Summary of morning exercises in the younger group


Summary of morning exercises in junior group 1

Goal: to prepare for upcoming activities.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate motor skills in general developmental exercises.

2. Development of dexterity during general developmental exercises.

3. Development of the muscular system in children.

4. Strengthening all muscle groups by performing general developmental exercises.

− Guys, hello! Today we will go to the magical land of birds.

Pack walking (10 s):

- Let's walk around a little, like this. Fine.

- And now, in order to get to a magical land, let’s turn into birds and fly. They spread their winged arms to the sides and flew. Well done!

Pack walking (10s):

- Okay. You and I have arrived at the clearing. Let's walk around it and see how beautiful it is. Okay, we stopped. Let's show each other how birds can flap their wings.

1. “Birds flap their wings” (5 times)

I.p. legs slightly apart, arms down.

1-arms to the sides, wave

- The legs were slightly spread apart, the arms were lowered. We raised our arms to the sides, waved, that’s how good it was, and lowered them. They raised it again, waved, waved, and lowered it. Okay, well done. Let's raise our arms again, wave our wings and lower them. These are the kind of birds we have, how well they flap their wings. And the wings raised for the last time. They waved and dropped. Smart girls!

Complexes of morning exercises in poetic form for children of the younger group

Complexes of morning exercises in poetic form for children of primary preschool age

Goal: To develop in children an emotionally positive attitude and interest in movements. Objectives: 1. To accustom children to coordinated actions through pronunciation. 2. Develop the ability to imitate the movements of the proposed characters from the imagination. 3. Encourage children to take active action, using non-traditional forms of work. 4. Enrich children's life experiences.

Complex No. 1 “Toys”

1 “Talking doll” I am a funny toy - yes, yes, yes, yes And my name is Petrushka - yes, yes, yes, yes There is no best doll in the world - no, no, no, no It’s not a secret at all - no, no, no, no I. p.: basic stance, hands on the belt to the words “yes, yes, yes, yes” - nod your head to the words “no, no, no, no” - shake your head right - left 2 “Airplanes “We will board the plane and go on a flight, We will go on a flight, You are the pilot and I am the pilot. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides 1 – turn to the right, arms straight 2 – the same to the left 3 “Parsleys” “We are Parsleys, we are Parsleys, We are funny toys I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body 1 - sit down, bend your arms at the elbows 2 - starting position 4 “Ball” My funny, ringing ball Where are you going jump Yellow, red, blue - Can’t keep up with you I. p.: basic stance, arms arbitrary 1-8 – jumping on two legs

Complex No. 2 “Let’s go for a walk”

1 “Show me your hands” This is what kind of hands we have. My friends and I have our hands. Our hands are not for boredom. Clap them quickly. Children stand in pairs in a circle facing each other. In the first exercise, children perform “flashlights”, clap their hands on the last words 2 “Hugs” One palm, two palms Let’s spread our arms wider We will hug a little And the two of us will go for a walk I. p.: o. s., hands behind back 1 - right. hand forward 2- lion. hand forward 3- spread your arms to the sides 4- hug; 5- hold hands, walk 3 “Squats” We walked along the path for a long time, reached a stump, sat down and sat, went again I. p.: standing facing each other 1-4- walk in place 1-2 – squats 1- 2- walk in place 4 “Jumping” The path has ended, the holes have appeared Jump higher Kids I. p.: standing facing each other, holding hands 1-4- walking 1-4- jumping

Complex No. 3 “With flags”

1 “Raised and lowered” Like our guys Flags are lit in a festive manner Raise your hands higher And wave the flags I. p.: standing, flag below 1-4 - extend the hand with the flag forward, the other hand on the belt, turns right - left , legs stand still; 4-8 - walking in place, flag in front of the chest 2 “Show your friends” We wave to the right, we wave to the left We will call all our friends Let’s turn around, smile And with the flag we will go for a walk I. p.: sitting, the flag lies on outstretched legs, closer to the feet, hands in support from behind 1-bend down, take the flag 2-wave above your head 3-put on your feet 3 “Tilts” I’ll bend over, take the flag I’ll wave a little You too, my friend, And return to your feet I. p.: standing, flag in hand in front of the chest 1 -8 – jumping in place 4 “Jumping” This is the flag we have Bright and beautiful Jump higher with it, my friend, Gain strength I. p.: standing, flag below 1- raise 2- wave 3- lower

Complex No. 4 “Cars”

1 “Shine the headlights” The headlights are bright We’re going, we’re going to kindergarten Bi-bi, bi-bi Look at the road I. p.: standing, arms extended forward, hands clenched into fists Clench and unclench your hands 2 “Right steering wheel, left steering wheel" I’ll turn the steering wheel to the right, And then I won’t turn left from the road, I’m going, I’m going boldly. I. p.: wide stance, arms extended forward, “holding the steering wheel” 1-2 - turn the body to the right 3-4 - turn the body to the left and etc. 3 “Let's check the tires” So that the car takes us We will check the tires - These are shoes for wheels For any car I. p.: standing, hands on the belt 1 - bend over, touch the toes 2 - stand, hands on the belt 4 “Let’s go” Along a flat path We are driving, we are driving And we left the path - There are bumps and wind I. p.: standing, hands in front of the chest “hold the steering wheel” 1-4 - walking in place, when turning, extend your arms forward 5-8 – jumping in place, waving your hands in the face

Complex No. 5 “Bunnies”

1 “Ears” Who is hiding their ears at the edge of the bush? Bunny, bunny - Long ears I. p.: standing, arms above head Raise and lower hands alternately, showing ears 2 “Tail” Whose tail is visible in the thawed patch? Is the tail very small? The bunny, the bunny has a very small tail I. p.: standing, hands on the belt Turns left - right 3 “Eyes” Who hides behind a bush Are their eyes - beads? Tiny little bunny Hides his beady eyes I. p.: standing, hands behind back 1 - sit down, cover your face with your hands 2 - return to i. p. 4 “Jumping” Both the bear and the fox Who is most afraid of all? Jump and hop, jump and hop - The bunny jumped under the bush I. p.: standing, hands in front of the chest - “bunny's paws” 1-4 - jumping in place 5 - squat down, cover your face with your hands Repeat

Complex No. 6 “Balls” (scattered formation)

1 “They raised the balls” They stood on their toes, raised the ball up, Stand for a while - Lower your legs I. p.: standing, the ball below in your hands 1 - rise on your tiptoes, raise the ball above your head 2 - return to i. p. 2 “Turns” I’ll show the ball to the right, I’ll show it to the left I hold the ball tightly I spin skillfully with it I. p.: standing, the ball below in the hands 1- turn to the right, extend your hands with the ball forward 2- and. p. 3 - 4 - the same to the left 3 “Big - small” A small ball like this On the floor at the feet, I’ll raise it above my head - I’m small too I. p.: standing, the ball on the floor at the feet 1 - sit down, raise the ball above your head 2 – i. p. 4 “Jumping” My friend fell asleep on the floor: “Wake up, sleepyhead!” I'll jump around, I'll wake him up I. p.: standing, ball on the floor at my feet Jumping around the ball

Complex No. 7 “Petrushki”

1 “Plates” One - clap, two - clap, Repeat after me, my friend. Clap loudly, be brave! More fun! Have fun! I. p.: standing, hands down Claps - “skeet” 2 “Turns” I’m spinning in all directions, I want you to like me I’m having fun, I’m not silent, I’ll teach whoever you want I. p.: standing, hands on the belt Turns right - left 3 “ Squats" I am Parsley, I am Parsley I am a funny toy Have fun with me - Get ready to exercise! I. p.: standing, arms down 1 – sit down, spread your knees to the sides, bend your arms at the elbows, spread your hands 2 – return to i. p. 4 “Jumping” I continue to have fun, I can’t stop Jumping more fun That’s how I can do it! Free jumping in place

Complex No. 8 “Snowflakes”

1 “Palms” Little white midges spin around to the song And lie cheerfully on my palms I. p.: standing, arms down 1- raise your arms up, twirl the “flashlights” 2- stretch your arms forward with your palms up, etc. 2 “Turns” I’ll spin the snowflakes on my palms And I’ll show the kids How you can spin I. p.: standing, legs slightly apart, arms to the sides with palms up Turns to the right - left, legs standing still 3 “Tilts” I’ll invite the snowflakes to Play a little I’ll play, put it right on the path I. p.: standing, arms down 1- wave your hand towards you (gesture of invitation) 2- bend over, touch the floor, etc. 4 “We’re spinning and flying” The snowflakes are circling merrily They’re circling, they don’t melt And the wind blows - They’re flying merrily I. p.: standing, hands on the belt 1- circling on tiptoes around oneself 2- running in all directions 2-3 times

Complex No. 9 “Clap”

1 “We quarreled - we made up” Two palms made up and quarreled a little I. p.: standing, arms down 1 – raise straight arms through the sides above your head, clap 2 – return to i. p. 2 “Turns” Let’s clap – once, clap – twice Both here and there I. p.: standing, hands on the belt 1 – turn to the right, clap in front of you with outstretched arms 2 – the same to the left 3 “Squats” Sitting down – clap , stood up - clap And stamp with your feet I. p.: standing, hands down 1 - sit down, clap in front of you 2 - stand up, clap in front of you 3 - stomp your feet 4 “Jumping” Legs - jump, legs - jump And with your hands - clap And p.: standing, arms down Jumping on two legs, clapping in front of you

Complex No. 10 “Pigtails”

1 “Up - down” We raise the pigtail up, We lower the pigtail down And we try again to Raise and lower I. p.: o. p., hold the pigtail below with both hands by the edges 1- lift the pigtail above your head 2- return to i. p. 3-4 - repeat 2 “Turns” Let's turn to the right - once, Turn to the left - two For health, many times Let's turn without difficulty I. p.: standing, hands with a pigtail below 1 - turn to the right, carry the pigtail in front of you in outstretched arms 2- the same to the left 3-4- repeat 3 “Tilts” We will stretch our legs, sit a little Lean forward – the pigtail of the leg reaches I. p.: sitting, hands with a pigtail on the knees 1- bend as close to the toes as possible 2- return to And. p. 3-4 - repeat 4 “Jumping” Jump and jump on the pigtail And jump and jump from the pigtail Heel and toe jump So that my sprout grows I. p.: standing, pigtail on the floor at the toes 1- jump on the pigtail 2- jump off it, turn around, continue jumping

Complex No. 11 “With a cube”

1 “Raise - lower” We raise our hands - knock We lower our hands - knock Once again we raise - knock And lower - knock, knock, knock I. p.: standing, hands with cubes lowered 1 - raise your arms to the sides, hit the cubes 2 - lower down, knock 3-4 - continue 2 “Turns” You and I will hide the Cube behind our backs, put our hands back in front - we will immediately find the Cube I. p.: standing, hands with cubes behind your back 1 - turn to the right, bring your hands with cubes forward, hit 2 - return to i. p. 3-4 - the same to the left 3 “Squats” Together with my cube We will sit down, sit on our knees, stand up, stand again I.p.: standing, hands with cubes in front of the chest 1- sit down, tap on our knees 2- return to i. p. continue 4 “Jumping” Cube, cube, my cube Jump merrily with me And now a little Let the legs walk I. p.: standing, arms with cubes lowered 1- jumping in place on two legs, hold your hands arbitrarily 2- walking on place Continue

Complex No. 12 “We welcome the sun”

1 “Let’s grow up” We’ll follow the sun Far, far And soon we’ll grow up High, high I. p.: standing, hands down 1-4 - walking in place 5 - raise your arms through your sides up, stand on your tiptoes 6 - return to i. p. 2 “Turns” The sun extended its rays to the children Just like the sun, We pull our little hands I. p.: standing, arms to the sides 1-4 - turns to the right - left with straight arms extended forward 3 “Squats” Sit down , behind your palms They hid their eyes. Play, honey, in “Day and Night” with the guys. I. p.: standing, hands on the belt 1- sit down, close your eyes with your hands 2- return to i. p. continue 4 “Jumping” Let’s jump a little, clap our hands Give us, my dear, a good day Jumping on two in place with clapping in front of you

Complex No. 13 “Birds”

1 “Wings” We will wave our wings like birds Up and down These are the strong Wings we will show I. p.: standing, arms down Raising and lowering straight arms across the sides 2 “Tails” We will show our tail, It is hidden behind our back Where we are - there and he, Repeats everything after me I. p.: standing, hands on the belt, legs slightly apart Turning the body to the right and left 3 “Beak” I’ll show my beak - I’ll tilt, I’ll tilt I’ll shake my head, I’ll peck, I’ll peck I. p.: standing , hands behind your back, feet shoulder-width apart 1- bend over, arms to the sides, turn your head 2- return to i. p. 4 “Jumping” I don’t sit still, Jump and jump, jump and jump, I fly and circle Chick-chirp, chick-chirp! I. p.: standing, arms down Jumping on two legs with straight arm swings alternating with running

Complex No. 14 “With flags”

1 “Flags up” Look at the guys How the flags in their hands are burning Raise the flags higher We are celebrating the May Day! I. p.: standing, hands with the flag lowered 1- arms through the sides up, stand on your tiptoes 2- return to i. p. 2 “Turns” Turn around quickly, my friend, Show which flag Turn left - turn right, Show yourself to all the guys I. p.: standing, hands with a flag behind your back Turns to the right and left, bring your hands with a flag forward 3 “Squats” We Let's sit down, sit down, And knock on the flags. Raise the flags up - Hello, hello May Day! I. p.: standing, hands with a flag above your head 1- squat down, knock the flag on the floor 2- return to i. n. Continue 4 “Jumping” Jump cheerfully, my friend, Invite to the holiday Let the blue, yellow, red flag burn in your hands! I. p.: standing, hands with a flag at the chest Jumping in place on two legs, raising and lowering the flag

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Physical education lessons for preschoolers Notes of morning exercises for children in the junior group Notes of physical education classes in the second junior group Notes of educational activities for physical education in the junior group

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The summary contains 35 complexes of morning exercises from September to May (with elements of kinesiological and breathing exercises and exercises for the prevention of poor posture).

Start with yourself and teach others: “Morning exercises – cheerfulness from the very morning.”

Summary of morning exercises.

Plan-summary of morning exercises in the younger group with flags.

Summary of morning exercises (middle, junior group).

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Summary of morning exercises for young children

Natalia Malaman

Summary of morning exercises for young children

Summary of morning exercises for young children

Venue: games room

Equipment: Cubes, toy pet - kitten

Objectives: Continue work to strengthen and protect children's , develop skills in basic types of movements. Improve children's .

Contents of work Dosage Methodological techniques

Formation in a column 1 min. Stand behind me one after another.

normal 15 sec We will go for a walk with you

normal 10 sec Kittens, raise your legs high, don’t lower your head.

Walking between objects 6 m Look, there are minks on our way. We walk carefully, go around the holes, don’t touch them.

normal 10 sec Run after each other in unison, don’t push.

On toes for 15 seconds And now we run on toes. Don't lower your head.

Summary of morning exercises in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Autumn

Summary of morning exercises in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions
Topic : “Walk in the autumn forest.” Goal: Continue to train children in rhythmic walking, strengthen large muscle groups, develop muscle strength, joint mobility, form correct posture and the ability to navigate in space. Maintain interest in doing exercises, develop dexterity, endurance, and bring joy and pleasure to children. 1. Formation in a line. Educator: The wind is blowing, blowing, blowing, blowing. The yellow leaves are torn from the tree. - When does this happen? Children: In autumn. Educator: What time of year is it now? Children: Autumn. Educator: I suggest you take a walk through the autumn forest, play with autumn leaves. They turned to follow the leader and everyone went into the autumn forest. (Walking, running in alternation 2 times). Educator: Don’t scare away the animals living in the forest. We walk carefully, on our toes, arms straight above our heads, stretching upward, growing. (Walking on toes, normal walking) The grass is tall, we walk, raising our legs high at the knees, hands on our belts. (Walking, raising your legs high at the knees, normal walking) Like there are many bumps in the forest, let’s jump forward from bump to bump, hands on our belts. (Jumping forward, normal walking) Stand in an even circle. (Building in a circle). 2. General developmental exercises with leaves. (The leaves are arranged in a circle.) Educator: Look at the beautiful maple leaves that fell to the ground. Let's take them and play with them. (Children take leaves). 1). "Let's wave the leaves." I.p. – legs hip-width apart, arms with leaves along the body. Raising our hands forward - up, we wave the leaves above our heads, lowering our hands down, etc. (4-5 times) 2). “The wind blows, the trees sway.” I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raising our arms up from the sides, we sway left and right “strong, weak wind” (Swings left and right at different tempos) (5 times). 3). "Let's hide behind the leaves." I.p. – heels together, toes apart, hands with leaves behind your back. Squatting, we bring our hands with the leaves forward, hiding our face behind the leaves; taking i.p. We say: “Here we are!” The back is straight. (5-6 times) 4). “Let’s show the leaves.” I.p. - kneeling, hands with leaves behind your back. We bring our hands with the leaves forward, show them the leaves and say: “here.” Back straight, arms straight. 5). "Let's dance with the leaves." I.p. – kneeling, hands with leaves along the body. Light springs (3-4 times) lift the leaves up from the sides up above your head, spin around. Repeat 3-4 times. 6). Breathing exercise: “Let’s blow on the leaves.” Inhale air through your nose, exhale through your mouth: blow on the leaves. 3. (The teacher blows on the children’s leaves) The breeze blew, and the leaves flew in different directions (light running in all directions) The wind became quieter and quieter. (Walking behind the leader.) That's how many beautiful leaves we collected in the forest.

We recommend watching:

Summary of a lesson on speech development for the 2nd junior group. Pleshcheev “Autumn” Summary of OOD in the junior group with presentation. A Journey to the Autumn Forest Notes on social and communicative development in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Autumn Notes on social and communicative development in the 2nd junior group on the topic “Autumn has come to us”

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Lesson notes for the younger group. Broken applique “Autumn leaves”

Summary of morning exercises for the nursery group

Olga Gorkova
Summary of morning exercises for the nursery group

Summary of morning exercises for the nursery group.

- Wake up the child's body.

- develop coordination of movements.

Educator: Come, kids,

It's time for us to recharge! (gather children around you, attract attention)


One, two, three, four, five - let's go for a walk!

One, two, three, four, five - we will walk together! (flock following the teacher)


The children stop and turn to face the teacher.

Main part (ORU)


1. “Where are our pens? - Here they are!"

I. p. – legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your hands in front of you, lower them. 4 times.

2. “Let’s hide the pens - here they are!”

I. p. - the same. Pull your arms back, return to i. p. 4 times.

3. “Pen up, pen down,

And another one - don’t be lazy!”

I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Alternate raising of hands. 4 times.

4. “The children will sit down and sit,

Hands will fall, lie down!”

I. p. – legs slightly apart, arms down. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, stand up, lower your hands. 4 times.

Educator: Let's walk, let's walk,

All! Tired! Let's relax! (walking in a flock behind the teacher, stopping)


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