hands.

Competition between couples “Tear a newspaper while dancing”

Two dance couples participate. The task is to tear the newspaper with your feet while dancing on it.

How to select participants

The easiest way to select participants in the game is with a ball. Music begins to play and the ball quickly moves through the hands of those present. In whose hands the ball ends up becomes a participant in the game after the music stops.

Outdoor game “Forest paths”

At the beginning of the game, children draw multi-colored intersecting lines with chalk on the asphalt - these are the paths along which the participants of the game will have to move. But first you need to choose a method of movement: squatting, jumping or backwards. To do this, children pull out folded pieces of paper from a forest basket - this is a lot. Then, on command, they begin to move - who will be the first to reach the finish line.

Outdoor games for children 3-4 years old

In order for a child of any age to grow and develop, he needs feasible physical activity. How to captivate your baby? Of course, the guys don’t exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike. All exercises with them in a kindergarten group, development club or just for a walk in the yard are carried out in a playful way. Outdoor games for children 3-4 years old play the role of physical education and also help to unite the team.

Features of games for children 3-4 years old

• Children find it difficult to master complex tasks; they do not yet have the desire to be a winner. Therefore, games are based on performing simple actions in response to the leader’s code word.

• Plots may involve dividing children into groups - those who catch and those who run away. Sometimes one participant is singled out with a special role - leading or giving a signal for the beginning and end of the game.

• Often in the scenario there is a division of the territory into a safe one for recreation (a house for a mouse, an airfield for an airplane, a place for a kitten) and a conditionally dangerous one, where the guys run fast.

• Kids are asked to associate themselves with a moving animal or vehicle, while depicting a similar pose and sound.

Examples of outdoor games for children 3-4 years old

Game "Soap Bubble"

The teacher and children close the circle, holding hands, and converge towards the center as closely as possible (starting position). To the lines “Blow up, bubble, blow up big, stay like that, don’t burst,” the guys move further and further from the center, spreading their arms wider and wider. When the presenter commands “Burst!”, everyone clap their hands loudly and squat down. The teacher can say “Let's fly!” so that the large soap bubble breaks up into many small ones: each participant, drawing a circle with their hands, moves chaotically around the playing area.

Outdoor game "Airplanes"

There are “airfields” on the site or in the hall, marked with a flag, a hoop on the floor or a cube. "Planes" are distributed to their airfields. At the command “Get ready!” children bend over to pretend to refuel an airplane. At the signal “Start the engine!” the guys wave their hands in front of them, to the words “Spread our wings and take off,” they spread their arms wide to the sides and begin to run around the playing area, the engine humming loudly. When the teacher says “Landing!”, the planes return to their airfields.

Game "Tram"

The kids stand one after another in a column, holding with one hand a long cord, at the end of which a bell is tied. The person at the end of the line plays the role of conductor. At the signal from the leader, he rings the bell and the tram sets off. An adult says when the tram is going faster, slower, turning or disembarking passengers. As you can see, outdoor games with children 3-4 years old do not require complex equipment. A simple desire to organize the kids and have fun with them on a walk or during a break between quiet activities is enough.

What to rely on when choosing a game

First of all, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the game. This does not mean that all games should take place on specialized playgrounds or with special props. It is precisely the material side of the issue that in such cases does not play a role at all, since the child’s imagination allows him to make a sword out of any twig, and a desert out of a sandbox. In this situation, it is important to create psychological comfort. The child should feel free, he should have the opportunity to show initiative and independence.

It is imperative to think in advance about how to react to the negative aspects of any game. Here the parents themselves need to try to set a positive example, and try to help the child work through their negative emotions.

And, of course, any game should also be educational. But even here we must not forget about freedom and independence, since the child must come to any conclusions himself, otherwise it will not be effective.

Outdoor games for children 4–5 years old

Children grow and change incredibly quickly. In just a year, they become very nimble - they run faster, handle objects better. They have developed attention to the speech of an adult - now the teacher does not have to repeat his request up to 5 times for the baby to hear him. Outdoor games for children 4-5 years old continue the physical development of children - they acquire dexterity and endurance. In addition, communication skills with peers have become better, especially among children who have been in a group for a long time. Now kids will be happy to learn games where teams compete.

What to pay special attention to:

• Outdoor games must be safe. Of course, all guys at this age suffer from “asphalt disease,” but a couple of bruises on the knees are not terrible. Look around the area for active games: there are no nails, broken glass, large stones, sharp branches. Clear the area of ​​them in advance.

• Children enjoy the intellectual component of play. Let the plot include tasks to develop ingenuity, cause-and-effect relationships, and logic.

• Kids will enjoy mastering relay races. They will be very emotional about rooting for their team - jumping for joy if they win and getting upset if they lose. This is how children learn new social roles.

It is very difficult for younger preschool children to sit in one place. And it’s not necessary, because physical activity is the key to the mental and physical health of toddlers. But to prevent the team from turning into a noisy “anthill”, the teacher should offer kids orderly and useful outdoor games for children 4–5 years old.

During active entertainment, kids can, in their fantasies, transform into animals, favorite cartoon or fairy-tale characters. The plot should be interesting, but not too confusing, because the children are still small.

Examples of outdoor games for children 4-5 years old

Game "Hawk"

In a group of kids they decide who will be the hawk. Here you can use a counting rhyme. All the other children are mice that he hunts. The predator is placed in front of the guys and is forbidden to look back. The mice are divided into pairs and given lumps of rolled up paper (improvised stones) in their hands. When the whistle blows, the mice scatter in different directions. The hawk is trying to catch them. The victim of a predator becomes a hawk itself. A mouse can hit a bird of prey with a wad of paper. If the player is hit, he himself becomes a hawk, and the defeated predator leaves the game.

Outdoor game "Stream"

In order to create a stream, you need a piece of material (width 1 m, length 2 m). Place it on the ground and encourage the little ones to jump over the stream. To begin with, the fabric can be folded in half - a narrow stream. Unroll it gradually. This is how children train the skill of standing jumping. Show kids how to land correctly on bent legs.

Game "Colored Cars"

The objective of this game:

• strengthen the children's knowledge of primary colors;

• visual memory training;

• learn to act according to verbal instructions.

To play, you need to prepare flags of different colors and corresponding rings. There should be as many of them as there are players.

On one side of the playing field, the kids pretend to be cars in the garage. They stand holding the wheel rings. The presenter raises a colored flag. The guys whose circle corresponds to the color of the flag “ride” forward, buzzing, moving along the axis. The flag is lowered and the cars hide in their house. You can further complicate the task by raising several flags at the same time.

Ball game “Edible-inedible”

The number of players is not limited. The plot is suitable for one child with a parent. Usually a ball is used. The presenter throws the ball to the child, naming the object. If it is edible, the player must catch, and if not, throw the ball away. The adult and child can change roles. To complicate the task, choose consonant words: “frog”, “toy”, “cheesecake”, etc.

Team game "Kangaroo"

The game is designed for children's groups. The facilitator divides the participants into 2-3 teams and helps the children line up in columns in front of the starting line. The first in the column clamps a matchbox or similar small object with his knees and jumps with it to the appointed place (chair, cube). The player shouts “I am a kangaroo!” and in the same way or running returns to his team, passing the boxes to the next one in the column. If the relay is held indoors, play upbeat music to set the mood.

Game "Harvest"

Multi-colored balls are scattered on the playground, and the adult asks to collect them in a basket. The task can be made more complicated - divide the children into teams (who will collect the most crops), ask the children to divide the balls by color, or bring obstacles onto the playground that the child must overcome - a bench, cubes.

As you can see, an element of competition appears in outdoor games for children 4-5 years old. Children improve speed, reaction, endurance. In addition, the plots of the games have an intellectual component - tasks on logic and the development of speech skills.

How to develop a child through play? What are outdoor games for?

All children love outdoor games. This is a way to have fun and “throw” energy in the “right direction.” Racing games, games with a ball, on a bicycle, with a skipping rope and other paraphernalia will be incredibly useful for children.

As a rule, children are always immersed in an exciting activity with interest and are always happy to play games organized by their parents, educators, teachers and friends. Outdoor games can make children friendly and joyful. They are better than anything at developing collective thinking and exercising sports.

The new generation of children is growing up in very unfavorable conditions:

  • computer addiction
  • unhealthy diet, oversaturated with fats and carbohydrates
  • lack of physical activity
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • stress and nervous tension
  • insufficient attention from parents

All these factors negatively affect the little person, blocking his full development and worsening his health. Ordinary outdoor play that is educational, active and interesting can improve a child’s quality of life.

Active movements have a beneficial effect on the development of the child. In addition, they are able to shape the baby’s personality from an early age. You can see how regular participation in games helps:

  • train persistence
  • Helps your child gain the ability to concentrate
  • develop speed reaction
  • develop perseverance and patience

It is interesting to know that the skills acquired in childhood during play remain with a person throughout his life. If you exercise them regularly, they will not disappear anywhere, but on the contrary, they will become more refined and harmonious.

Active games at home

However, active games are not just an activity for the street. You can organize active leisure time for your child in an apartment. Of course, such fun in a “closed space” is fraught with complications in the form of disorder and broken or broken things, but there are still cases when you cannot do without it. For example, when you want to tear your child away from the computer or TV in bad weather. At the same time, active games can be part of the entertainment program for a children's birthday party. In this case, there are also many options to actively diversify children's leisure time. We must remember to follow safety precautions. Here are examples of several such games:

Game "Ball"

A leader is selected from all those present and throws the inflated ball up. While he is in the air, everyone has complete freedom of action, but when he touches the floor, everyone must freeze. Those who do not have time are eliminated;

Game "Chamomile"

You need to cut out a flower from paper with the number of petals equal to the number of participants in the game. Under each petal there is written some funny task that the one who tears off this petal will have to complete;


The point of the game is to guess the word shown by a member of one of the two teams. They guess this word, and also choose a participant who will show it to the opposing team, and the team showing it will guess. You may have to make a lot of effort to prove to your computer genius or homebody that an active pastime is no less interesting. But this should not stop you if you are interested in your child growing up healthy and sociable.

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